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Effect of climate smart agricultural practices on food security among farming households in Kwara State, North-Central Nigeria

Efeito de práticas agrícolas inteligentes para o clima na segurança alimentar entre famílias agricultoras no estado de Kwara, centro-norte da Nigéria


Climate change brings a huge threat to the sustainability of food production and other livelihood activities in vulnerable areas like Nigeria, because it relies majorly on rain-fed agriculture. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of climate smart agricultural practices (CSAP) on food security of farming households in the Kwara State, North-Central Nigeria. A three-stage sampling technique was used to select ninety farming households, and a structured questionnaire to obtain information for the study. The collected data were analyzed using the food security index, adaptation strategy use index and logistic regression model. The result revealed that crop rotation is the most used CSAP in the study area, and that 16.67 % of the respondents are low users, 53.33 % medium users and 30 % high users of CSAP. It was also observed that 58.9 % of the farming households are food secured, while 41.1 % are food insecure. The logistic regression showed that the food security of the farming households is significantly affected by education, access to extension visits, farm size, off-farm income and CSAP.

Climate change; rain-fed agriculture; crop rotation


A mudança climática traz uma enorme ameaça à sustentabilidade da produção de alimentos e outras atividades de subsistência em áreas vulneráveis como a Nigéria, a qual depende, principalmente, da agricultura de sequeiro. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de práticas agrícolas inteligentes para o clima (PAIC) na segurança alimentar de famílias agricultoras no estado de Kwara, centro-norte da Nigéria. A técnica de amostragem em três estágios foi usada para selecionar noventa famílias agricultoras, e um questionário estruturado para obter informações para o estudo. Os dados coletados foram analisados por meio do índice de segurança alimentar, índice de uso da estratégia de adaptação e modelo de regressão logística. O resultado revelou que a rotação de culturas é a PAIC mais utilizada na área de estudo, e que 16,67 % dos entrevistados são pequenos usuários, 53,33 % médios usuários e 30 % grandes usuários de PAIC. Também observou-se que 58,9 % das famílias agricultoras dispõem de segurança alimentar, enquanto 41,1 % não dispõem. A regressão logística mostrou que a segurança alimentar das famílias agricultoras é significativamente afetada pela educação, acesso a visitas de extensão, tamanho da fazenda, renda fora da fazenda e PAIC.

Mudança climática; agricultura de sequeiro; rotação de culturas


Climate change is real, with clear evidences such as high temperatures and changes in rainfall, which have distressing effects on humanity, especially on its livelihood (IPCC 2014INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE (IPCC). Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part A: global and sectoral aspects. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.).

The regions most vulnerable to climate change are the developing countries, especially the African countries, which are characterized by a high level of poverty, subsistence food production and land degradation problems (Lal et al. 2015LAL, R.; SINGH, B. R.; MWASEBA, D. L.; KRAYBILL, D.; HANSEN, D. O.; EIK, O. L. Sustainable intensification to advance food security and enhance climate resilience in Africa. Cham: Springer, 2015.). This is because their economies depend to a large extent on agriculture, and they have inadequate capital for adopting and implementing adaptation measures (Fischer 2001FISCHER, G. Millions at risk: defining critical climate change threats and targets. Global Environmental Change, v. 11, n. 3, p. 181-183, 2001.). In other words, climate change brings a huge threat to sustainability of food production and other livelihood activities in vulnerable areas like Nigeria, because it relies majorly on rain-fed agriculture.

To combat the challenges posed by climate change, especially on agriculture, it is evident that agriculture across susceptible areas must experience a major change to tackle the various consequences of hunger, food insecurity, malnutrition, poverty and also environmental degradation. As a result of this, agricultural experts, policy makers and other actors highly concerned with rural livelihoods, poverty alleviation and food security proposed the adoption of climate-smart agriculture as a means of reducing the effects of climate change and variability in smallholder farming (FANRPAN 2012FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES POLICY ANALYSIS NETWORK (FANRPAN). Climate smart agriculture: achievements and prospects in Africa. In: LIMPOPO LBDC REFLECTION WORKSHOP, 2., 2012, Pretoria. Proceedings… Available at: Access on: Dec. 15, 2020.
, Lipper et al. 2014LIPPER, L.; THORNTON, P.; CAMPBELL, B. M.; BAEDEKER, T.; BRAIMOH, A.; BWALYA, M.; CARON, P.; CATTANEO, A.; GARRITY, D.; HENRY, K.; HOTTLE, R.; JACKSON, L.; JARVIS, A.; KOSSAM, F.; MANN, W.; MCCARTHY, N.; MEYBECK, A.; NEUFELDT, H.; REMINGTON, T.; SEN, T. P.; SESSA, R.; SHULA, R.; TIBU, A.; TORQUEBIAU, F. E. Climate-smart agriculture for food security. Nature Climate Change, v. 4, n. 12, p. 1068-1072, 2014., Nepad 2014NEW PARTNERSHIP FOR AFRICA’S DEVELOPMENT (Nepad). Millions of African farmers to benefit from new climate smart agriculture alliance. 2014. Available at: Access on: Dec. 15, 2020.
, World Bank 2016WORLD BANK. Climate-smart agriculture: successes in Africa. 2016. Available at: Access on: Dec. 15, 2020.
), since existing technologies and current institutional structures seem inadequate to achieve the mitigation needed to adequately slow climate change effects, while also meeting needed food security, livelihood and sustainability goals.

Climate-smart agriculture entails an agriculture that sustainably increases productivity and resilience, reduces greenhouse gases and enhances the achievement of national food security and development goals (FAO 2010FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATION (FAO). The state of food and agriculture 2010: food aid for food security? Rome: FAO, 2010.). It is not a new set of practices, but rather an integrated approach to the implementation of agricultural development programme policies (Lipper et al. 2014LIPPER, L.; THORNTON, P.; CAMPBELL, B. M.; BAEDEKER, T.; BRAIMOH, A.; BWALYA, M.; CARON, P.; CATTANEO, A.; GARRITY, D.; HENRY, K.; HOTTLE, R.; JACKSON, L.; JARVIS, A.; KOSSAM, F.; MANN, W.; MCCARTHY, N.; MEYBECK, A.; NEUFELDT, H.; REMINGTON, T.; SEN, T. P.; SESSA, R.; SHULA, R.; TIBU, A.; TORQUEBIAU, F. E. Climate-smart agriculture for food security. Nature Climate Change, v. 4, n. 12, p. 1068-1072, 2014.).

Agriculture is said to be climate smart when it realizes three major objectives: a) sustainable increase in agricultural production and income; b) building of resilience to climate change; c) reduction of greenhouse gas emission (Fanen & Adekola 2014FANEN, T.; ADEKOLA, O. Assessing the role of climate-smart agriculture in combating climate change, desertification and improving rural livelihood in northern Nigeria, African Journal of Agricultural Research, v. 3, n. 4, p. 23-34, 2014.). Climate smart agriculture promotes the transformation of agriculture systems and agricultural policies, in order to increase food production, enhance food security and ensure that food is affordable, hence reducing poverty while preserving the environment and ensuring resilience to a changing climate (Mnkeni & Mutengwa 2014MNKENI, P.; MUTENGWA, C. A comprehensive scoping and assessment study of climate smart agriculture (CSA) policies in South Africa. Pretoria: FANRPAN, 2014.).

Evidences show that Nigeria is already overwhelmed with various ecological problems which have been directly connected to the on-going climate change (Adefolalu 2007ADEFOLALU, D. O. A. Climate change and economic sustainability in Nigeria. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE, 2007, Awka. Proceedings… Awka: Nnamdi Azikiwe University, 2007. p. 36-49.). The southern ecological zone of Nigeria, mostly known for high rainwater, is currently confronted by abnormality in the rainfall pattern, also Guinea Savannah under going slowly increasing temperature, while the northern zone faces the menace of desert encroachment at a very wanton rate per year induced by fast reduction in the volume of surface water, vegetation and wildlife resources (Nigeria 2012NIGERIA. Federal Ministry of Environment. Strategies for mitigating climate changes. 2012. Available at: Access on: Dec. 15, 2020.

Agriculture as a mainstay of the Nigerian economy employs 72 % of the people, regardless of its declining role in providing foreign exchange income to the government (Ogbalubi & Wokocha 2013OGBALUBI, L. N.; WOKOCHA, C. C. Agricultural development and employment generation: the Nigeria experience. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, v. 2, n. 2, p. 60-69, 2013.). The main players in the Nigerian agriculture are the rural dwellers, who are faced with a lot of challenges, such as low productivity, inadequate access to capital, transportation, storage and processing facilities, and are more vulnerable to the negative impact of climate change.

Several studies have been carried out on climate change and food security (Ringler et al. 2010RINGLER, C.; ZHU, T.; CAI, X.; KOO, J.; WANG, D. Climate change impacts on food security in sub-Saharan Africa: insights from comprehensive climate change scenarios. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2010., Okoli & Ifeakor 2014OKOLI, J. N.; IFEAKOR, C. A. An overview of climate change and food security: adaptation strategies and mitigation measures in Nigeria. Journal of Education and Practice, v. 5, n. 32, p. 13-20, 2014., Osuafor & Nnorom 2014OSUAFOR, A. M.; NNOROM, N. R. Impact of climate change on food security in Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Technology, v. 3, n. 1, p. 208-219, 2014., Iduma et al. 2016IDUMAH, F. O.; MANGODO, C.; IGHODARO, U. B.; PAUL, T.; OWOMBO, P. T. Climate change and food production in Nigeria: implication for food security in Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 8, n. 2, p. 74-83, 2016., Ani et al. 2021ANI, K. J.; ANYIKA, V. O.; MUTAMBARA, E. The impact of climate change on food and human security in Nigeria. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, v. 14, n. 2, p. 148-167, 2021., Ngukimbin & Shinku 2021NGUKIMBIN, R. A.; SHINKU, B. Climate change and food security challenges: empirical investigations in Nigeria. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, v. 55, n. 1, p. 262-273, 2021.), but there is scanty empirical evidence on the effect of climate smart agricultural practices (CSAP) on food security status of farming households in North-Central Nigeria, especially in the Kwara State. Thus, this study aimed to: identify the socio-economic characteristics of farming household heads; examine the level of CSAP usage among farming households; analyze the food security status of farming households; and determine the effect of CSAP on food security of farming households in the study area.


The study was carried out in the Kwara State (8º30’N and 5º00’E), Nigeria, in 2019. The State has a land area of about 32,500 km2, population of around 2.37 million people (density of 42.5 km2), sixteen local government areas and four main ethnic groups (Yoruba, Nupe, Fulani and Baruba) (Nigeria 2008NIGERIA. National Population Commission. Population of Kwara State. Abuja: National Population Commission of Nigeria, 2008., KSG 2013KWARA STATE GOVERNMENT (KSG). History and society. 2013. Available at: Access on: Dec. 15, 2020.
). There are two major climatic seasons (wet and dry), with annual rainfall of 1,000-1,500 mm, while the average temperature ranges between 30 and 35 ºC. The state has sizeable expanse of arable and rich fertile soils, which are used for the cultivation of a wide variety of staples which include maize, cassava, yam, rice groundnut, sorghum, melon, cowpea, okra, pepper and some leafy vegetables, yet small-scale farmers in the State face the issue of poor access to land, due to the form of land tenure system practiced (KSG 2013KWARA STATE GOVERNMENT (KSG). History and society. 2013. Available at: Access on: Dec. 15, 2020.

Primary data were used for this study and were collected through the use of a structured questionnaire. The population was made up of farming households in the State which majorly practice subsistence farming. A three-stage sampling technique was used in the selection of the respondents: the first stage involved the random selection of zones A and B out of the four agricultural zones in the State; the second the random selection of five villages from each zone using the Agricultural Development Project village listing; and the third nine farming households randomly selected from a list of farming households generated in each village. In all, a total of 90 respondents were interviewed for this study.

The collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, adaptation strategy use index, food security index and logistic regression model. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage and tabulation, use of central tendency and dispersion (mean, mode, median and standard deviation) were used to describe the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the respondent.

The adaptation strategy use index (ASUI) was employed to determine the frequency of use of CSAP. The ASUI was adapted from Ojoko et al. (2017)OJOKO, E. A.; AKINWUNMI, J. A.; YUSUF, S. A.; ONI, O. A. Factors influencing the level of use of climate-smart agricultural practices (CSAPs) in Sokoto state, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, v. 62, n. 3, p. 315-327, 2017., and the frequency of use of CSAP was expressed using a four-point Likert scale. The formula is given as: ASUI = [(N1 x 3) + (N2 x 2) + (N3 x 1) + (N4 x 0)]/M, where: N1 is the number of farm households that frequently used a particular CSAP; N2 the number of farm households that occasionally used a particular CSAP; N3 the number of farm households that rarely used a particular CSAP; N4 the number of farm households that did not use a particular CSAP; M = n x 3; and n = total number of respondents.

The use of CSAP was also grouped into high, medium and low users, using a composite score that ranges between 0 and 1.

The food security index (Fi) was used to examine the food security status of farming households, given as: Fi = (per capita food expenditure for the ith household)/(2/3 mean per capita food expenditure of all households), where Fi > 1 means food secure for the ith household and Fi < 1 food insecure for the ith household.

Food secure household is the household whose per capita monthly food expenditure falls above or equals to two thirds of the mean per capita food expenditure, while food insecure household is that whose per capita food expenditure falls below two thirds of the mean monthly per capita food expenditure (Omonona et al. 2007). Also, the number of food secure/insecure households in the study area was determined by taking the frequency of the food secure/insecure households. The headcount ratio (H) is given as: H = M/N, where M is the number of food secure/insecure households and N the number of households in the sample.

The logistic regression model was employed to analyze the effect of the CSAP usage on the food security status of farming households in the study area. The relationship of this dependent variable may be examined with the independent variables. It is specified as: Li = (Pi /1 - Pi )= α + β1X1 + β2X2 + … + β10X10+ e1, where Li = Logit or log of odds ratio; P = food secure; 1 - Pi = food insecure; β1 to β10 = coefficients to be estimated; α = constant term; e1 = error term; X1 = gender of the household head (binary variable: 1 = male; 0 = female); X2 = number of people per household (adult equivalent); X3 = farm size (ha); X4 = extension contact - government and private (binary variable: yes = 1; no = 0); X5 = education (years of schooling); X6 = farming experience (years); X7 = farm income, considering the Nigerian currency (Naira; NGN; 1 USD = 238 NGN); X8 = off-farm income (Naira; NGN); X9 = access to credit (binary variable: yes = 1; no = 0); X10 = CSAP (low users = 0; medium users = 1; high users = 2).


Table 1 shows the result of socio-economic characteristics of the farming household heads, pointing out that the households in the study area are mostly (86.67 %) headed by males, with the majority (66.89 %) being below 49 years, thus revealing that they are in their active years and, therefore, strong enough to engage in agricultural practices. It also shows that about 70.01 % of the household heads have at least primary education, 96.67 % of them are married, 64.55 % have less than 2.5 ha of farmland, and about 90 % of them have more than ten years of experience in their farming enterprise. Farming experience is very important in farming activities, as it helps the farmer in the area of proper farm management to maximize profits.

Table 1
Socio-economic characteristics of the farming household heads.

The result of the climate smart agricultural practices revealed that crop rotation is the CSAP most used in the study area and that 16.67 % of the respondents are low users, 53.33 % medium and 30 % high users of CSAP (Table 2).

Table 2
Climate smart agricultural practices (CSAP) and level of usage.

Households were profiled into food secure and food insecure groups based on their per capita food expenditure. The food insecurity line is defined as two thirds of the mean per capita food expenditure of the total households studied. Therefore, households whose per capita food expenditure falls below NGN 2,900.38 were designated as food insecure, while those that equal or are greater than NGN 2,900.38 were considered food secure. It was observed that 58.9 % of the households were food secure, while 41.1 % were food insecure (Table 3).

Table 3
Food security status of farming households.

Table 4 shows that the food security of the farming households is significantly affected by education, access to extension visits, farm size, off-farm income and CSAP.

Table 4
Logistics regression result of the effect of climate smart agricultural practices (CSAP) on food security.

The coefficient of farm size was also found to be positive and significant at 10 %. This shows that the larger the farm size of a household the more the likelihood of being food secure. The coefficient of education was positive and significant at 10 %, what implies that educated household heads are more likely to be food secure.

The coefficient of access to extension service and training was positive and significant at 10 %, implying that an increase in access to extension service increased the likelihood of being food secure. The coefficient of off-farm income was also positive and significant at 5 %, implying that farming households that have other sources of income have a higher likelihood of being food secure than those who do not have. The R2 implies that the explanatory variables explain about 41.06 % of the variations in the logistics regression model of the effect of CSAP on food security.


  1. The use of climate smart agricultural practices (CSAP) improved the food security of farming households, with 58.9 % of them being food secured and 41.1 % being food insecure;

  2. With crop rotation being the most used CSAP in the study area and with 16.67 % of the respondents being low users, 53.33 % medium users and 30 % high users of CSAP, it is, therefore, recommended that the adoption of CSAP that ensure the sustainability of agricultural practices should be encourage and promoted in agrarian communities mostly consisting of small-scale farmers by both governmental and non-governmental agencies that are into mitigating the effect of climate change. Furthermore, farming households should be encouraged to diversify their source of livelihood, that is, to engage in other forms of income generating activities aside farming, as this will help to adopt the various forms of CSAP without lacking income for the sustenance of their households.


  • ADEFOLALU, D. O. A. Climate change and economic sustainability in Nigeria. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE, 2007, Awka. Proceedings… Awka: Nnamdi Azikiwe University, 2007. p. 36-49.
  • ANI, K. J.; ANYIKA, V. O.; MUTAMBARA, E. The impact of climate change on food and human security in Nigeria. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, v. 14, n. 2, p. 148-167, 2021.
  • FANEN, T.; ADEKOLA, O. Assessing the role of climate-smart agriculture in combating climate change, desertification and improving rural livelihood in northern Nigeria, African Journal of Agricultural Research, v. 3, n. 4, p. 23-34, 2014.
  • FISCHER, G. Millions at risk: defining critical climate change threats and targets. Global Environmental Change, v. 11, n. 3, p. 181-183, 2001.
  • FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATION (FAO). The state of food and agriculture 2010: food aid for food security? Rome: FAO, 2010.
  • FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES POLICY ANALYSIS NETWORK (FANRPAN). Climate smart agriculture: achievements and prospects in Africa. In: LIMPOPO LBDC REFLECTION WORKSHOP, 2., 2012, Pretoria. Proceedings… Available at: Access on: Dec. 15, 2020.
  • IDUMAH, F. O.; MANGODO, C.; IGHODARO, U. B.; PAUL, T.; OWOMBO, P. T. Climate change and food production in Nigeria: implication for food security in Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 8, n. 2, p. 74-83, 2016.
  • INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE (IPCC). Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part A: global and sectoral aspects. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
  • KWARA STATE GOVERNMENT (KSG). History and society 2013. Available at: Access on: Dec. 15, 2020.
  • LAL, R.; SINGH, B. R.; MWASEBA, D. L.; KRAYBILL, D.; HANSEN, D. O.; EIK, O. L. Sustainable intensification to advance food security and enhance climate resilience in Africa Cham: Springer, 2015.
  • LIPPER, L.; THORNTON, P.; CAMPBELL, B. M.; BAEDEKER, T.; BRAIMOH, A.; BWALYA, M.; CARON, P.; CATTANEO, A.; GARRITY, D.; HENRY, K.; HOTTLE, R.; JACKSON, L.; JARVIS, A.; KOSSAM, F.; MANN, W.; MCCARTHY, N.; MEYBECK, A.; NEUFELDT, H.; REMINGTON, T.; SEN, T. P.; SESSA, R.; SHULA, R.; TIBU, A.; TORQUEBIAU, F. E. Climate-smart agriculture for food security. Nature Climate Change, v. 4, n. 12, p. 1068-1072, 2014.
  • MNKENI, P.; MUTENGWA, C. A comprehensive scoping and assessment study of climate smart agriculture (CSA) policies in South Africa Pretoria: FANRPAN, 2014.
  • NEW PARTNERSHIP FOR AFRICA’S DEVELOPMENT (Nepad). Millions of African farmers to benefit from new climate smart agriculture alliance 2014. Available at: Access on: Dec. 15, 2020.
  • NGUKIMBIN, R. A.; SHINKU, B. Climate change and food security challenges: empirical investigations in Nigeria. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, v. 55, n. 1, p. 262-273, 2021.
  • NIGERIA. Federal Ministry of Environment. Strategies for mitigating climate changes 2012. Available at: Access on: Dec. 15, 2020.
  • NIGERIA. National Population Commission. Population of Kwara State Abuja: National Population Commission of Nigeria, 2008.
  • OGBALUBI, L. N.; WOKOCHA, C. C. Agricultural development and employment generation: the Nigeria experience. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, v. 2, n. 2, p. 60-69, 2013.
  • OJOKO, E. A.; AKINWUNMI, J. A.; YUSUF, S. A.; ONI, O. A. Factors influencing the level of use of climate-smart agricultural practices (CSAPs) in Sokoto state, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, v. 62, n. 3, p. 315-327, 2017.
  • OKOLI, J. N.; IFEAKOR, C. A. An overview of climate change and food security: adaptation strategies and mitigation measures in Nigeria. Journal of Education and Practice, v. 5, n. 32, p. 13-20, 2014.
  • OSUAFOR, A. M.; NNOROM, N. R. Impact of climate change on food security in Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Technology, v. 3, n. 1, p. 208-219, 2014.
  • RINGLER, C.; ZHU, T.; CAI, X.; KOO, J.; WANG, D. Climate change impacts on food security in sub-Saharan Africa: insights from comprehensive climate change scenarios. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2010.
  • WORLD BANK. Climate-smart agriculture: successes in Africa. 2016. Available at: Access on: Dec. 15, 2020.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    02 May 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    13 Oct 2021
  • Accepted
    16 Feb 2022
  • Published
    17 Mar 2022
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