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The diversity of topics and approaches inherent to the field of public health is once again present in this edition of Interface (nº 45).

A set of texts focusing on the issue of care, which add new perspectives and go more deeply into the subject, stands out in the Articles section. Among these, one article relating to experience of interprofessional training discusses the ways in which care interventions enable critical approaches to healthcare work. From the viewpoint of comprehensiveness, another article presents the possibility of establishing links starting from technical and affective professional care, such as "touching", and through this, to minimize the stress of the hospital environment and positively influence the therapeutic process. In contrast, o "non-care" is present in the text that reports the experiences of women with regard to discriminatory attitudes to abortion.

From the perspective of giving greater visibility to the topics of race/color and sexuality, one of the articles discusses how information on the race/skin color of the victims of violent death places skews the information on mortality among the black population. Another article discusses online biosociability on gay relationship websites and the new shapes that the metaphor of the "closet" is acquiring.

Innovative topics are present in the Open Space section, such as men's access to diagnosis and treatment for sexually transmittable diseases (STDs) and the use of children's literature as a strategy within the field of dietary and nutritional education.

The text by prof. Everardo Duarte Nunes that was presented in a seminar held in 2006, on the occasion of his retirement from the Unicamp School of Medical Sciences, where he had been a teacher for almost forty years, deserves to be highlighted. Taking the reference point of Bourdieu's notion of habitus and field, prof. Everardo positions his contribution to the fields of social sciences and public health. The issue of Bioethics also is presented, in a reflection on the integration between the scientific and humanistic cultures.

The Creation section presents provocative material in text and images that put the reader directly into contact with twenty years of workshop experience of artistic experimentation space. Propelled by the movement against mental hospitals, this place has become a space for art production and healthcare for all, regardless of the participants' social or health conditions.

Reviews, thesis abstracts and a letter complete this edition.

Once again, through this edition, Interface reaffirms its commitment to provide a space for debate and reflection and invites everyone to read it.

Margareth Aparecida Santini de Almeida

Area Editor

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    28 June 2013
  • Date of issue
    June 2013
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