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Adolescents who comply with a socio-educational measure of probation have to attend school as an obligation. In this scenario, the teacher has a central role in promoting close relationships that help these students. The objective was to characterize the resources and difficulties reported by teachers regarding the teaching-learning process of adolescents on probation. Ten teachers of students on probation participated, from public schools in a city in the countryside of the state of São Paulo, who provided answers to a semi-structured interview. The analyzes were based on the Collective Subject Discourse technique, pointing out the teachers’ resources regarding planning, teaching, and establishing bonds; as the difficulties reported were the family’s absence at school, learning gaps and the lack of value for education. It is concluded that interventions that enhance the teachers’ social educational skills and promote relationships between the family and school microsystems of students on probation are important.

teacher; adolescent on probation; teaching and learning


Adolescentes que cumprem medida socioeducativa de liberdade assistida têm a frequência escolar como uma obrigação. Nesse cenário, o professor tem papel central na promoção de relações proximais que auxiliem esses alunos. Objetivou-se caracterizar os recursos e as dificuldades relatadas por professores quanto ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem de adolescentes em liberdade assistida. Participaram 10 professores de alunos em liberdade assistida, de escolas públicas de uma cidade do interior paulista, os quais responderam a uma entrevista semiestruturada. As análises foram pautadas na técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, apontando os recursos dos professores quanto ao planejamento, à didática e ao estabelecimento de vínculos; como dificuldades foram relatadas a ausência da família na escola, as lacunas de aprendizado e a não valorização da educação. Conclui-se como importantes intervenções que potencializem as habilidades sociais educativas de professores e promovam relações entre os microssistemas família e escola do alunado em liberdade assistida.

professor; adolescente em liberdade assistida; ensino e aprendizagem


Los adolescentes que cumplen medida socioeducativa de libertad asistida tienen la frecuencia escuela como obligación. En este escenario, el profesor desempeña un papel central en la promoción de relaciones proximales que ayuden a estos alumnos. se ha objetivado caracterizar los recursos y las dificultades señaladas por los profesores en relación con el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los adolescentes en libertad asistida. Participaron diez profesores de alumnos en libertad asistida, de escuelas públicas de una ciudad del interior de São Paulo, que respondieron a una entrevista semiestructurada. Los análisis se basaron en la técnica del Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo, señalando los recursos de los profesores para planificar, enseñar y establecer vínculos; se señalaron como dificultades la ausencia de la familia de la escuela, las lagunas en el aprendizaje y la no valoración de la educación. Se llega a la conclusión de la importancia de las intervenciones que potencien las habilidades sociales educativas de los profesores y fomenten las relaciones entre los microsistemas familiar y escolar de los alumnos en libertad asistida.

profesor; adolescentes en libertad asistida; enseñanza y aprendizaje


Human development is a biopsychosocial phenomenon that is characterized by constant change, influencing and being influenced by the environment and by socio-historical time (Bronfenbrenner, 2012Bronfenbrenner, U. (2012). Bioecologia do desenvolvimento humano: tornando os seres humanos mais humanos. Porto Alegre: Artmed.; Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006), including components such as person, process, context, and time, that is, the different phases of the vital cycle are understood in a systemic way. Adolescence, which takes place between the ages of 12 and 18 years, is defined by physical (puberty), social, and affective changes; the search for affective independence regarding relatives, differentiation and approximation of peers, the acquisition of new skills and behaviors. Emotional intensity is merely one of the characteristics (Steinberg & Morris, 2001Steinberg, L., & Morris, A. S. (2001). Adolescent development. Annual Review of Psychology, 52, 83-110.
; World Health Organization [WHO] 2018World Health Organization(WHO). (2018). Coming of age: adolescent health. Disponível em:
;). Adolescents are products and producers of their development trajectories (Senna & Dessen, 2012Senna, S. R., & Dessen, M. A. (2012). Contribuições das Teorias do Desenvolvimento Humano para a Concepção Contemporânea da Adolescência.Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa,28(1), 101-108. Recuperado de
); thus researchers emphasize the importance of identifying and strengthening resources and relations among teenagers and the contexts they live in (Senna & Dessen, 2012Senna, S. R., & Dessen, M. A. (2012). Contribuições das Teorias do Desenvolvimento Humano para a Concepção Contemporânea da Adolescência.Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa,28(1), 101-108. Recuperado de

Among the contexts adolescents are inserted in, the family microsystem is the first one from which individuals are supposed to receive support in accordance with their needs, while establishing loving connections and solid bonds (Dessen & Polonia, 2007Dessen, M. A., & Polonia, A. C. (2007). A família e a escola como contextos de desenvolvimento humano. Paidéia(Ribeirão Preto ), 17(36), 21-32.
; Wang & Sheikh-Khalil, 2014Wang M. & Sheikh-Khalil, S. (2014). Does parental involvement matter for student achievement and mental health in high school?Child Development 85(2), 610-625.
), which, by means of proximal relations, contribute to positive conclusions for development (Elias & Marturano, 2018Elias, L.C.S. & Marturano, E.M(2016). Promovendo Habilidade de Soluções de Problemas Interpessoais em crianças. Interação em Psicologia. Curitiba, 20(1), 91-100.
). Concerning the family environment of adollescents in conflict with the law, studies have pointed at major fragilities such as lack of support, lack of emotional investment, faulty monitoring, and severe socioeconomic difficulties, which act as potential risk factors for development (Farrington, Loeber, & Ttofi; 2012Farrington, D. P., Loeber, R., & Ttofi, M. M. (2012). Risk and Protective Factors for Offending. The Oxford Handbook of Crime Prevention. Oxford: UK.; Feijó & Assis, 2004Feijó, M. C., & Assis, S. G. (2004). O contexto de exclusão social e de vulnerabilidade de jovens infratores e suas famílias. Estudos em Psicologia, 9(1), 157-166.
; Komatsu & Bazon, 2018Komatsu, A. V., & Bazon, M. R. (2018). Fatores de risco e de proteção para emitir delitos violentos: Revisão Sistemática da Literatura. Perspectivas Em Psicologia, 22(1).

School is the second microsystem teenagers participate in, or at least should, and it is of vital importance for development. School can be either a protection factors when it serves its educational purpose and leads to close relations that are beneficial to development (Casali-Robalinho, Del Prette, & Del Prette, 2015Casali-Robalinho, I. G., Del Prette, Z. A. P., & Del Prette, A. (2015). Habilidades Sociais como Preditoras de Problemas de Comportamento em Escolares. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 31(3), 321-330.
) or a risk factor when it does not serve its purpose (Dessen & Polonia, 2007Dessen, M. A., & Polonia, A. C. (2007). A família e a escola como contextos de desenvolvimento humano. Paidéia(Ribeirão Preto ), 17(36), 21-32.
; Poletto & Koller, 2008Poletto, M., & Koller, S. H. (2008). Contextos ecológicos: promotores de resiliência, fatores de risco e de proteção. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 25(3), 405-416.
), turning into an environment of constant interpersonal conflict, negative experiences, and the reproduction of social stigma (Marturano & Elias, 2006Marturano, E. M. & Elias, L. C. S. (2006). O atendimento psicológico a crianças com dificuldades escolares. In: Silvares, E. F. M. (Org.). Atendimento psicológico em clínicas-escola(pp. 75-90). Campinas: Alínea.). Negative school experiences such as poor performance, feeling of failure, and lack of support contribute to precocious school evasion and might lead teenagers to risky behaviors and misdemeanor (Le Blanc, 2003Le Blanc, M. (2003). Trajetórias de delinquência comum, transitória e persistente: uma estratégia de prevenção diferencial. In: I., Alberto(Ed.), Comportamento Antissocial: Escola e Família(Vol. 1, pp 31-80). Coimbra: Centro de Psicopedagogia da Universidade de Coimbra.), which is frequently the case when it comes to adolescents on probation (Silva & Bazon, 2015Silva, J. L., & Bazon, M. R. (2015). Educação escolar e conduta infracional em adolescentes: Revisão integrativa da literatura. Estudos de Psicologia, 19(4), 278-287.

Misdemeanor and socially disapproved (diverging) behaviors can be deemed as instances of experimentation, appropriation, and exploration of the contexts and institutions in which adolescents are inserted. Such behaviors naturally cease to happen as teenagers mature into adulthood (Le Blanc, 2010Le Blanc, M. (2010). Un paradigme développemental pour la criminologie: développement et autorégulation de laconduite déviante. Criminologie, 43(2), 401-428.
; Komatsu & Bazon, 2015Komatsu, A. V., & Bazon, M. R. (2015) Caracterização de adolescentes do sexo masculino em relação a comportamentos antissociais. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, 13(2),725-735.
). On the other hand, depending on the characteristics of the contexts, on the established processes, on the characteristics of the people involved, and on time, such behaviors may not stop, and teenagers will probably be held socially and legally responsible for their actions. In this sense, one of the possibilities is the application of the socio-educational measure of probation, which is characterized as a pedagogical measure of accountability, without confinement, legally applied on teenagers (between 12 and 18 years of age), who committed small crimes. Applied on teenagers in cases where it presents itself as the most suitable choice for their reintegration into society, the socio-educational measure of probation aims at reducing the practice of misdemeanor by teenagers, the re-establishment of family connections, in addition to return and permanence at school (Brasil, 1990Brasil. (1990). Lei nº 8.069. Dispõe sobre o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e dá outras providências. Brasília: Diário Oficial da União. Disponível em:

School is once again the center of attention for its role as promoter of development; however, literature in the area has pointed at difficulties in this reinsertion. Rocha (2014Rocha, M. F. J. (2014). Conflito, diálogo e permanência: o professor mediador, o adolescente que cometeu ato infracional e a escola (Dissertação de Mestrado), Universidade Federal de São Carlos. São Carlos- SP. Recuperado de
) reports that teenagers who are perpetrators of misdemeanor are stigmatized by society as students who always perform poorly, disrespect established institutional rules and regulations, generate conflict and chaos within the school and become a threat to institutional order. This generalization of characteristics attributed to teenagers undermines their status as citizenships, with the right to inclusion and permanence at school.

Bazon, Silva and Ferrari (2013Bazon, M. R., Silva, J. L., & Ferrari, R. M. (2013). Trajetórias escolares de adolescentes em conflito com a lei. Educação Em Revista, 29(2), 175-199.
), regarding teenagers under socio-educational measures, identify patterns of educational trajectory, such as the one in which there is the beginning of positive schooling that nevertheless is followed by negative experiences along the way; or the one that is known as predominantly bad since the beginning. Lima and Haracemiv (2021Lima, F. V., & Haracemiv, S. M. C. (2021). Trajetórias escolares dos/as adolescentes em conflito com a lei: revisão sistemática e integrativa. Arquivos analíticos de políticas educativas, 29(4), 1- 25.
) hint at the fact that despite the expected disparity between age and school year, failures, and evasions that characterize the trajectories of teenagers who are in conflict with the law, school can represent an environment of protection that reveals the need for educational practices that recognize the peculiarities of these individuals.

School reflects the changes that take place around the world (Grimes, Rausch, & Santos, 2017Grimes, C., Rausch, R., & Santos, B. (2017). Desafios da atuação docente no ensino médio na contemporaneidade: Reflexões a partir dos dizeres de um professor de Biologia. Revista Profissão Docente, 16(34), 42-52.
); thus, it must be able to handle different demands, offer support to parents, teachers, and students when it comes to facing these challenges (Dessen & Polonia, 2007Dessen, M. A., & Polonia, A. C. (2007). A família e a escola como contextos de desenvolvimento humano. Paidéia(Ribeirão Preto ), 17(36), 21-32.
). In this context, the teacher’s practice requires a social approach that is suitable and effective, especially when it comes to mediating everyday relations and conflicts (Grimes et al., 2017). The teacher-student relation proves pivotal because when teachers manage to build a solid connection with their students and to establish quality communication, the educational process as a whole benefits (Guimarães & Maciel, 2021Guimarães, M., & Maciel, C. (2021). A afetividade na relação professor-aluno: Alicerces para a aprendizagem significativa. Research, Society and Development, 10(10), 1-12.
; Rodrigues, Blaszko, & Ujiie, 2021Rodrigues, G. M. M. M., Blaszko, C. E., & Ujiie, N. T. (2021). A afetividade na relação professor-aluno e o processo ensino-aprendizagem. Colloquium Humanarum, 18(1). Recuperado de
; Valle & Williams, 2021Valle, J., & Williams, L. (2021). Engajamento Escolar: Revisão de Literatura Abrangendo Relação Professor-Aluno e Bullying. Psicologia, Teoria E Pesquisa, 37, 91-98.
; Zuffiano et al., 2013Zuffiano, A.; Alessandri, G.; Gerbino, M.; Kanacri, B. P. L.; Di Giunta, L.; Milioni, M., & Caprara, G. V. Academic achievement: The unique contribution of self-efficacy beliefs in self-regulated learning beyond intelligence, personality traits, and self-esteem. Learning and Individual Differences, 23(1), 158-162, 2017.

