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Interpersonal Conflicts Among Family Caregivers of the Elderly: The Importance of Social Skills* * Article derived from the first author's doctoral dissertation, under supervision of the second and co-supervision of the third co-authors, and defended in 2016 in the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos.

Conflitos Interpessoais no Cuidado de Idosos: Importância das Habilidades Sociais do Cuidador

Conflictos Interpersonales en el Cuidado de Personas Mayores: La Importancia de las Habilidades Sociales del Cuidador


Caring for someone, even when this person is highly regarded, can be stressful, resulting in a decrease in the caregiver's quality of life. The aim of this study was to identify the main conflicts involved in the task of caring for an elderly relative, reported by caregivers, elderly care-recipients and professionals in the field of aging, and to identify social skills (SS) considered as being important to accomplish this task, helping to minimize the conflicts in this context. We interviewed 50 caregivers of the elderly, 25 elderly care-recipients, and 25 professionals in the field of aging, who answered questions about conflicts linked to this context and about SS that are important when taking care of an elderly person. The main conflicts involved difficulties to reconcile differences of opinion, or financial issues. The SSs considered most useful included: expressing positive feelings, controlling aggressiveness, and discussing problems. It will be important to verify if caregivers who develop their SS repertoire also improve their quality of life.

caregivers; aged; social skills; conflict; quality of life


Cuidar de outro, mesmo sendo alguém que se estima, pode ser estressante e levar à diminuição na qualidade de vida. O estudo teve como objetivos identificar os principais conflitos envolvidos na tarefa de cuidar de um idoso, relatados por cuidadores, idosos e profissionais da área do idoso e levantar as habilidades sociais (HS) consideradas importantes para realizar esta tarefa e que auxiliem a minimizar os conflitos neste contexto. Foram entrevistados 50 cuidadores de idosos, 25 idosos cuidados e 25 profissionais da área do idoso, que responderam a um roteiro com perguntas sobre conflitos ligados a este contexto e HS importantes para cuidar de um idoso. Os principais conflitos envolviam dificuldades para conciliar opiniões e questões financeiras. As HS apontadas como importantes foram: expressar sentimentos positivos, controlar a agressividade e conversar para resolver problemas. Será importante verificar futuramente se cuidadores que aprimoram seu repertório de HS melhoram sua qualidade de vida.

cuidadores; idosos; habilidades sociais; conflito; qualidade de vida


Ocuparse de otro, incluso alguien que se estima, puede ser estresante y conducir a disminución de la calidad de vida. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar los principales conflictos en la tarea de cuidar de un anciano, reportados por los cuidadores, ancianos y profesionales de la vejez y identificar las habilidades sociales (HS) importantes para lograr esta tarea y que ayuden a minimizar los conflictos en este contexto. Fueron entrevistados 50 cuidadores de ancianos, 25 ancianos cuidados y 25 profesionales de la vejez que respondieron preguntas sobre conflictos en este contexto y acerca de HS importantes para cuidar de un anciano. Los principales conflictos fueron dificultades para conciliar diferentes opiniones y las cuestiones financieras. Las HS identificadas como importantes fueron: expresar sentimientos positivos, controlar la agresividad y hablar para resolver problemas. Será importante verificar en el futuro se cuidadores que mejoran su repertorio en HS mejoran su calidad de vida.

Palabras clave
cuidadores; adultos mayores; habilidades sociales; conflicto; calidad de vida

One of the consequences of increased life expectancy is the high prevalence of chronic diseases (Kuchemann, 2012Kuchemann BA (2012). Envelhecimento populacional, cuidado e cidadania: Velhos dilemas e novos desafios [Population aging, care and citizenship: Old dilemmas and new challenges]. Sociedade e Estado, 27(1), 165-180. doi:10.1590/S0102-69922012000100010
). As such, it has become increasingly common to spend several years caring for a highly dependent elderly person (Kuchemann, 2012Kuchemann BA (2012). Envelhecimento populacional, cuidado e cidadania: Velhos dilemas e novos desafios [Population aging, care and citizenship: Old dilemmas and new challenges]. Sociedade e Estado, 27(1), 165-180. doi:10.1590/S0102-69922012000100010
; Wang, Robinson, & Carter-Harris, 2014Wang XR, Robinson KM, Carter-Harris L (2014). Prevalence of chronic illnesses and characteristics of chronically ill informal caregivers of persons with dementia. Age and Ageing, 43(1), 137-141. doi:10.1093/ageing/aft142
). Caring for an elderly relative is a complex task that affects the caregiver's life trajectory. Thus, the identification of conditions that contribute to obtaining positive results in this context is a way of promoting healthy adult development.

Researchers show that caring for an elderly relative is a risk factor for caregivers' wellbeing. Tomomitsu, Perracini, and Neri (2014)Tomomitsu MRSV, Perracini MR, Neri AL (2014). Fatores associados à satisfação com a vida em idosos cuidadores e não cuidadores [Factors associated with life satisfaction among elderly people who are caregivers and non-caregivers]. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 19(8), 3429-3440. doi:10.1590/1413-81232014198.13952013
investigated the association between life satisfaction and sociodemographic variables, health status, functional status, social engagement and social support for caregivers and non-caregivers of the elderly. Using a larger database, they selected 338 caregivers and 338 non-caregivers who had similar income, gender and family characteristics. They collected data using questionnaires and self-report scales. The authors concluded that, compared with non-caregivers, a higher percentage of caregivers reported insomnia, fatigue and illness, in addition to higher levels of stress and lower life satisfaction. Other researchers also found differences between caregivers and those who do not care for an elderly relative, noting that the caregivers had a higher probability of presenting negative psychological, physical and social changes, such as higher rates of depression, feelings of burden, higher likelihood of acquiring coronary disease, social isolation, and a significant increase in expenses (Gervès, Bellanger, & Ankri, 2013Gervès C, Bellanger MM, Ankri J (2013). Economic analysis of the intangible impacts of informal care for people with Alzheimer's disease and other mental disorders. Value Health, 16(5), 745-754. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2013.03.1629
; Li, Cooper, Bradley, Shulman, & Livingston, 2012Li R, Cooper C, Bradley J, Shulman A, Livingston G (2012). Coping strategies and psychological morbidity in family carers of people with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 139(1), 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2011.05.055
; Wang et al., 2014Wang XR, Robinson KM, Carter-Harris L (2014). Prevalence of chronic illnesses and characteristics of chronically ill informal caregivers of persons with dementia. Age and Ageing, 43(1), 137-141. doi:10.1093/ageing/aft142
). These data point to the importance of investigating the skills that are needed, to manage the task of caring for a dependent elderly person.

In this respect, Tomomitsu, Perracini and Neri (2014)Tomomitsu MRSV, Perracini MR, Neri AL (2014). Fatores associados à satisfação com a vida em idosos cuidadores e não cuidadores [Factors associated with life satisfaction among elderly people who are caregivers and non-caregivers]. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 19(8), 3429-3440. doi:10.1590/1413-81232014198.13952013
found that caregivers who reported receiving greater social support also reported lower levels of stress. Other researchers have shown that, when caregivers lack this support, problems often arise in their relationships with other people who are involved in the elderly person's or the caregiver's routines, creating resentments and a negative emotional environment (Pedreira & Oliveira, 2012Pedreira LC, Oliveira AMS (2012). Cuidadores de idosos dependentes no domicilio: Mudanças nas relações familiares [In-home caregivers of dependent elderly: Changes in family relationships]. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 65(5), 730-736. doi:10.1590/S0034-71672012000500003
; Pinto, Barham, & Albuquerque, 2013Pinto FNFR, Barham EJ, Albuquerque PP (2013). Idosos vítimas de violência: Fatores sociodemográficos e subsídios para futuras intervenções [Elderly victims of violence: Sociodemographic factors and information for future interventions]. Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, 13(3), 1159-1181.; Van Groenou, Boer, & Iedema, 2013Van Groenou MIB, Boer A, Iedema J (2013). Positive and negative evaluation of caregiving among three different types of informal care relationships. European Journal of Ageing, 10(4), 301-311. doi:10.1007/s10433-013-0276-6
). Pedreira and Oliveira (2012)Pedreira LC, Oliveira AMS (2012). Cuidadores de idosos dependentes no domicilio: Mudanças nas relações familiares [In-home caregivers of dependent elderly: Changes in family relationships]. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 65(5), 730-736. doi:10.1590/S0034-71672012000500003
interviewed eight family caregivers, to identify the key changes that had occurred in their family relationships, since their elderly relative developed health problems. Although their sample size was small, the results indicated a strong influence of the quality of their social interactions on the caregivers' wellbeing. A preexisting family history of cooperation was associated with greater support and more sharing of responsibilities among family members. However, most of the caregivers felt burdened and alone when facing the demands of caring for a dependent elder, and conflicts emerged when the help that the caregiver requested from a family member was denied. The key situations reported as involving conflicts included: lack of family support, decreased tolerance (reactivation of unresolved problems), having to relinquish social, leisure or paid work to care for the elderly person, as well as social isolation and new expenses.

These data about relationship problems suggest that caregiving entails demands for social skills that can contribute to minimizing conflicts and maximizing the quality of life of the caregivers, elders and other people involved in this context. Despite the lack of studies on the social skills of those who care for the elderly, research conducted in other contexts indicates that people with well-developed social skills are more likely to establish good quality relationships, leading to better health (Bandeira, Tostes, Santos, Lima, & Oliveira, 2014Bandeira M, Tostes JGA, Santos DCS, Lima DC, Oliveira MS (2014). Sobrecarga de familiares cuidadores de pacientes psiquiátricos: Relação com assertividade [Burden among family caregivers of psychiatric patients: Relation with assertive behavior]. Psico-USF, 19(3), 399-409. doi:10.1590/1413-82712014019003003
; Lima, Bandeira, Oliveira, & Tostes, 2014Lima DC, Bandeira M, Oliveira MS, Tostes JGA (2014). Habilidades sociais de familiares cuidadores de pacientes psiquiátricos [Social skills of family caregivers of psychiatric patients]. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 31(4), 549-558. doi:10.1590/0103-166X2014000400009
; Pinto & Barham, 2014bPinto FNFR, Barham EJ (2014b). Habilidades sociais e estratégias de enfrentamento de estresse: Relação com indicadores de bem-estar psicológico em cuidadores de idosos de alta dependência [Social skills and coping strategies: Their relationship with psychological wellbeing among caregivers of highly dependent elderly people]. Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 17(3), 525-539. doi:10.1590/1809-9823.2014.13043
). Thus, research focused on the social skills of those who care for the elderly could contribute information to guide the development of programs to support caregivers who need to manage the demands and interpersonal difficulties that appear in this context, contributing to a better quality of life for caregivers.

Social Skills

The concept of social skills refers to behaviors that exist in the repertoire of an individual and that are used in interactions with other people (Del Prette & Del Prette, 2013Del Prette ZAP, Del Prette A (2013). Social Skills Inventory (SSI-Del-Prette): Characteristics and studies in Brazil. In FL Osório (Org.), Social anxiety disorders: From theory to practice (pp. 49-62). New York, NY: Nova Science.). According to Del Prette and Del Prette (2001)Del Prette A, Del Prette ZAP (2001). Psicologia das relações interpessoais: Vivências para o trabalho em grupo [The pyschology of interpersonal relationships: Exercises to develop team work]. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes., the concept of social competence involves an assessment or judgment about the adequacy of a person's performance and the effects that it produces in a given situation. These authors propose that the specific situation and cultural context must also be taken into consideration, to assess people's social competence. Thus, a person who is socially competent in a professional role, may or may not be equally competent in the context of caring for an elderly family member, and vice versa.

Social skills involve various classes of social behavior, including: self expression, coping skills, expressing positive emotions, social interaction and conversational skills, establishing new relationships or adapting to new situations, and controlling aggressive reactions (Del Prette & Del Prette, 2001Del Prette ZAP, Del Prette A (2001). Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS-Del Prette): Manual de aplicação, apuração e interpretação [The Social Skills Inventory (IHS-Del Prette): Administration, scoring and interpretation manual]. São Paulo, SP: Casa do Psicólogo.). To meet social competence criteria, competent caregivers must reconcile their own needs and interests with those of their elderly relative, along with those of other family members who help with the elderly person's care. As such, to be socially competent, caregivers may need to use greater self-control to avoid reacting aggressively to hostility from the other person, to identify factors that are contributing to the problem, and to calm down the other person and themselves, so they can decide the best way to solve the problem. Depending on people's emotional arousal during a conflict and causal attribution errors, based on a history of family interactions, the caregiver may be unable to analyze the problem and think of solutions, straight away. As an alternative, withdrawing from the conflict and returning to the issue after time for reflection may be a more effective, or more socially competent, response.

Given that social skills, as well as maladaptive behaviors (such as avoiding social contacts, not voicing opinions, attacking other people's ideas), are learned behaviors (Del Prette & Del Prette, 2008Del Prette ZAP, Del Prette A (2008). Um sistema de categorias de habilidades sociais educativas [A classification system of educative social skills]. Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 18(41), 517-530. doi:10.1590/S0103-863X2008000300008
, 2013Del Prette ZAP, Del Prette A (2013). Social Skills Inventory (SSI-Del-Prette): Characteristics and studies in Brazil. In FL Osório (Org.), Social anxiety disorders: From theory to practice (pp. 49-62). New York, NY: Nova Science.), strongly affected by immediate consequences, it is possible to understand why many caregivers exhibit behaviors that do not solve the interpersonal problems that arise in this context. Maladaptive behaviors can also generate positive, short-term consequences, such as reducing the caregivers' anxiety or momentary frustrations (Gresham, 2010Gresham FM (2010). Análise do comportamento aplicada às habilidades sociais [Behavior analysis applied to social skills]. In A Del Prette &ZAP Del Prette (Orgs.), Psicologia das habilidades sociais: Diversidade teórica e suas implicações [The psychology of social skills: Theoretical diversity and its implications] (pp. 17-66). Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes .), but these behaviors do not lead to medium or long-term solutions to problems.

In terms of evidence concerning the importance of social skills for people who care for the elderly, researchers have shown that socially responsible caregivers with good interpersonal relationships tend to have a higher quality of life than caregivers with a limited repertoire of social skills (Bandeira et al., 2014Bandeira M, Tostes JGA, Santos DCS, Lima DC, Oliveira MS (2014). Sobrecarga de familiares cuidadores de pacientes psiquiátricos: Relação com assertividade [Burden among family caregivers of psychiatric patients: Relation with assertive behavior]. Psico-USF, 19(3), 399-409. doi:10.1590/1413-82712014019003003
; Muela, Torres, & Peláez, 2001Muela JA, Torres CJ, Peláez EM (2001). La evaluación de la asertividad como predictor de carga en cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer [Evaluation of assertiveness as a predictor of burden among caregivers of Alzheimer's patients]. Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, 36(1), 41-45. doi:10.1016/S0211-139X(01)74681-1
; Pinto & Barham, 2014bPinto FNFR, Barham EJ (2014b). Habilidades sociais e estratégias de enfrentamento de estresse: Relação com indicadores de bem-estar psicológico em cuidadores de idosos de alta dependência [Social skills and coping strategies: Their relationship with psychological wellbeing among caregivers of highly dependent elderly people]. Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 17(3), 525-539. doi:10.1590/1809-9823.2014.13043
). In a study with 20 caregivers of elderly family members, Pinto and Barham (2014b)Pinto FNFR, Barham EJ (2014b). Habilidades sociais e estratégias de enfrentamento de estresse: Relação com indicadores de bem-estar psicológico em cuidadores de idosos de alta dependência [Social skills and coping strategies: Their relationship with psychological wellbeing among caregivers of highly dependent elderly people]. Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 17(3), 525-539. doi:10.1590/1809-9823.2014.13043
found that those who had better social skills reported lower perceptions of burden and better quality relationships with their elderly relative, indicating fewer care-related conflicts. The key social skills associated with these results were: self-control of aggressive reactions, expressing positive feelings, and refusing unreasonable requests. In two studies on the effects of social skills training for caregivers of the elderly (Robinson, 1988Robinson KM (1988). A social skills training program for adult caregivers. ANS Advances in Nursing Science, 10(2), 59-72.; Robinson & Yates, 1994Robinson KM, Yates K (1994). Effects of two caregiver-training programs on burden and attitude toward help. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 8(5), 312-319.), those who participated in training programs reported less burden, following the intervention, and demonstrated more socially competent behaviors in their daily lives.

Thus, it appears that good social skills, which translate into socially competent behaviors, can positively affect the wellbeing of those who care for the elderly, and the quality of their interpersonal relationships. However, there is still little information about this context. Thus, this study aimed to identify the main conflicts involved in the task of caring for the elderly, as reported by caregivers, elderly people, and professionals from the field of gerontology, and to identify the social skills considered as being important when dealing with this task, which help to minimize conflicts.



There were three groups of participants in this study: 50 caregivers who assisted an elderly relative, 25 elderly care recipients, and 25 healthcare professionals who worked with the elderly. The participants were not matched, that is, the elders and caregivers did not necessarily belong to the same family. The inclusion criteria, for the caregivers, included being relatives or having another emotional (unpaid) relationship with the elderly person; for the elderly care recipients, to not have cognitive impairments that would invalidate their participation in the study, and to be receiving care from a family member; and for the professionals, to be working in the field of gerontology or geriatrics. All the elderly participants had received routine medical checkups via an in-home public healthcare service, to monitor their physical health and cognitive status.

The caregivers were 45 years of age, on average (44 women and 6 men), with varying degrees of kinship, including: 21 children, 12 grandchildren, 7 spouses, 6 daughters, 2 neighbors, 1 brother and 1 nephew. The caregivers' educational levels were varied: 10 who had not completed their elementary-school education, 14 who had completed elementary school, 11 who had not complete high school, 7 who had completed high school, 4 who had not completed tertiary-level studies, and 4 who had completed university studies. The elderly respondents were 73 years of age, on average (15 women and 10 men), with different degrees of kinship, including: 13 children, 10 spouses, and 2 siblings. In this group, educational levels included 10 who had not completed their elementary-school education, 7 who had completed elementary school, 4 who did not complete high school, 2 who had completed high school, and 2 who had completed university studies. The professionals (22 women and 3 men) were 39 years of age, on average, and had all completed university studies. There were five participants from each of the following professions: psychology, medicine, social work, physiotherapy, and nursing.


Interview schedule. The interview questions were developed by the researchers, based on clinical experience, and addressed the following topics:

Participant data. Name, age, sex, level of education, relationship between the caregiver and the care recipient or, in the case of the professionals, their profession.

Difficulties and conflicts. Open-ended questions about the demands, difficulties or conflicts that arise when caring for an elderly person, and possible relationships with social skills, in this context.

Social skills. Explanation of this concept, followed by a request for examples of social skills that are important in caring for the elderly, to reduce conflicts associated with this task.

Classes of social skills. Explanation of classes of social skills, based on Del Prette and Del Prette (2001)Del Prette ZAP, Del Prette A (2001). Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS-Del Prette): Manual de aplicação, apuração e interpretação [The Social Skills Inventory (IHS-Del Prette): Administration, scoring and interpretation manual]. São Paulo, SP: Casa do Psicólogo.: (a) coping and self-expression (which require assertiveness skills), (b) expressing positive feelings (the expression of positive affect or of regard for another person), (c) conversational and social interaction skills (in accordance with norms for everyday relationships, and in response to demands to show social sensitivity), (d) interacting with new people or in new social situations (interactions with strangers), and (e) self-control of aggressiveness (dealing with negative situations that require controlling one's anger or aggressiveness).

Importance of social skills. Questions about the importance of each class of social skills, to minimize the conflicts that arise in the context of caring for an elderly person, and a request for examples of how to use of the social skills that they rated as being important, while caring for an elderly person.


Data collection. The study was conducted in a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The director of a publicly-funded in-home healthcare-service in this city agreed to provide information to contact service users who met the inclusion criteria. A home visit was arranged to interview the caregivers and the elderly people who agreed to participate in the study. Interviews with the professionals were performed at the healthcare centers where they worked. Initially, all participants signed an Informed Consent Form.

After answering the sociodemographic questions, each participant was asked to describe conflicts that occur when caring for a dependent elderly person. Next, the definition of social skills was read aloud, and any doubts about this concept were clarified. The researcher then asked if the participant considered it important that caregivers of the elderly use these skills in their daily lives, and if they could give any examples of social skills that are important to use, in this context. Next, the interviewer read the definitions of the five classes of social skills, one at a time, and, for each one, asked the participant if it would be important for a caregiver to use these skills when interacting with an elderly care recipient. If the participant said yes, the researcher asked for an example of a behavior from this class. All interviews were recorded and, in addition, the researcher took note of the key information provided by each participant.

Dada analysis. Two experts in the field, working individually, were asked to perform a content analysis of the responses (examples of conflicts and of important social skills) given by the participants (Anfara Jr., Brown, & Mangione, 2002Anfara Jr. VA, Brown KM, Mangione TL (2002). Qualitative analysis on stage: Making the research process more public. Educational Researcher, 31(7), 28-38. doi:10.3102/0013189X031007028
; Strauss & Corbin, 1994Strauss A, Corbin J (1994). Grounded theory methodology: An overview. In NK Denzin, YS Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (pp. 273-285). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.). For the social skills, they were asked to categorize each response into one of the social skill classes used in the IHS-Del-Prette (Del Prette & Del Prette, 2001Del Prette ZAP, Del Prette A (2001). Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS-Del Prette): Manual de aplicação, apuração e interpretação [The Social Skills Inventory (IHS-Del Prette): Administration, scoring and interpretation manual]. São Paulo, SP: Casa do Psicólogo.); if they felt that some of the responses did not fit in any of these classes, they were to group these into new categories. After this, the experts were asked to compare their decisions and, when in disagreement, to reach a consensus on how to classify each answer and on any additional categories to include, such as "obtaining information about a health condition". Based on the consensus reached by the experts, this material was then analyzed to identify the major conflicts involved in the context of caring for a dependent elderly person, and the social skills that were identified as being important, according to the study participants.

Ethical Considerations

This project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Protocol n. 144507/2012 - CAAE n. 02010312.0.0000.5504.).


In Table 1, the conflicts involved in the context of caring for a dependent elderly person are presented, based on the analysis of the participants' responses, along with examples of some of the responses provided, in each group of participants.

Table 1
Examples of Conflicts Reported by Caregivers, Elderly Care-Recipients and Geriatric or Gerontological Professionals

In general, the conflicts involved issues such as insufficient support for the caregivers, lack of financial support, lack of cooperation on the part of the elderly care recipient, lack of time for the caregivers to look after themselves, and the elderly people's preference for only one of their children. A comparison of the conflicts reported by each group of respondents indicates that the elderly care recipients did not mention problems owing to a lack of time among the caregivers, or due to their preference for one of their children. Some caregivers and elderly respondents reported that they did not experience conflicts in their family. In Table 2, the frequency of these conflicts is indicated, as reported in each group of participants.

Table 2
Frequency With Which Each Type of Conflict Was Reported, in Each Group of Respondents

Considering the statements of all the participants (total), the most frequent conflicts involved a lack of support for the caregiver, financial issues and a lack of cooperation on the part of the elderly care-recipient. The conflicts that the caregivers most commonly reported involved a lack of support from other family members, a lack of collaboration on behalf of the elderly care recipient, differences of opinion with other caregivers about what care to provide, and financial issues. For the elderly care recipients, the conflicts most frequently reported involved their reluctance to collaborate, differences of opinion with or among those who cared for them, a lack of support from family members, and financial issues. Note that 16% of the elderly participants reported no conflicts in their families, compared with 6% of the caregivers. The perceptions of the professionals were similar to those of the caregivers; their responses highlighted conflicts related to the lack of support for the caregivers and difficulties involving financial issues.

In Table 3, the examples provided illustrate the social skills that the participants said should be used when someone is assisting a dependent, elderly, family member.

Table 3
Social Skills Identified as Important for Those Who Care for an Elderly Person, in Each Group of Respondents

Most of the social skills indicated as being important for someone who cares for an elderly family member involved dealing with conflict (control aggressiveness, talk through problems, use coping strategies), together with skills that contribute to organizing adequate and sustainable routines (obtain information about the care recipient's health condition, express positive feelings, ask for help, and make arrangements with others in order to have some "time for themselves").

Obtaining information about the elderly person's health problems and the caregivers being able to have time to themselves are not social skills, per se. However, accomplishing these tasks involves communication skills (to gain information, or to arrange with others to stay with the elderly person). The perceptions of the professional group were very similar to those of the other two groups. However, it is noteworthy that no elderly respondents stated that it was important for caregivers to express their opinions.

In Table 4, information is presented about the frequency with which the skills presented in Table 3 were used, and how important they were, for each group of respondents.

Table 4
Frequency With Which the Social Skills Were Rated as Important, in Each Group of Respondents

Based on Table 4, the social skills considered as most important, according to the caregivers, were: obtaining information, expressing positive feelings, and controlling aggressiveness. Among the elderly care-recipients, the social skills considered as most important for caregivers were: obtaining information, expressing positive feelings and talking through problems.


The aims of this study were to identify the conflicts that most commonly arise when a family member cares for a dependent elderly person, from the point of view of caregivers, elderly care recipients, and professionals working in the field of geriatrics or gerontology, and to identify the social skills that are considered important in accomplishing this task, to minimize these conflicts. The three groups of respondents reported similar sources of conflicts. However, an important difference was that no elderly person reported problems related to the caregivers needing to take time to care for themselves, which may indicate difficulties that the elderly care recipients had, to understand the caregivers' needs.

Considering the responses of the study participants, collectively, the most frequent conflicts involved: lack of support from other family members, financial issues, the uncooperative behavior of the elderly care recipient, and conflicts of opinion about caring. These results are consistent with findings reported by Pedreira and Oliveira (2012)Pedreira LC, Oliveira AMS (2012). Cuidadores de idosos dependentes no domicilio: Mudanças nas relações familiares [In-home caregivers of dependent elderly: Changes in family relationships]. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 65(5), 730-736. doi:10.1590/S0034-71672012000500003
and by Carneiro and França (2011)Carneiro VL, França LHFP (2011). Conflitos no relacionamento entre cuidadores e idosos: O olhar do cuidador [Conflicts in the relationship between caregivers and the elderly: The caregivers' viewpoint]. Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 14(4), 647-662. doi:10.1590/S1809-98232011000400005
. The lack of support from other family members can cause perceptions of caregiver burden (Gratão et al., 2013Gratão ACM, Talmelli LFS, Figueiredo LC, Rosset I, Freitas CP, Rodrigues RAP (2013). Dependência funcional de idosos e a sobrecarga do cuidador [The functional dependency of older individuals and caregiver burden]. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 47(1), 137-44. doi:10.1590/S0080-62342013000100017
; Novelli, Nitrini, & Caramelli, 2010Novelli MMPC, Nitrini R, Caramelli P (2010). Cuidadores de idosos com demência: Perfil sociodemográfico e impacto diário [Caregivers of elderly people with dementia: Their demographic profile and daily impacts]. Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade de São Paulo, 21(2), 139- 147.; Pinto & Barham, 2014aPinto FNFR, Barham EJ (2014a). Bem-estar psicológico: Comparação entre cuidadores de idosos com e sem demência [Psychologial well-being: A comparison between caregivers of older adults, with and without dementia]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 15(3), 635-655. doi:10.15309/14psd150307
; Wang et al., 2014Wang XR, Robinson KM, Carter-Harris L (2014). Prevalence of chronic illnesses and characteristics of chronically ill informal caregivers of persons with dementia. Age and Ageing, 43(1), 137-141. doi:10.1093/ageing/aft142
) and over time, this can contribute to the caregiver developing health problems (Horiguchi & Lipp, 2010Horiguchi AS, Lipp MEN (2010). Alzheimer: Stress e qualidade de vida de cuidadores informais [Alzheimer's disease: Stress and quality of life of informal caregivers]. Psychiatry Online Brasil, 15(3). Retrieved from
; Pedreira & Oliveira, 2012Pedreira LC, Oliveira AMS (2012). Cuidadores de idosos dependentes no domicilio: Mudanças nas relações familiares [In-home caregivers of dependent elderly: Changes in family relationships]. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 65(5), 730-736. doi:10.1590/S0034-71672012000500003
; Wang et al., 2014Wang XR, Robinson KM, Carter-Harris L (2014). Prevalence of chronic illnesses and characteristics of chronically ill informal caregivers of persons with dementia. Age and Ageing, 43(1), 137-141. doi:10.1093/ageing/aft142

With respect to financial conflicts, caregivers often have to quit their jobs or decrease their hours of paid work to take care of elderly relatives, reducing their income just when financial expenses tend to increase, to purchase medicines and geriatric diapers, for example, along with other specialized products and services (Gervès et al., 2013Gervès C, Bellanger MM, Ankri J (2013). Economic analysis of the intangible impacts of informal care for people with Alzheimer's disease and other mental disorders. Value Health, 16(5), 745-754. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2013.03.1629
; Pedreira & Oliveira, 2012Pedreira LC, Oliveira AMS (2012). Cuidadores de idosos dependentes no domicilio: Mudanças nas relações familiares [In-home caregivers of dependent elderly: Changes in family relationships]. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 65(5), 730-736. doi:10.1590/S0034-71672012000500003
; Smith et al., 2010Smith CE, Piamjariyakul U, Yadrich DM, Ross VC, Gajewski B, Williams AR (2010). Complex home care: Part III - economic impact on family caregiver quality of life and patients' clinical outcomes. Nursing Economics, 28(6), 393-414.). Thus, the family's financial reserves tend to be depleted, after an elderly family member develops health problems (Gervès et al., 2013Gervès C, Bellanger MM, Ankri J (2013). Economic analysis of the intangible impacts of informal care for people with Alzheimer's disease and other mental disorders. Value Health, 16(5), 745-754. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2013.03.1629
; Smith et al., 2010Smith CE, Piamjariyakul U, Yadrich DM, Ross VC, Gajewski B, Williams AR (2010). Complex home care: Part III - economic impact on family caregiver quality of life and patients' clinical outcomes. Nursing Economics, 28(6), 393-414.; Wang et al., 2014Wang XR, Robinson KM, Carter-Harris L (2014). Prevalence of chronic illnesses and characteristics of chronically ill informal caregivers of persons with dementia. Age and Ageing, 43(1), 137-141. doi:10.1093/ageing/aft142
). According to the literature, it is relatively common that one person is left largely on their own to take full responsibility for caring for the elderly family member and for managing this person's financial resources (Pinto et al., 2013Pinto FNFR, Barham EJ, Albuquerque PP (2013). Idosos vítimas de violência: Fatores sociodemográficos e subsídios para futuras intervenções [Elderly victims of violence: Sociodemographic factors and information for future interventions]. Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, 13(3), 1159-1181.; Smith et al., 2010Smith CE, Piamjariyakul U, Yadrich DM, Ross VC, Gajewski B, Williams AR (2010). Complex home care: Part III - economic impact on family caregiver quality of life and patients' clinical outcomes. Nursing Economics, 28(6), 393-414.). This situation leads to conflicts with other family members who do not help, who have different opinions, or who expect some share of these resources (Areosa, Henz, Lawisch, & Areosa, 2014Areosa SVC, Henz LF, Lawisch D, Areosa RC (2014). Cuidar de si e do outro: Estudo sobre os cuidadores de idosos [Taking care of oneself and another: A study of caregivers of the elderly]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 15(2), 482-494. doi:10.15309/14psd150212
; Carneiro & França, 2011Carneiro VL, França LHFP (2011). Conflitos no relacionamento entre cuidadores e idosos: O olhar do cuidador [Conflicts in the relationship between caregivers and the elderly: The caregivers' viewpoint]. Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 14(4), 647-662. doi:10.1590/S1809-98232011000400005
; Gervès et al., 2013Gervès C, Bellanger MM, Ankri J (2013). Economic analysis of the intangible impacts of informal care for people with Alzheimer's disease and other mental disorders. Value Health, 16(5), 745-754. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2013.03.1629
; Pedreira & Oliveira, 2012Pedreira LC, Oliveira AMS (2012). Cuidadores de idosos dependentes no domicilio: Mudanças nas relações familiares [In-home caregivers of dependent elderly: Changes in family relationships]. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 65(5), 730-736. doi:10.1590/S0034-71672012000500003
). These same sources of conflict also emerged in the present study: the participants reported conflicts due to differences of opinion among family members, disagreements over the management of financial resources, divergences between the elderly person and the caregivers themselves with respect to the caregivers' needs, among others.

The lack of cooperation on the part of the care recipient, and the fact that either the care recipient or the caregiver may be willing to accept help from only certain people, can also contribute to the occurrence of conflicts (Areosa et al., 2014Areosa SVC, Henz LF, Lawisch D, Areosa RC (2014). Cuidar de si e do outro: Estudo sobre os cuidadores de idosos [Taking care of oneself and another: A study of caregivers of the elderly]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 15(2), 482-494. doi:10.15309/14psd150212
). In the current study, 16% of the caregivers admitted to having difficulty accepting the opinion of or help from others. Even caregivers who willingly chose to undertake this role can end up feeling burdened by incompatibilities with their elderly family member, or feeling discouraged, if their elderly relative is frequently upset or constantly criticizes them (Areosa et al., 2014Areosa SVC, Henz LF, Lawisch D, Areosa RC (2014). Cuidar de si e do outro: Estudo sobre os cuidadores de idosos [Taking care of oneself and another: A study of caregivers of the elderly]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 15(2), 482-494. doi:10.15309/14psd150212
; Carneiro & França, 2011Carneiro VL, França LHFP (2011). Conflitos no relacionamento entre cuidadores e idosos: O olhar do cuidador [Conflicts in the relationship between caregivers and the elderly: The caregivers' viewpoint]. Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 14(4), 647-662. doi:10.1590/S1809-98232011000400005
; Pedreira & Oliveira, 2012Pedreira LC, Oliveira AMS (2012). Cuidadores de idosos dependentes no domicilio: Mudanças nas relações familiares [In-home caregivers of dependent elderly: Changes in family relationships]. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 65(5), 730-736. doi:10.1590/S0034-71672012000500003
). Moreover, only 6% of the caregivers and 16% of the elderly care recipients did not report conflicts related to eldercare issues in their families, which strengthens the hypothesis that caring for a dependent, elderly, family member usually involves conflicts and difficulties, as many of the interpersonal strategies that people use in this context are not very effective in handling these problems.

Knowledge about aging and about workable strategies to respond to the needs of older people are still insufficient, in Brazil, especially with respect to helping elderly people with health problems, perhaps because the aging of the Brazilian population is a relatively recent phenomenon (Kuchemann, 2012Kuchemann BA (2012). Envelhecimento populacional, cuidado e cidadania: Velhos dilemas e novos desafios [Population aging, care and citizenship: Old dilemmas and new challenges]. Sociedade e Estado, 27(1), 165-180. doi:10.1590/S0102-69922012000100010
). However, laws to protect the rights of the elderly have already been established (Estatuto do Idoso [Statute for the Elderly]) by the Brazilian Ministry of Health (1999)Ministério da Saúde. (1999, 13 de dezembro). Portaria No. 1.395, de 9 de dezembro de 1999. Política Nacional de Saúde do Idoso [National Policy for the Health of the Elderly]. Diário Oficial da União, seção 1., which aim to ensure that family members, particularly adult children, support their elderly relatives. This legal obligation is positive, on the one hand, as a way to guarantee that older people receive assistance. On the other hand, it may contribute to increased conflict in families with weak emotional ties, as caring for the elderly person is nothing more than a requirement, and is not a choice based on a history of positive family relationships (Pinto et al., 2013Pinto FNFR, Barham EJ, Albuquerque PP (2013). Idosos vítimas de violência: Fatores sociodemográficos e subsídios para futuras intervenções [Elderly victims of violence: Sociodemographic factors and information for future interventions]. Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, 13(3), 1159-1181.).

Given the likelihood of needing to manage conflicts, a caregiver who has stronger social skills and who uses them in a socially responsible way should be better able to deal with difficult interpersonal issues (Lima et al., 2014Lima DC, Bandeira M, Oliveira MS, Tostes JGA (2014). Habilidades sociais de familiares cuidadores de pacientes psiquiátricos [Social skills of family caregivers of psychiatric patients]. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 31(4), 549-558. doi:10.1590/0103-166X2014000400009
; Muela et al., 2001Muela JA, Torres CJ, Peláez EM (2001). La evaluación de la asertividad como predictor de carga en cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer [Evaluation of assertiveness as a predictor of burden among caregivers of Alzheimer's patients]. Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, 36(1), 41-45. doi:10.1016/S0211-139X(01)74681-1
; Pinto & Barham, 2014aPinto FNFR, Barham EJ (2014a). Bem-estar psicológico: Comparação entre cuidadores de idosos com e sem demência [Psychologial well-being: A comparison between caregivers of older adults, with and without dementia]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 15(3), 635-655. doi:10.15309/14psd150307
; 2014b; Robinson, 1990Robinson KM (1990). The relationships between social skills, social support, self-esteem and burden in adult caregivers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15(7), 788-795. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.1990.tb01908.x
). For example, caregivers with greater social competence developed a better relationship with the elderly care-recipient and reported lower levels of burden, to the extent that they were able to express positive feelings, turn down unreasonable requests, ask others to change their behavior, ask for help from friends, and control aggressive reactions (Muela et al., 2001Muela JA, Torres CJ, Peláez EM (2001). La evaluación de la asertividad como predictor de carga en cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer [Evaluation of assertiveness as a predictor of burden among caregivers of Alzheimer's patients]. Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, 36(1), 41-45. doi:10.1016/S0211-139X(01)74681-1
; Pinto & Barham, 2014bPinto FNFR, Barham EJ (2014b). Habilidades sociais e estratégias de enfrentamento de estresse: Relação com indicadores de bem-estar psicológico em cuidadores de idosos de alta dependência [Social skills and coping strategies: Their relationship with psychological wellbeing among caregivers of highly dependent elderly people]. Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 17(3), 525-539. doi:10.1590/1809-9823.2014.13043
; Robinson, 1990Robinson KM (1990). The relationships between social skills, social support, self-esteem and burden in adult caregivers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15(7), 788-795. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.1990.tb01908.x
). The data from the current study confirm these earlier findings, as the social skills considered most important for someone who cares for an elderly family member included: obtain information about the care recipient's health condition, express positive feelings, control aggressiveness, talk through problems, use coping strategies, ask for help, and arrange some time for yourself.

The ability to obtain information entails requesting this information from other people, such as other caregivers or professionals who work in the field of geriatrics or gerontology. Arranging time for yourself may depend on the caregiver's ability to request other people's help to take care of the dependent, elderly person, or to require other family members to share these tasks. When thinking about the caregiver's role in assisting someone who has health problems, it is clear that the caregiver could benefit from learning more about their elderly family member's health condition. Having the ability to do this was considered highly relevant for caregivers, mentioned by 67% of the participants in this study, and requires that the caregiver is able to gain information through interactions with other people, such as physicians, other caregivers and other family members. When these other people interact with the caregiver using socially competent behaviors, these exchanges also create opportunities for the caregivers to improve their social skills.

Another skill reported as being important was expressing positive feelings. This ability, in conjunction with the caregivers' ability to control aggressive reactions, assists them in establishing healthier relationships, because, the warmer they are, the more likely it is that they will receive help, compared to those with a more forceful approach (Pinto & Barham, 2014aPinto FNFR, Barham EJ (2014a). Bem-estar psicológico: Comparação entre cuidadores de idosos com e sem demência [Psychologial well-being: A comparison between caregivers of older adults, with and without dementia]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 15(3), 635-655. doi:10.15309/14psd150307
; Robinson, 1988Robinson KM (1988). A social skills training program for adult caregivers. ANS Advances in Nursing Science, 10(2), 59-72., 1990Robinson KM (1990). The relationships between social skills, social support, self-esteem and burden in adult caregivers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15(7), 788-795. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.1990.tb01908.x
; Robinson & Yates, 1994Robinson KM, Yates K (1994). Effects of two caregiver-training programs on burden and attitude toward help. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 8(5), 312-319.). As such, controlling aggressive reactions when criticized, even if the criticism is unwarranted, is highly relevant to the caregiver's ability to establish good quality relationships with their elderly relative and with other people who are also involved in caring for the older person (Pedreira & Oliveira, 2012Pedreira LC, Oliveira AMS (2012). Cuidadores de idosos dependentes no domicilio: Mudanças nas relações familiares [In-home caregivers of dependent elderly: Changes in family relationships]. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 65(5), 730-736. doi:10.1590/S0034-71672012000500003
; Pinto & Barham, 2014bPinto FNFR, Barham EJ (2014b). Habilidades sociais e estratégias de enfrentamento de estresse: Relação com indicadores de bem-estar psicológico em cuidadores de idosos de alta dependência [Social skills and coping strategies: Their relationship with psychological wellbeing among caregivers of highly dependent elderly people]. Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 17(3), 525-539. doi:10.1590/1809-9823.2014.13043
; Robinson, 1990Robinson KM (1990). The relationships between social skills, social support, self-esteem and burden in adult caregivers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15(7), 788-795. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.1990.tb01908.x

In the present study, although the majority of participants reported needing more support, only 20% stated that the ability to ask for help is important. That is, although they realized they needed more support, 80% did not think of the ability to ask for help as a skill that a caregiver should use. As such, in addition to helping caregivers develop their ability to ask for help, it may also be important to help caregivers evaluate their situation, so they can more clearly discriminate when they should ask for help. In the current study, only 4% of the elderly care-recipients reported that caregivers should use their ability to ask for help, which, once again, seems to reflect the difficulty they have to understand the caregiver's perspective. In previous studies, the ability to ask for help was depicted as essential to caregivers' quality of life (Muela et al., 2001Muela JA, Torres CJ, Peláez EM (2001). La evaluación de la asertividad como predictor de carga en cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer [Evaluation of assertiveness as a predictor of burden among caregivers of Alzheimer's patients]. Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, 36(1), 41-45. doi:10.1016/S0211-139X(01)74681-1
; Pinto & Barham, 2014bPinto FNFR, Barham EJ (2014b). Habilidades sociais e estratégias de enfrentamento de estresse: Relação com indicadores de bem-estar psicológico em cuidadores de idosos de alta dependência [Social skills and coping strategies: Their relationship with psychological wellbeing among caregivers of highly dependent elderly people]. Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 17(3), 525-539. doi:10.1590/1809-9823.2014.13043
; Robinson, 1988Robinson KM (1988). A social skills training program for adult caregivers. ANS Advances in Nursing Science, 10(2), 59-72., 1990Robinson KM (1990). The relationships between social skills, social support, self-esteem and burden in adult caregivers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15(7), 788-795. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.1990.tb01908.x
; Robinson & Yates, 1994Robinson KM, Yates K (1994). Effects of two caregiver-training programs on burden and attitude toward help. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 8(5), 312-319.), and those who could ask for help in an appropriately assertive manner obtained more frequent assistance and felt less burdened, compared with those who did not have this ability or in whom this skill was poorly developed (Muela et al., 2001Muela JA, Torres CJ, Peláez EM (2001). La evaluación de la asertividad como predictor de carga en cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer [Evaluation of assertiveness as a predictor of burden among caregivers of Alzheimer's patients]. Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, 36(1), 41-45. doi:10.1016/S0211-139X(01)74681-1
; Pinto & Barham, 2014aPinto FNFR, Barham EJ (2014a). Bem-estar psicológico: Comparação entre cuidadores de idosos com e sem demência [Psychologial well-being: A comparison between caregivers of older adults, with and without dementia]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 15(3), 635-655. doi:10.15309/14psd150307
; Robinson & Yates, 1994Robinson KM, Yates K (1994). Effects of two caregiver-training programs on burden and attitude toward help. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 8(5), 312-319.). In addition, caregivers with more highly developed social skills had higher self-esteem (Robinson, 1988Robinson KM (1988). A social skills training program for adult caregivers. ANS Advances in Nursing Science, 10(2), 59-72., 1990Robinson KM (1990). The relationships between social skills, social support, self-esteem and burden in adult caregivers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15(7), 788-795. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.1990.tb01908.x
; Robinson & Yates, 1994Robinson KM, Yates K (1994). Effects of two caregiver-training programs on burden and attitude toward help. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 8(5), 312-319.).

Considering some of the difficulties that the elderly care-recipients seemed to have, to understand the caregivers' perspective, and the sense of burden that caregivers feel when they can't find a way to ask for help and are not able to express positive feelings towards their family members (creating an emotional distance between themselves and other people involved in this context), it may be possible to improve this situation using intervention programs to help both caregivers and elderly care-recipients improve their social skills. Given this demand, programs to help professionals develop their social skills would also be of critical importance, as healthcare workers act as models for elderly people and their caregivers. Professionals who are adequately qualified to work on relationship issues would then be able to offer the intervention programs that would help caregivers improve their social skills.

Such training programs would be important because the use of social skills affects an individual's ability to maintain positive relationships (Bandeira et al., 2014Bandeira M, Tostes JGA, Santos DCS, Lima DC, Oliveira MS (2014). Sobrecarga de familiares cuidadores de pacientes psiquiátricos: Relação com assertividade [Burden among family caregivers of psychiatric patients: Relation with assertive behavior]. Psico-USF, 19(3), 399-409. doi:10.1590/1413-82712014019003003
; Lima et al., 2014Lima DC, Bandeira M, Oliveira MS, Tostes JGA (2014). Habilidades sociais de familiares cuidadores de pacientes psiquiátricos [Social skills of family caregivers of psychiatric patients]. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 31(4), 549-558. doi:10.1590/0103-166X2014000400009
.). Caregivers who can be assertive and talk through problems with the elderly care- recipient, as well as with other people involved in the situation, are usually more successful and feel less burdened by their routine of caregiving activities (Muela et al., 2001Muela JA, Torres CJ, Peláez EM (2001). La evaluación de la asertividad como predictor de carga en cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer [Evaluation of assertiveness as a predictor of burden among caregivers of Alzheimer's patients]. Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, 36(1), 41-45. doi:10.1016/S0211-139X(01)74681-1
; Robinson, 1990Robinson KM (1990). The relationships between social skills, social support, self-esteem and burden in adult caregivers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15(7), 788-795. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.1990.tb01908.x
). Thus, social skills may be a protective factor for caregivers' health, helping them to establish positive connections with others and to obtain greater social support in performing tasks related to their elderly relative's needs, as well as in other situations outside this context (Braz, Del Prette, & Del Prette, 2011Braz AC, Del Prette ZAP, Del Prette A (2011). Assertive social skills training for the elderly. Behavioral Psychology, 19(2), 373-387.; Carneiro & Falcone, 2013Carneiro RS, Falcone EMO (2013). O desenvolvimento das habilidades sociais em idosos e sua relação na satisfação com a vida [Development of social skills among the elderly and its relationhip with life satisfaction]. Estudos de Psicologia (Natal), 18(3), 517-526. doi:10.1590/S1413-294X2013000300012
; Lima et al., 2014Lima DC, Bandeira M, Oliveira MS, Tostes JGA (2014). Habilidades sociais de familiares cuidadores de pacientes psiquiátricos [Social skills of family caregivers of psychiatric patients]. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 31(4), 549-558. doi:10.1590/0103-166X2014000400009
). Maintaining healthy relationships that allow caregivers to engage in other activities can help them improve their self-esteem, develop a greater sense of personal efficacy, and construct a positive identity during this stage of their lives (Carneiro & Falcone, 2013Carneiro RS, Falcone EMO (2013). O desenvolvimento das habilidades sociais em idosos e sua relação na satisfação com a vida [Development of social skills among the elderly and its relationhip with life satisfaction]. Estudos de Psicologia (Natal), 18(3), 517-526. doi:10.1590/S1413-294X2013000300012
; Robinson, 1988Robinson KM (1988). A social skills training program for adult caregivers. ANS Advances in Nursing Science, 10(2), 59-72., 1990Robinson KM (1990). The relationships between social skills, social support, self-esteem and burden in adult caregivers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15(7), 788-795. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.1990.tb01908.x
). In addition, a well-developed repertoire of social skills that are specific to caregiving (such as being able to raise the spirits of an older person who is experiencing an irreversible health decline, to express positive feelings in this context, and to be empathic) may be essential in mitigating the psychological impacts of dealing with the challenges that are inherent in this activity (Pinto & Barham, 2014aPinto FNFR, Barham EJ (2014a). Bem-estar psicológico: Comparação entre cuidadores de idosos com e sem demência [Psychologial well-being: A comparison between caregivers of older adults, with and without dementia]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 15(3), 635-655. doi:10.15309/14psd150307
, 2014bPinto FNFR, Barham EJ (2014b). Habilidades sociais e estratégias de enfrentamento de estresse: Relação com indicadores de bem-estar psicológico em cuidadores de idosos de alta dependência [Social skills and coping strategies: Their relationship with psychological wellbeing among caregivers of highly dependent elderly people]. Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 17(3), 525-539. doi:10.1590/1809-9823.2014.13043

Thus, studying the specificities of the social skills that are needed in the context of caring for a dependent elderly relative is needed, given that research shows that socially competent people have a better quality of life, as well as lower rates of anxiety and depression, compared to the general population (Carneiro & Falcone, 2013Carneiro RS, Falcone EMO (2013). O desenvolvimento das habilidades sociais em idosos e sua relação na satisfação com a vida [Development of social skills among the elderly and its relationhip with life satisfaction]. Estudos de Psicologia (Natal), 18(3), 517-526. doi:10.1590/S1413-294X2013000300012
; Del Prette & Del Prette, 2013Del Prette ZAP, Del Prette A (2013). Social Skills Inventory (SSI-Del-Prette): Characteristics and studies in Brazil. In FL Osório (Org.), Social anxiety disorders: From theory to practice (pp. 49-62). New York, NY: Nova Science.). The caregivers' coping strategies, which are affected by their social skills, in conjunction with support from their social network, affect their resilience and self-efficacy in managing the demands of caring for a dependent elderly person (Horiguchi & Lipp, 2010Horiguchi AS, Lipp MEN (2010). Alzheimer: Stress e qualidade de vida de cuidadores informais [Alzheimer's disease: Stress and quality of life of informal caregivers]. Psychiatry Online Brasil, 15(3). Retrieved from
). In addition, helping caregivers improve their social skills can increase their ability to obtain support from a greater number of people, which can relieve some of the pressure on their relationships. It is also essential to develop a reliable and valid instrument to assess caregivers' social skills, which can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of interventions to improve these skills among those who care for an elderly relative.

One of the key strengths of this study was its focus on an issue that has received little attention in the scientific literature, even at an international level. Although the results are clearly important, the limitations of this study must also be recognized. One such factor is the small number of elderly care-recipients and professionals who were interviewed. Elderly people who have no cognitive impairments, and who depend on a family member for assistance, constitute a population that is difficult to access; many of them prefer to have the caregiver answer questions for them. Most older people have a full-time caregiver only when they begin to develop some form of dementia or a disabling disease that leads to a state of dependency. The number of professionals who participated in the study was also small, as there are still relatively few trained professionals working in the field of geriatrics and gerontology, in Brazil, which makes it difficult to recruit these participants.

A further limitation was the fact that the interview schedule had to be developed based on the clinical experience of the researchers, as the number of publications on the social skills of caregivers is very meagre. However, this situation also points to why it is important to develop a tool to evaluate social skills in the specific context of caring for an elderly family member, as a person who is socially skilled in one context may not be skilled when performing other tasks, given the situational nature of social skills (Del Prette & Del Prette, 2013Del Prette ZAP, Del Prette A (2013). Social Skills Inventory (SSI-Del-Prette): Characteristics and studies in Brazil. In FL Osório (Org.), Social anxiety disorders: From theory to practice (pp. 49-62). New York, NY: Nova Science.; Lima et al., 2014Lima DC, Bandeira M, Oliveira MS, Tostes JGA (2014). Habilidades sociais de familiares cuidadores de pacientes psiquiátricos [Social skills of family caregivers of psychiatric patients]. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 31(4), 549-558. doi:10.1590/0103-166X2014000400009
; Pinto & Barham, 2014bPinto FNFR, Barham EJ (2014b). Habilidades sociais e estratégias de enfrentamento de estresse: Relação com indicadores de bem-estar psicológico em cuidadores de idosos de alta dependência [Social skills and coping strategies: Their relationship with psychological wellbeing among caregivers of highly dependent elderly people]. Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 17(3), 525-539. doi:10.1590/1809-9823.2014.13043
). A standardized instrument to assess the social skills resources and difficulties of caregivers who assist an elderly family member would contribute to obtaining more accurate and valid data that can guide the work of professionals. Thus, professionals conducting social skills training programs could increase the quality of their efforts to help caregivers manage their responsibilities and, at the same time, enable them to better care for themselves, avoiding or reducing declines in their physical and emotional wellbeing, and contributing to a greater quality of life for these caregivers.


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  • Areosa SVC, Henz LF, Lawisch D, Areosa RC (2014). Cuidar de si e do outro: Estudo sobre os cuidadores de idosos [Taking care of oneself and another: A study of caregivers of the elderly]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 15(2), 482-494. doi:10.15309/14psd150212
  • Bandeira M, Tostes JGA, Santos DCS, Lima DC, Oliveira MS (2014). Sobrecarga de familiares cuidadores de pacientes psiquiátricos: Relação com assertividade [Burden among family caregivers of psychiatric patients: Relation with assertive behavior]. Psico-USF, 19(3), 399-409. doi:10.1590/1413-82712014019003003
  • Braz AC, Del Prette ZAP, Del Prette A (2011). Assertive social skills training for the elderly. Behavioral Psychology, 19(2), 373-387.
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  • *
    Article derived from the first author's doctoral dissertation, under supervision of the second and co-supervision of the third co-authors, and defended in 2016 in the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos.
  • São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP Grant # 2012/00907-3).

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    May-Aug 2016


  • Received
    18 Feb 2015
  • Reviewed
    02 June 2015
  • Reviewed
    31 July 2015
  • Accepted
    03 Aug 2015
Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Av.Bandeirantes 3900 - Monte Alegre, 14040-901 Ribeirão Preto, Tel.: (55 16) 3315-3829 - Ribeirão Preto - SP - Brazil