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Construction of the knowledge in health: the biosafety teaching in secondary courses in the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

Marco Antonio Ferreira da Costa

Tese (Doutorado), 2005. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Biociências e Saúde, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro. <>

Key words: safety. health. education professional.

The research, accomplished in the period 2004-2005, had as general objective to investigate the actual situation of biosafety teaching in secondary courses of the health area. The data were colected in courses of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro. A total of 97 students, 12 teachers and 3 coordinators of the investigated areas have participated of the study. It was a teorical-empirical research with qualitative basis and quantitative data that outcropped throughout of process working. The data were analyzed in the multireferenciality context. This investigation is justified by dephasing of the biosafety in relation to world of the work and the world of the school and the current demands of the technical-scientific progress and of the own social evolution, in that its related to the biosafety in spaces of the health. The obtained results, pointed at a necessity of polish of the teaching processes in biosafety in secondary courses of the health area at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. The study, inserted in the process work-health-education, will can support pedagogical actions in the field of the professional education, specifically in the teaching of the biosafety in secondary courses at the Foundation Oswaldo Cruz, in the health area, and to act as support instrument for the elaboration of public policies in the ambit of SUS (System Unic of Health) and of teaching systems in general, mostly to the related at Techniques Schools of SUS (ETSUS).

Recebido em 29/03/06. Aprovado em: 07/04/06.

The process of educating critical and reflective nurses in the view of Nursing students at FAMEMA

Mara Quaglio Chirelli

Tese (Doutorado), 2002. Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto. Universidade de São Paulo. <>

Key words: education. education nursing. curriculum.

In this study, we have investigated the education of nurses as critical and reflective subjects in the Nursing Program at FAMEMA, aiming at understanding through students how their education process is being constructed towards the constitution of a critical and reflective professionals; at identifying the differences in the education process perceived by them on basis of the logic stemming from the Political and Pedagogical Process (PPP) as well as at apprehending the difficulties that they have encountered during a process of critical/reflective education. We based on the assumption that the education of a critical and reflective nurse implies that the student will become a subject in the education process and that this transformation of students into subjects determines and is determined by the context of implementation of PPP adopted by the Nursing Program at FAMEMA. The research was conducted with fourth-year students in the Nursing Undergraduate Program at FAMEMA in 2001. Focal group techniques and semi-structured interviews were used. In order to organize the empirical material, the Collective Subject Discourse (DSC) method was used, which was followed by the application of the thematic analysis technique proposed by Minayo. In the analysis, three thematic axes emerged from which it was revealed that the process of education of critical and reflective nurses occurs through the construction of competencies that present formal and Political quality. They begin in the undergraduate program and continue during life in a perspective of constant renovation of the profession as well as of the professional. Curricular change took place by the implementation of PPP as a dynamic, historical and contradictory process that was constructed by the subjects participating in it. It presented adherence and resistance as it developed. By using the Problematization Methodology and the integrated curriculum, it was verified that the teaching-service-community articulation through partnerships was important since it generated new learning-teaching scenarios by taking work as the educational principle, thus causing a critical and reflective action concerning the reality experienced in daily routine, although various conflicts were generated in this new relationship. The students pointed out an expansion of the nurse's performance as well as of the conception of health-disease through the utilization of light technology to care for users in addition to the recognition of the fact that team work required a new attitude from professionals in which a tie must be created, and arguments must have a basis for one's positioning in relation to the team. Pedagogical work took place in small as well as in the big group, where students learned to discuss, to listen, to live with and respect diversity and different opinions. They learned to deal with conflicts which are not always taken into account by the patients who present difficulties in dealing with them as an educational process. In this methodology, the teacher is a mediator between the objective to be learned and the student for the construction of knowledge in the perspective of autonomy in the process of learning to learn. He is regarded as the one who instigates the student to reflect on reality, guides and helps the student in his activities and difficulties. The evaluation process must be continuous and educational; however, a practical and traditional conception was generally kept. At times, it was conducted in a bureaucratized fashion and had a processual meaning and purpose for students and teachers.

Recebido em: 18/04/06. Aprovado em: 27/04/06.

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Journals in scientific communication: production and dissemination of scientific and technical journals and panorama of the brazilian communication titles classified in 2001-2003 Qualis-Capes lists of journals

Carolina Guimarães de Souza Dias

Dissertação (Mestrado), 2006. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Cultura, Escola de Comunicação, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. <>

Key words: scientific communication. journals. editing.

Scientific and technical journals are some of the most important formal communication channels used by researchers in contemporary science. Journal literature serves multiple functions in scientific-social context. They range from the dissemination of useful information to the legitimation of researchers and research results. However, producing and disseminating scientific and technical journals cannot be dissociated from the scientific praxis of reasearching that characterizes fields of knowledge and disciplines. This study is a theoretical-descriptive study on the social context of the production and dissemination of journals in contemporary science in Brazil and overseas. It also includes a exploratory research about the Brazilian journals dedicated to themes in the area of Communication which are part of the 2001-2003 QUALIS-CAPES list of journals.

Recebido em: 30/03/06. Aprovado em: 17/04/06.

The mental health on Family Health Program: a study about practices and meanings of a health team work

Marcelo Dalla Vecchia

Dissertação de Mestrado, 2006. Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva. <>

Key words: primary health care. family health program. mental health.

The Health Family Program (HFP) has been set as the main strategy in order to make Primary Health Care possible, through the changing of assistance's rationality, based upon a multi-professional work process in which health vigilance, integrality, hierarchization, territorial approach and client's inscription are central. Such operational, organizative and conceptual principles that direct HFP find important resemblance in Brazilian psychiatric reform, a process which emphasizes that mental health care problems are more likely to be solved when strategies that reach integrality, continued attention and the responsibility of a health care team are present. First, it is seek to evidence the forms in which community conceptions are developed amongst some of the main movements of sanitary reform and its influence in the definition of historical directives of Primary Health Care underlying HFP.

Further, it is discussed the Brazilian movement of psychiatric reform and issues related to the changes on mental health attention in terms of desinstitutionalization, emphasizing the description and analysis of experiences which aim the articulation of family health teams to replacement mental health services. Finally, an empirical study is presented as part of the development of a participant research, which analyses interviews carried out with a family health team. It is seek to investigate the subjective significations on mental health care production of the assisted population for this particular team. It is noticed that the day by day challenging of socio-economical difficulties of the assisted population implicates a widening of the perception on illness process, in which the proper opening for other resources beyond clinical settings made possible through work organization on HFP contributes positively. Consciousness over a number of needs required by the assisted population is also a source of suffering for the professionals, what is evidenced in the interviews when they refer their own mental health. This process demand to the professionals the acquisition of instruments related to abilities and instruments needed to the health care in the direction of widening beyond biomedical field of illness process determinants. It was also noticed difficulties related to the family approach as a care unit either related to mental health care or in a general way. Receptiveness as a therapeutic resource and bonding and continued attention as possibilities of breaking the exclusiveness of biomedical field on illness process determinants where central questions identified in the interviews. Finally, it is observed that relatively recent implementation of HFP in the city is an important mediation so that significant difficulties related to access, universality and integrality of health care strategies are present.

Recebido em: 29/03/06. Aprovado em: 07/04/06.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    31 Aug 2012
  • Date of issue
    June 2006
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