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Meninos sem Pátria: dictatorship, literature and the works of memory between fiction and reality (1981/2018)


Under the prevailing perspective of Elizabeth Jelin’s “works of memory” concept, in dialogue with Pierre Nora’s “memory places” and raising questions about the relevance or not of Maurice Halbwachs’ “collective memory” category, the article problematizes the challenges of analyzing and understanding a recent episode involving the children’s book “Meninos sem Pátria”, by Luiz Puntel, whose work was accused, in 2018, by parents of students from a traditional school in Rio de Janeiro, of making an apology for communism and trying to indoctrinate children. In this sense, our main objective is to critically analyze the content of the work - as source and object - both in the field of fiction literature, testimony and its relationship with memories and history. As a result, the recurrent presence of “vehicles of memory” can be seen in the aforementioned narrative, and it is questioned whether the ideological protests against the book were anchored in any critical analysis.

History; Collective Memory; Places of Memory

Sociedade Brasileira de Teoria e História da Historiografia (SBTHH) Rua do Seminário, s/n, Centro. , CEP: 35420-000, Tel: +55 (31) 3557 9423 - Mariana - MG - Brazil