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From rain every day to rain per “talhão”, consequences of the coloniality of the eucalyptus plantation form, in the very north of Espírito Santo


The article analyzes the practices of the pulp industry and its by-products in the far north of Espírito Santo, between the municipalities of Conceição da Barra and São Mateus, over the last 60 years. To do so, it presents the entry process of the pulp industry in this territory, known as Sapê do Norte, where more than 30 quilombola communities live. We will discuss the logic and form of eucalyptus plantations, their effects and, more recently, the ontological conflicts arising from the criticism coming from quilombolas and partner activists regarding the management methods of the place by the pulp company. In this way, we analyze the processes and practices of world construction of the colonizers - extractivism corporations, large landowners and the State - as colonial ontological designs. We conclude that it is possible to observe the updating of the colonial technologies of the pulp industry, from strictly coercive violence with the use of the State's military apparatus, to the era of conflict and criticism management, remaining as a fundamental part of the process of maintaining non-humans. and of humans as colonized subjects within a colonial world construction.

Colonization; conflict; extractivism; plantations; quilombos

Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) CEP: 19060-900, +55 (18) 3229-5664 - Presidente Prudente - SP - Brazil