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Narratives of women about parturition: comprehension of experiences and needs of care


Narratives of women about parturition: comprehension of experiences and needs of care

Karla de Abreu Peixoto Moreira

Dissertação de Mestrado (2008) Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem, Mestrado Acadêmico em Cuidados Clínicos em Saúde, Universidade Estadual do Ceará.

Keywords: Parturition. Obstetric nursing. Narratives.

The birth consists in an amazing moment in woman's life, being experimented of genuine mode in individual livings. The main objective of this study was to comprehend the living of women about parturition/birth highlighted in their narratives. This is a study of qualitative nature, close to hermeneutic approach of Paul Ricoeur. Took part of research ten women that had children in Maternity-School of Federal University of Ceará. The collection of information occurred with first approach to each participant still in hospital and scheduled the narrative interview in domicile, which was enriched with the realization of a session of focal group in hospitalar ambience, previously marked. The sample obeyed to following criteria: to reside in neighborhoods near to Maternity, age superior to eighteen years old, puerperal pos 24h of transpelvic parturition in Institution and up 45 days in domicile. The field work occurred concomitant to analysis of narratives in period of july/2007 to january/2008. The research obeyed the ethical criteria present in Resolution nº 196/96, of National Health Council. The analysis and interpretation of experiences narrated succeeded through technique of narratives analysis. It was done the transcriptions of interviews and reading of material, interpreting the unities of analysis and afterwards the identification of unities of meanings. Came out three unities of senses: perception of woman about obstetric assistance, process of birth -from pregnancy to pos-parturition and living of parturition and needs of parturient. The structure of unities of meaning make possible the comprehension of narratives of women. By tell their experiences of parturition, the women perceived as important needs in birth the participation of a roommate in parturition, the constant attention proportioned by same professional during the whole work of parturition and received of information to strengthening of autonomy in moment of parturition. It was {un}veiled aspects relevant in obstetric assistance current as peregrination in search of spaces in work of parturition, the diverse modes of facing in parturition by use of methods not pharmacologic to ease the pain and apply of hard technologies in parturition. Believe that the study contributed to understanding of needs of care to woman in the moment of parturition, collaborating to directness more effective and humanized in attention proportioned to parturient.

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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    24 July 2012
  • Date of issue
    June 2009
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