This article aims to analyze scientific articles about School and Educational Psychology, specifically related to the training of psychologists. We carried out a systematic review of articles (2009-2019), using the Portal Periódicos CAPES platform, using the descriptors “school psychology AND psychologist training” and “educational psychology AND psychologist training”. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria and identifying repeated articles, we proceeded with the selection by reading the publications, resulting in a total of 26 articles, mostly published in the Revista de Psicologia Escolar e Educational. In the discussions, we identified the use of traditional practices, clinical instruments and clinical practices as a questioning point related to forms of stigmatization and the absence of theoretical references specific to School Psychology. As for training in the area, questions emerge about initial and continuing training, little curricular space for School Psychology and Historical-Cultural Psychology as a methodological alternative for action.

Keywords: school psychology; educational psychology; psychologist training


Este texto objetiva analisar artigos científicos sobre Psicologia Escolar/Educacional, especificamente relacionados à formação de psicólogos. Realizamos uma revisão sistemática de artigos (2009-2019), pela plataforma Portal Periódicos CAPES, mediante os descritores “psicologia escolar AND formação do psicólogo” e “psicologia educacional AND formação do psicólogo”. Após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão e identificação de artigos repetidos, procedemos à seleção pela leitura das publicações, resultando um total de 26 artigos, em sua maioria publicados na Revista de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional. Nas discussões, identificamos o uso de práticas tradicionais, de instrumentais clínicos e práticas clínicas como ponto de problematização relacionado às formas de estigmatização e a ausência de referenciais teóricos próprios da Psicologia Escolar. Quanto à formação na área, emergem questões sobre formação inicial e continuada, pouco espaço curricular para Psicologia Escolar e a Psicologia Histórico-Cultural como alternativa metodológica para atuação.

Palavras-chave: psicologia escolar; psicologia educacional; formação do psicólogo


Este texto tiene por objetivo analizar artículos científicos sobre Psicología escolar/educacional, específicamente relacionados a la formación de psicólogos. Realizamos una revisión sistemática de artículos (2009-2019), por la plataforma Portal Periódicos CAPES, utilizando los descriptores “psicología escolar AND formación del psicólogo” y “psicología educacional AND formación del psicólogo”. Tras aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión e identificación de artículos repetidos, procedemos la selección por la lectura de las publicaciones, resultando en un total de 26 artículos, en su mayoría publicados en la Revista de Psicología Escolar/Educacional. En las discusiones, identificamos el uso de prácticas tradicionales, de instrumentales y prácticas clínicos como punto de problematización relacionado a las formas de estigmatización y a la ausencia de referenciales teóricos propios de la Psicología Escolar. En lo que se refiere a la formación en el área, emergen cuestiones sobre formación inicial y continuada, poco espacio curricular para Psicología escolar y la Psicología Histórico-Cultural como alternativa metodológica para actuación.

Palabras claves: psicología escolar; psicología educacional; formación del psicólogo


Based on the problems concerning the formation of psychologists, we have thematized modern education psychology in this article. In order to do it, we have realized a systematic review in the CAPES portal of journals and identified permanencies/tendencies for construction in the field of educational psychology by means of theoretical/empirical studies that approach the formation of psychologists. Most importantly, we aim at discussing education psychology from the perspective of formation of psychologists.

The criticism to an adaptationist perspective of Education Psychology and the need for psychology as a field of knowledge to review its own formation are discussed by Patto (1984) in the book “Psychology and Ideology: Introduction to School Psychology” or, “Psicologia e Ideologia: introdução à Psicologia Escolar”, which is a product of the author’s doctorate thesis. In this publication, the author diagnosed, in the history and practice of psychology, that the theory of cultural neediness, based on the belief in cognitive deficit as fruit of cultural miscegenation, as well as studies on the pedagogical deficits of the Brazilian education system that mask omissions and fragilities of education/school, and contribute to racism and segregation among children, adolescents, and adults. Patto (1984) emphasizes how much education psychology has availed itself of psychometric methodologies for the inclusion of the “able” at the expense of the excluded “unable”, by means of pathologizing interpretations of the pedagogical processes.

According to Antunes (2008), after the referred diagnosis, it becomes possible to recognize a moment of crises in Brazilian Education Psychology. It is clear in the questioning of ethical-political fundaments for the formation of education psychologists and the degree to which their practices keep stigmatizing discourses. Since then, school psychologists have discussed the clinical-pedagogical references as methodological perspectives and have searched for possibilities of critical actions that are committed to social transformation by means of education.

If in the 1980s, Patto (2000) included inner factors at school as producers of failure and the need for psychology to take a distance from psychometric or clinical/adaptationist practices. It was a research work realized with psychologies in the educational field by Rocha (1999) at the end of the 1990s and it discussed formation in the psychology/education interface while highlighting three action models: clinical, pedagogical, and institutional. Since then, education psychology has started to include in its agenda diverse possibilities for formation/intervention on the institutional policies of school dynamics, while interpreting demands as psychosocial matters of the institution.

Santos and Toassa (2015), by means of a systematic review (1988-2011), detected a prevalence of clinical perspectives in the formation of education psychologists, while situating secondary/tertiary interests of education psychology in the formation of education psychologists. However, the same study, in addition to the time outline proposed here, had its limitations due to the fact that it restricts itself to one single phase (LILACS) and a single descriptor, “Formation of psychologists”. Thus, the present article gets its justification in the recognition of the relevance of updating the discussion on these themes.


The systematic review consists of studies of characterization of the profiles of knowledge production by means of an organized, objective selection of scientific literature, by clear and replicable criteria that reach goals and solve specific theoretical problems. Researchers privilege the construction of a research itinerary for the process of identifying sources, while highlighting the selection criteria for works that are up to the objectives of the study and benefit the construction of a corpus that outlines the investigation, the methodological perspectives and in which perspectives this knowledge is produced (Gomes & Caminha, 2014).

We recommend databases that congregate scientific magazines or archives of university systems, another important source (Costa & Zoltowski, 2014). We chose the CAPES Journal Portal (PPC) as a means of access to the desired literature. It is a platform of digital database archive of Ministry of Education (MEC), of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, or “Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento do Pessoal de Nível Superior” (CAPES). The PPC unites databanks and virtual archives of scientific magazines, dissertations, and Brazilian and foreign theses. Professors and students from federal universities, such as the authors of this article are equipped with the CAFe system (Federate Academic Community), where they have free access to journals with publications with paid access.

We have realized two surveys, one in August, 2019 and another in January, 2020. For each one, researchers produced a report for registration and assessment. The two surveys justify themselves by maximizing the amount of recovered virtual material and by minimizing the risks and/or mistakes due to fluctuations in the system. The used descriptors were: education psychology AND psychology formation; education psychology AND psychologist formation. The adopted selection criteria were the following: outline of the last 10 years, materials related to the scientific article format, works in Portuguese, English, and/or Spanish, and finally, publications reviewed by peers. Thus, we were able to gather 778 productions.1

Chart 1
Selected articles and corresponding journals.

First exclusion process: researchers excluded works with repeated titles and abstract in Portuguese or in another language. Then researchers obtained the result of the second corpus with 284 productions. According to Sampaio and Mancini (2007), the titles must be assessed, abstracts and keywords on which a semantic analysis is realized in order to assess how much they contemplate the investigation. Two judges, the first and the second author conducted the evaluation by means of the following questions: “Is it a scientific article?”, “Is it related to Education Psychology?” and “Does it approach experience and/or questions related to the formation of psychologists in Brazil?”. The works with negative evaluation by the two authors were excluded. Consequently, 34 articles remained. Researchers realized the first full reading aiming at identifying whether the discussions on the manuscripts interested the present review. Eight articles were excluded: Zavadski and Facci (2012) and Barbosa and Marinho-Araújo (2010) worked the formation of teachers in higher education and social educators; Seixas, Coelho-Lima, Fernandes, Andrade and Yamamoto (2016) and Mendes (2010) analyze documents as social policies, pedagogical political projects, and educational treaties, without delimitating educational psychology; Pires and Silva (2012), Quevedo and Conte (2016), Barbosa and Marinho-Araújo (2010) and Souza, Ribeiro and Silva (2011) approach the practice of education psychologists; however they don’t bring questions regarding formation. Finally, the final corpus was made-up of 26 productions.

Researchers used the annotation technique for outlining pertinent discussions. According to Salvador (1986), annotations lead to a parsimonious investigation on the discussions in the texts. The annotations make it possible to construct synthesis that can be used for the construction of our study. In order to do so, we followed the recommendations of Lima and Mioto (2007): first, researchers conducted a selective reading extracting the most important reflections/discussions in the text, direct and indirect quotations in the text. At a second moment, we realized an interpreting reading in order to construct a synthesis of the information for the study that we have developed. We have used the annotation instrument for the selections - Attachment 1:


General characteristics

The total sum was 25 publications with a psychology scope and only one publication with an education scope. The recovered journals and their respective quantitative were: Education Psychology (n=18), Psychology: Teaching and Formation (n=3), Psychology Studies - Natal (n=1), Psychology Studies - Campinas (n=1), Psychology Interactions (n=1), Psychology USP (n=1) and Education and Research (n=1) (Graph 1). Concerning the years: 2016 (n=5), 2015, 2012 and 2010 (n=4), 2014 (n=3), 2011 and 2018 (n=2), and finally, 2009 and 2013 (n= 1). Regarding the Brazilian regions: Southeast (n=13), Northeast (n=8), Mid-west (n=3), South (n=2) and North (n=2).

Graph 1
Psychology Journals.

Regarding the construction of manuscripts, we had 10 bibliographical - theoretical works and 16 works that were the result of empirical studies. The articles represented different theoretical perspectives: cultural-historical (n=11), Marxist studies (n=3), Critical Education Psychology, with a reference in the contribution by Maria Helena S. Patto (n=3) and Constructivism (n=1). On the other hand, researchers obtained 8 works that did not assume affiliations (Graph 2). The tools for research/studies2 were: interviews (n=9), Documents (n=7), Bibliographies (n=5), participant observation (n=4), field diary (n=3), questionnaires (n=2), systematic review (n=2), home visit (n=1).

Graph 2
Theoretical-methodological Perspectives

Psicologia escolar crítica: critical education psychology

Concerning the interests/research fields in the formation of psychologists (n=15), different faces/interlocutors appeared (Graph 3): students, teachers, national curricular guidelines or “Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais” (DCNs), graduation curricula, internships and continuous formation. Professional practice (n=6) was problematized by experiences in private and public schools and scientific productions. We found constructions based on knowledge production (n=2), inclusive education (n=1), school (n=1), family (n=1), childhood (n=1).

Graph 3
Fields/Research Interlocutors.

Between traditional and critical practices

Two characteristics prevailed in the works on the theoretical-methodological conceptions of education psychology. The first one highlights traditional education psychology practices, based on clinical psychology, as a referential for professional practice/identity at school; critical practices that demand an ethical-political commitment for resistance and the minimization of all forms of oppression and social exclusion; and works that situate the absence of/need for theoretical references for the work of psychologists at school. Finally, the second characteristic situates cultural-historical psychology and/or other institutional intervention strategies as alternatives for the construction of new actions education psychology that are in accordance with the necessities of critical practices and aligned with the demands and conditions at school.

Concerning traditional practices, we have the permanence of the references of psychological practice such as orientation, interviews, psychological advice, and psychological examination practices (Tada, Sápia, & Lima, 2010). From the point of view of professional themselves, their clinical practices are due to a formation with little space for education psychology, as well as to the expectations of private institutions regarding clinical work (Souza, Ribeiro, & Silva, 2011): cases where psychologists can provide support for teachers on students’ psycho-emotional matters (Gaspar & Costas, 2011), or conduct pedagogical practices that are suitable for learning processes (Aquino, Lins, Cavalcante, & Gomes, 2015). It is a vision that has been translated and kept by students when they start formation in psychology (Trigueiro, 2016).

For the deconstruction of these continuations, there is the need for reformulating education psychology by the DCNs, with discussions on the production of schooling, especially forms of medicalization, stigmatization and exclusion (Brasileiro & Souza, 2010). As an alternative to traditional education psychology, we have demands for collective strategies for institutional interventions on learning processes, and the construction of the critical formation of teachers on learning and the protection of children’s rights by/at school (Chagas, Pedroza, & Branco, 2012; Prudêncio, Gesser, Oltramari, & Cord, 2015). There were works that find in cultural-historical psychology the theoretical-methodological tools for tackling academic failure, medicalization and other possible stigmatizations (Firbida & Facci, 2015; Facci, Lima, Firbida, Barroco, Leal, & Lessa, 2015).

