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Keywords: Nursing. Rehabilitation. Breast cancer.

A qualitative study, which aimed to analyze the perception of women with breast cancer about the seriousness of the illness, their susceptibility to it and the benefits and barriers to participation in rehabilitation groups. Held at the Center of Teaching and Research Women and Breast Cancer - MUCAMA in Alfenas - MG, was used as theorical reference the Health Belief Model and the concepts of the Field Theory of Kurt Lewin. Participated 8 women operated of breast cancer who regularly attended the service, at least three months prior the collection, between May and July 2011. Data were collected through focus groups and interviews using a semi-structured guide, and were analyzed by qualitative analysis.

Two themes emerged from the reports and their categories: Women with breast cancer: perceptions of susceptibility and seriousness of the illness - beliefs about susceptibility of breast cancer; the view of the seriousness of breast cancer; stimuli for action: the search for support in the rehabilitation group and perceived barriers and benefits in deciding to participate in the rehabilitation group - the return to everyday activities and psychosocial rehabilitation; perception of difficulties to participate or join the group and the activities proposed.

The perception of susceptibility of breast cancer was demonstrated when women reported believing that the cancer could not be avoided, regardless of social class, race or education. They attributed their occurrence to the repression of feelings and lack of preventive health behavior. The perception of the seriousness breast cancer as a chronic condition proved by considering the tumor stigmatizing. The fear of death and the consequences of the treatments led to new arrangements to promote social and family. The stimuli for action in seeking the rehabilitation group were discomforted, physical limitations and emotional, as well as referrals and recommendations from health professionals and advice of family and social network members.

Perceived benefits to participating in the group were improved with the physical ability to return to daily activities, free care and specialized; relationship with the multidisciplinary team; psychological support; opportunity to share experiences, answer questions and feel in the midst of "their peers". Perceived barriers: the days and times of visits limited, housework, restricted physical space; necessity to demand time to attend the activities. The individual perceptions surveyed about breast cancer were influenced by their beliefs about susceptibility and seriousness over their experiences with the illness and its treatments, which led them to a health behavior to participate in the rehabilitation group because saw in others one way to take care of themselves' health by identifying, to this, barriers to greater benefits.

Thus, effective assistance to women with cancer can only be realized in a context in which their views and experiences in relation to their disease are considered, allowing them to decide with the health care professional about the best option for the care of your health.

Edilaine Assunção Caetano

Dissertação (Mestrado), 2012

(com apoio Capes/Ministério da Saúde)

Programa de Pós-Graduação Enfermagem em Saúde Pública

Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto

Universidade de São Paulo

Recebido em 17/08/12

Aprovado em 04/09/12

The area of teacher education in graduate programs in nursing: A systematic review of the literature

Keywords: Postgraduate nursing education. Faculty of nursing. Faculty of nursing practice.

Teacher training for university teaching in the context of post-graduate studies faces challenges. Spaces for such training are shown reduced in university. The priority given to training for research reinforces the need to enhance the teaching as well as their training within the postgraduate.

It discusses the importance of centrally expertise, articulated with the teaching so that they bring benefits to more fully meet the teacher training needs. The study aimed then to reflect on the insight on the graduate teacher education, considering that install new paradigms in education and health.

This is a systematic review of the literature, whose goal was to collect data on the process of teacher training in graduate nursing considering the importance to synthesize, organize and categorize the primary studies carried out in Brazil in the period 2000-2012, on the subject at hand. The sample consisted of ten studies which identified the limit situations by speaking of graduate students regarding pedagogical training for teaching in higher education. So, were found five major categories that refer to this problem contextualized research: acknowledging the need for specific training policies for the teaching profession; primary focus given to training for scientific research, training rooted in the traditional paradigm of education; recognition necessary expansion of possibilities of pedagogical training during the Program for Improvement of Teaching, and recognizing the need for scientific knowledge about the extent of Education in Higher Education.

The study undertaken revealed that university teaching, the perception of graduate nursing is still a field of knowledge, the complexity and specificity are poorly known. Note that the spaces for teaching in graduate incipient show up to meet the demand for training teachers. Yet many graduate students identified as spaces for teacher training, the existence of some disciplines that underlie the issues of education and the improvement of educational program as an opportunity relevant approach to teaching andpedagogical issues.

Therefore, taking into account the findings of this study inferred a need for further expansion of spaces for reflection of the demands related to the training of future teachers in the certainty of being important student involvement Postgraduate regarding the construction of their professional identity.

Marilia Ferranti Marques Scorzoni

Mestrado (2013)

Programa de Enfermagem Psiquiátrica

Departamento de Enfermagem Psiquiátrica e Ciências Humanas

Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto

Universidade de São Paulo

Recebido em 28/03/13

Aprovado em 03/04/13

  • Participation in a group of mastectomy rehabilitation: benefits and perceived barriers

  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      28 June 2013
    • Date of issue
      June 2013
    UNESP Distrito de Rubião Jr, s/nº, 18618-000 Campus da UNESP- Botucatu - SP - Brasil, Caixa Postal 592, Tel.: (55 14) 3880-1927 - Botucatu - SP - Brazil