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During million years (MY) plants made up an efficient mechanism for their owner protection, neutralizing oxygen radicals (superoxide) in the cell wall. Evaluation of the oxygen paticipation on plant secondary metabolism, especially associated with the lignin formation, suggested two oxidation mechanisms: vertical and horizontal oxidation. The latter is mediated by enzymatic mechanisms, contributing to the structural profile of modern plants. Vertical oxidation is carried out in the cell wall and is responsible by lignin accumulation, while horizontal oxidation is elaborated into the cytoplasmatic compartment. These mechanisms are independent and play an important strategy to prevent destructive oxygen effect on the plant cells.

Key words:
Lignin; oxidation; evolution


At the beginning of land plant life since Silurian Period (411-439 millions years ago) (Myag), primitive vascular plants were small sized and contained at least 10-15% of lignin. Those plants survived under low oxygen atmosphere content (17.81 %), while earlier land plants in Ordovician Period (443-510 MYag ) were not so able to accumulate lignin. However, in the Devonian Period, plants reached up to 40% of lignin and decayed later in the Mesozoic Era (ROBINSON, 1990ROBINSON, J.M. Lignin, land plants, and fungi: biological evolution affecting phanerozoic oxygen balance. Geology. n. 15, p. 607-610, 1990.). Between 335-245 million years, the atmosphere presented 35 % of oxygen, following by a rapid decreasing (ROBINSON, 1990ROBINSON, J.M. Lignin, land plants, and fungi: biological evolution affecting phanerozoic oxygen balance. Geology. n. 15, p. 607-610, 1990.). Distinctive progress of lignin accumulation and O- methylation rate were detected in plants that survived all that time. Such event takes plants to develop high biochemical flexibility, (GOTTLIEB et al. 1995GOTTLIEB, O.R, BORIN, M. R. M. B. & KAPLAN, M. A. C. Biosynthetic interdependence of lignins and secondary metabolites in angiosperms, Phytochemistry. v. 40, n. 1, p. 99-113, 1995.).

The number of oxygen atom linked to the arylgroup of p-hydroxyphenylpropanyl, guaiacyl and syringyl components, (GOTTLIEB, 1989GOTTLIEB, O.R. The role of oxygen in phytochemical evolution towards diversity, Phytochemistry. v, 28, n.10, p. 2545-2558, 1989.), was also attributed to the oxygen effect on plants for million years. Lignin accumulation and its distribution in several botanic taxa have been reported (GOTTLIEB, 1989GOTTLIEB, O.R. The role of oxygen in phytochemical evolution towards diversity, Phytochemistry. v, 28, n.10, p. 2545-2558, 1989.; GOTTLIEB et al. 1995GOTTLIEB, O.R, BORIN, M. R. M. B, KAPLAN, M. A. C & BOSISIO, B.M.. Lignification: an evolutionary perspective, Acad, Bras. Ci. v. 67 (Supl.3), p. 355-361, 1995.; BOSÍSIO et al. 1995).


As mentioned above, in the horizontal oxidation, precursors of lignin are formed by enzymatic mediation. p-Coumaric acid for example is oxydated to caffeic acid and then methylated to ferulic acid until sinapic acid formation, respectively. The second biochemical reaction that is mediated by OMT (O-methyltransferase) methyl transfer group to 3- and 5-hydroxyl groups in the aromatic ring (LEWIS & SARKANEN, 1998LEWIS, N. G. & SARKANEN, S.. Lignin and lignan biosynthesis, American Chemical Society.Washington, DC, 1998, p. 436.; BOUT 1998BOUDET, A-M. A new view of lignification, Elsevier Science. v. 3, n. 2, p. 67-71, 1998.; HETEN et al. 1998). This latter biochemical reaction displays to be gradual and takes long time (MY) to complet, while vertical oxidation seemed to be faster (Figure 1 and 2). Actually, the overall cell wall formation is unknown yet, even though, there are proposals that peroxide (H2O2) is used in the lignification (GROSS, 1977GROSS, G. G. Biosynthesis of lignin and related monomers, Recent Advanced In Phytochemistry. n.11, p. 141-171, 1977.,1979GROSS, G. G. Recent advanced in the chemistry and biochemistry of lignin, Recent Advanced in Phytochemistry. n. 12, p. 177-220, 1979.; HIGUCHI, 1984; INZË & MONTAGU, 1995INZÉ, D. & VAN MONTAGU, M. V. Oxidative stress in plants, Plant Biotechnology. p. 153-158, 1995; VEIGA et al. 1999).

Monolignols and peroxidase-H2O2 form phenoxy radicals that are take by unknown mediation mechanism of coupling to form lignin. Figure 1, describes dual ways of oxidation (vertical and horizontal oxidation) in the cell.

Figure 1
Diagram showing vertical and horizontal oxidation in the cell.

Plants that have established ways to resist to oxygen destructive effects survived during million years and have showed high flexibility in the molecular lignin composition (Methoxylation degree), as well as a variable level of lignin accumulation in the xylem tissues. Contemporaneous gymnosperms kept original rate of lignin accumulation and compositional profile. Cycadaceae (15,6 % of lignin-245-256 MYag-23% of O2) Ginkgoaceae (32,8%), Taxaceae (31,8), Cephalotaxaceae (36,1% 223,4-235 MYag-24,06% of O2), Podocarpaceae (35,64), Taxodiaceae (34,73), Cupressaceae (36,1), Araucariaceae (29.2%), Pinaceae 27,7%), Welwitschiaceae (16,5%) and Ephedraceae (24,7%) are examples of families that sustain lignin with different level of accumulation and compositional ratio. Figure 2 shows the behaviour of lignin evolution. Woodness Index (up side) (GOTTLIEB, 1989GOTTLIEB, O.R. The role of oxygen in phytochemical evolution towards diversity, Phytochemistry. v, 28, n.10, p. 2545-2558, 1989.; GOTTLIEB et al. 1995GOTTLIEB, O.R, BORIN, M. R. M. B. & KAPLAN, M. A. C. Biosynthetic interdependence of lignins and secondary metabolites in angiosperms, Phytochemistry. v. 40, n. 1, p. 99-113, 1995.; BOSÍSIO et al. 1995), lignin content (middle), and methoxyl content (down side), were compared followed by the evolutive sequence of gymnosperm families. Comparative analysis of the lignin in plants and oxygen distribution (MY) (Figure 3) suggests different status of lignin evolution in each gymnosperm families.

Figure 2
Relationship among methoxyl content, lignin content and Woodiness Index for gymnosperm families (MARIA, 1997MARIA, M. A. (1997) Evolução das ligininas de Gymnospermae e Angiospermae, 1997. Msc Thesis of Ms. UFRRJ-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.).

Figure 3
Relationship between parameters of lignin evolution (Lignin and OMe %) and atmospheric oxygen variation (MYag) adapted from (BOSÍSIO, 1995BOSÍSIO, B. M.. Avaliação de tendências evolutivas vegetais via quantificação lignínica, 1995. Msc Thesis, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.; TAYLOR & TAYLOR, 1993TAYLOR, N.T. & TAYLOR, E.L. The biology and evolution of fossil plants. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey. 1993. pag. 981.)


This study has permitted to propose that plants under different atmospheric oxygen conditions may adapted an enzymatic control of lignin composition. However, the lignin accumulation occurred at each level of oxygen content, varying period by period. Therefore, plants that survived at high oxygen atmospheric content promoted high lignin accumulation, otherwise under low oxygen content plants accumulated less lignin. e.g. ferns, licopods, gymnosperms and angiosperms. It was also suggested that this event favored the horizontal oxidation on structural point of view contributing to β-O-4 unit (alkyl-β-aryl ether bond) formation (ABREU, 1999), which is an unit base dependent of oxidative mechanism.


The authors thank CAPES (Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior)-Brazil, for financial supporting.


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  • BOSÍSIO, B. M.. Avaliação de tendências evolutivas vegetais via quantificação lignínica, 1995. Msc Thesis, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • BOUDET, A-M. A new view of lignification, Elsevier Science. v. 3, n. 2, p. 67-71, 1998.
  • GOTTLIEB, O.R. The role of oxygen in phytochemical evolution towards diversity, Phytochemistry. v, 28, n.10, p. 2545-2558, 1989.
  • GOTTLIEB, O.R, BORIN, M. R. M. B. & KAPLAN, M. A. C. Biosynthetic interdependence of lignins and secondary metabolites in angiosperms, Phytochemistry. v. 40, n. 1, p. 99-113, 1995.
  • GOTTLIEB, O.R, BORIN, M. R. M. B, KAPLAN, M. A. C & BOSISIO, B.M.. Lignification: an evolutionary perspective, Acad, Bras. Ci v. 67 (Supl.3), p. 355-361, 1995.
  • GROSS, G. G. Biosynthesis of lignin and related monomers, Recent Advanced In Phytochemistry. n.11, p. 141-171, 1977.
  • GROSS, G. G. Recent advanced in the chemistry and biochemistry of lignin, Recent Advanced in Phytochemistry. n. 12, p. 177-220, 1979.
  • HIGUCHI, T. 1985. Biosynthesis and biodegradation of wood components. Academic Press, New York, 667 pp.
  • INZÉ, D. & VAN MONTAGU, M. V. Oxidative stress in plants, Plant Biotechnology. p. 153-158, 1995
  • LEWIS, N. G. & SARKANEN, S.. Lignin and lignan biosynthesis, American Chemical Society.Washington, DC, 1998, p. 436.
  • MARIA, M. A. (1997) Evolução das ligininas de Gymnospermae e Angiospermae, 1997. Msc Thesis of Ms. UFRRJ-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • ROBINSON, J.M. Lignin, land plants, and fungi: biological evolution affecting phanerozoic oxygen balance. Geology n. 15, p. 607-610, 1990.
  • TAYLOR, N.T. & TAYLOR, E.L. The biology and evolution of fossil plants. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey. 1993. pag. 981.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    15 Jan 2024
  • Date of issue
    Jan-Dec 2001
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