In turn, critical practices refer to signatory works and to the critical perspective inaugurated by Patto, also known as critical education psychology (Leite, 2014). These are themes related to ideologies, instrumental/clinical rationalities, social administration, and other problematizations related to Marxist studies (Brasil, 2012). In addition, there is a highlight on works that demand the construction of DCNs that are concerned with issues related to the production/maintenance of failure, with the objective to bring the formation of psychologizing practices to an end, reproduced by professionals with new practices (Lopes & Silva, 2018). On the other hand, critical practices aim at new actions that are historically contextualized as works with inclusive education and the family-school relation (Schruber & Cordeiro, 2010; Bulhões, 2018). In the construction of critical practices, cultural-historical psychology remains as the most important theoretical-methodological collection for constructions that are engaged with the political matters of schooling (Nunes, Alves, Ramalho, & Aquino 2014): mediation in inclusive education (Barroco & Souza, 2012); internship supervision (Braz-Aquino & Albuquerque, 2016); and the construction of political-pedagogical projects - PPPs (Wanderer & Pedroza, 2010). It is important to highlight the demands for institutional interventions, for collective and collaborative strategies (Vieira, Figueiredo, Souza, & Fenner 2013), especially discussing public education policies as ways to safeguard social rights and neoliberalist reversal of individualization (Asbahr, 2014), as a space for professional formation (Peretta, Silva, Naves, Nasciutti, & Silva, 2015).

However, there are works that hint at the structural neediness of a cohesive theoretical-methodological system of education psychology. In order to fix such neediness, researchers adopt other theoretical systems such as cultural-historical psychology and/or successful institutional experiences in public policies as theoretical reference for professional formation/action for education psychologists (Carvalho & Marinho-Araújo, 2009; Guzzo, Mezzalira, & Moreira, 2012).

Formation Contexts

The contextualizations over types of psychologist formation were comprehensive and contemplated curricular prevalence/lack in graduation, the demands for the critical eye in graduation as well as in professional qualification and the discussions on the DCNs that standardize psychology courses in Brazil. In addition, researchers emphasize discussions on space and types of transmission for education psychology.

By recovering the formation they received, psychologists hinted at the great prevalence of disciplines and internships for clinical instruments and the consequence is education psychology being often minimized to a discipline (Souza et al., 2011). They are learning experiences for psychodiagnosis, vocational orientation, psychological counseling and many other practices that approach school psychology with individualizing, psychologizing lenses (Firbida e Facci, 2015). Conditions for self-perception by education psychologists as supporters for suffering and other issues of emotional nature, for learning or relationship deficits, that is, individual problems that might come up in everyday life at school (Aquino et al., 2015; Gaspar & Costa, 2011). When researchers look for continuous formation, the formation many times restricts itself to participation in congresses, courses, and specializations (Lopes & Silva, 2018). Concerning the last one, it becomes an alternative when it benefits career advancements and salary bonuses (Tada et al., 2010, Schruber & Cordeiro, 2010). The little investment in continuous formation is perceived by the school community itself when it expects a more critical action on institutional problems and the non-maintenance of individualizing and medicalizing practices (Prudência et al. 2015).

Regarding this instrumental condition, the importance of a critical formation of ideological, marketing processes and clinical-instrumental relations and seen in some texts as the alternative for constructing new professionals and having a new education psychology as a consequence (Santos & Toassa, 2015; Asbahr, 2014; Brasil, 2012). Researchers resort to cultural-historical psychology as the most important psychological matrix as theoretical-methodological way for the production of critical knowledge for the practice of psychologists in the schooling processes (Nunes et al., 2014; Braz-Aquino & Albuquerque, 2016). Specifically, it is believed that mediation processes instrumentalize professionals for the construction of a critical conscience that is politically engaged with institutional matters regarding the production of subjectivity, especially critical to the different forms of exclusion, individualization, and stigmatization (Barroco & Souza, 2012; Wanderer & Pedroza, 2010; Facci et al., 2015).

As a critical perspective, we found some articles that advocate the importance of knowledge on the institutional relations that are present at schools, especially on the possibility of psychologists being able to interfere in pathologizing processes (Vieira et al., 2013). At the same time, it is possible to pay attention to possibilities on micropolitical matters such as the family-school relation (Bulhões, 2018), regarding macropolitical matters such as the insertion of children’s and adolescents’ rights as topics for discussion at school (Chagas et al., 2012). Macropolitical matters such as public policies, also appear as theme and strategy for psychologists at school, especially when public schools and other institutions are important for the preservation and maintenance of social rights (Leite, 2014; Guzzo et al., 2012)

For guaranteeing a politically engaged formation, researchers situate the importance of DCNs when it comes to standardizing generalist formation perspectives and leading to the construction of critical actions with methodologies and strategies that surpass the pragmatics of clinical psychology (Carvalho & Marinho-Araujo, 2009; Brasileiro & Souza, 2010). Most importantly, researchers are able to maximize education psychology in graduation courses instead of restricting it to one discipline, or even dilute it in extension projects/leagues or internships connected to organizational emphasis and the management of people (Trigueiro, 2015; Magalhães, Rechtman, & Barreto, 2016).


The references of clinical psychology remain endogenous to the construction of education psychology, by the homogenization of psychologist formation by theoretical and practical disciplines related to clinical approaches. The search for interventions by cultural-historical psychology or institutional perspectives appears as an alternative for the action of psychologists in school environments. On the other hand, critical practices in education psychology have become more comprehensive but remain with discussions on the production of failure and get more update with medicalization/pathologizing matters of life.

The sharp criticisms did not lead to the construction of a psychological theoretical-methodological system within educational spaces that were different because of a new professional identity. The critical perspectives of education psychology remain with discussions on hegemonic references as examples of clinical matrix approaches on professionals as well as on formation itself.

In fact, the increasing complexity of school matters in the formation of psychologists amplified their outline beyond failure, while incorporating interventions in school everyday life, public policies, human rights, and the protection of children and adolescents. They are incorporations of normative and discursive order by the DCNs and the courses must follow them. However, they do not guarantee the sensibilization of psychology courses, especially the last, future professionals in the institutions.

Cultural-historical psychology consists of a theoretical-methodological alternative for education psychology to develop critical positions that dislocate the initial and continuous formation of traditional practices. There is the production of a synonym for critical action as cultural-historical mediation processes, which materialize by means of institutional matters/problems/interventions, especially when the works tend to discuss mediation, development zones, conscience, that is, replace psychogenetic concepts as models of professional practice (Barroco & Souza, 2012; Nunes et al., 2014; Wanderer & Pedroza, 2010). Critical education psychology, by incorporating the ethical task of debating what must not compose formation//practice, has not been able to visualize as an effect of this attitude, the image of a consolidated area/identity. Thus, it is not possible to perceive its movements as a theoretical-methodological system of interventions that goes beyond criticisms to stigmatization by failure, and its updating, such as the medicalization/pathologization of life, which remains necessary.


In the studies, there is a prevalence of formation/action by education psychologists with a reference in clinical practices by adoption as well as by rejection, objects of criticism by the instrumentality in professional formation/practice regarding the stigmatizations of the schooling process. Thus, the demands for practice by education psychologists still focus on complaints in behavioral repertoire, medicalization of learning disorder, psychological suffering and interpersonal relation processes. On the other hand, some studies denote the need for amplification of a critical, interdisciplinary formation of modern processes that are present in school demands such as ideological complaints, diversity, and educational inclusion, mental health, and the multiple facets of student failure and that do not reduce themselves to the individual vision of the problem student.

The results also hint at the need to rethink curricula by incorporating (inter)institutional analyses because the family-school-society relation nowadays leads to a praxis under the psychosocial prism. Thus, studies demonstrate the need for refusal to traditional practices that are scarcely connected with macro and micro political schooling processes. The critical practices of education psychology need to go further in institutional contextualization as a reference for the formation of education psychologists for their future professional practice.

Thus, the work constructed here refers to the discourses analyzed by the productions provided by the platform. Such demarcation is important because of the fluctuation risks of the system resulting in failure at recovering some works because the readings and analyses conducted in the reviews we have done are not neutral. Therefore, the present review aims at becoming a proposal for criticism to the development of education psychology and outlining the need for more works that promote critical thinking as a permanent element of reconstruction.


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  • 1
    The databases recovered from the search system of the CAPES Journal Platform were: OneFile (GALE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), SciELO (CrossRef), Scopus (Elsevier), SciELO Brazil, Dialnet, Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science), Sociological Abstracts, Materials Science & Engineering Database, MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM), ScieELO Public Health, JSTOR Archival Journals, SciELO Colombia, Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database, Technology Research Database, Engineering Research Database, SciELO Chile, PMC (PubMed Central).
  • 2
    Possible to identify more than one tool per assessed article.
  • Financial support: CAPES Scholarship (D/S); FUNCAP Scholarship
  • 5
    This paper was translated from Portuguese by Régis Lima.


Annotation instrument for scientific article

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    20 Oct 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    05 Sept 2020
  • Accepted
    17 Feb 2021
Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE) Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE), Rua Mirassol, 46 - Vila Mariana , CEP 04044-010 São Paulo - SP - Brasil , Fone/Fax (11) 96900-6678 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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