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The profile of the information mediator: an analysis of the Brazilian reference based on the Delphi method


The contemporary world is characterized by the intense circulation, sharing, and multiplication of data. The more capable of accessing, mobilizing, and giving meaning to this information, the more integrated the individual feels in society. Information mediation is the process of interaction that takes place in the relationship between the mediator, the individual receiving mediation, and the informational environment aiming at the appropriation of information and the consequent production of knowledge, also capable of generating new conflicts and new informational needs. As part of this continuous movement, there is the information mediator, and regarding his relevance in this process, we ask what his fundamental characteristics would be, whether there would be a facilitating profile for this role, and what would need to be included in his know-how. The objective of this article was to outline such a profile based on the opinion of experts; To this end, the Delphi method was used, based on the meeting of experts who, following certain stages of work in the presentation of ideas, reach a consensus on a central theme. For data collection, experts with investigative experience and significant academic production in information mediation were invited. Data analysis and discussion resulted in a list of words categorized into characteristics of the information mediator profile and mediating actions, both necessary for the exercise of information mediation; From this alignment, we conclude that it is, indeed, possible to configure a starting point as a reference for information professionals in their role as mediators.

information mediation; profile of the information mediator; specialists in information mediation; Delphi method

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil