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History of Eugenics in Otorhinolaryngology: Ernst Rüdin and the International Eugenics Network



The early geneticist and psychiatrist Ernst Rüdin (1874–1952) became one of the key figures in the eugenics movement and in the German health system of the Nazi era. His connections in the international eugenics network have played an important role in the history of eugenics.


To discuss the connections between Ernst Rüdin's scientific group in Munich and Otmar von Verschuer's group in Frankfurt during the Nazi era.


Otorhinolaryngological materials from Ernst Rüdin's former private library are presented, and they show Rüdin's deep involvement in the international eugenics network. These materials provide insights into early medical genetics in otorhinolaryngology.


One result of the present study is that eugenics groups from Munich, Frankfurt, and New York certainly influenced one another in the field of otorhinolaryngology. Karlheinz Idelberger and Josef Mengele were two scientists who performed hereditary research on orofacial clefts. Later, Mengele became deeply involved in Nazi medical crimes. His former work on orofacial clefts clearly had, to some extent, an influence on subsequent studies.


An international eugenics network already existed before 1933. However, it becomes clear that the weaknesses of many early genetic studies did not enable its authors to draw firm scientific conclusions, suggesting that scientists lacked an accurate concept of the genetic causes of most illnesses.

cleft palate; eugenics; history of medicine; national socialism; otosclerosis


In the German ‘Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring’ (Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses), enacted in January 1934, 2 paragraphs define ‘hereditary deafness’ (erbliche Taubheit) and ‘severe hereditary malformation’ (schwere erbliche körperliche Missbildung), including severe forms of combined cleft lip and cleft palate,11 Gütt A, Rüdin E, Ruttke F. Gesetz zur Verhütung erbranken Nachwuchses vom 14. Juli 1933. Munich, Germany: J. F. Lehmanns; 1936 as reasons for the forced sterilization of these patients. However, the same law also defines a number of disorders, such as ‘congenital feeble-mindedness’ (angeborener Schwachsinn), ‘shizophrenia’ (Schizophrenie), and ‘severe alcoholism’ (schwerer Alkoholismus) as reasons for forced sterilizations.11 Gütt A, Rüdin E, Ruttke F. Gesetz zur Verhütung erbranken Nachwuchses vom 14. Juli 1933. Munich, Germany: J. F. Lehmanns; 1936

Ernst Rüdin (1874–1952)

Ernst Rüdin was born on April 19, 1874, in St. Gallen, Switzerland.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 As a student, he became a follower of Swiss neuroscientist Auguste Forel (1848–1931), a convinced early supporter of forced sterilization.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 Rüdin began to study medicine and graduated in Zurich on December 2, 1898.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 He wrote his dissertation and later his postdoctoral lecture qualification thesis on topics related to forensic psychiatry.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 Rüdin was fond of travelling.

He studied medicine in approximately five different European universities and, after his graduation, he frequently changed his job positions and travelled throughout Switzerland, Berlin, Heidelberg, and Munich.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 Rüdin was talented in languages and could speak and write in German, English, French, and Italian.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 Therefore, he had always been an international person.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993,33 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin, 1874-1952: a German psychiatrist and geneticist. Am J Med Genet 1996;67(04):323–331 (Neuropsychiatric Genetics)

In 1909, Rüdin followed his teacher Emil Kraepelin (1856–1926) to Munich University.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 After the onset of World War I, he was made associate professor at Munich University in 1915.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 In 1917, he was also appointed director of the Genealogical Demographic Department (GDD), which was part of the German Research Institute for Psychiatry (Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Psychiatrie, DFA, in German) in Munich, a fairly independent psychiatric research facility.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 Rüdin was an expert in hereditary studies in psychiatry.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993,33 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin, 1874-1952: a German psychiatrist and geneticist. Am J Med Genet 1996;67(04):323–331 (Neuropsychiatric Genetics) He became a full professor at Basel University in 1925, but returned to Munich in 1928 and was appointed director of the DFA in 1932.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 One GDD branch performed research in the field of intelligence tests and diagnostics of intellectual disabilities.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 After 1933, Rüdin became deeply involved in the Nazi movement.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 Indeed, he was one of the central figures (if not the main one) responsible for including Nazi concepts such as forced sterilization and later "euthanasia" into German psychiatry.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 Today, Rüdin's involvement in Nazi crimes is indisputable: he was involved in studies planned to end with the death of the subjects, for example.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993

3 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin, 1874-1952: a German psychiatrist and geneticist. Am J Med Genet 1996;67(04):323–331 (Neuropsychiatric Genetics)
-44 Roelcke V. Ernst Rüdin - renommierter Wissenschaftler, radikaler Rassenhygieniker. Nervenarzt 2012;83(03):303–310 Ernst Rüdin passed away in Munich on October 22, 1952.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993,33 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin, 1874-1952: a German psychiatrist and geneticist. Am J Med Genet 1996;67(04):323–331 (Neuropsychiatric Genetics)

The International Eugenics Network and Ernst Rüdin's Connections to the Eugenics Movement in the United States

Alfred Ploetz (1860–1940), an enthusiastic follower of Auguste Forel, married Ernst Rüdin's sister Pauline Rüdin, one of the first Swiss female physicians, in 1890, and then spent about four years of his life in the United States in the 1890s.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 One of the founders of the German race hygiene (Rassenhygiene) movement, Alfred Ploetz had an enormous influence on Ernst Rüdin.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993,33 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin, 1874-1952: a German psychiatrist and geneticist. Am J Med Genet 1996;67(04):323–331 (Neuropsychiatric Genetics) In 1904, Ernst Rüdin became editor of the Archiv für Rassen-und Gesellschaftsbiologie (Archive for Racial and Social Biology) journal, founded by Ploetz.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 His work as an editor led to many international voyages and meetings with different international (mostly European) scientists.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 Furthermore, Ernst Rüdin was introduced by Ploetz to many important international personalities who were part of the hygiene movement and the early eugenics movement.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 Together, Ploetz and Ernst Rüdin founded the Society for Race Hygiene (Gesellschaft für Rassenhygiene) in 1905,22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 which already partly operated internationally.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 In the United States, Indiana enacted the first sterilization law in 1907 and, by the mid 1930s, over half of the states in the country had passed laws authorizing forced sterilization.55 Ryan DF, Schuchman JS. Deaf People in Hiter's Europe. Washington D C: Gallaudet University Press; 2002 In 1912, a Permanent International Eugenics Committee was founded in Great Britain.66 Bashford A, Levine P. The Oxford Handbook of History of Eugenics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2010 In 1921, after World War I, this committee continued its work, and was renamed the International Federation of Eugenics Organizations (IFEO) in 1925.66 Bashford A, Levine P. The Oxford Handbook of History of Eugenics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2010 Charles Davenport, of the Eugenics Record Office at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (Long Island), was a key figure, becoming IFEO president between 1928 and 1932.66 Bashford A, Levine P. The Oxford Handbook of History of Eugenics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2010 Ernst Rüdin became a member of the IFEO on September 27, 1929, after a recommendation by Ploetz.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 In December 1929, the IFEO organized a meeting in Munich, and Ernst Rüdin held a lecture on psychiatry and race hygiene.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 He also contributed two lectures to the IFEO congress in Farnham (Dorset, United Kingdom) in 1930.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 In 1932, Ernst Rüdin was elected IFEO president at its congress in New York (he did not attend it personally).22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 In 1933, the Nazis came to power, leading to significant problems for the IFEO.66 Bashford A, Levine P. The Oxford Handbook of History of Eugenics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2010 In the following years, German influence dominated the IFEO, leading many independent suborganizations and individuals to withdraw.66 Bashford A, Levine P. The Oxford Handbook of History of Eugenics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2010 These problems became particularly apparent at the 1934 Congress in Zurich, Switzerland (Rüdin's home country), and the 1936 congress in The Netherlands.66 Bashford A, Levine P. The Oxford Handbook of History of Eugenics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2010 As a result of these problems, the IFEO was dissolved in the late 1930s.66 Bashford A, Levine P. The Oxford Handbook of History of Eugenics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2010 Another result of Nazi politics and World War II was that many countries, including the United States, changed their views on eugenics and began to reject forced sterilizations.55 Ryan DF, Schuchman JS. Deaf People in Hiter's Europe. Washington D C: Gallaudet University Press; 2002,66 Bashford A, Levine P. The Oxford Handbook of History of Eugenics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2010

Genetics of Otosclerosis

Today, we know that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the development of otosclerosis, a complex genetic disease77 Schrauwen I, Van Camp G. The etiology of otosclerosis: a combination of genes and environment. Laryngoscope 2010;120(06):1195–1202,88 Sheffield AM, Smith RJH. The Epidemiology of Deafness. [published online September 3, 2019] Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2019;9(09):a033258 Accessed July 16, 2023. Doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a033258
whose inheritance pattern is considered autosomal dominant with reduced penetrance, with 40% to 50% of cases appearing to be sporadic.88 Sheffield AM, Smith RJH. The Epidemiology of Deafness. [published online September 3, 2019] Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2019;9(09):a033258 Accessed July 16, 2023. Doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a033258
,99 Ealy M, Smith RJH. The genetics of otosclerosis. Hear Res 2010;266(1-2):70–74 Various environmental factors are associated with otosclerosis, including persistant measles virus infection and estrogen exposure. Additionally, sodium fluoride exposure (through fluoridated water) is associated with protection against otosclerosis. However, these associations lack sufficient evidence for causality.88 Sheffield AM, Smith RJH. The Epidemiology of Deafness. [published online September 3, 2019] Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2019;9(09):a033258 Accessed July 16, 2023. Doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a033258

Genetics of the Cleft Palate

Today, cleft palates should be divided into non-syndromic and syndromic clefts.1010 Leslie EJ, Marazita ML. Genetics of cleft lip and cleft palate. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2013;163C(04):246–258 Most syndromic clefts, which present with other physical or cognitive abnormalities, have a known genetic cause, while nonsyndromic clefts are believed to be caused by gene–environment interactions.1010 Leslie EJ, Marazita ML. Genetics of cleft lip and cleft palate. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2013;163C(04):246–258 Many genes have been associated with nonsyndromic cleft palate in recent years.1010 Leslie EJ, Marazita ML. Genetics of cleft lip and cleft palate. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2013;163C(04):246–258 The environmental factors associated with non-syndromic cleft palate include maternal smoking and alcohol abuse during pregnancy.1111 Shi M, Wehby GL, Murray JC. Review on genetic variants and maternal smoking in the etiology of oral clefts and other birth defects. Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today 2008;84(01):16–29,1212 Murray JC. Gene/environment causes of cleft lip and/or palate. Clin Genet 2002;61(04):248–256 Nutrition during pregnancy, especially the ingestion of folate, might also play an important role.1313 Wehby GL, Murray JC. Folic acid and orofacial clefts: a review of the evidence. Oral Dis 2010;16(01):11–19


The present study discusses the connections between Ernst Rüdin's scientific group in Munich and Otmar von Verschuer's group in Frankfurt during the Nazi era, and it shows that eugenic groups from Munich, Frankfurt, and New York certainly influenced one another in the field of otorhinolaryngology.

Materials and Methods

The document analysis method in qualitative research was used in the present study. Historical materials written in German were carefully translated in parts into English. The contents of the materials were analyzed by comparing them with different references and previous studies. Step by step, the historical context was discussed, resulting in an overview of the presented topic. Furthermore, recent studies on similar topics were analysed and discussed in connection with the materials.

The following materials from Ernst Rüdin's library are part of the present study:

  • Material 1: ‘Hearing in Children when both Parents have Otosclerosis’, by C. B. Davenport1414 Davenport CB. Hearing in Children when both parents have Otosclerosis. Washington, Long Island: Carnegie Institute of Washington; 1930 (Fig. 1).

  • Material 2: ‘Heredity as a Factor in Congenital Hare-lip and Cleft Palate’, by William F. Blades1515 Blades WF. Heredity as a Factor in Congenital Hare-lip and Cleft Palate. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Press approximately 1915 (Fig. 2).

  • Material 3: ‘Series of twin studies on the hereditary pathology of cleft lip and palate’, by A. Idelberger and K. Idelberger1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480 (Fig. 3) (Supplementary Material File 1).1717 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Vorläufige Ergebnisse der Zwillingsforschung bei den Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. In: Brandes M, ed. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Orthopädischen Gesellschaft. 34. Kongress Berlin, 16.-18. September 1940. Stuttgart, Germany: Ferdinand Enke; 1940

  • Material 4: ‘Examinations of the teeth of Allgäu full cretins with particular attention to the question of caries’, by K. Schenkel (Supplementary Material File 2).1818 Schenkel K. Untersuchungen am Gebiss von allgäuer Vollkretinen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Cariesfrage. Zeitschrift für Konstitutionslehre (II. Abteilung der Zeitschrift für die gesamte Anatomie). 1932;16:585–606

  • Material 5: ‘On carcinomatous meningitis’, by E. Schlittler (Supplementary Material File 3).1919 Schlitter E. Ueber Meningitis carcinomatosa. Basel, Switzerland: Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag; 1926:31

Fig. 1
‘Hearing in Children when both Parents have Otosclerosis’, by C. B. Davenport.1414 Davenport CB. Hearing in Children when both parents have Otosclerosis. Washington, Long Island: Carnegie Institute of Washington; 1930
Fig. 2
‘Heredity as a Factor in Congenital Hare-lip and Cleft Palate’, by William F. Blades.1515 Blades WF. Heredity as a Factor in Congenital Hare-lip and Cleft Palate. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Press approximately 1915
Fig. 3
‘Series of twin studies on the hereditary pathology of cleft lip and palate’, by A. Idelberger and K. Idelberger.1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480

Parts of Ernst Rüdin's library, including the materials herein discussed, were donated to the archive of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.2020 Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University Archive. Materials about Ernst Rüdin and Julius Deussen. NL -114, ZNS 2021/011

All materials were carefully evaluated, and their authenticity could be verified. The fact that many related materials were also part of Ernst Rüdin's library is an important indication of its authenticity.

The complete line of provenance could be followed for the materials from approximately 1926 until today. The widower of Ernst Rüdin's only daughter passed away in 2020 at a very advanced age (the materials were part of his possessions). Therefore, all original materials presented can be considered ‘novel materials’ in the sense that they were not part of a detailed historical analysis before.


Material 1:1414 Davenport CB. Hearing in Children when both parents have Otosclerosis. Washington, Long Island: Carnegie Institute of Washington; 1930 Seven different family trees were discussed in this study, three of which were very small and only showed two generations. Davenport supports the theory of a recessive background for otosclerosis, but also suggests that there could be another type of otosclerosis with dominant background (‘The view, therefore, that there are two types of otosclerosis, one of which depends upon a dominant gene and the other upon a recessive one, is a priori not improbable.’).1414 Davenport CB. Hearing in Children when both parents have Otosclerosis. Washington, Long Island: Carnegie Institute of Washington; 1930

Material 2:1515 Blades WF. Heredity as a Factor in Congenital Hare-lip and Cleft Palate. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Press approximately 1915 Only two different family trees are shown in this study.1515 Blades WF. Heredity as a Factor in Congenital Hare-lip and Cleft Palate. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Press approximately 1915 Therefore, the author was cautious in his conclusions, and merely suggested heredity as one factor in congenital ‘hare-lip’ and ‘cleft palate’.1515 Blades WF. Heredity as a Factor in Congenital Hare-lip and Cleft Palate. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Press approximately 1915

Material 3:1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480 This study was performed in the late 1930s, and it included data from 41 pairs of identical and fraternal twins.1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480 Otmar von Verschuer (1896–1969) and his former assistant at Frankfurt University, Josef Mengele (1911–1979), are mentioned several times in this article.1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480,2121 Benzenhöfer U, Weiske K. Bemerkungen zur Frankfurter Dissertation von Josef Mengele über Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte (1938). In: Benzenhöfer U, ed. Mengele, Hirt, Holfelder, Berner, von Verschuer, Kranz: Frankfurter Universitäts-mediziner der NS – Zeit. Ulm, Germany: KlemmþOelschläger; 2010 In Nazi Germany, Verschuer had specialized in twin studies in particular.2222 Diehl K, Verschuer Ov. Zwillingstuberkulose Zwillingsforschung und erbliche Tuberkulosedisposition. Jena, Germany: Gustav Fischer; 1933 Mengele's medical dissertation was titled ‘Heredity of combined cleft lip, cleft maxilla and cleft palate’,2323 Mengele J. Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumens-palte. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1939;23:17–42 and it was published in the Journal for Human Heredity and Constitution, the same journal that published material 3,1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480 which had Charles Davenport and Verschuer among its contributors (Fig. 3). In the 1980s, many articles2424 Seidelman WE. The professional origins of Dr. Joseph Mengele. CMAJ 1985;133(11):1169–1171,2525 Zofka Z. Der KZ – Arzt Josef Mengele. Zur Typologie eines NS – Verbrechers. Vierteljahrsh Zeitgesch 1986;34:246–267 were published on Mengele's deep involvement in Nazi medical crimes during World War II. The article by A. and K. Idelberger1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480 cites Mengele's dissertation as a reference on page 479 and mentions it on pages 420 and 421 (Fig. 3). Preliminary results of the study by A. and K. Idelberger were presented at the 34th congress of the German Orthopaedic Society in Berlin between September 16 and 18, 1940 (Supplementary Material File 1).1717 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Vorläufige Ergebnisse der Zwillingsforschung bei den Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. In: Brandes M, ed. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Orthopädischen Gesellschaft. 34. Kongress Berlin, 16.-18. September 1940. Stuttgart, Germany: Ferdinand Enke; 1940 Karlheinz Idelberger (1909–2003) later became an influential orthopedist in Germany.2626 Düsseldorf University Archive; Bestand 7/28; Nachlass Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Idelberger (1909-2003) A. and K. Idelberger1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480 frequently referred to a study written in English by Sanders2727 Sanders J. Inheritance of Harelip and Cleft Palate. Genetica 1934; 15:433–510 in 1934 and to Mengele's dissertation.2323 Mengele J. Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumens-palte. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1939;23:17–42

Material 4:1818 Schenkel K. Untersuchungen am Gebiss von allgäuer Vollkretinen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Cariesfrage. Zeitschrift für Konstitutionslehre (II. Abteilung der Zeitschrift für die gesamte Anatomie). 1932;16:585–606 The study was performed at the Munich University's Dental Clinic in cooperation with Ernst Rüdin's GDD. The author mentions that it was part of a broader series of studies on goiter, ‘cretinism’ (Kretinismus), palatine abnormalities, ‘deaf-mutism’ (Taubstummheit) and ‘feeble-mindedness’ (Schwachsinn) in the Bavarian Allgäu Mountains organized by Ernst Rüdin's GDD and assigned by the Bavarian State Government.1818 Schenkel K. Untersuchungen am Gebiss von allgäuer Vollkretinen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Cariesfrage. Zeitschrift für Konstitutionslehre (II. Abteilung der Zeitschrift für die gesamte Anatomie). 1932;16:585–606 (The German word Vollkretinen refers to severe abnormalities in the physical and intellectual development of children, mainly caused by iodine deficiency, which are currently called hypothyroidism)

Material 5:1919 Schlitter E. Ueber Meningitis carcinomatosa. Basel, Switzerland: Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag; 1926:31 Emil Schlittler (ca.1879–1949) had been Ernst Oppikofer's deputy at Basel University's Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology.2828 City of Basel's chronicles. Entry from 17 February 1922. Herr Dr. E. Schlittler wird die venia legendi für Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie erteilt. Available at: Accessed July 16, 2023
,2929 Basel University. medical faculty. Entry "1922-1941 Ernst Oppikhofer". Available at: Accessed July 16, 2023
Schlittler's study1919 Schlitter E. Ueber Meningitis carcinomatosa. Basel, Switzerland: Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag; 1926:31 was published during Ernst Rüdin's time as a full professor of Psychiatry at Basel University.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993,33 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin, 1874-1952: a German psychiatrist and geneticist. Am J Med Genet 1996;67(04):323–331 (Neuropsychiatric Genetics)


Material 1:1414 Davenport CB. Hearing in Children when both parents have Otosclerosis. Washington, Long Island: Carnegie Institute of Washington; 1930 Today we know that otosclerosis has a complex genetic background and an inheritance pattern considered autosomal dominant, with reduced penetrance.88 Sheffield AM, Smith RJH. The Epidemiology of Deafness. [published online September 3, 2019] Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2019;9(09):a033258 Accessed July 16, 2023. Doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a033258
It becomes clear that Davenport did not have an accurate concept of the genetic background of otosclerosis around the year 1930, partly because there was not enough statistical data on the condition.1414 Davenport CB. Hearing in Children when both parents have Otosclerosis. Washington, Long Island: Carnegie Institute of Washington; 1930

Material 2:1515 Blades WF. Heredity as a Factor in Congenital Hare-lip and Cleft Palate. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Press approximately 1915 The work clearly shows that scientific research about the heredity of clefts was not only conducted in Germany or elsewhere in Europe, but also in the United States. Furthermore, one copy of the study1515 Blades WF. Heredity as a Factor in Congenital Hare-lip and Cleft Palate. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Press approximately 1915 certainly was part of Ernst Rüdin's library. Therefore, we can assume that Rüdin and his group in Munich could have read the study, and we can get an idea how the different groups in the international eugenics network might have influenced each other.

Material 3:1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480 One of the central points of Mengele's medical dissertation2323 Mengele J. Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumens-palte. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1939;23:17–42 can be seen in the so-called ‘microforms’ (Mikroformen) of combined cleft lip, cleft maxilla, and cleft palate (Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte). Mengele postulated that malformations of one of the two second upper dens incisivi or the two upper dens canini, morphological palate malformations, submucus cleft palate, slight morphological malformations of the upper lip, and bifid (very small malformations in the sense of) partly divided or cleft uvula (minor manifestations of bifid uvula) should be defined as ‘microforms’, and that there was one single ‘dysregular dominant heredity’ (unregelmäßig dominanter Erbgang, roughly comparable to today's autosomal dominant pattern with reduced penetrance) for all forms of cleft lip, cleft maxilla, cleft palate, and all ‘microforms’ together.2323 Mengele J. Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumens-palte. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1939;23:17–42 Today we know that the heredity of these conditions is far more complicated.1010 Leslie EJ, Marazita ML. Genetics of cleft lip and cleft palate. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2013;163C(04):246–258

A. and K. Idelberger1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480 criticized Mengele's dissertation by writing that the connections involving malformations of the uvula or tooth position and cleft lip, cleft maxilla, and cleft palate would require further investigations before they could be accepted as a proof that isolated clefts are hereditary. Furthermore, they indirectly criticized Mengele by writing that German surgeon Carl Stobwasser had already postulated a connection between the heredity of cleft lips (Hasenscharten) and dental malformations (Stobwasser also mentioned one patient with combined double-sided cleft lip and double-sided coloboma iridis) in 1884. They even wrote that Stobwasser – and explicitly not Mengele or Schröder (in 1931, Schröder published a work about ‘The heredity of cleft lip and cleft palate in 21 pedigrees’ in Ernst Rüdin's Archive for Racial and Social Biology journal)– had been the first to describe the ‘microforms’, although Stobwasser did not use the word ‘microforms’ in 1884.1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480,2323 Mengele J. Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumens-palte. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1939;23:17–42,3030 Stobwasser C. Die Hasenscharten in der Göttinger chirurgischen Klinik von October 1875 bis Juli 1882. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirurgie 1884;19:11–23,3131 Schröder CH. Die Vererbung der Hasenscharte und Gaumenspalte, dargestellt an 21 Stammbäumen. Archiv Für Rassen- und Gesellschafts-Biologie 1931;25:369–394 Stobwasser3030 Stobwasser C. Die Hasenscharten in der Göttinger chirurgischen Klinik von October 1875 bis Juli 1882. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirurgie 1884;19:11–23 reported about 6 cases of dental malformations in patients simultaneously diagnosed with cleft lip.

