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Through the thread of names: transnational relations in the process of material provision at Ginásio Paranaense (1892-1906)* * English version by Viviane Ramos. The authors take full responsibility for the translation of the text, including titles of books/articles and the quotations originally published in Portuguese.


This text uses aspects from Master’s and Doctoral studies situated in the debates about the provision of school material, history of education, and a transnational approach. Following the onomastic method of Carlo Ginzburg (1991)GINZBURG, Carlo. O nome e o como: troca desigual e mercado historiográfico. In: GINZBURG, Carlo. A micro-história e outros ensaios. Lisboa: Difel; Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 1991. p. 169-178., through the thread of names, we understand the subjects involved in the process of supplying and manufacturing the school furniture of Ginásio Paranaense in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Thus, the work aims to identify and map the transnational references in the consumption of artifacts targeting secondary education, checking the needs imposed and how they were fulfilled. The documental sources are newspaper articles consulted at the Hemeroteca Digital da Biblioteca Nacional; reports and documents of governamental representatives, consulted at the Departamento de Arquivo Público Paranaense. Furthermore, we used icographic sources found in the archive of Colégio Estadual do Paraná and minutes from the Museu Maçônico do Paraná. Our theoretical base was the contributions of Serge Gruzinski (2001)GRUZINSKI, Serge. Os mundos misturados da monarquia católica e outras connected histories. Topoi, Rio de Janeiro, v. 2, n. 2, p. 175-195, 2001. regarding the international and intercontinental connections in the process of historic research; Eugenia Roldán Vera and Eckhardt Fuchs (2019) with the discussion on transnational history in the educational sphere; and Cynthia Greive Veiga (2018)VEIGA, Cynthia Greive. A história da escola como fenômeno econômico: diálogos com história da cultura material, sociologia econômica e história social. In: SILVA, Vera Lucia Gaspar da; SOUZA, Gizele de; CASTRO, César Augusto (org.). Cultura material escolar em perspectiva histórica: escritas e possibilidades. Vitória: UFES, 2018. p. 26-63. to understand the existing margins between schools needs and how they were answered.

Transnational history; School material culture; History of education; School furniture; Secondary education

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