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Portal de revistas da USP: journal growth and visibility

Editing journals is an activity that takes place in almost all Teaching and Research Units at the University of São Paulo, with some journals even having been around since before the University existed. An example of this is the Revista da Faculdade de Direito (the Faculty of Law Journal) (, which was published over 120 years ago.

Despite this lengthy and widespread editorial tradition, the USP Support Program for Periodical Scientific Publications, which is linked to the Integrated Library System (SIBi), only came into operation in 1988, this program was designed to ensure the punctuality and timely distribution of edited publications at that time.

The observed changes in terms of the managerial processes and production of the journals, mainly in the electronic arena, as well as the need for greater qualification of the publications, provoked reflections that have led to new actions and adjustments of the program in the following years. Thus, in 2008 the Portal de Revistas da USP (the USP Journals Portal) ( was launched, which put together a significant number of journals, published by the University of São Paulo, in a single on-line site for the first time, beginning with 30 journals - today there are 130.

In 2013, the SIBiUSP began to manage the DOI naming activities for accredited journals in the USP Support Program for Periodical Scientific Publications, which today has more than 20 thousand DOI names assigned. We consider it a good contribution made to editors, but also to researchers, who can more easily and accurately register their work on their resumes.

There are currently more than 63 thousand on-line documents published on the Portal de Revistas da USP. This content's visibility can be expressed in terms of the 7,063,774 counted downloads in 2014.

Activities from the project known as "The Brazilian scientific journals: strategies to expand and improve communication with society", at the Laboratório de Estudos Avançados em Jornalismo da Unicamp (Unicamp Laboratory for Advanced Studies in Journalism), were begun in 2013, which focus on journals from USP and Unicamp. The objective of this project is to promote Brazilian journals' appreciation and visibility by publishing news in the institutional media as well as in the media in general. A small portion of our work can be followed on the Facebook fan page, Divulga Ciência (

The tool 'Article Level Metrics', which was customized by the Public Knowledge Project Team, was implemented in the Portal de Revistas da USP in 2014. This tool provides individual reports in terms of the articles' performance/impact on the Internet: hits & downloads, citations in open databases, shares, 'likes' and comments on social networks etc.

All of these features have obviously always been available to the Physiotherapy & Research magazine, with these resources supporting other publications towards their success. In 2014, it was among the 10 most downloaded publications in the Portal de Revistas da USP, with 198,015 hits.

Since this is the first time I have had the opportunity to communicate through an editorial letter, I would like to thank the editors from Physiotherapy & Research for the opportunity.

Have a good read!

Edited by

Associate Editor of the Directory of Open Access Journals.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jan-Mar 2015
Universidade de São Paulo Rua Ovídio Pires de Campos, 225 2° andar. , 05403-010 São Paulo SP / Brasil, Tel: 55 11 2661-7703, Fax 55 11 3743-7462 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil