The purpose of this review study was to analyze the contents and dimensions covered in research on Physical Education in elementary education, published in the main Brazilian journals in the area of Physical Education in the period ranging from 2010 to 2019. For this, a search was performed in each volume and number of journals in the respective period. The results revealed the thematization of a diversity of contents, such as sports, games, fights, gymnastics, dances, body adventure practices, and contemporary themes (health, leisure, work). Studies have shown that sports content was prevalent, especially those related to invasion sports. In addition, most of the studies analyzed emphasized the procedural dimension, followed by studies that addressed the three dimensions of content.
Keywords: Contents; Elementary School; Physical Education.
O objetivo deste estudo de revisão foi analisar os conteúdos e as dimensões abordadas nas pesquisas sobre a Educação Física no ensino fundamental, publicadas nos principais periódicos brasileiros da área da Educação Física no período de 2010 a 2019. Para tanto, realizou-se uma busca em cada volume e número dos periódicos no respectivo período. Os resultados revelaram a tematização de uma diversidade de conteúdos, tais como esportes, brincadeiras e jogos, lutas, ginásticas, danças, práticas corporais de aventura e temas contemporâneos (saúde, lazer, trabalho). Os estudos demonstraram que os conteúdos esportivos foram predominantes, principalmente aqueles relacionados aos esportes de invasão. Além disso, a maior parte dos estudos analisados enfatizou a dimensão procedimental, seguidos de estudos que abordavam as três dimensões do conteúdo.
Palavras-chave Conteúdos; Ensino Fundamental; Educação Física.
El propósito de este estudio de revisión fue analizar los contenidos y las dimensiones que se abordaron en las investigaciones sobre Educación Física en Enseñanza Básica, publicadas en las principales revistas brasileñas del área de Educación Física en el periodo de 2010 a 2019. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda en cada volumen y número de las revistas en ese período. Los resultados revelaron la tematización de una diversidad de contenidos, como deportes, juegos, luchas, gimnasias, danzas, prácticas corporales de aventura y temas contemporáneos (salud, ocio, trabajo). Los estudios han demostrado que prevalecen los contenidos deportivos, especialmente los relacionados con los deportes de invasión. Además, la mayoría de los estudios analizados enfatiza la dimensión procedimental y, en segundo lugar, destacan los estudios que abordaron las tres dimensiones del contenido.
Palabras clave: Contenidos; Enseñanza Básica; Educación Física.
School Physical Education has been a recurring theme in current academic debates, contemplated both in review studies focused on elementary education (SILVA; SAMPAIO, 2012; TAVARES; WITTIZORECKI; MOLINA NETO, 2018) or in other stages of education (ARAÚJO; ROCHA; BOSSLE, 2017; MATOS et al., 2013), and in debates that seek to understand its state of the art (BETTI; FERRAZ; DANTAS, 2011), bringing the curriculum as the main theme (BOSCATTO; DARIDO, 2017; TAVARES; WITTIZORECKI; MOLINA NETO, 2018; FREIRE; BARRETO; WIGGERS, 2020). In addition to expanding the dialogues in the area, the studies highlight the trends that involve the context of School Physical Education (BRACHT et al., 2011, 2012; WIGGERS et al., 2015) and the covered content (SILVA; SAMPAIO, 2012; MATOS et al., 2013; ARAÚJO; ROCHA; BOSSLE, 2017).
Discussions on National Curriculum Parameters (PCNs) (SILVA; SAMPAIO, 2012; BRACHT et al., 2012; ARAÚJO; ROCHA; BOSSLE, 2017; TAVARES; WITTIZORECKI; MOLINA NETO, 2018; FREIRE; BARRETO; WIGGERS, 2020), that previously guided the school curriculum, and/or the discussions that comprised the National Curricular Common Base (BNCC) (BOSCATTO; DARIDO, 2017; FREIRE; BARRETO; WIGGERS, 2020), received important attention in review studies. Such records provide the necessary guidelines for the development of the curricular component of Physical Education in the school environment, as well as highlight the relevance of PCNs in the development of learning and teaching processes, enabling teachers to provide the sets of content that dimension Physical Education, namely sports, games, fights, gymnastics, rhythmic and expressive activities, and knowledge about the body.
In order to overcome the practice previously limited to “knowing how to do,” the PCNs sought, by expanding the discussion on the dimensions of content (conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal) to advance in “knowing how to be” and “knowing about” (BRASIL, 1997, 1998; DARIDO, 2005). Therefore, it is emphasized that the conceptual dimension (concepts, history, rules) encompasses “knowing about”, the procedural dimension (movements, fundamentals, techniques, tactics) comprises “knowing how to do,” and the attitudinal dimension (respect, cooperation, solidarity, and others) contemplates “knowing how to be” (ZABALA, 1998; COLL et al., 2000; DARIDO, 2005).
In the continuous search for integral formation, promotion of equality in the educational system and construction of a more just, democratic, and inclusive society, in 2015 the BNCC was prepared, being updated by the 2016 and 2018 versions. By replacing the PCNs, the BNCC comprises an important normative and flexible document that seeks to establish essential learning in each stage and teaching modality, aiming to guarantee the right to learning and development of students (BRASIL, 2018).
When contemplating games, sports, gymnastics, fights, dances, and adventure body practices, the BNCC calls these knowledges as thematic units, also understood by body practices seen “[…] as manifestations of expressive possibilities of subjects, produced by various social groups throughout history” (BRASIL, 2018, p. 213). Unlike PCNs, BNCC approaches content in eight dimensions (experimentation; use and appropriation; fruition; reflection on action; construction of values; analysis; understanding; and community leadership) which, in their essence, are related to the principles of the conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal dimensions (RUFINO; SOUZA NETO, 2016). At BNCC, the dimensions of knowledge experimentation, use and appropriation and enjoyment are related to the procedural dimension of the content; while the construction of values and community leadership are more intertwined with the attitudinal dimension and, in turn, reflection on action, analysis and understanding allude to the conceptual dimension (BRASIL, 2018). However, the need to be implemented in an integrated manner is highlighted.
One aspect to note is that in the most recent review studies focused on the content covered in School Physical Education classes (SILVA; SAMPAIO, 2012; MATOS et al., 2013; ARAÚJO; ROCHA; BOSSLE, 2017) in-depth analyzes were not observed on the content dimensions. Only one review addressed the nine years of elementary school (SILVA; SAMPAIO, 2012); the others being limited to short time frames (SILVA; SAMPAIO, 2012; MATOS et al., 2013; MALDONADO et al., 2014; BATISTA; MOURA, 2019) and focusing on methodological principles (ARAÚJO; ROCHA; BOSSLE, 2017). Thus, the following questions arose: What content is being addressed in the studies of Physical Education in Elementary School? Are conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal dimensions being explored?
Considering that elementary education is the longest educational stage in the formation of students and Physical Education must be present in the curriculum of all school years, there is a need for this period to obtain greater attention, both by schools, their pedagogical teams and educators, as well as researchers who produce and communicate science. In view of the above, the purpose of the review study was to analyze the content and dimensions addressed in research on Physical Education in elementary school, published in the main Brazilian journals in the Physical Education area from 2010 to 2019.
The review study, of a quantitative-qualitative and exploratory nature, was carried out using systematic review procedures for the search and selection of articles (VAN TULDER et al., 2003), as well as the use of bibliometric indicators, specifically the number and distribution of publications per year (SANCHO, 1990).
The search initially took place through access to the websites of the main Brazilian journals, indexed in international reference bases that include articles with a pedagogical and sociocultural approach to Physical Education. The consulted journals were: Movimento, Revista da Educação Física/UEM, Motriz, Revista Brasileira de Educação Física e Esporte (RBEFE), Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte (RBCE), Pensar a Prática, Motrivivência, and Revista Brasileira de Ciência e Movimento (RBCM). In addition to the credibility and recognition of these journals, the following selection criteria were adopted: Being a Brazilian journal; publish studies on Physical Education at School and have an extract equal to or greater than B2 (2013-2016 quadrennial) in the WebQualis system in the Physical Education area. The choice was also based on review studies previously conducted by Bracht et al. (2011), Wiggers et al. (2015) and Freire, Barreto and Wiggers (2020). The search for articles was carried out in each volume and number of journals selected and available from 2010 to 2019.
