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Research data in Archival Science: a reflection


This article aims to reflect on research data in the context of Archival Science and on the importance of production, management, transmission, and preservation of data in suitable environments, maintaining a safe and uninterrupted digital chain of custody so that data remain authentic and reliable over time and for reuse purposes. This is qualitative, exploratory research. Regarding the nature of the sources used, this is a bibliographic and documentary research. The article presents similarities and differences in the definitions of concepts related to the context of Reliable Digital Archival Repositories, for documentary collections, and Scientific Data Repositories, for datasets, and on the importance of interoperability between them, since each type of repository has its specificities. The article reflects on the importance of management, preservation, access, and reuse of digital archival documents in data format, both for reuse and to support managers in their decision-making, highlighting the importance of Data Management Plans. We conclude that although similar, many concepts differ when applied in the context of Trusted Digital Archival Repositories and Scientific Data Repositories. That Archival Science needs to pay attention to digital archival documents in data format, and interoperability between Reliable Digital Archival Repositories and Scientific Data Repositories will bring many benefits to consumers of this information.

research data; digital archival document; reliable digital archival repositories; scientific data repositories; digital preservation

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil