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Cartography of a camp: singularities and possibilities regarding relations betweenreligion and consumption in Communication works1 1 This article has been modified, revised, and adapted for publication, having been presented in the Epistemology of Communications workgroup of the 15th Annual Gathering Mk Communications Graduate Programs (Compós), at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) in July 2016.


This work presents a cartographic summary regarding four zones (a metaphor borrowed from the cartography of road web) of the academic production which group, during the last ten years, articles, dissertations and theses developed under the thematic of religion and consumption on Communication Studies. This paper aims to debate about epistemological bonds and levels of articulation among different theoretical chains that, sometimes, get close and, sometimes, far. It is an exploratory study which proposes to sum up, through a map, the key-approaches found in the researches in Communication, indicating particularities regarding these studies and what distinguish Communication when deals with researches regarding theses thematic.

Communication research; Religion; Consumption; Cartography; Academic production

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