In the selection of articles, we identified one or more terms related to the theme in the title, abstract, or keywords, namely: Elementary school; School Physical Education; Physical Education; content (general and specific: games, sports, fights, dances, gymnastics, adventure practices); content dimensions (attitudinal, conceptual, and procedural) (Original, in Portuguese: ensino fundamental; Educação Física Escolar; Educação Física; conteúdos (jogos, esportes, lutas, danças, ginásticas, práticas de aventura); dimensões do conteúdo (atitudinal, conceitual, procedimental).
The following inclusion criteria were adopted: 1) empirical studies/original articles; 2) studies carried out in elementary school or in elementary school concomitantly with other stages of education; 3) studies related to the teaching of Physical Education; 4) full articles. As exclusion criteria, the following were adopted: 1) opinion articles, critical reviews, essay and systematic review; 2) researched context that does not consider Physical Education as a curricular component; 3) studies that prioritized evaluation, methodologies and strategies rather than content; 4) studies with emphasis on teacher training and training actions. The term “conteúdos” (content in English) was adopted to name the thematic units referred to by the BNCC. The initial search resulted in 141 articles, which were saved on a personal computer and organized in separate folders by journal for easy identification.
The search and selection procedures for the articles were carried out independently by three researchers from the pedagogical area of Physical Education and, in a second moment, the information was crossed to ensure the data eligibility. To analyze the discrepancies resulting from this process, a meeting was held to obtain consensus among the researchers (GOMES; CAMINHA, 2014), which resulted in the exclusion of 43 articles.
In the second stage, the articles were read in full, and nine studies were excluded because they did not meet the established criteria, which resulted in a total of 89 articles for analysis. The information was organized in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. To extract the information contained in each study selected in the first stage, the following categories were considered: Year of publication, journal, state in which the study was carried out, teaching stage, type of content investigated (games, sports, fights, gymnastics, dance, and adventure body practices) and content dimensions (procedural, attitudinal, conceptual).
The classification of the types of content covered in the studies was outlined according to the BNCC of elementary school (BRASIL, 2018). In addition to these classifications, two additional categories were elaborated, namely: Varied (for studies that emphasized more than two contents) and contemporary themes (understood in the BNCC as themes interconnected with everyday life, such as health, leisure, consumption, and work). Still in the categorization process, two articles that focused on circus activities, originally included in the Arts curriculum component, according to the BNCC, were grouped with studies on gymnastics, in view of the similarity between the body elements that make up these practices (balance, acrobatics, jumps). Studies that approached two contents at the same time, such as sports and contemporary themes or fights and sports, were categorized according to each content addressed, that is, in more than one content category, a procedure also adopted by Betti, Ferraz and Dantas (2011). Finally, a study that addressed “wheel sports” was classified in the category of adventure body practices, as according to the BNCC, skateboarding, biking, and skating, modalities addressed in this study, refer to these practices.
Regarding the categorization of content dimensions, in studies that did not present the terms explicitly, we sought to identify principles (concepts, history, rules, movements, fundamentals, techniques, tactics, respect, cooperation, solidarity, and others) that corresponded to the procedural, attitudinal, and conceptual dimensions, through the full reading of the texts. It is understood that the dimensions are integrated and not distinct; however, at certain times, one dimension may stand out in relation to the others (DARIDO, 2005), which made it possible, from a thorough reading, to categorize the studies according to the more emphasized dimensions.
The consultation carried out in the eight selected journals resulted in 89 articles published in the period from 2010 to 2019, which thematized the contents and their dimensions. The presentation of the results initially includes information on the number of articles published in each journal in the time period investigated, the teaching stage and the Brazilian states with the highest production of studies in this area. Subsequently, the School Physical Education content was addressed according to the year of publication and the stage of teaching, as well as the dimensions of the content in relation to the year of publication, the stage of teaching, and the types of content.
Table 1 shows the number of studies published on the topic investigated in each journal in the period 2010-2019. The results revealed that Movimento journal has the highest number of published articles (23.6%), followed by Pensar a Prática (18%), Motrivivência (14.6%), RBCM (12.3%), RBCE (11 .2%), Revista da Educação Física (9%), RBEFE (7.9%), and Motriz (3.4%). In the period 2015-2019, 54 articles were published, which represents a 54.2% growth compared to the previous period (2010-2014), with emphasis on the years 2015 and 2017.
Regarding the teaching stages, we found that 41.6% of the studies were carried out in the final years of elementary school, followed by 21.3% in the initial years. It is noteworthy that 15.7% indicated elementary school without specifying the years of education, 12.4% occurred jointly in elementary and high school, 5.7% simultaneously in the initial and final years, 2.2% in education kindergarten and elementary school, and only 1.1% simultaneously integrating kindergarten, elementary and high school.
In relation to the Brazilian states, São Paulo stands out with the largest number of developed studies (30.3%), followed by Rio Grande do Sul (14.6%) and Espírito Santo (8.9%).
The analysis of the characterization of the content covered (Graph 1) shows the predominance of sports content, corresponding to 31.8% of the articles, of which 48.3% emphasized invasion sports, 24.1% the varied category, 17, 2% net/wall sports, 10.3% branded sports, 3.4% field and club sports, and 3.4% technical-combinational sports.
Among the invasion sports, studies on basketball, handball, soccer and futsal predominated. Volleyball was the most discussed net sport, while athletics was highlighted in branded sports. Only one article addressed field and bat sports, specifically batting skills, and another article addressed technical-combinational sports, namely artistic gymnastics. In general, the other contents suggested by the BNCC (games, dance, fights, gymnastics, and adventure body practices) were identified in the articles, as well as studies addressing contemporary themes.
Considering the distribution of the content characterization in relation to the years of publication (Table 2), we observed that in the first five-year period (2010-2014) there was a greater balance in the production of articles with an emphasis on different contents, when compared to the second five-year period (2015). -2019), denoting the sharp growth of studies on sports content (162.5%).
Regarding the characterization of the contents, considering the teaching stages, initial years and final years, only 69 articles were included in the categorization, as they explicitly indicate the years of elementary school covered. Still at this stage, the articles that simultaneously addressed the initial and final years, as well as those that presented two contents concomitantly, were classified twice according to each year of teaching and content covered. The results indicate that games were the most discussed content in the early years (26.6%), while sport was the most investigated content in the final years of elementary school (44.0%). Subsequently, sports for the early years appeared more frequently (23.3%) and articles that address more than two contents, entitled “varied,” for the final years (20.0%).
In the analysis of the content dimensions (Graph 2), we found that 38.2% of the studies analyzed emphasized the procedural dimension and 25.8% the three dimensions of content.
The results of the analysis on the distribution of content dimensions in the period 2010-2019 (Table 3) revealed that the conceptual and attitudinal dimensions remained stable throughout the investigated period.
In addition, based on Graph 2, the exponential increase in the number of publications involving the three dimensions of content from 2015 is highlighted, representing an increase of 183.3%, with the highest peak of publications identified in the respective year.
Regarding the classification of content dimensions considering the teaching stages, 69 articles were included because they explicitly indicate the years of elementary school covered. In particular, in this analysis it was possible to verify that the procedural dimension was predominant in the initial years of elementary school (53.3%), followed by the integrated approach of the three dimensions (23.3%). The approach of the three integrated dimensions, in turn, was predominant in the final years of elementary school (40.0%), followed by the procedural dimension (32.0%).
Considering the dimensions in relation to the contents (Graph 3), we observed that the procedural dimension is the most emphasized in sports, dances, gymnastics, and in the varied category, while the integration of the three dimensions predominated in contemporary themes. In addition, it is noteworthy that the fights and adventure body practices presented an equity of articles that emphasized the dimensions of the analyzed content.
The evidence revealed that most studies on the investigated theme were published in the journal Movimento, which may be associated with the quality of the journal and the appreciation of the academic community. In addition to its indexation in international reference bases, the four-monthly periodicity in the years 2009-2018 and the possibility of publication in four languages (Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French) seem to favor the high demand for submissions.
Regarding the investigated context, the state of São Paulo concentrated most of the selected studies, followed by the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which reinforce the Southeast and South regions as central axes in the development of research in the national territory. Similarly, Wiggers et al. (2015) verified in a review study - when analyzing the same journals of the present research - the same prominence of the Southeast and South regions. This circumstance is pointed out in the literature by the high number of research groups in sociocultural studies identified in the respective regions (SCHIMITT; BATAGLION; MAZO, 2020), in addition to the hegemony of the Southeast Region due to the high number of registered higher education institutions, representing more half of the share of the country's gross domestic product, and making it understandable, according to Oliveira et al. (2015), the concentration of research groups in the regions of the country with the highest socioeconomic index.
Regarding characterization, sports content indicates a higher frequency in the number of publications when compared to other content, and this trend is reinforced in recent review studies (SILVA; SAMPAIO, 2012; MATOS et al., 2013; ARAÚJO; ROCHA; BOSSLE, 2017). This panorama can be justified by the focus and scope in the sports area of some investigated journals (RBCE, RBEFE, and RBCM), the historical tradition of Physical Education (DARIDO et al., 2001; DARIDO, 2005), and the existence of numerous sports modalities (DARIDO, 2011) that enhance this scenario.
Over the 2015-2019 period, there was a significant increase in published studies, especially in relation to sports content. Possibly, this is due to the two major events that took place in the country, such as the FIFA World Cup (Fédération Internationale de Football Association), held in 2014 and the Olympic Games held in 2016. Araújo, Rocha and Bossle (2017) corroborate, highlighting the influence of mega-events in promoting sports research productions carried out and published in the country. Another point to be highlighted was the elaboration of the first version of the BNCC, made available in 2015, which gave greater prominence to sports content to the detriment of others, establishing a new organization for this specific content (invasion sports, net/wall sports, brand, field and bat, combat, precision, and technical combinatorial).
Among the sports content, we found that invasion sports were predominant, especially basketball, followed by handball, futsal, and soccer. It is believed that the predominance of basketball studies may be related to the number of researchers in the area who have some connection with the sport. Although an in-depth analysis of the authors' curriculum was not carried out, we noticed that most of the researchers had been athlete/coach/basketball player.
Although football has significant space and time in Brazilian media when compared to other sports, it is believed that the emphasis on basketball identified in the studies may also be related to the increasing media openness to this modality. This scenario had already been pointed out by authors in the area for more than ten years (PAES; BALBINO, 2009), and which may have been enhanced by the renewal of contracts with Brazilian broadcast TV for the transmission of games in the main international basketball competition, the National Basketball Association (NBA), a fact that reinforces and helps to popularize the sport.
According to the International Basketball Federation - FIBA (2013), approximately 450 million people play the sport in the 213 countries affiliated to the Federation. Recently, in the investigation Rank of sports by Ibope Repucom (2019), the rise of basketball in television broadcasts was pointed out, occupying the third position among the sports with the most space in the national television context. Furthermore, it should be noted that the major national and international leagues have fostered the popularity of the sport, such as Novo Basquete Brasil (NBB), the country's main national competition, which recently completed ten years; and the NBA, which in the 2017-2018 season had the participation of 108 international players from 42 countries, with television broadcasting of the games to more than 90 countries.
Although basketball, handball, futsal, and football present a greater number of studies in invasion sports, there is a need to expand investigations to include sports from different cultural perspectives, such as rugby, American football, hockey, lacrosse, and frisbee, which are usually little present or absent in the school context, consequently causing “restriction to access to the culture produced by society during the schooling period regarding their experience after the training stage” (SILVA; SAMPAIO, 2012, p. 116) , and in the scientific agenda, which prevents the renewal, construction and reconstruction of new perceptions, findings, strategies, and ideas for the field of Physical Education in the school environment. Furthermore, it is reinforced that such content is approached and investigated in a critical and reflective perspective, aiming to overcome the findings of the review study by Medeiros et al. (2018) on sports in School Physical Education, which revealed that this content has been implemented predominantly associated with the ideas of training, performance, and competitiveness.
Adventure body practices were found in the studies, although to a lesser extent. The interest of researchers on the subject, considering the period analyzed (2010-2019), differed from the trend revealed in the review by Silva and Sampaio (2012), which covered the period from 1997 to 2010, as well as the study by Matos et al. (2013) on the period from 1981 to 2010, which did not find studies addressing the body practices of adventure in the school context. However, when considering the recent enactment of the BNCC, and understanding that adventure body practices correspond to one of the thematic units of School Physical Education, the transformation of this context is idealized by a scenario in which teachers and researchers give due space to the adventure body practices.
Contemporary themes in Physical Education classes, such as health, leisure, work, and consumption, were also found in the studies, but with little expressive amount. It is believed that the recommendations provided in the national curriculum documents for Basic Education may justify the interest in the subject. In fact, the PCNs (BRASIL, 1998) already pointed out the importance of discussing and reflecting on topics such as ethics, cultural plurality, environment and sexual orientation in the teaching stages. However, the BNCC (BRASIL, 2018) expanded the possibilities, covering topics such as financial education, the rights of children and adolescents, traffic education, the education of ethnic-racial relations, the teaching of Afro-Brazilian, African, and indigenous history and culture, among others.
One aspect to highlight is that, although the importance of reflection and debate on these themes (adventure practices, contemporary themes, fights, dances, gymnastics) is clarified, the publications are still incipient, a fact that is evidenced in other review studies on certain contents, as in gymnastics (CARBINATTO et al., 2016; MOREIRA et al., 2020; OLIVEIRA; BARBOSA-RINALDI; PIZANI, 2020), in fights (GASPAROTTO; SANTOS, 2013; MOURA et al., 2019), and in adventure practices(GONÇALVES et al., 2020). Thus, two scenarios can be suggested: What is performed at schools directly reflects on scientific production and consequently impacts on the teaching, research, and extension triad in universities; or maybe the scientific evidence still neglects the existing gaps and does not communicate the real needs for those who live the school routine. Therefore, Betti, Ferraz and Dantas (2011) point to the need to develop research to meet the didactic-pedagogical needs of some content, such as fights, dances, and gymnastics. It is understood that the sport is a social phenomenon and Physical Education does not only comprise this content, in the same way that it is not limited solely to movement, because it is associated with other dimensions related to values and concepts.
Regarding the investigated contents and the respective years of elementary school, we found that in the early years there was a predominance of games, while in the final years, sports content. We believe that, instead of the predominance of certain contents in the initial and final years, as investigative themes or as research findings perceived in the school context, there should be a greater scope and balance of contents addressed (MERIDA; MERIDA, 2013; SILVA et al., 2020) and investigated.
As for the content dimensions, the predominance of the procedural dimension stands out, especially in the second five-year period of the investigated period, in studies related to the early years of elementary school, and in research that thematized sports, dances, gymnastics, and the varied category. The procedural dimension is associated with the historical trajectory of Physical Education, in which “knowing how to do” guarantees its leadership to the detriment of “knowing how to be” and “knowing about” (DARIDO et al., 2001; DARIDO, 2005). According to the guiding educational documents, Physical Education in the school context aims at the insertion of the student in the sphere of the body culture of movement, the development of citizenship, the construction of values, respect for differences, the fight against prejudice of any nature, and understanding the insertion of content in the sociocultural context (BRASIL, 1997, 1998, 2018). Thus, it is understood that Physical Education aims at teaching and learning beyond movement through movement (DARIDO, 2005, 2011; SILVA; SAMPAIO, 2012). Therefore, we believe that the research and school scenario need to reorganize their interventions, covering the content dimensions in a balanced way, so that they can contribute to the real objectives of the area.
The results also showed that in the final years there was an emphasis on the approach of the three dimensions, mainly related to contemporary themes, in addition to the increase of publications focusing on the three content dimensions, especially in 2015. Corroborating this, recent review studies (ARAÚJO; ROCHA; BOSSLE, 2017; BOSCATTO; DARIDO, 2017) point to a trend of investigations in the search for advances in theoretical-methodological assumptions and innovative proposals in an attempt to contribute to the systematization of teaching content in order to overcome the "know-how" in Physical Education classes.
The panorama presented in this review assumes that research is not being guided by the needs and gaps in the scope of School Physical Education, a trend already pointed out by Bracht et al. (2012) when analyzing the theme in national journals between 1980 and 2010. Therefore, we understand that there is a need to redirect the look to the needs of the area, specifically for the contents and dimensions little explored, in order to contribute to the development and improvement of School Physical Education.
In this review, using the established criteria, we found articles on sports, dances, fights, games, contemporary themes, adventure bodily practices, and varied (category created for studies that covered more than two contents). Although all these contents are part of the curricular component of Physical Education and, as this is structured and organized by documents that guide Brazilian education, articles on sports content predominated.
Another point to be highlighted was the presence, although incipient, of investigations addressing the bodily practices of adventure, which until then had not been observed in reviews carried out in the area, as well as studies addressing contemporary themes related to health, leisure, work, and consumption.
Regarding the content dimensions, although the procedural dimension was still the most revealed, there was also the presence of articles that were concerned with approaching the three dimensions of content, seeking to overcome the historical trajectory of School Physical Education based only on the "know how to do".
With the predominance of sports and procedural dimension content, we understood that there is a need to expand the investigative themes, especially to contemplate those contents and dimensions that are little present or absent in School Physical Education. We do not expect sports content to be forgotten or eliminated but expanded to other cultural perspectives to minimize the frequent leadership of traditional sports. The procedural dimension cannot be annulled or neglected either, given that movement is fundamental in the area of Physical Education. Thus, by being allied to the other dimensions, it can redefine the implementation and guide the objectives of the School Physical Education research lines.
This research made it possible to broaden the perspectives for a period of time with no investigation; allowed analyzing a teaching stage in its entirety, more specifically, the nine years of elementary school, and identified the dimensions or set of dimensions most addressed in each of the contents of School Physical Education. Therefore, this research essentially adopted a diagnostic character that could contribute and subsidize further research in the area.
As a study limitation, we point to the incipient discussion of the findings with the dimensions of knowledge of the BNCC, since most of the studies obtained in this review were performed in the period prior to its enactment. In addition, considering the diagnostic character of this investigation, the importance of other reviews on the subject is highlighted, contemplating in-depth analyzes regarding the results revealed here.
We recommend new studies emphasizing the three dimensions of the content, not limited to sports content, but especially including dances, fights, gymnastics, and adventure body practices, which need to expand their spaces and times in the scientific field and in the school context. Future research should seek to analyze other stages of teaching, as well as the approach of the dimensions of knowledge, reported in the BNCC, in the school context, and also in scientific productions.
FUNDINGThe present study was performed with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil (CAPES) - Funding Code 001.
RESEARCH ETHICSThe research followed the protocols in force in Resolutions 466/12 and 510/2016 of the National Health Council of Brazil.
ARAÚJO, Samuel Nascimento; ROCHA, Leandro Oliveira; BOSSLE, Fabiano. Os conteúdos de ensino da Educação Física escolar: um estudo de revisão nos periódicos nacionais da área 21. Motrivivência, v. 29, n. 51, p. 205-221, jul. 2017. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-8042.2017v29n51p205
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BRACHT, Valter et al. A Educação Física Escolar como tema da produção do conhecimento nos periódicos da área no Brasil (1980-2010): parte II. Movimento, v. 18, n. 2, p. 11-37, abr./jun. 2012. Disponível em: https://seer.ufrgs.br/Movimento/article/view/30158/19064 Acesso em: 31 dez. 2020.
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Edited by
EDITORIAL RESPONSIBILITYAlex Branco Fraga *, Elisandro Schultz Wittizorecki *, Mauro Myskiw *, Raquel da Silveira ** Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia e Dança, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.
Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
02 Dec 2022 -
Date of issue
02 June 2022 -
17 Aug 2022