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An active service for multicast video distribution


This paper proposes a service for multicast video distribution based on the active network paradigm. Active nodes can provide soft-state and perform customized computations on a per-user or per-application basis. These functionalities allow the deployment of an efficient and flexible service that can dynamically adjusts itself to the bandwidth availability. The source learns about the best transmission rate of the video by receiving feedback messages from receivers.A fusion mechanism is used to prevent feedback-message implosion.Simulation results show that a capsule filtering level of 96% can be achieved by using the fusion mechanism.

video distribution; active networks; multicast; adaptive service

An Active Service for Multicast Video Distribution

Paulo André da Silva Gonçalves , José Ferreira de Rezende and Otto Carlos Muniz Bandeira Duarte

Grupo de Teleinformática e Automação - GTA

Programa de Engenharia Elétrica – COPPE

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Cx. P. 68504 - 21945-970 - Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brazil

{apaulo, rezende, otto}


This paper proposes a service for multicast video distribution based on the active network paradigm. Active nodes can provide soft-state and perform customized computations on a per-user or per-application basis. These functionalities allow the deployment of an efficient and flexible service that can dynamically adjusts itself to the bandwidth availability. The source learns about the best transmission rate of the video by receiving feedback messages from receivers.A fusion mechanism is used to prevent feedback-message implosion.Simulation results show that a capsule filtering level of 96% can be achieved by using the fusion mechanism.

Keywords: video distribution, active networks, multicast, adaptive service.

1 Introduction

Broadcast and cable TV systems are characterized by the transmission of a fixed-bandwidth video signal to homogeneous receivers. Aside from the signal-to-noise ratio available at each receiver, all receivers experience the same video quality. On the other hand, video distribution over the Internet has distinct characteristics[1,2,3]. First, video information is packetized and packets are routed hop-by-hop from source to receivers. Second, the network bandwidth is dynamically shared by several concurrent applications. Finally, receivers differ in processing capacities and available bandwidth along their individual path from the source. In addition, the Internet makes interactivity easier while allowing users to receive information with respect to their own interest. Therefore, new applications for video distribution over the Internet must offer different quality levels and allow receivers to specify their individual video quality requirements.

Approaches based on layered or hierarchical coding are the most used to distribute video with different quality levels. In the layered coding scheme, the video signal is encoded into one or more layers of different priorities. The highest priority layer, called base layer, provides a basic level of quality. To refine incrementally this quality, enhancement layers with progressively lower priorities are encoded. A variety of proposals for multicasting layered video can be found in the literature [1, 4, 5].

A novel paradigm in network architectures, called active networks [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] has recently been proposed. An active network is an intelligent network that supports dynamic modification of its behavior as seen by users. Applications can perform customized computations into the network by injecting their programs embedded in packets called capsules. While allowing on-the-fly customizations to meet application needs, active networks can provide a much more flexible network architecture [11, 12, 13].

Based on this new paradigm, we propose an active and adaptive service for multicast video distribution. Customized computations into the network permit the service to adapt to the available bandwidth on the paths from the source to the receivers. Furthermore, the service uses a single multicast tree for distributing layered video and it prevents receivers from interfering with each other when they attempt to receive a better video quality. Feedback capsules from receivers inform the source about the best video transmission rate. To prevent feedback-capsule implosion, a fusion mechanism is used. We also evaluate the performance of this mechanism.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the proposed active service. Section 3 presents the implemented protocol. Simulation results are presented in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.

2 The Active Service

The proposed service is based on a receiver-driven approach in which receivers decide the video quality that they are willing to receive. Because of its flexibility, the service adjusts itself to the available bandwidth and the individual requests made by receivers. Receivers are able to connect/disconnect from the service as many times as they want and anytime during a session.

The offered active service enhances characteristics provided by the RLM (Receiver-driven Layered Multicast) [5] protocol that is based on the passive network paradigm. In the RLM, each layer is sent out on a single multicast tree identified by different multicast addresses. Thus, each receiver can subscribe to a number of layers that can be supported by its individual path from the source. To improve the current video quality, a receiver must carry out an experiment by subscribing to the next layer and measuring packet loss. If the loss rate exceeds a threshold, the receiver concludes that there is no available bandwidth and unsubscribes to the experimented enhancement layer. Since these experiments may incur in network congestion and thus impacting losses, receivers will interfere with each other. Furthermore, establishing multiple multicast trees, one for each video layer, means to keep more states at routers. This has the side effect of limiting the number of layers that the network can support and thus decreasing the quality granularity offered to the receivers.

