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Letter from the editor in chief

This is my last issue as Editor in Chief of JBCS, having coordinated its creation and consolidation, with the invaluable help of the editorial board and the countless anonymous reviewers. Since its first issue (July 1994), JBCS has published both special issues in emerging research areas and, lately, papers submitted in a regular basis or selected from among the 14 symposia organized by the Brazilian Computer Society. Almost all of these symposia have had a least one paper published in some issue of JBCS, thus providing a sample of state-of-the-art research conducted in Brazil in several areas. In these six years as Editor, I received submissions from over 20 countries, with a large concentration of papers from Brazil (around 40%), the US, Germany and France (another 40%). I am glad to say that nowadays the Journal is subscribed by most undergraduate and graduate Computer Science libraries in Brazil, thanks to the increasing penetration of the Brazilian Computer Society in the academic milieu.

Special thanks are due to the Editorial Support Program of the Brazilian agencies FINEP and CNPq, which provided the main source of financing for the Journal. I also thank the staff of SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) of FAPESP, that has made JBCS one of the first Brazilian periodicals to be available online, thereby extending its readership to the Web. I must finally acknowledge the thorough work of the SBC secretarial staff, who has managed the complicated logistics of its distribution.

Rather than publishing regular papers, I chose to include in my last issue as an Editor five award quality papers of recent Brazilian symposia (year 2000). Each of these papers was selected as the best paper of a symposium by the respective program committees. My thanks to all these committees who managed to answer my request, for this issue in a timely manner.

The first one, by Castro, Alencar and Cysneiros, was selected as the best paper of the XIV Brazilian Software Engineering Symposium. The second paper, by Camara et al, was selected by the committee of the II Brazilian Geoinformatics Workshop. It is followed by the paper by Souza, Prates and Carey, from the III Man-Machine Interfaces Symposium. The fourth paper, by Possas, Meira, Carvalho and Rezende, won the José Mauro Castilho award of the XV Brazilian Database Symposium, and will also appear in ACM SIGMOD Record of December 2000. The last paper, by Gonçalves, Rezende and Duarte, was chosen by the program committee of the XIV Computer Networks Symposium. All in all, they give a good idea of the variety of themes and research conducted in the respective fields in Brazil.

I wish the new editor, Marco Antonio Casanova, of Puc-Rio, the best of luck in his editorial work.

Claudia Bauzer Medeiros

Editor in Chief

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    31 Jan 2001
  • Date of issue
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - UFRGS, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9500, B. Agronomia, Caixa Postal 15064, 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil, Tel. / Fax: (55 51) 316.6835 - Campinas - SP - Brazil