In recent decades, the term self-regulation has been mentioned in research in different areas, including Education. Due to this growing use, the question is: what are the common elements in the concept of self-regulation learning presented in international research? In this study, integrative review and concept analysis methods were associated. In the first stage of the concept analysis, a survey of peer-reviewed articles was carried out on the CAPES Periodicals Portal, resulting in 372 articles that allowed indicating the areas of use of the term. In the second stage, applying the integrative review criteria, 67 articles were selected from the ERIC journals. Among the common factors, it was possible to identify that the self-regulation learning process includes planning, autonomy, implementation of objectives, goals and strategies, control of emotions, time management, appreciation of knowledge and successful execution of tasks.
Keywords: self-regulation learning; learning; concept analysis method
Nas últimas décadas, o termo autorregulação tem sido mencionado em pesquisas de diferentes áreas, entre elas a Educação. Devido a essa crescente utilização, questiona-se: quais são os elementos comuns no conceito de aprendizagem autorregulada apresentados em pesquisas internacionais? Neste estudo foram associados os métodos de revisão integrativa e de análise de conceitos. Na primeira etapa da análise de conceitos foi realizado um levantamento de artigos revisados por pares no Portal de Periódicos da CAPES, resultando em 372 trabalhos que permitiram indicar as áreas de utilização do termo. Na segunda etapa, aplicando os critérios de revisão integrativa, foram selecionados 67 trabalhos na base de periódicos ERIC. Entre os fatores comuns foi possível identificar que o processo de aprendizagem autorregulada inclui planejamento, autonomia, implementação de objetivos, metas e estratégias, controle de emoções, gerenciamento do tempo, valorização do conhecimento e execução de tarefas com êxito.
Palavras-chave: aprendizagem autorregulada; aprendizagem; método de análise de conceitos
En las últimas décadas, el término autorregulación ha sido mencionado en investigaciones de distintas áreas, entre ellas la Educación. Debido a esa creciente utilización, se cuestiona: ¿cuáles son los elementos comunes en el concepto aprendizaje autorregulado presentados en investigaciones internacionales? En este estudio se asociaron los métodos de revisión integrativa y de análisis de conceptos. En la primera etapa del análisis de conceptos se realizó una recopilación de artículos revisados por pares en el Portal de Periódicos de la CAPES, resultando en 372 estudios que permitieron indicar las áreas de utilización del término. En la segunda etapa, aplicando los criterios de revisión integrativa, se seleccionados 67 estudios en la base de periódicos ERIC. Entre los factores comunes se identificó que el proceso aprendizaje autorregulado incluye planeamiento, autonomía, implementación de objetivos, metas y estrategias, control de emociones, gerenciamiento del tiempo, valoración del conocimiento y ejecución de tareas con éxito.
Palabras clave: aprendizaje autorregulado; aprendizaje; método de análisis de conceptos
We know there are diverse causes for low academic performance. However, the process of mediation by the teacher and the adaptation of teaching, and assessment methods are the highlights of the aspects of greater importance when it comes to solving this problem (Pozzobon, Mahendra, & Marin, 2017).
Self-regulation is one of the alternatives that underlies all the mentioned aspects and their construct has been studied, in the past few years, by the researchers of educational psychology (Boruchovitch, 2014; Ganda & Boruchovitch, 2018) as a means to fix the problem of low academic performance at all levels of education (Menescal, 2018; Tanikawa & Boruchovitch, 2016). Generally speaking, self-regulation can be defined as a process of self-reflection and decision-making, in which students organize themselves in order to monitor and assess their own learning (Ganda & Boruchovitch, 2018).
The inclusion of this construct in the Brazilian research works is still fresh, though it already hints at a certain growth (Graph)1, especially in the past few years, since its first publication in 2001(Paula, 2001).
Theses and dissertations published in the BDTD - Self-regulation learning in all educational contexts.
By analyzing the first published dissertation (Paula, 2001), it is possible to observe that the references that make up their theoretical referential, concerning the discussion on the self-regulation construct, are international. This theoretical basis remains in recent research works (Galvão, 2019; Maciel, 2020; Menescal, 2018). However, research works by Boruchovitch (Boruchovitch, 2014; Ganda & Boruchovitch, 2018; Machado & Boruchovitch, 2015; and others) stand out, despite the string presence of international theoretical input.
In the discussion presented by Ganda and Boruchovitch (2018) on self-regulation learning and concepts, the authors provide fundamental clues on the models and conceptions presented by researchers of cognitive psychology. On the other hand, considering that a concept is a mental conception built upon a certain phenomenon (Fernandes, Nóbrega, Garcia, & Macêdo-Costa, 2011; Sousa et al., 2018) ― the representation of an idea or an abstract phenomenon that might clarify the conception of a given object - it becomes fundamental to recognize the relevance of structural knowledge on the elements present in the self-regulation concepts that have been adopted by research in the last decades. This preoccupation is easily justified by the fact that it might provide guidelines to the work developed by teachers in order to promote self-regulation for students at different levels of education. They can also provide directions to further research and advertising of the theme both in the contexts of psychology and education.
Thus, the following leading question was asked for this research work: what are the common elements present in the self-regulation learning concept that are listed in international research works? In order to answer this question, researchers conducted an integrative review work associated with the method of concept analysis by Walker and Avant (2011).
It is important to emphasize the fact that it was not possible to identify, in the literature, works that are based on a method and investigate the concept of self-regulation learning. Thus, it is an innovative and relevant work, for the methodological questions that contemplated in it as well as for the comprehension of the concept investigated then.
Based on the questioning over what the common elements would be for the self-regulation learning concept presented by international research works, it was possible to notice that the concept-analysis method proposed by Walker and Avant (2011), contributes to the composition of the self-regulation learning concept. This method leads to the identification of what precedes the concept (Antecedents), what is present in the concept (Categories), and the consequences related to the concept (Consequences), according to what was demonstrated in research works both in the area of Health (Mangueira & Lopes, 2014) and in the Education area (Mirhosseini, Mehrdad, Bigdeli, Peyrovi, & Khoddam, 2018).
The analysis of the concept, based on a method, allow for the decomposition of its structure, function, and basic elements (Mirhosseini et al., 2018). Thus, it is possible to foster a validation of the model, as well as developing and assessing tools towards the standardization of language (Mangueira & Lopes, 2014).
Walker and Avant (2011) propose a method for concept analysis made up of 8 stages: (1) selection of concept; (2) elaboration of the objectives if the assessment to be realized; (3) identification of the uses of the concept in different areas; (4) determination of the definition attributes; (5) elaboration of a model case; (6) construction of limit, related, contrary, invented, and non-legitimate cases; (7) identification of antecedents and consequences related to the concept; (8) choice of empirical references for the concept.
In this research, the gathering of documentation for stage (3) took place by means of a bibliographical survey in the Journal portal of the Coordination of Support for Higher Education Personnel, “Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior”’ (CAPES). It is worth it to emphasize that, in their proposal, the authors do not define specific criteria for the analysis of publications after Stage (4). Thus, for the subsequent Stages - (4); (5); (6); (7); and (8) - researchers chose to associate the method for Concept Analysis with the procedures of an integrative review (Vosgerau & Romanowski, 2014). Such procedure had already been realized in other applications of the method for Concept Analysis (Mangueira & Lopes, 2014).
In order to present the procedures for each one of these stages, this is the sequence determined by Walker and Avant (2011): Stage (1) - Concept Selection: according to what has been shown in the introduction, several researchers have pointed at self-regulation as an alternative to combat low academic performance experienced by students at different levels of education (Menescal, 2018; Tanikawa & Boruchovitch, 2016). However, the survey of only 51 documents from the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, “Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações” (BDTD), in the past 20 years, indicates that it is still a new concept, while the production of research has picked up momentum in the last 5 years. This has an impact on the use of the construct, for the realized research works in the Brazilian context, which makes researchers, quite often, resort exclusively to international literature, realizing diversified translations and appropriations of the elements that make up the self-regulation learning concept. This fact validates the search for common categories on which current research works can be based, and which will be able to support future studies and applications. Stage (2) - Elaboration of the objectives of the analysis to be realized: the main focus of this research is to identify, in internationally published research works, the common elements present in the self-regulation learning concepts for learning used in the articles. Stage (3) - Identification of the of the concept in different areas: the Journal portal of the Coordination for Support for Higher Education Personnel, “Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior2” (CAPES) is a library that contemplates different areas in the most assorted fields. A bibliographical survey was realized by means of the “self-regulation learning” descriptor, comprehending only works reviewed by peers, which yielded 372 works. After reading the abstracts, it was possible to identify seven areas in which the self-regulation theme is discussed (Graph 2).
The areas with the greatest concentration of works are: Education3 (75 works); Health (63 documents); Administration/Industries/Businesses/Management (47 documents); Psychology/Psychoanalysis (33 documents). In the other areas, though at a lesser proportion, it is possible to observe the existence of the appropriation of the term: Legal matters (17 documents); Accountancy/Economy (16 documents); the natural environment (15 documents); and other areas (12 documents).
Self-regulation in the area of physical health is linked to control mechanisms of the organs of the human body that help individuals keep themselves active, and the functions of the organism predictable. In Public Health, in turn, the concept defines the capacity by individuals to effectively control their own emotions, as well as their behavior in order to be protagonists in the trajectories of their lives and make healthy choices in the activities they develop.
In the preparation and planning for athletes/sports people, developing their activities, while improving their performances, is considered a self-regulation practice. Thus, individuals that practice sports activities are self-regulated when it comes to focusing on training and preparation to realize their activities.
Concerning the area that comprehends Administration, Industries, and Businesses, as well as Management, the “Self-regulation” term defines businesses/industries that regulate themselves by creating their own production devices without the interference of third parties in their decision-making. It is also connected to their professional performances and its monitoring, to entrepreneurial feedback, and to the achievement of goals within their work environments.
When it is related to the emotional control that individuals possess over themselves in their decision-making, which might influence their temperaments, as well as their reactivities, the concept of “self-regulation” connects with the Psychology/Psychoanalysis area. For this area, self-regulation refers to the capacity of individuals to control their own emotions and behavior in order to adapt to their social contexts. However, in studies on the Psychology of Learning, the “self-regulation” term is linked to learning processes and have been categorized in a similar way to the Education area. therefore, they will be dealt with separately in this article.
Regarding the Natural Environment, the concept of self-regulation is mentioned in connection with the attitudes by people responsible for Industries/Businesses. The businesses concerned with matters of sustainability create mechanisms in order to self-regulate and modify their means of production with the objective of not doing damage to the natural environment.
Concerning legal matters, the “self-regulation” term is linked to autonomy in decision-making. It is emphasized by some authors that the Law seems to regulate the other fields although it is not regulated.
When mentioned concerning Economy/Accountancy matters, self-regulation refers to codes of conduct and ethics, which contribute to good practices by the individuals engaged in these areas.
Since the focus of this research is to investigate the use of the “self-regulation learning” term, the Education area presented in the graph will not be approached at this moment. It was contemplated in a singular manner later on.
Based on the survey into the concept in the different areas, it is possible to conclude that there are elements that distinguish the application of the concept in different sectors. This corroborates the relevance of identifying whether, within the same area, the self-regulation term has common elements that need to be taken into consideration before their application.
For surveying the articles that make up the analysis of the self-regulation concept in education, the ERIC database was used (in English, Education Resources Information Center4), while the search is realized by means of the Self-regulation AND Education terms, leading to the location of 1.946 articles.
With the intention to identify the contemporaneous attributions given to the “self-regulation learning” term, a refining of the works was realized. Therefore, the ones published in the year 2015. In this refinement, 704 titles were presented. In order to comprehend the used concept for the self-regulation learning term, when it is directly connected to learning strategies, a new refinement was realized by means of the descriptor indicated in the ERIC database itself: learning strategies, with a result of 185 works.
After a reading of the titles, 59 articles were excluded because they did not specifically discuss the process of developing self-regulation learning.
In the sequence, it was verified that among the 126 selected titles, 23 did not have the complete document in the ERIC database. So, they were excluded, and 103 works were left. After the reading of the 103 abstracts, it was observed that in 36 works the self-regulation learning process was connected tangentially to the study defined here. Consequently, they were excluded, and 67 works were left. These 67 works were fully read and after this reading, it was possible to observe the need for realizing a new exclusion process: 1 work was excluded because it concerned regulation for learning and not self-regulation learning for the objective of this research; 25 other works presented the self-regulation term but did not define the used concept and, for this reason, were also excluded. In the end, 41 works made up the corpus of the analysis realized here, and they are listed in an attachment to this document.
The results are presented as a continuation to the sequence of steps defined within the proposal concept analysis.
Stage (4) - Determination of the definition attributes: The 41 included works were imported into the ATLAS.ti software for analysis of qualitative data. In the software, a single code was used: self-regulation aiming at extracting the concepts present in the text in order to identify the attributes related to this code and that were contemplated throughout the analyzed works (Box 1).
Stage (5) - Production of a model case: according to the proposal by the method of Concept Analysis, the model case is produced by the researchers by means of attributes identifies in the selected quotes, thus:
An undergraduate student in Biology started the Research Methodology discipline for the production of his Course conclusion paper (TCC). From the very beginning, the student engaged into the investigation of relevant themes that, by means of his research, could effectively contribute to a quality natural environment. The student selected assorted publications and websites that approached the theme and started writing, imagining that it could be good enough for discussing the set of themes in the TCC. As soon as the text was finished, the student handed it over to the tutoring teacher and set up a meeting for discussing the chosen set of themes and the written material. In the meeting, the tutoring teacher commented that the research should be systematically conducted and organized, rather than based on random readings, and also recommended materials on research production. The tutor also pointed at a few spelling, grammar, and text-construction mistakes, and provided the student with a text self-correction guide. During the conversation, the very attentive student observed that the teacher’s comments were focused on the written text, which needed improvement, rather than on the student himself (i). After the conversation, the student decided to check the mistakes pointed out by the teacher had also been made in other texts produced during his graduation course (a). The texts were reread, with the application of the review guide provided by the tutor. Major mistakes were registered for later lists of materials towards learning by one’s mistakes (d). At this moment, the student noticed his own necessity to better learn the Portuguese language and that was probably a result of unsatisfactory basic education. The student needed to solve that problem not only in order to produce a good TCC, but also to acquire a competitive professional edge (b). The student did plenty of internet research by means of free videos on writing, started to read from websites on grammar tips and text writing (n) and got interested in the discovery of most common mistakes in writing (f). After this conversation, the student assessed his possibilities (j), produced work hypotheses, defined the trajectory he would go through, and organized a study timetable. The student established research goals and attempted to investigate the available literature on the chosen theme (m). After that, the student realized an empirical research and wrote his paper with excellence. The student was successful in the development of his research and obtaining academic approval. After obtaining approval, the student also used the acquired knowledge to promote events to raise awareness on protecting the natural environment for people from his neighborhood and from other parts of the city.
Stage (6) - Construction of limit, related, contrary, invented, and non-legitimate cases:
The limit case, according to the method proposed by Walker and Avant (2011), can be an idealized case that will help the reader to reach a comprehension of what is not related to the identified attributes. Clearly, the authors if this study point at the following hypothetical case, which can be considered a limit case: a student from the third year of high school intended, at the end of the school year, to take an entrance test for a graduation course in a higher learning institution (IES). The student got enrolled in a preparation course in combination with school activities. The student, however, missed too many classes at the course, and failed to establish a study routine while prioritizing other activities such as going to parties with friends. At the end of the school year, on the day of the entrance test for the chosen graduation course, the student was late and forgot to bring along the necessary material to take the test. Obviously, it was an unsuccessful experience.
Stage (7) - Identification of antecedents and consequences related to the concept:
Antecedents are events that need to take place before the formulation of the concept and the consequences are the results regarding the presence of the concept (Mirhosseini et al., 2018). However, concerning the the concept self-regulation learning, it is possible to verify that the antecedents and consequences are part of a continuum. According to the aforementioned attributes, the students: assess their own learning process and identify their own shortcomings during the process (a; b); the students are provided with metacognition and are motivated (d; e); they aim at the acquisition of new knowledge and at a process of self-correction (f; g); they set up clear goals (h; m) which might take place before, during, or after the process of learning different knowledge. They are in search of reflection on their activities (f; i; j; k). Besides that, “cognitive self-regulation includes strategies for cognitive learning, such as planning, monitoring, regulation, and assessment before, during, and after performance” (Zimmerman, 2011 according to Muenks, Wigfield, Yang, & O’Neal, 2017, p. 602, our translation). This continuum can be presented by means of a cyclic process, according to Illustration 1.
On illustration 1, the attributes of self-regulation learning are related to each other without any hierarchy. The antecedents and consequences are associated to each other in a parallel, simultaneous way. Only the attribute of “executing activities successfully” can be separately regarded as a consequence.
Stage (8) - the choice of empirical references for the concept:
the empirical references for essential attributes of a concept can be named ‘categories’ or ‘classes of observable phenomena’ and, most often, are identical to the attributes (Fernandes et al., 2011). Thus, it is possible to observe that the attributes of self-regulated learning are interconnected, as in a web or network, in which the threads depend on each other so that the product and/or result can have quality. In other words, so that learning can be effective and significant. Thus, attributes can be identified by means of the students’ attitudes, that is, whether they present the will and the autonomy to learn (e; f; n); establish goals and strategies for the development of activities (f; m); manage their time, while assessing their attitudes and behaviors during the whole process of knowledge construction (a; i; j; m); aim to increase their capacity for learning and realize their activities successfully (a; d; e; f; g; h; j; k; m; n).
Self-regulation is related to planning matters, decision making, and investments in different areas in order to reach a goal that is, in general, meticulously outlined. Businesses and industries seek and exercise self-regulation when they regulate themselves, without the interference of regulating agencies or any other external corporation. Therefore, when they act responsibly, they prove self-regulated regarding the natural environment, for example. The issue of ethics in decision-making is also approached when self-regulation is part of sectors that directly operate with financial situations. The commitment by athletes in the preparation for their physical activities is part of the routine of those who are self-regulated and the emotional control of the individuals is delt with by the areas, denominated here, of Psychology/Psychoanalysis and Public Health, when they approach the concept of self-regulation. There is also the issue of self-regulation related to the health area, by indicating the perfect operation of the organs in the human body.
In the area of Education, because it is related to the learning concept, the following attributes are identified for self-regulation: planning their own learning, autonomy for the realization of different activities, the implementation of objectives, the development of strategies, self-assessment, emotional control, the search for routes towards more potential for learning and for the successful accomplishment of tasks. Self-regulated students understand and appreciate the act of learning. That is the reason why they are able to manage their own time, prioritize learning activities, and get effectively engaged with the processes of construction of their own knowledge. Such students do not depend on the attitudes of their teachers, parents, or peers in order to get engaged in learning activities. These students go beyond classroom time and can be regarded as investigators of the learning possibilities within their reach. Self-regulated students are effectively committed to their own education.
The situations of antecedence and consequence of self-regulation learning are connected and can be seen from a non-linear perspective. For example: an antecedent is the act of planning and managing time for dedication to learning processes. It is also a consequence of self-regulation attitudes.
Thus, the method by Walker and Avant (2011) was chosen in order to realize the analysis of the seff-regulation concept, in which learning was the main focus. Understanding the essence of the term and the elements that make it up leads teachers, as early as basic education, to provide necessary actions to help students become co-responsible for their own learning process, which can provide students with the opportunity to develop an larger inventory of resources in order to obtain success in their academic trajectories.
As a limitation of this study, we can mention the use of only one database - ERIC. Due to the fact that it is a database specifically related to education, with a lot of articles on the theme, we believe that it is possible to overcome such limitation. However, we emphasize that, based on the listed categories, this study can be amplified by means of other bases.
With the results of this study, it is possible to develop new empirical research that will lead to the validation and/or amplification of the obtained results. Among the possibilities for studies, we suggest the use of the listed categories in the conception of instruments for self-assessment and formation of teachers, on their self-regulation process, especially regarding basic education, which is the ideal level of education for developing self-regulated students. Thus, in order to help students to become self-regulated, it is important that teachers also become aware of their own self-regulation processes.
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Survey realized on May 08th 2020 using the search terms: “(Portuguese abstract: learning And (“elementary school” OR “Primary learning” OR “high school” OR “basic education” OR “higher education” OR “university course” OR “public teaching” OR “private teaching” OR “private teaching)”.
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Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
19 Dec 2022 -
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15 July 2020 -
17 June 2021