Our service requires a layered video source with QoS (Quality of Service) dynamic control, i.e. the source generates an on-demand and controlled number of layers. The source learns about the best video transmission rate by periodically receiving feedback capsules from receivers. In this manner, the source is able to add or remove layers in order to generate a number of layers suitable for a range of path characteristics and provide a service that best meets the receiver’s needs.

Video data capsules carry the video information of each layer. The routing of these capsules is aided by forwarding pointers in the soft-state provided by active nodes. A video data capsule routes itself along paths that lead to interested receivers only if the bandwidth availability permits.

Figure 1 illustrates the active service when three layers are encoded, at 1 Mbps each, by the video source. Link capacities and the video quality desired by each receiver are presented in this figure. All receivers, except the fourth, receive a number of layers suitable to the available network bandwidth. Although the fourth receiver could receive the second enhancement layer, it is only receiving its desired video quality of 2 Mbps, that is, the base layer and the first enhancement layer. Each receiver can attempt to increase its received video quality by using the quality adjustment scale at its own convenience. The upper bound on the scale is related to the processing capacity of the receiver in decoding video. Suppose that the third receiver disconnects from the service. Then the source will only generate two layers to avoid waste of network bandwidth.

3 The Active Protocol

The proposed active protocol has five types of capsules: subscribe/maintenance, availability, video data, end-of-session, and unsubscribe. Receivers use the unsubscribe capsule to disconnect themselves from the service. The source indicates to the receivers that it has no more data to transmit by sending an end-of-session capsule. The function of the other capsules will be presented throughout this section.

3.1 Subscribe/Maintenance Capsules

The function of the subscribe/maintenance capsules is the construction and maintenance of a multicast distribution tree. Receivers interested in the video reception must periodically send these capsules towards the source. Once the capsule goes towards the source, it installs forwarding pointers in the soft-state to permit video data capsules to know the paths that lead to receivers. Figure 2 illustrates this idea.

Subscribe/maintenance capsules must periodically refresh forwarding pointers installed in the soft-state provided by active nodes. To avoid subscribe/maintenance capsule implosion, customized computations into the network are performed. These computations filter unnecessary capsules, in such a way that only one subscribe/maintenance capsule traverses the complete path to the source [14, 15, 10].

3.2 Availability Capsules

To aid the routing of video data capsules, the availability capsules construct an availability table at each node they pass through. The node's auxiliary table contains a list of the maximum video transmission rate through each outgoing interface belonging to the multicast tree. The availability capsules also construct at each node, except at the receivers, an auxiliary table related to the availability table. From the standpoint of a node, these tables contain both the desired video quality by downstream neighbor nodes belonging to the multicast tree and a reference to the interface that allows to reach each of these neighbors.

Figure 3(a) shows how these tables are constructed due to the connection of the first receiver (A) to the service. Nodes have been numbered with respect to the standpoint of this receiver. Each node has an identifier indicated inside it. Each link capacity is indicated on the respective link. Immediately after sending the first subscribe/maintenance capsule, the receiver sends an availability capsule that carries its desired video quality Q. This information is carried in a capsule header field (TX) and is expressed in terms of bandwidth. The receiver's availability table only contains one entry that informs the parameter Q. Upon reaching n1, the capsule constructs an auxiliary table. This table contains an entry that is a compound of the identifier of the previous node visited by the capsule, the TX value carried by the capsule and the interface that permits to reach the previous node. Next, the capsule verifies the available bandwidth for the video on the link to the previous node. The capsule assigns in the node's availability table the minimum value between the available bandwidth for the video and the indicated quality in the auxiliary table. The capsule updates its TX field with this minimum value and follows to the next node. The same algorithm is performed when the capsule passes through n2 and n3. Upon receiving the capsule, the source knows exactly how many layers to generate in order to better serve the receiver.

Figure 3(b) illustrates how the second receiver (E) connects to service. Both receivers A and E are interconnected to node B through the same interface and they have the same available bandwidth to receive video. Node numbering is related to the standpoint of the receiver E. After constructing the availability table in E, the availability capsule sent by the receiver reaches n1 carrying in the TX field the video quality desired by E. A new entry into the availability table that contains the tuple {if1, E, 6 Mbps} is added. The new value of the maximum video transmission rate on interface 1 is computed as the minimum value between the available bandwidth for video on the link to receiver E and the maximum value among all qualities related to interface 1 in the auxiliary table. The field TX is updated with this computed value and the capsule follows to n2. At this node, the entry in the auxiliary table is updated with the TX value. Next, it is computed the minimum value between the available bandwidth for the video and the value in the auxiliary table field labeled quality. The entry in the availability table as well as the TX field are updated with this information, and next, the capsule follows to n3. The steps executed in order to update the tables at this node are the same described above.

From the standpoint of node B, its auxiliary table contains the desired quality by each receiver connected to the service. From the standpoint of node C, its auxiliary table contains the quality desired by node B. Thus, more precisely, the auxiliary table contains the desired quality by each downstream neighbor node that belongs to the multicast tree.

Figure 3(c) illustrates the receiver G connecting to the service. The algorithm performed to construct the tables on n0 and n1 follows the same steps described above. In particular, note that the interface 2 of the node n2 is now included into its tables. Upon reaching n2, the availability capsule adds a new entry into the auxiliary table. This entry represents the quality desired by the neighbor node F, which is reachable through interface 2. The new entry in the availability table is computed as the minimum value between the bandwidth availability for the video on the link to the previous node F and the value of quality related to interface 2 in the auxiliary table. That is, the minimum value between 10 Mbps and 8 Mbps. Entries related to interface 1 are not considered. With the new information about the interface 2 in the availability table, the capsule updates its TX field with the maximum value observed in this table and follows to n3. Note that, in this case, data related to all interfaces in the availability table were considered.

Figure 4 summarizes the relationship among entries in the auxiliary table, entries in the availability table, and the information placed in the TX field of a capsule sent to the next node towards the source. Each entry in the availability table is obtained by comparing a subset of entries in the auxiliary table with the available bandwidth for the video on the link reachable through the interface related to this subset of entries. All entries in the availability table are taken into account in order to compute the value set in the TX field of the capsule.

More generally, the algorithm performed to add or update an entry in the auxiliary table follows equation 1.

where i is the incoming interface of the capsule, represents, from the standpoint of the node n, the quality desired by the node n-1, which is reachable through interface i. The value carried in the TX field of a capsule upon leaving node n-1 is represented by TXn-1.

The algorithm performed to add or update an entry in the availability table follows equation 2.

where i is the incoming interface of the capsule, represents the available bandwidth for video on the link that is reachable through interface i of the node n. If n ³ 1, represents the maximum video transmission rate on the link reached through interface i. Otherwise, it represents the quality Q desired by the receiver. The number of auxiliary table entries related to interface i is represented by s (i). Values from to represent entries related to interface i in the auxiliary table field labeled quality in the node n.

Equation 3 gives the value of the field TX in the capsule that will go towards the source.

where Q is the video quality, in terms of bandwidth, desired by the receiver. TXn represents the TX field value in the availability capsule header upon the capsule leaving node n. The number of entries in the availability table is represented by q . Values from to represent entries in the field labeled maximum rate in the availability table of node n.

3.2.1 The Feedback Mechanism

A feedback mechanism is used in order to keep the video source updated about the better video transmission rate. Thus, all receivers must periodically send availability capsules towards the source. Note that interactivity among source and receivers is achieved since the source can adjust itself according to the information carried by the capsules. This information represents, straightforwardly or indirectly, the desired video quality by each receiver or the video quality supported by the network. Quality adjustments carried out by receivers are automatically placed into the new availability capsules that go towards the source.

3.2.2 The Fusion Mechanism

The drawback of periodically sending availability capsules towards the source is twofold. First, updates in the availability and auxiliary tables will be uncoordinated, and second, the source will be prone to feedback-capsule implosion.

Figure 5 gives an idea about the first drawback. In this figure, an active node has two incoming interfaces of availability capsules. There are four entries related to interface 1 and two related to interface 2 in its auxiliary table. Capsules from the indicated nodes in the table arrive through these interfaces. Each capsule updates its respective entry in the auxiliary and availability tables, carrying to the next node the maximum value observed in the availability table. Considering that these capsules arrive at the node in a short time period, the update of these tables will be uncoordinated. Each capsule will perform its function and follow to the next node, without regarding near incoming capsules. Furthermore, by considering this short time period, only the last capsule will carry the most updated information.

In order to solve the problems described above, a fusion mechanism is used. The fusion of availability capsules occurs according to the following conditions: (1) at least one availability capsule related to each entry in the auxiliary table has arrived; (2) the fusion timer has expired. Figure 6(a) illustrates the first condition. One capsule related to each entry in the auxiliary table has arrived at the node before the expiration of the fusion timer. In this case, on the last expected capsule arrival, entries in the auxiliary table related to each cached capsule are updated according to equation 1. Next, based on equation 2, the availability table is completely updated and only one availability capsule follows to the next node, carrying in TX the result given by equation 3. To update an availability table entry, at least one capsule from the interface related to this entry must be in the node's cache. Figure 6(b) illustrates the second condition. In this case, availability capsules related to only two entries in the auxiliary table have arrived. After the expiration of the fusion timer, the respective auxiliary table entry for each cached capsule is updated following equation 1. Upon finishing these updates, based on equation 2, the entries in the availability table are updated. Next, only one capsule follows to the next node carrying in TX the result of equation 3 . If more than one capsule related to the same auxiliary table entry arrives before the expiration of the fusion timer, then the previous cached capsule is dropped. Thus, only the most updated information will be used during the fusion.

3.3 Video Data Capsules

A video data capsule uses the information in its TX field and the information in the availability table to make routing decisions. Such decisions include dropping itself, and reproducing or deploying copies of itself on the appropriate outgoing interfaces. In order to aid a capsule to make such decisions, the source assigns the field TX of each video data capsule with the cumulative rate for the layer that the capsule belongs to, that is, the field TX is assigned according to the following rule:

where c is the layer that the capsule belongs to, TCi denotes the rate of the ith layer and N is the maximum number of layer that the source can generate.

Upon arriving at a node, the video data capsule checks whether there is soft-state for its multicast group. If there is no soft-state, then the capsule drops itself, otherwise, it verifies in the availability table if the maximum rate on each interface is greater than or equal to the value placed in its TX field. If true, the capsule follows through this interface. If more than one interface respect this condition, the video data capsule must reproduce or deploy copies of itself on these interfaces. If there are no interfaces that respect this condition, then the capsule drops itself. Thus, with the mechanism for constructing and maintaining the multicast tree combined with the filtering performed by video data capsules, the service eliminates the need for establishing multiple trees for multicasting layered video. There is only a single multicast tree that is traversed by base layer capsules. Capsules of each enhancement layer can traverse all or some branches of this tree.

With the mechanism for constructing and updating the availability tables combined with the filtering performed by the video data capsules, receivers get a number of layers according to the characteristic of their individual path from the source and their desired video quality Q.

4 Results

The proposed active service was implemented in the ns-2 simulator [16,17]. The basic support to active networks developed in [10] was used. New agents, new types of capsules, the fusion mechanism, and mechanisms for monitoring and estimating the available bandwidth on links were implemented.

Figure 7 shows the network model used to evaluate the performance of the fusion mechanism. Link capacities are 10 Mbps. Each link delay was randomly chosen uniformly on the interval [1, 10] ms. The timeout interval of the fusion timer was set to 100 ms. The start-time of each receiver was randomly chosen uniformly on the interval [0, 10] s. Each simulation was run for 100 seconds. Results presented throughout this section have a confidence interval of 90%.

Figure 8 shows how the filtering level of availability capsules varies with the sending interval of these capsules. The filtering level is defined as the percentage of the total number of availability capsules suppressed into the network. The curve shows an availability capsule filtering level from 91% to 96%. The maximum filtering levels are observed when the sending interval of the availability capsules is less than 25 ms, or equal to or half of the timeout interval of the fusion timer.

Figure 9 shows how the fusions occur into the network as the sending interval of availability capsules is varied.The result shows that when the sending interval is less than 25 ms, or equal to or half of the timeout interval of the fusion timer, the majority of the fusions occurs due to the arrival of the expected capsule related to each auxiliary table entry. It means that table updates are much more coordinated and the information received by the source better represents the bandwidth availability of the multicast tree rather than the bandwidth availability of some branches.

Figure 10 shows the behavior of the average interval arrivals of availability capsules at the source according to the availability capsule sending interval. This result shows that when the sending interval is less than 25 ms, or equal to or half of the timeout interval of the fusion timer, the average interval arrivals of availability capsules is almost the same of the sending interval of the availability capsules specified at receivers.

As a final result, Figure 11 shows the percentage of availability capsule replacements for a range of availability capsule sending intervals. Replacements are only considered at the first intermediate node, from receiver to source, that has more than one entry in its auxiliary table. This result shows the waste of availability capsules sent by receiver. The curve shows that less than 0.06% of availability capsules are replaced when the sending interval is 10 ms. As this interval increases, this percentage reduces, becoming zero from the sending interval of 100 ms.

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we have presented an active service for multicast video distribution. Receivers can change their video quality requirements as many times as they want and anytime during a session. Requests posed by receivers are accepted depending only on the bandwidth availability. In contrast with the service provided by the RLM protocol, the proposed active service avoids the interference caused by a receiver that attempts to receive a better video quality. Furthermore, the active service achieves a layered video distribution using a single multicast tree. This result is a consequence of the mechanism for constructing and maintaining the multicast tree associated with the filtering performed by video data capsules. The performance of the fusion mechanism results on a high level of capsule filtering, from 91% to 96%, which makes evident the scalability of the service.


This work was supported by UFRJ, FUJB, CNPq, CAPES, COFECUB, FAPERJ and REENGE.

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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    31 Jan 2001
  • Date of issue
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