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The objective of the study was to verify the scientific production involving the areas of Physical Education (PE) and Assistive Technology (AT) as a possibility of inclusion in school PE classes. This is a systematic literature review, using the keywords "Physical Education" and "Assistive Technology" to search the CAPES journal portal. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 715 studies were identified in the database and two were added by manual search. Reading in full resulted in the inclusion of seven studies. The results indicate that there is a lack of applied research on the subject. Only two studies were applied, one using interviews, and the other referring to the effects of AT on the inclusion of the PAEE. It is concluded that there is a need for new applied research using AT concepts and aiming to verify its effects in the context of school inclusion in PE classes.

Special education; Assistive Technology; Physical Education; Inclusion


O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a produção científica envolvendo as áreas de conhecimento Educação Física (EF) e a Tecnologia Assistiva (TA) como possibilidade de inclusão nas aulas de EF escolar. Trata-se de revisão sistemática da literatura, utilizando as palavras chave "Physical Education” e “Assistive Technology” para busca no portal Periódicos da CAPES. Após aplicados os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, foram identificados na base de dados 715 estudos e adicionados dois pela busca manual. A leitura na íntegra resultou na inclusão de sete estudos. Os resultados apontam que há carência de pesquisas aplicadas sobre o tema, sendo que três tratavam de produtos e recursos, três de estratégias e apenas um de programa de ensino no contexto escolar. Conclui-se que há necessidade de novas pesquisas aplicadas utilizando os conceitos da TA com o intuito de verificar seus efeitos no contexto da inclusão escolar nas aulas de EF.

Educação Especial; Tecnologia Assistiva; Educação Física; Inclusão


El objetivo fue verificar la producción científica involucrando las áreas de conocimiento Educación Física (EF) y Tecnología Asistiva (TA) como posibilidad de inclusión en las clases escolares de EF. Se trata de una revisión sistemática de la literatura, utilizando las palabras clave "Educación Física" y "Tecnología Asistiva" en el portal de revistas de la CAPES. Después de aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se identificaron 715 estudios y se agregaron dos por búsqueda manual. La lectura completa resultó en la inclusión de siete estudios. Los resultados indican que existe una falta de investigación aplicada sobre el tema, uno con entrevistas y otro referido a los efectos de la TA en la inclusión del PAEE. Se concluye que existe la necesidad de nuevas investigaciones aplicadas utilizando conceptos de TA y con el objetivo de verificar sus efectos en el contexto de la inclusión escolar en las clases de EF.

Palabras clave
Educación especial; Tecnología Asistiva; Educación Física; Inclusión


The process of social inclusion began with the worldwide mobilization of social movements organized by people with disabilities. This led to a number of “bilateral” processes in which society, in partnership with the Target Population of Special Education (TPSE), sought to achieve equal opportunities, in which everyone could enjoy their citizenship, in which differences would be respected and there would be acceptance and recognition of all (Mendes, 2006MENDES, Enicéia Gonçalves. A radicalização do debate sobre inclusão escolar no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Educação, v. 11, n. 33, p. 387-405, 2006. DOI:

Furthermore, in the face of the bilateral processes arising from social inclusion, the initiative of school inclusion arises, where the school community seeks to develop means and methods to accommodate and allow the TPSE to learn effectively. In this way, the subject of Physical Education (PE) is not left out of this movement, as it is a compulsory curricular component of Basic Education (Pereira, 2018PEREIRA, Taylor Brian Lavinscky. Plano de ensino individualizado no contexto da educação física escolar. 2018. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Especial) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2018.).

As a curricular component of basic education, Physical Education provides the opportunity to experience different bodily practices from the most diverse cultural manifestations present in everyday social life. Games, fights, dances, sports, and gymnastics make up a vast cultural heritage that should be valued, known, and enjoyed (Betti; Zuliani, 2002BETTI, Mauro; ZULIANI, Luiz Roberto. Educação física escolar: uma proposta de diretrizes pedagógicas. Revista Mackenzie de Educação Física e Esporte, v. 1, n. 1, 2002. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2024.
). Given this context, Rodrigues (2003, p. 69)RODRIGUES, David António. A educação física perante a educação inclusiva: reflexões conceptuais e metodológicas. Revista de Educação Física/UEM, v. 14, n. 1, p. 67-73, 2003. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2024.
states that “Physical Education would be a more easily inclusive curricular area due to the flexibility inherent in its content”.

When properly promoted, Physical Education becomes a curricular component with the potential to contribute to the school inclusion process. According to the National Curriculum Parameters (Brasil, 1997BRASIL. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental. Parâmetros curriculares nacionais: Educação Física. Brasília: MEC/ Secretaria de Educação Fundamental, 1997. 96 p.), it has the possibility of providing socialization, integration, and cooperation between students, as well as fostering autonomy and knowledge of each one’s potential.

However, for school inclusion to be effective, there are still some obstacles, such as a lack of infrastructure and unprepared teachers, requiring alternative adaptations that can favor school inclusion for special education students (Fiorini; Manzini, 2012FIORINI, Maria Luiza Salzani; MANZINI, Eduardo. José. Dificuldades dos professores de Educação Física diante da inclusão educacional de alunos com deficiência. [Trabalho Completo]. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE EDUCAÇÃO ESPECIAL, 5., 2012, São Carlos. Anais... São Carlos: UFSCar. 2012.; Rossi; Munster, 2013ROSSI, Patrícia; MUNSTER, Mey de Abreu van. Formação profissional em educação física adaptada: um estudo de caso. In: ENCONTRO DA ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE PESQUISADORES EM EDUCAÇÃO ESPECIAL, 8. [Anais...]. Londrina, 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 out. 2018.

Given this context, in order to guarantee equal conditions for students who are the target of special education, the biggest challenge is to make accessibility possible for them. Thus, for both schools and society to be inclusive, according to ITS Brasil (2008)ITS BRASIL. Tecnologia assistiva nas escolas: recursos básicos de acessibilidade sócio-digital para pessoas com deficiência. São Paulo: Instituto de Tecnologia Social, 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2024.
, they must meet the six dimensions of accessibility: architectural, communicational, methodological, instrumental, programmatic, and attitudinal.

There are studies in the literature that indicate alternatives and strategies that can help special education students to be included effectively in classes, including Assistive Technology (AT).

According to the National Committee for Technical Assistance with a view to the Brazilian reality, AT is defined as an area of knowledge that encompasses various disciplines, ranging from methodologies, strategies, and practices, to products and resources, and its main objective is to enable people with disabilities to participate in any activities, aspiring to achieve their independence, autonomy, inclusion, and quality of life (Brasil, 2007BRASIL. Secretaria Especial dos Direitos Humanos. Coordenadoria Nacional para Integração da Pessoa Portadora de Deficiência. Ata [da] VII Reunião do Comitê de Ajudas Técnicas - CORDE/SEDH/PR realizada nos dias 13 e 14 de dezembro de 2007. Brasília: Secretaria Especial dos Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jan. 2024.

Technology can be considered assistive in the educational context:

when it is used by a student with a disability and aims to break down sensory, motor or cognitive barriers that limit/prevent their access to information or limit/prevent the recording and expression of the knowledge acquired by them; when they favor their access and active and autonomous participation in pedagogical projects; when they enable the manipulation of study objects; when we realize that without this technological resource the student’s active participation in the learning challenge would be restricted or non-existent

(Bersch, 2017BERSCH, Rita. Introdução à tecnologia assistiva. Porto Alegre: Assistiva, Tecnologia e Educação, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jan. 2024
, p. 12).

Many possible resources can be planned, made, and used when thinking about Assistive Technology in the educational context. Peixoto (2018)PEIXOTO, Régis Nepomuceno. O uso de tecnologias assistivas no processo de inclusão escolar: os professores e a escola. 2018. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Araranguá, 2018. mentions that there are many possibilities, from walkers, virtual keyboards, and accessibility resources through computerized programs, which make it possible to help students with various disabilities, and in various contexts, such as in aspects related to communication, access to information and means of locomotion and transportation.

Specifically in the Physical Education discipline, Toloi (2015)TOLOI, Gabriela Gallucci. Formação de professores de Educação Física para a inclusão educacional usando tecnologia assistiva. 2015. 212f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Marília, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 dez. 2023.
considers that the use of Assistive Technology as a teaching strategy and pedagogical resource can be a strong ally to assist in the process of school inclusion for Special Education students.

It is extremely important that the teacher identifies the potential and educational needs of the students, to break down the barriers encountered and favor functional abilities through the implementation of Assistive Technology methodologies, services, practices, strategies, and resources. This will promote accessibility to knowledge and learning for special education students (Borges; Tartuci, 2017BORGES, Wanessa Ferreira F.; TARTUCI, Dulcéria. Tecnologia assistiva: concepções de professores e as problematizações geradas pela imprecisão conceitual. Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial, v. 23, n. 1, p. 81-96, 2017. DOI:

Given the various possibilities, and considering that AT can help teachers in the school inclusion process, the following question arises: what is the panorama of research on the use of Assistive Technology in contributing to the inclusion of special education students in Physical Education classes?

In view of the above, this research aims to verify scientific production, focusing on Assistive Technology in contributing to the inclusion of special education students in school Physical Education classes.


This study is a systematic literature review, defined as “a review of a clearly formulated question that uses systematic and explicit methods to identify, select and critically evaluate relevant research, and to collect and analyze data from those studies that are included in the review” (Moher et al., 2015MOHER David; LIBERATI Alessandro; TETZLAFF, Jennifer; ALTMAN Douglas G. Principais itens para relatar revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises: a recomendação PRISMA. Tradução de: Taís Freire Galvão e Thais de Souza Andrade Pansani. Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde, v. 24, n. 2, p. 335-342, abr./jun. 2015. Disponível em:⟨=pt. Acesso em: 16 jan. 2024.
, p. 335).

This systematic review used the recommendations of the PRISMA method (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis).


The information was collected using the online search tool of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) Journals Portal. Initially, in order to analyze the national and international panorama regarding the theme involving Assistive Technology and Physical Education, an advanced search was carried out on the portal. The searches resulted in few studies involving AT in the context of sport, only 66 from the association between the keywords “assistive technology AND sport”. The search using the keywords “assistive technology AND leisure” resulted in 30 articles, showing an even smaller number in the leisure context. After reading the title and abstract of these studies, it was noted that four dealt with AT in sport and five used AT in leisure, but none of them were related to the school context, the focus of this work.

In order to find national and international articles relevant to the research, an advanced search of the portal was also carried out using the following keywords: assistive technology AND physical education, which will be detailed in this study. In addition to the database search, references found in the bibliography of the articles analyzed were added, using the same methodology specified above and which met the selection criteria for this study.

The concept of Assistive Technology was implemented in Brazil by the Committee for Technical Assistance through Ordinance No. 142 of November 16, 2006. Given this context, the search for articles in the database was limited to the years 2007 to July 2021, and only peer-reviewed articles were included.

The selection of articles was based on the following inclusion criteria: (a) presenting one of the keywords in their title and/or abstract; (b) being published between January 2007 and July 2021; (c) contained in magazines or periodicals; (d) focusing on AT as a strategy for including special education students in school PE classes; (e) being peer-reviewed. Those that did not meet these criteria were excluded.


To minimize research bias, the search process was carried out by two independent judges in September and October 2021 (Costa; Zoltowski, 2014COSTA, Angelo Brandelli; ZOLTOWSKI, Ana Paula Couto. Como escrever um artigo de revisão sistemática. In: KOLLER, Sílvia; COUTO, Maria Clara; HOGENDORFF, Jean Von (org). Manual de produção científica. São Paulo: Penso, 2014. p. 55-70.). At each stage of the study, the researchers held meetings to cross-check and discuss the data obtained by both, to resolve possible differences. During the selection of the studies, disagreements between them were resolved, eliminating the need for a third judge. The concordance rate was 98%, which suggests that the analyses followed the methodological rigor required for the research.

The studies identified in the database searches were exported to the Rayyan application for screening. This software is a free tool designed to help researchers carry out systematic reviews.

The description of the process of searching, identifying, and selecting the articles was organized into stages, which will be presented below:

  • First stage - Search and selection: initially all 715 articles located in the database were extracted into the EndNote tools and then sent to Rayyan.

  • Second stage - Elimination of duplicate works: all the articles were analyzed using the Rayyan tool, and three duplicate titles were found and excluded.

  • Third stage - Exclusion by reading the titles and abstracts in full: the titles and abstracts of the 712 articles were read by two authors independently, and those that did not meet the eligibility criteria were excluded (n= 697), resulting in 15 articles.

  • Fourth stage - Reading the articles in full: after applying the inclusion criteria, 10 articles were excluded, giving a total of five articles that were relevant to the scope of the research.

In addition to the five articles selected in the search carried out on the CAPES Journals Portal, an additional search was carried out on the bibliography of the articles (manual search) by reading the titles and enabling virtual access. Reading the selected articles in their entirety made it possible to identify and add two pertinent articles to the study, as they met the eligibility criteria established. Therefore, a total of seven articles were included in this review.

The study selection flowchart, illustrated in Figure 1, shows the entire process of searching, identifying, and selecting articles, following the PRISMA review recommendation (Moher et al., 2015MOHER David; LIBERATI Alessandro; TETZLAFF, Jennifer; ALTMAN Douglas G. Principais itens para relatar revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises: a recomendação PRISMA. Tradução de: Taís Freire Galvão e Thais de Souza Andrade Pansani. Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde, v. 24, n. 2, p. 335-342, abr./jun. 2015. Disponível em:⟨=pt. Acesso em: 16 jan. 2024.

Figure 1
Study selection flowchart

The main information from each article is presented in Chart 1, in ascending chronological order, to help with the process of systematizing and analyzing the data, and is organized according to: author(s)/year; title (original/translation); objective(s); type of research; and results.

Chart 1
Description of the studies included in the research.

The seven articles were analyzed using the content analysis technique (Bardin, 2011BARDIN, Laurence. Análise de conteúdo. São Paulo: Edições 70, 2011.), in which texts are broken down into units, categories and grouped according to similarities.


Initially, the papers analyzed were organized according to the year of publication. It was found that the articles were published between 2013 and 2021, with two in 2013, one in 2014, one in 2016, one in 2017, one in 2018 and one in 2021. The results indicate that in addition to the scarcity, there has been no increase in the number of studies involving the theme of Assistive Technology and Physical Education over the years. Of the articles included, five were found in international literature and only two were national, which highlights the need for further study of the subject in Brazil.

Regarding the type of research, four of the studies selected were categorized as descriptive and two as exploratory. This data shows that most of the research on the subject concerns theoretical conceptions, with few studies applying knowledge of Assistive Technology as a possibility in Physical Education classes where special education students are included.

After analyzing the articles in their entirety, it was possible to identify the similarities between them and organize them into thematic categories, according to content analysis (Bardin, 2011BARDIN, Laurence. Análise de conteúdo. São Paulo: Edições 70, 2011.). We chose to group them according to the type of Assistive Technology cited in each study, based on the definition of AT proposed by the National Committee for Technical Assistance:

Assistive Technology is an interdisciplinary area of knowledge that encompasses products, resources, methodologies, strategies, practices, and services that aim to promote the functionality, related to activity and participation, of people with disabilities, incapacities, or reduced mobility, aiming at their autonomy, independence, quality of life and social inclusion

(Brasil, 2007BRASIL. Secretaria Especial dos Direitos Humanos. Coordenadoria Nacional para Integração da Pessoa Portadora de Deficiência. Ata [da] VII Reunião do Comitê de Ajudas Técnicas - CORDE/SEDH/PR realizada nos dias 13 e 14 de dezembro de 2007. Brasília: Secretaria Especial dos Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jan. 2024.
, p. 3, emphasis added).

The studies were divided into three categories of analysis: products/resources, methodologies/strategies, and practices. Chart 2 shows the categorization of the studies analyzed in this review.

Chart 2
Categorization of the studies analyzed.


The aim of the study by Simpson and Taliaferro (2021)SIMPSON, A. Chloe; TALIAFERRO, Andrea Ruth. Designing inclusion: using 3D printing to maximize adapted physical education participation. TEACHING Exceptional Children, v. 54, n. 1, p. 26-35, 2021. DOI:
was to describe the possibility of using 3D printers as a tool to promote the inclusion of students with disabilities in Physical Education classes, based on the development of highly individualized and low-cost products. The results obtained were the description of products that can be developed in this environment, such as adaptations for bicycle pedals, tactile resources in Braille, and handles that can be added to golf equipment such as clubs and sticks for students with fine motor deficits.

The article by Simpson and Taliaferro (2021)SIMPSON, A. Chloe; TALIAFERRO, Andrea Ruth. Designing inclusion: using 3D printing to maximize adapted physical education participation. TEACHING Exceptional Children, v. 54, n. 1, p. 26-35, 2021. DOI:
points out that Physical Education teachers and specialists in adapted physical activity can benefit from 3D printing technology, either working independently or in collaboration with AT specialists and designers. Bersch (2017)BERSCH, Rita. Introdução à tecnologia assistiva. Porto Alegre: Assistiva, Tecnologia e Educação, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jan. 2024
highlights the interdisciplinary nature of the organization of AT services, with professionals from different backgrounds, including educators, architects, designers, occupational therapists, and psychologists, among others.

Roth (2013)ROTH, Kristi. Adapt with apps. Journal of Physical Education Recreation & Dance, v. 84, n. 2, p. 4-6, 2013. DOI:
describes the use of iPads, tablets, or smartphones as a possibility of AT for the inclusion of students with disabilities in Physical Education classes. The study aimed to present apps available on free or paid platforms and emphasizes their use as an opportunity to meet the learning needs of students with disabilities in PE. The results obtained in the study were the description of 35 applications that can be integrated into Physical Education classes, as well as providing a table with the value and link of each application.

Laughlin et al. (2018)LAUGHLIN, Michael K. et al. Assistive technology: what physical educators need to know. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, v. 89, n. 3, p. 38-45, 2018. DOI:
aimed to describe to physical educators a practical knowledge of the AT process, highlighting some of the devices and services currently used in school PE. As a result, the authors define the process of including AT in PE, highlighting the importance of teachers dedicating themselves to exploring the vast collection of AT resources available. In addition, the authors highlight some devices, such as an iPod Touch, which, with the help of software, can be customized and support language-related specificities, as well as citing simpler examples, such as a baseball with rattles, which can make all the difference in the classroom for visually impaired students.

The three studies aimed to describe products and resources that can help PE teachers in the teaching and learning process of students with disabilities in their classes. The articles highlight the wide variety of possibilities in each area, both in 3D printing and in the use of electronic applications.

The studies by Roth (2013)ROTH, Kristi. Adapt with apps. Journal of Physical Education Recreation & Dance, v. 84, n. 2, p. 4-6, 2013. DOI:
and Laughlin et al. (2018)LAUGHLIN, Michael K. et al. Assistive technology: what physical educators need to know. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, v. 89, n. 3, p. 38-45, 2018. DOI:
cite some viable possibilities to be used through digital resources. In the study by Oliveira and Mill (2016)OLIVEIRA, Camila Dias; MILL, Daniel. Recursos digitais de tecnologia assistiva no Brasil: uma abordagem educacional. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE EDUCAÇÃO A DISTÂNCIA (SIED); ENCONTRO DE PESQUISADORES EM EDUCAÇÃO A DISTÂNCIA (EnPED), São Carlos, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2024.
, the authors highlight that currently the use of digital AT resources is present in the daily lives of all people, and their use should be explored in the area of education, as they favor independence and quality of access to knowledge, reinforcing the importance of using this type of resource.

In addition, Simpson and Taliaferro (2021)SIMPSON, A. Chloe; TALIAFERRO, Andrea Ruth. Designing inclusion: using 3D printing to maximize adapted physical education participation. TEACHING Exceptional Children, v. 54, n. 1, p. 26-35, 2021. DOI:
highlight the importance of involving students in the design and selection of Assistive Technology resources to be used, in order to reduce the risk of dropout, and the student’s involvement throughout the process is essential.


Schultz et al. (2013)SCHULTZ, Jessica L. et al. Ensuring the success of deaf students in inclusive physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, v. 84, n. 5, p. 51-56, 2013. DOI:
aimed to describe strategies for PE teachers to include hearing-impaired students in their classes. The authors cited various strategies, their main concepts and how to apply them. The strategies in the scope of the study were the use of sign language interpreters, visual resources, peer tutoring, as well as other means of communication, such as oral language linked to spelling, and lip reading. During the study, the authors focused on describing attitudinal, conceptual, and procedural guidelines for each strategy to teachers, thus demonstrating a high level of detail.

In addition, Schultz et al. (2013)SCHULTZ, Jessica L. et al. Ensuring the success of deaf students in inclusive physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, v. 84, n. 5, p. 51-56, 2013. DOI:
emphasize the need for educators to understand what the strategies are and why they are used, as well as the importance of working collaboratively with interpreters — having meetings and clarifications about the content beforehand — and the teacher’s duty to learn the best way to communicate with their student.

The study by Ferreira and Ranieri (2016)FERREIRA, Natasha Reis; RANIERI, Leandro Penna. O uso da tecnologia assistiva por professores de educação física. Revista Eletrônica de Educação, v. 10, n. 3, p. 215-229, 2016. DOI:
aimed to investigate how Physical Education teachers work with students with disabilities and the strategies used in their classes, probing the use of Assistive Technology through semi-structured interviews with the six teachers who participated in the study. The results showed that most of the interviewees were not familiar with AT and that the teachers made adaptations and improvisations in activities involving students with disabilities to enable their participation. This corroborates the realities pointed out in the studies by Fiorini and Manzini (2012)FIORINI, Maria Luiza Salzani; MANZINI, Eduardo. José. Dificuldades dos professores de Educação Física diante da inclusão educacional de alunos com deficiência. [Trabalho Completo]. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE EDUCAÇÃO ESPECIAL, 5., 2012, São Carlos. Anais... São Carlos: UFSCar. 2012. and Rossi and Munster (2013)ROSSI, Patrícia; MUNSTER, Mey de Abreu van. Formação profissional em educação física adaptada: um estudo de caso. In: ENCONTRO DA ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE PESQUISADORES EM EDUCAÇÃO ESPECIAL, 8. [Anais...]. Londrina, 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 out. 2018.
, which indicate that teachers are unprepared as one of the barriers to effective school inclusion.

With the results indicating little knowledge about AT by teachers, Ferreira and Ranieri (2016)FERREIRA, Natasha Reis; RANIERI, Leandro Penna. O uso da tecnologia assistiva por professores de educação física. Revista Eletrônica de Educação, v. 10, n. 3, p. 215-229, 2016. DOI:
conclude that during PE training, a solution to change this scenario would be to implement in the disciplines a closer approach to the school reality and the person with a disability, in addition to addressing AT in their curricula.

The article by Fiorini and Manzini (2017)FIORINI, Maria Luiza Salzani; MANZINI, Eduardo José. Formação continuada para professores de Educação Física: a tecnologia assistiva favorecendo a inclusão escolar. Práxis Educativa, v. 12, n. 2, p. 334-355, 2017. DOI:
is a field study with practical application, which describes the process of continuing education developed for two PE teachers aimed at incorporating AT to provide favorable conditions for the school inclusion of a student with physical disabilities and one with Global Development Disorder (GDD).

Fiorini and Manzini (2017)FIORINI, Maria Luiza Salzani; MANZINI, Eduardo José. Formação continuada para professores de Educação Física: a tecnologia assistiva favorecendo a inclusão escolar. Práxis Educativa, v. 12, n. 2, p. 334-355, 2017. DOI:
developed the training for each teacher individually, intending to target strategies to address each teacher’s difficulties. In this way, the strategies used for each student were individualized, ranging from training fellow tutors, adapting materials, offering physical help, as well as establishing rules and limits to improve behavior through visual reinforcement. The results showed that the use of AT was functional, enabling the autonomous participation of the student with a physical disability, as well as the active and autonomous participation of the student with GDD with other classmates. The authors highlight the importance of continuing training to ensure effective inclusion.

In the study by Ferreira and Ranieri (2016)FERREIRA, Natasha Reis; RANIERI, Leandro Penna. O uso da tecnologia assistiva por professores de educação física. Revista Eletrônica de Educação, v. 10, n. 3, p. 215-229, 2016. DOI:
, the authors point to teachers’ lack of knowledge of Assistive Technology, expressing the need to include content and training strategies on the subject during the initial training of Physical Education teachers. The study by Fiorini and Manzini (2017)FIORINI, Maria Luiza Salzani; MANZINI, Eduardo José. Formação continuada para professores de Educação Física: a tecnologia assistiva favorecendo a inclusão escolar. Práxis Educativa, v. 12, n. 2, p. 334-355, 2017. DOI:
develops a proposal for those teachers who are already in contact with the school reality, continuing education, proving to be a viable strategy for strengthening teacher practice and contributing to the school inclusion process.

Although the three studies are in line with the theme of strategies based on the use of Assistive Technology, they all have different designs and objectives. The study by Schultz et al. (2013)SCHULTZ, Jessica L. et al. Ensuring the success of deaf students in inclusive physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, v. 84, n. 5, p. 51-56, 2013. DOI:
is aimed at helping PE teachers by presenting various strategies and how to implement them. Ferreira and Ranieri (2016)FERREIRA, Natasha Reis; RANIERI, Leandro Penna. O uso da tecnologia assistiva por professores de educação física. Revista Eletrônica de Educação, v. 10, n. 3, p. 215-229, 2016. DOI:
and Fiorini and Manzini (2017)FIORINI, Maria Luiza Salzani; MANZINI, Eduardo José. Formação continuada para professores de Educação Física: a tecnologia assistiva favorecendo a inclusão escolar. Práxis Educativa, v. 12, n. 2, p. 334-355, 2017. DOI:
are applied studies but with different characteristics. The first seeks to understand the knowledge and applicability of AT by teachers in their practices based on interviews, and its results point to a lack of knowledge on the subject; on the other hand, Fiorini and Manzini (2017)FIORINI, Maria Luiza Salzani; MANZINI, Eduardo José. Formação continuada para professores de Educação Física: a tecnologia assistiva favorecendo a inclusão escolar. Práxis Educativa, v. 12, n. 2, p. 334-355, 2017. DOI:
developed their study with the aim of changing this scenario by providing practical training with the use of AT for PE teachers.


The study by Brian and Haegele (2014)BRIAN, Ali; HAEGELE, Justin A. Including students with visual impairments: softball. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, v. 85, n. 3, p. 39-45, 2014. DOI:
describes ideas for modifying softball. Adaptations to the rules, equipment and venues are described, with the aim of making it a sport that can be played by visually impaired students and enabling their inclusion in school PE by providing the right support to maximize their success. According to the authors, by implementing the suggested changes, PE teachers can take a significant step towards creating an inclusive learning environment.

Softball, as addressed by Brian and Haegele (2014)BRIAN, Ali; HAEGELE, Justin A. Including students with visual impairments: softball. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, v. 85, n. 3, p. 39-45, 2014. DOI:
in their study, helps to remove barriers commonly encountered by teachers when teaching special education students in Physical Education classes, a fact that corroborates the main objective of AT, which is to enable the participation of people with disabilities regardless of the activity they perform, helping them to achieve independence, autonomy, inclusion and quality of life (Brasil, 2007BRASIL. Secretaria Especial dos Direitos Humanos. Coordenadoria Nacional para Integração da Pessoa Portadora de Deficiência. Ata [da] VII Reunião do Comitê de Ajudas Técnicas - CORDE/SEDH/PR realizada nos dias 13 e 14 de dezembro de 2007. Brasília: Secretaria Especial dos Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jan. 2024.

It should also be noted that the study by Brian and Haegele (2014)BRIAN, Ali; HAEGELE, Justin A. Including students with visual impairments: softball. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, v. 85, n. 3, p. 39-45, 2014. DOI:
was the only article in this review to provide a detailed description of a teaching program. As this model of approach is important for classroom teachers to have access to more accessible content, it is important to carry out studies involving this type of approach.

Toloi (2015)TOLOI, Gabriela Gallucci. Formação de professores de Educação Física para a inclusão educacional usando tecnologia assistiva. 2015. 212f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Marília, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 dez. 2023.
considers that using teaching strategies and assistive technology teaching resources in regular PE classes can be a path for teachers to take in order to include students with disabilities. Costa, Seabra Junior and Amparo (2018)COSTA, Camila Rodrigues; SEABRA JUNIOR, Manoel Osmar; AMPARO, Matheus Augusto Mendes. Formação de professores de educação física para uso de tecnologia assistiva: revisão sistemática de literatura. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE EDUCAÇÃO ESPECIAL, 8, 2018, São Carlos. Anais eletrônicos [...]. Campinas, Galoá, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 dez. 2023.
emphasize the following: for AT to be present in the school routine and collaborate with the inclusion of students, it is necessary to prepare the professionals who work with the TPSE to identify, select, adapt, and implement the knowledge from this area in their classes.


This study sought to verify the scientific production between the areas of knowledge of Physical Education and Assistive Technology as a possibility for inclusion in school Physical Education classes, based on the literature found. Although the search yielded a considerable number of articles in the first stage, when the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, the final material compiled was considered small.

Most of the studies take a theoretical approach, providing diverse content that can help teachers in their practice. The diversity of subjects and categories found in the studies corroborates the reflection made in the study by Peixoto (2018)PEIXOTO, Régis Nepomuceno. O uso de tecnologias assistivas no processo de inclusão escolar: os professores e a escola. 2018. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Araranguá, 2018., where the author mentions that there are several possibilities to be used when referring to Assistive Technology in the educational context. There were only two contributions from applied studies on AT and PE, and only one applied field study with the aim of understanding AT and its applicability in Physical Education classes.

This review found that there are still few studies that use Assistive Technology as one of the auxiliary resources in school Physical Education classes, aiming at the possibility of including students who are the Target Population of Special Education. Furthermore, in the field studies found here, it was possible to see that Physical Education teachers still find it difficult to include students with disabilities in their classes because they do not feel sufficiently prepared, and continuing training in AT proved to be an alternative way of overcoming this barrier.

The use of Assistive Technology in the educational context is vast, with the power to benefit and facilitate the inclusion of special education students in the school environment, with various possibilities, products, resources, methods, and practices that actually seek access to participation and learning. In this way, it can be an important ally for Physical Education teachers in the school inclusion process. However, based on the number of studies found and the methods used, it can be concluded that there is a need for further research, especially with objectives related to verifying the effects of using AT in PE classes in the process of inclusion of Special Education students.


    This work was not supported by any funding agency.

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Edited by


Alex Branco Fraga*, Elisandro Schultz Wittizorecki*, Mauro Myskiw*, Raquel da Silveira*
*Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, School of Physical Education, Physical Therapy and Dance, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    19 July 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Feb 2023
  • Accepted
    27 Dec 2023
  • Published
    27 Apr 2024
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Felizardo, 750 Jardim Botânico, CEP: 90690-200, RS - Porto Alegre, (51) 3308 5814 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil