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The articles that compose this first thematic volume of Materials Research - MR - were selected from the Third Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Crystal Growth (SBCC), held April 1-3, 1998, in São Carlos, SP. The keyword of this event was crystallization.

Of the 44 papers presented at the Meeting, 17 were submitted to MR for publication. In line with the editorial policy of the magazine, all the articles were revised by at least 2 referees. Such careful attention to analysis is essential to the preservation of a standard of international quality, which is seldom respected in conference proceedings and in similar publications. Some of the articles submitted were revised by up to 4 referees.

In a general analysis, three articles were refused and four, according to the referees’ suggestions, would have been suitable for publication only after major revisions. Unfortunately, none of those four papers were returned in time to be included in this special volume.

We would like to express our most sincere gratitude to the referees who aided us in this issue, although, in some cases, the Brazilian referees took an unconscionable time to send us their opinions, which hindered the normal course of the periodical’s composition. Fortunately, however, all the revisions from foreign referees were returned within the specified four-week period.

Finally, we would like to highlight the role of the Brazilian Society of Crystal Growth (SBCC) in this country since its foundation in 1993. In Brazil, the researchers in this area come from a wide variety of fields of knowledge, such as Physics, Chemistry, Geology and Materials, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineering. The multidisciplinary character of the theme is an obstacle that makes it difficult for these researchers to get together. It is common, in this country, to find researchers working on similar themes and trying to cope with identical difficulties. This kind of isolation does nothing to promote our scientific and technological development. SBCC plays the important role of providing a means for researchers, not only from Brazil but also from other South American countries (Argentina and Uruguay) to meet in specific and dedicated forums. This has been achieved through national Meetings, Summer School and seminars held at research Institutes. SBCC is now engaged in promoting the “First International School on Crystal Growth and Advanced Materials in Brazil”, in Campinas, SP, July 13 – 18, 1999.

We would also like to thank all the researchers who participated in the III ESBCC, particularly the members of scientific and local committees, and the institutions (IFSC/USP, FAFQ and FAPESP) and companies (BUEHLER, C.K. Trade and Representation, Bank of Brazil S.A. and Primotex) that so generously provided financial support for our work.

Antônio Carlos Hernandes

We are highly gratified to complete this first thematic number of Materials Research, for which the strictness of the analyses to which the submitted papers were subjected was preserved. The theme “crystallization” is multidisciplinary, including all Materials classes, and should therefore be of interest to a significant segment of the community. The next issue, planned for the end of July, will focus on “Structurology”. Approximately thirty papers for the July issue are being analyzed at this time.

We could, naturally, not forget expressing our special thanks to our Guest Editor, Dr. Antônio Carlos Hernandes, of SBCC, for his excellent work, and to FAPESP for its financial aid in support of the articles of authors linked to institutions from the state of São Paulo.

Edgar Dutra Zanotto

April 20, 1999

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    21 Jan 2000
  • Date of issue
    Apr 1999
ABM, ABC, ABPol UFSCar - Dep. de Engenharia de Materiais, Rod. Washington Luiz, km 235, 13565-905 - São Carlos - SP- Brasil. Tel (55 16) 3351-9487 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil