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Teaching-service-community integration in Dentistry: a cultural study* * The study is part of the post-doctoral research of the author Franklin Delano Soares Forte at the School of Medical Sciences of Universidade Estadual de Campinas, supervised by the author Nelson Filice de Barros. Thanks to the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Grants (Pibic) of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Federal University of Paraíba, for the aid received.

The aim of this study was to analyze teaching-service-community integration in a Dentistry course, based on curricular internships seen in the perspective of health workers, students, users, managers and teachers. Twenty-seven semi-structured interviews were conducted, transcribed and thematically analyzed. The cultural representations about the studied integration are procedurally re-signified from the interactions and clashes between their different agents, enabling the sliding of expressed and shared meanings. The representations also operate in a contingent way, sometimes facilitating, sometimes hindering an effectively dialogic dentistry education process. Teaching-service-community integration, studied from one of its devices, supervised internships, is a place to get out of the self to experience theory-in-practice and practice-in-theory, with social and pedagogical actions that produce modernizations, co-accountability and knowledge oriented collectively and intentionally to the Brazilian National Health System.

Cultural studies; Dentistry; Public Health; Teaching

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