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Language practices in the classroom as revealing changes in teacher’s professionalism


This article reflects upon the importance of analyzing teacher-student interactions as part of the teacher's professionalism, projecting their ability to guide a predetermined teaching project (BRONCKART, 2006). In other words, it can be modified by the possibilities of co-constructing knowledge in the classroom during the course of his/her action. In order to show this movement, it presents extracts of interactions with one of the teachers who participate in a cooperative service education project. By re-signifying the concept of language in their practices of interaction with students, that means, in their real/accomplished work (GUIMARÃES et al., 2012), she reveals an articulation between what she has learnt during the project and her professional practice, which is specially noticed in the constant practice of revoicing (O'CONNOR; MICHAELS, 1996). As a result, the necessity of projects that rethink Portuguese Language teaching in a process that emphasizes the importance of teacher-student interactions is highlighted.

Mother tongue; Teaching; Interaction; Teacher action

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