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Theories of social and spatial justice: dialogues with Geography beginning in the 1970s

Las teorías de la justicia social y espacial: diálogos con la Geografía desde los años 1970


The debate around justice has been gaining ground in geography, especially beginning in the 1970s, with two seminal works, A theory of justice (Rawls, 1971) and Social justice and the city (Harvey, 1973). Beginning then, and without pretension of exhaustivity, we propose a journey through the discussions between several theories and principles of justice. As many processes analyzed in geography - such as segregation, marginalization, exclusion, and differentiation - expose injustices with a strong spatial expression, this reflection on justice offers theoretical and analytical tools for geographical analyses. In other words, we intend to establish the outlines of this discussion, to contribute to the understanding of the opening of geography to philosophical and ethics concerns. In that respect, we aim to present a wide vision of justice, around the tripod redistribution, recognition, and space, to finish with considerations about the concept of spatial justice.

Theory of justice; Spatial justice; Geography; Urban Studies

Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 338 - Cidade Universitária, São Paulo , SP - Brasil. Cep: 05339-970, Tels: 3091-3769 / 3091-0297 / 3091-0296 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil