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Methodological contributions for the studies on geographical indications: valuing territorial resources according to the action keys of the EPAGRI Guide, 2020, and the FAO Guide Uniendo Personas, Territorios y Productos para Fomentar la Calidad Vinculada al Origen y las Indicaciones Geográficas Sostenibles, 2011


The present work aims to bring and trace the main points contained in the EPAGRI Methodological booklet, from the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina, Brazil, as a reference in the field of geographical indications, in a look relatively to the FAO virtuous circle proposal, from the UN Food and Agriculture Agency. Thus, the study consisted of a systematic bibliography review, with a descriptive character and a quali-quanti approach, with an empirical nature and with the use of interdisciplinary and epistemological studies and secondary documents around the theme, as well as articles and dissertations, books and digital materials. The partial results found in these methodological studies indicate that the local territorial valorization and development are the result of local, tacit and implicit knowledge, which were built and acquired over the years in a given region and community, consisting of true goods and intangible assets and capable of being exploited via ecotourism, for example, primarily considering the FAO method of the virtuous circle that allows the articulation of different territorial, local, cultural, social, economic, political and legal factors in favor of the development of a certain location.

EPAGRI; Specification Book; FAO Virtuous Circle

Universidade Católica Dom Bosco Av. Tamandaré, 6000 - Jd. Seminário, 79117-900 Campo Grande- MS - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 67) 3312-3373/3377 - Campo Grande - MS - Brazil