The extremely critical attitude of A. and K. Idelberger1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480 towards Mengele's medical dissertation2323 Mengele J. Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumens-palte. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1939;23:17–42 might be considered a sign of rivalry between Verschuer's group in Frankfurt and Rüdin's group in Munich.22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993 The dissertation only included 14 patients with combined cleft lip, cleft maxilla, and cleft palate, 3 patients with less severe forms, and the families of those 17 patients (Mengele wrote that medical data from 746 different individuals were considered, and that he personally examined 583 individuals).2121 Benzenhöfer U, Weiske K. Bemerkungen zur Frankfurter Dissertation von Josef Mengele über Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte (1938). In: Benzenhöfer U, ed. Mengele, Hirt, Holfelder, Berner, von Verschuer, Kranz: Frankfurter Universitäts-mediziner der NS – Zeit. Ulm, Germany: KlemmþOelschläger; 2010,2323 Mengele J. Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumens-palte. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1939;23:17–42 While Mengele's conclusions are questionable, the scientific impact of his medical dissertation is, to some extent, indisputable and, surprisingly, can also be seen after World War II.1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480,2121 Benzenhöfer U, Weiske K. Bemerkungen zur Frankfurter Dissertation von Josef Mengele über Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte (1938). In: Benzenhöfer U, ed. Mengele, Hirt, Holfelder, Berner, von Verschuer, Kranz: Frankfurter Universitäts-mediziner der NS – Zeit. Ulm, Germany: KlemmþOelschläger; 2010,2323 Mengele J. Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumens-palte. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1939;23:17–42,3232 Dixon DA, Newton I. Minimal forms of the cleft syndrome demonstrated by stereophotogrammetric surveys of the face. Br Dent J 1972;132(05):183–189,3333 Akasaka Y. [Statistical and cytogenetic study on the cleft lip, alveolus and-or plate]. Jinrui Idengaku Zasshi 1970;15(01): 35–96 Benzenhöfer and Weiske2121 Benzenhöfer U, Weiske K. Bemerkungen zur Frankfurter Dissertation von Josef Mengele über Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte (1938). In: Benzenhöfer U, ed. Mengele, Hirt, Holfelder, Berner, von Verschuer, Kranz: Frankfurter Universitäts-mediziner der NS – Zeit. Ulm, Germany: KlemmþOelschläger; 2010 (2010) reported that a Japanese study from 1970 and a British study from 1972 even cited the dissertation (both studies cited it by writing Mengele's name incorrectly).3232 Dixon DA, Newton I. Minimal forms of the cleft syndrome demonstrated by stereophotogrammetric surveys of the face. Br Dent J 1972;132(05):183–189,3333 Akasaka Y. [Statistical and cytogenetic study on the cleft lip, alveolus and-or plate]. Jinrui Idengaku Zasshi 1970;15(01): 35–96 Furthermore, they analyzed the dissertation in detail and suggested that Mengele might have included patients with ‘microforms’ in his dissertation to achieve a higher percentage of hereditary cases for his study.2121 Benzenhöfer U, Weiske K. Bemerkungen zur Frankfurter Dissertation von Josef Mengele über Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte (1938). In: Benzenhöfer U, ed. Mengele, Hirt, Holfelder, Berner, von Verschuer, Kranz: Frankfurter Universitäts-mediziner der NS – Zeit. Ulm, Germany: KlemmþOelschläger; 2010 Nevertheless, they did not mention the study by the Idelbergers,1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480 neither did they focus on recent definitions of the term ‘microforms’.2121 Benzenhöfer U, Weiske K. Bemerkungen zur Frankfurter Dissertation von Josef Mengele über Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte (1938). In: Benzenhöfer U, ed. Mengele, Hirt, Holfelder, Berner, von Verschuer, Kranz: Frankfurter Universitäts-mediziner der NS – Zeit. Ulm, Germany: KlemmþOelschläger; 2010

From 1945 to 1992 approximately, several studies still used the term microforms, in a way similar to its use by Mengele, to refer to dental malformations, cleft palate, and cleft uvula.3434 Farkas LG, Cheung GC. Nostril asymmetry: microform of cleft lip palate? An anthropometrical study of healthy North American caucasians. Cleft Palate J 1979;16(04):351–357,3535 Demikova NS, Makarenkova LV. [Population and familial incidence of orofacial anomalies considered microforms of cleft lip and palate]. Genetika 1983;19(04):679–684 In the last 30 years, many studies3636 Thaller SR, Lee TJ. Microform cleft lip associated with a complete cleft palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 1995;32(03):247–250

37 Kim EK, Khang SK, Lee TJ, Kim TG. Clinical features of the microform cleft lip and the ultrastructural characteristics of the orbicularis oris muscle. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2010;47(03): 297–302
-3838 Grech V, Lia A, Mifsud A. Congenital heart disease in a patient with microform cleft lip. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2000;37(06):596–597 have actually used microforms exclusively to describe very small clefts of the upper lip. Small, but not very small, malformations are often distinguished with the term mini - microform cleft.3939 Cho BC, Kim YH, Tian L, et al. Long-Term Outcomes of the Minimal Skin Incision Technique for Correcting Severe Microform and Minor-Form Cleft Lip With Philtrum Reconstruction Through the Intraoral Incision. J Craniofac Surg 2020;31(01):79–84,4040 Kim MC, Choi DH, Bae SG, Cho BC. Correction of Minor-Form and Microform Cleft Lip Using Modified Muscle Overlapping with a Minimal Skin Incision. Arch Plast Surg 2017;44(03):210–216 The term mini - microform cleft is partly used to distinguish extremely small malformations or clefts.4141 Yuzuriha S, Mulliken JB. Minor-form, microform, and mini-microform cleft lip: anatomical features, operative techniques, and revisions. Plast Reconstr Surg 2008;122(05):1485–1493 One Japanese case report presented a patient with ‘mini-microform cleft’ who did not show sonographic evidence of orbicularis oris muscle (OOM) rupture; his diagnosis was based on threedimensional facial measurements.4242 Fujiwara K, Yoshida M, Nakamichi N, et al. Mini-microform cleft lip with complete cleft alveolus and palate: A case report. Congenit Anom (Kyoto) 2021;61(04):133–137 Nevertheless, such microforms may be connected to asymmetry and functional problems of the nostrils and the nose.3434 Farkas LG, Cheung GC. Nostril asymmetry: microform of cleft lip palate? An anthropometrical study of healthy North American caucasians. Cleft Palate J 1979;16(04):351–357,4343 Tuersunjiang M, Long X, Fu Y, Ke J, Huijun H, Li J. Open Rhinoplasty Using Concealing Incisions for Mild Bifid Nose With Unilateral Mini-Microform Cleft Lip. J Craniofac Surg 2018;29(06):e542–e543 The definitions of the term microform still are not exactly and consistently given in different studies of the last 30 years. Most recent studies, but not all studies, only use the term in connection with cleft lip. With a few exceptions,4444 Mossey PA, Batra P, McIntyre GT. The parental dentocraniofacial phenotype-an orofacial clefting microform. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2010;47(01):22–34,4545 Lacerda RHW, Furtado PGC, Vieira AR. Multiple Structural Microform Defects Suggest Role of Modifier Genes. J Craniofac Surg 2021;32(04):e358–e360 over the past 30 years, the term has not been used frequently in connection with other craniofacial malformations (other than cleft lip). One such exception is holoprosencephaly (HPE);4646 Richieri-Costa A, Ribeiro LA. Holoprosencephaly and holoprosencephaly-like phenotypes: Review of facial and molecular findings in patients from a craniofacial hospital in Brazil. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2010;154C(01):149–157,4747 Tagliarini JV, Nakajima V, Castilho EC. Congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis. Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol (Engl Ed) 2005;71 (02):246–249 a very interesting aspect is discussed in one study:4848 Solomon BD, Pineda-Alvarez DE, Gropman AL, Willis MJ, Hadley DW, Muenke M. High Intellectual Function in Individuals with Mutation-Positive Microform Holoprosencephaly. Mol Syndromol 2012;3(03):140–142 several specific mutations causing clear phenotypic signs of "microform HPE" could be linked with above average intellectual function.4848 Solomon BD, Pineda-Alvarez DE, Gropman AL, Willis MJ, Hadley DW, Muenke M. High Intellectual Function in Individuals with Mutation-Positive Microform Holoprosencephaly. Mol Syndromol 2012;3(03):140–142

It is important to emphasize that most recent studies did not use the term in the same sense intended by Mengele. Nevertheless, its frequent use in the last 30 years shows that Mengele's dissertation (and also Schröder's work from 1931) surely had a certain scientific impact around 1940, and at least indirectly, still has a certain influence on today's scientific publications in the field of craniofacial clefts. The fact that the common definition of the term has obviously developed and changed in the past 80 years is also a clear indication of Mengele's (and Schröder's) scientific influence. Therefore, the different (partly historical) definitions microform or microforms should be distinguished clearly, the intended meaning should be defined accuratetly, and the terms should not be used without care.

In 1960 and 1961, Mengele lost both doctoral degrees (his medical degree and his philosophical/anthropological degree) because of his participation and deep involvement in Nazi medical crimes.4949 Harrecker S. Degradierte Doktoren. Munich, Germany: Utzverlag; 2007 After World War II, in July 1949, Mengele fled to South America: first, to Argentina; then, he fled to Paraguay in 1959 and, in 1960, to Brazil, to the towns of Nova Europa, Caieiras, and Diadema, located in the state of São Paulo. He lived almost 20 years in Brazil until he died, on February 7, 1979.2424 Seidelman WE. The professional origins of Dr. Joseph Mengele. CMAJ 1985;133(11):1169–1171,2525 Zofka Z. Der KZ – Arzt Josef Mengele. Zur Typologie eines NS – Verbrechers. Vierteljahrsh Zeitgesch 1986;34:246–267,4949 Harrecker S. Degradierte Doktoren. Munich, Germany: Utzverlag; 2007,5050 Wyszynski DF. Fifty years after the Nuremberg Nazi Doctors’ Trial: reviewing how the laws of the Third Reich applied to individuals with oral clefts. Plast Reconstr Surg 1998;101(02):519–527

Today, congenital conditions such as cleft palate or congenital dysplasia of the hip (CDH) are treatable and curable, but they were partly considered ‘severe hereditary malformations’ (schwere erbliche, körperliche Missbildung) in Nazi Germany.11 Gütt A, Rüdin E, Ruttke F. Gesetz zur Verhütung erbranken Nachwuchses vom 14. Juli 1933. Munich, Germany: J. F. Lehmanns; 1936,5050 Wyszynski DF. Fifty years after the Nuremberg Nazi Doctors’ Trial: reviewing how the laws of the Third Reich applied to individuals with oral clefts. Plast Reconstr Surg 1998;101(02):519–527 An article written by Rüdin's group in Munich titled ‘CDH as a severe physical malformation’ (‘Hüftverrenkung als schwere körperliche Missbildungen’) was part of Ernst Rüdin's library.2020 Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University Archive. Materials about Ernst Rüdin and Julius Deussen. NL -114, ZNS 2021/011 In one copy of that article, there are certain interesting marks and underlined excerpts, which were probably made by Ernst Rüdin himself, and that copy was part of the materials donated to the archive of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in 2021.2020 Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University Archive. Materials about Ernst Rüdin and Julius Deussen. NL -114, ZNS 2021/011

In the official comment of the ‘Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring’, Ernst Rüdin and his coauthors emphasized the hereditary character of diseases. Some of the considered reasons to ‘implement forced sterilization’ are treatable and curable today (such as severe cleft palate).11 Gütt A, Rüdin E, Ruttke F. Gesetz zur Verhütung erbranken Nachwuchses vom 14. Juli 1933. Munich, Germany: J. F. Lehmanns; 1936 The methodology of the study by A. and K. Idelberger1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480 should be considered advanced and innovative, given that it was published in 1940.

Material 4:1818 Schenkel K. Untersuchungen am Gebiss von allgäuer Vollkretinen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Cariesfrage. Zeitschrift für Konstitutionslehre (II. Abteilung der Zeitschrift für die gesamte Anatomie). 1932;16:585–606 The study mainly comprised data on caries in dental medicine, but otorhinolaryngological data were also included in it. This study's1818 Schenkel K. Untersuchungen am Gebiss von allgäuer Vollkretinen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Cariesfrage. Zeitschrift für Konstitutionslehre (II. Abteilung der Zeitschrift für die gesamte Anatomie). 1932;16:585–606 methodology is notable for its comparably ‘high’ number of cases, given that it was published in 1932.

Material 5:1919 Schlitter E. Ueber Meningitis carcinomatosa. Basel, Switzerland: Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag; 1926:31 The fact this article is part of Ernst Rüdin's library clearly indicates that he had established scientific relationships with otolaryngologists during his time at Basel University (1925–1928).22 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993,33 Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin, 1874-1952: a German psychiatrist and geneticist. Am J Med Genet 1996;67(04):323–331 (Neuropsychiatric Genetics)


Within the international eugenics network, the groups surrounding Ernst Rüdin (Munich), Otmar von Verschuer (Frankfurt), and Charles Davenport (New York) significantly influenced one another, even in the scientific field of otorhinolaryngology.

Karlheinz Idelberger (Munich) and Josef Mengele (Frankfurt) were two notable scientists who performed hereditary research on ‘cleft lip’ and ‘cleft palate’ before Mengele became deeply involved in Nazi medical crimes.

Furthermore, we can conclude that Stobwasser's ‘minor conditions’ (dental malformations and coloboma iridis) were not completely identical to Mengele's ‘microforms’, as indicated by A. and K. Idelberger.1616 Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480,2323 Mengele J. Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumens-palte. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1939;23:17–42,3030 Stobwasser C. Die Hasenscharten in der Göttinger chirurgischen Klinik von October 1875 bis Juli 1882. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirurgie 1884;19:11–23

It becomes clear that the methodological weaknesses of many early genetic studies did not enable their authors to draw firm scientific conclusions, suggesting that scientists did not have an accurate concept of the genetic causes of most illnesses.

Until approximately 1945, the international eugenics movement was a central part of the medical scientific community; therefore, it certainly had a significant influence on most subfields of medicine, including otorhinolaryngology. Due to the fact that eugenics was not only based on natural science, but also based on political ideology to some extent, the eugenic approaches in medicine were often characterized by scientific inaccuracies and mistakes (at least from the perspective of the current times). One of the main theses of the present work is that after 1945, the influence of eugenics may have persisted to some extent as very subtle factors (such as in the diagnostic term microform) in otorhinolaryngology, and even today it may still hold a certain influence, both on clinical medicine and on medical science. We should become sensitive to this issue and try to define our diagnoses as accurately as possible.

  • Funding
    Dr. Beato Suwa reports grants from Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Sachsen-Anhalt (Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Saxony-Anhalt) in connection with Praxis Wanzleben, Hohendodeleben.


  • 1
    Gütt A, Rüdin E, Ruttke F. Gesetz zur Verhütung erbranken Nachwuchses vom 14. Juli 1933. Munich, Germany: J. F. Lehmanns; 1936
  • 2
    Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin. Eine kritische Biographie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 1993
  • 3
    Weber MM. Ernst Rüdin, 1874-1952: a German psychiatrist and geneticist. Am J Med Genet 1996;67(04):323–331 (Neuropsychiatric Genetics)
  • 4
    Roelcke V. Ernst Rüdin - renommierter Wissenschaftler, radikaler Rassenhygieniker. Nervenarzt 2012;83(03):303–310
  • 5
    Ryan DF, Schuchman JS. Deaf People in Hiter's Europe. Washington D C: Gallaudet University Press; 2002
  • 6
    Bashford A, Levine P. The Oxford Handbook of History of Eugenics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2010
  • 7
    Schrauwen I, Van Camp G. The etiology of otosclerosis: a combination of genes and environment. Laryngoscope 2010;120(06):1195–1202
  • 8
    Sheffield AM, Smith RJH. The Epidemiology of Deafness. [published online September 3, 2019] Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2019;9(09):a033258 Accessed July 16, 2023. Doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a033258
  • 9
    Ealy M, Smith RJH. The genetics of otosclerosis. Hear Res 2010;266(1-2):70–74
  • 10
    Leslie EJ, Marazita ML. Genetics of cleft lip and cleft palate. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2013;163C(04):246–258
  • 11
    Shi M, Wehby GL, Murray JC. Review on genetic variants and maternal smoking in the etiology of oral clefts and other birth defects. Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today 2008;84(01):16–29
  • 12
    Murray JC. Gene/environment causes of cleft lip and/or palate. Clin Genet 2002;61(04):248–256
  • 13
    Wehby GL, Murray JC. Folic acid and orofacial clefts: a review of the evidence. Oral Dis 2010;16(01):11–19
  • 14
    Davenport CB. Hearing in Children when both parents have Otosclerosis. Washington, Long Island: Carnegie Institute of Washington; 1930
  • 15
    Blades WF. Heredity as a Factor in Congenital Hare-lip and Cleft Palate. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Press approximately 1915
  • 16
    Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Serienmäßige Zwillingsuntersuchungen zur Erbpathologie der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1940;24:417–480
  • 17
    Idelberger A, Idelberger K. Vorläufige Ergebnisse der Zwillingsforschung bei den Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. In: Brandes M, ed. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Orthopädischen Gesellschaft. 34. Kongress Berlin, 16.-18. September 1940. Stuttgart, Germany: Ferdinand Enke; 1940
  • 18
    Schenkel K. Untersuchungen am Gebiss von allgäuer Vollkretinen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Cariesfrage. Zeitschrift für Konstitutionslehre (II. Abteilung der Zeitschrift für die gesamte Anatomie). 1932;16:585–606
  • 19
    Schlitter E. Ueber Meningitis carcinomatosa. Basel, Switzerland: Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag; 1926:31
  • 20
    Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University Archive. Materials about Ernst Rüdin and Julius Deussen. NL -114, ZNS 2021/011
  • 21
    Benzenhöfer U, Weiske K. Bemerkungen zur Frankfurter Dissertation von Josef Mengele über Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte (1938). In: Benzenhöfer U, ed. Mengele, Hirt, Holfelder, Berner, von Verschuer, Kranz: Frankfurter Universitäts-mediziner der NS – Zeit. Ulm, Germany: KlemmþOelschläger; 2010
  • 22
    Diehl K, Verschuer Ov. Zwillingstuberkulose Zwillingsforschung und erbliche Tuberkulosedisposition. Jena, Germany: Gustav Fischer; 1933
  • 23
    Mengele J. Sippenuntersuchungen bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumens-palte. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutions 1939;23:17–42
  • 24
    Seidelman WE. The professional origins of Dr. Joseph Mengele. CMAJ 1985;133(11):1169–1171
  • 25
    Zofka Z. Der KZ – Arzt Josef Mengele. Zur Typologie eines NS – Verbrechers. Vierteljahrsh Zeitgesch 1986;34:246–267
  • 26
    Düsseldorf University Archive; Bestand 7/28; Nachlass Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Idelberger (1909-2003)
  • 27
    Sanders J. Inheritance of Harelip and Cleft Palate. Genetica 1934; 15:433–510
  • 28
    City of Basel's chronicles. Entry from 17 February 1922. Herr Dr. E. Schlittler wird die venia legendi für Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie erteilt. Available at: Accessed July 16, 2023
  • 29
    Basel University. medical faculty. Entry "1922-1941 Ernst Oppikhofer". Available at: Accessed July 16, 2023
  • 30
    Stobwasser C. Die Hasenscharten in der Göttinger chirurgischen Klinik von October 1875 bis Juli 1882. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirurgie 1884;19:11–23
  • 31
    Schröder CH. Die Vererbung der Hasenscharte und Gaumenspalte, dargestellt an 21 Stammbäumen. Archiv Für Rassen- und Gesellschafts-Biologie 1931;25:369–394
  • 32
    Dixon DA, Newton I. Minimal forms of the cleft syndrome demonstrated by stereophotogrammetric surveys of the face. Br Dent J 1972;132(05):183–189
  • 33
    Akasaka Y. [Statistical and cytogenetic study on the cleft lip, alveolus and-or plate]. Jinrui Idengaku Zasshi 1970;15(01): 35–96
  • 34
    Farkas LG, Cheung GC. Nostril asymmetry: microform of cleft lip palate? An anthropometrical study of healthy North American caucasians. Cleft Palate J 1979;16(04):351–357
  • 35
    Demikova NS, Makarenkova LV. [Population and familial incidence of orofacial anomalies considered microforms of cleft lip and palate]. Genetika 1983;19(04):679–684
  • 36
    Thaller SR, Lee TJ. Microform cleft lip associated with a complete cleft palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 1995;32(03):247–250
  • 37
    Kim EK, Khang SK, Lee TJ, Kim TG. Clinical features of the microform cleft lip and the ultrastructural characteristics of the orbicularis oris muscle. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2010;47(03): 297–302
  • 38
    Grech V, Lia A, Mifsud A. Congenital heart disease in a patient with microform cleft lip. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2000;37(06):596–597
  • 39
    Cho BC, Kim YH, Tian L, et al. Long-Term Outcomes of the Minimal Skin Incision Technique for Correcting Severe Microform and Minor-Form Cleft Lip With Philtrum Reconstruction Through the Intraoral Incision. J Craniofac Surg 2020;31(01):79–84
  • 40
    Kim MC, Choi DH, Bae SG, Cho BC. Correction of Minor-Form and Microform Cleft Lip Using Modified Muscle Overlapping with a Minimal Skin Incision. Arch Plast Surg 2017;44(03):210–216
  • 41
    Yuzuriha S, Mulliken JB. Minor-form, microform, and mini-microform cleft lip: anatomical features, operative techniques, and revisions. Plast Reconstr Surg 2008;122(05):1485–1493
  • 42
    Fujiwara K, Yoshida M, Nakamichi N, et al. Mini-microform cleft lip with complete cleft alveolus and palate: A case report. Congenit Anom (Kyoto) 2021;61(04):133–137
  • 43
    Tuersunjiang M, Long X, Fu Y, Ke J, Huijun H, Li J. Open Rhinoplasty Using Concealing Incisions for Mild Bifid Nose With Unilateral Mini-Microform Cleft Lip. J Craniofac Surg 2018;29(06):e542–e543
  • 44
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    31 May 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    07 Mar 2023
  • Accepted
    09 Sept 2023
Fundação Otorrinolaringologia Rua Artur de Azevedo 46, Zip code 05404-000,, São Paulo/SP, Brazil, Phone: +55 11 3062 4097, E-mail: - São Paulo - SP - Brazil