Carminatti and Del Pino (2019Carminatti, B., & Del Pino, J. (2019). Afetividade e relação professor-aluno: contribuições destas nos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem em ciências no ensino médio. Investigações Em Ensino De Ciências, 24(1), 122-138.
) also add that such relation gets built when teachers seek to understand the diverse contexts in which their students are inserted, and therefore, go beyond the school premises. In this sense, a strong teacher-student relation benefits academic learning as well as overcoming the adversities present in educational environments (Achkar, Leme, Soares, & Yunes, 2017Achkar, A. M. N., Leme, V. B. R., Soares, A. B., & Yunes M. A. M. (2017). Risco e proteção de estudantes durante os anos finais do ensino fundamental. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, 21 (3), 417-426.
; Zuffiano et al., 2013Zuffiano, A.; Alessandri, G.; Gerbino, M.; Kanacri, B. P. L.; Di Giunta, L.; Milioni, M., & Caprara, G. V. Academic achievement: The unique contribution of self-efficacy beliefs in self-regulated learning beyond intelligence, personality traits, and self-esteem. Learning and Individual Differences, 23(1), 158-162, 2017.

In face of so many challenges, the theoretical-practicl field of social skills might act as a resource for educational actors. The role of educators is not restricted to teaching content. It also involves preparing intellectually and contributing to the social formation of students, without disregarding emotional matters and the confrontation of adverse everyday situations, including interpersonal conflict (Guimarães & Maciel, 2021Guimarães, M., & Maciel, C. (2021). A afetividade na relação professor-aluno: Alicerces para a aprendizagem significativa. Research, Society and Development, 10(10), 1-12.

Social skills describe a set of social behaviors that are not appreciated and a certain culture and historical time, which increase the probability of individuals obtaining favorable results regarding their actions and in certain situations (Del Prette & Del Prette, 2017Del Prette, Z. A., & Del Prette, A. (2017). Competência Social e Habilidades Sociais: manual teórico-prático. Rio de Janeiro: Vozes.). They are recognized as indispensable resources for human development and as a protection factor for confronting and minimizing damage caused by stress in diverse situations, such as for example in the everyday life of school, family, and of relations with peers (Casali-Robalinho et al., 2015Casali-Robalinho, I. G., Del Prette, Z. A. P., & Del Prette, A. (2015). Habilidades Sociais como Preditoras de Problemas de Comportamento em Escolares. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 31(3), 321-330.
; Poletto & Koller, 2008Poletto, M., & Koller, S. H. (2008). Contextos ecológicos: promotores de resiliência, fatores de risco e de proteção. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 25(3), 405-416.
). Social skills are also considered important for successful social life in these environments (Del Prette & Del Prette, 2017Del Prette, Z. A., & Del Prette, A. (2017). Competência Social e Habilidades Sociais: manual teórico-prático. Rio de Janeiro: Vozes.).

Specifically, when it comes to teachers, the presence of socio-educational skills can facilitate the construction of a relation with students that is characterized not only by the sharing of academic content, but also by dialogue, respect, and affection (Machado, Yunes, & Silva, 2014Machado, J. A., Yunes, M. A., & Silva, G. F. (2014). A formação continuada de professores em serviço na perspectiva da abordagem ecológica do desenvolvimento humano.Contrapontos, 14(3), 512-526.
). The educational social skills of teachers can be defined as a set of behaviors that are intentionally targeted at the teaching of some skill. The skills are characterized by classes of behaviors such as good communication, the establishment of limits, the recognition and expression of emotions that positively affect the development of students (Bolsoni-Silva, Marturano, & Loureiro, 2018Bolsoni-Silva, A. T., Marturano, E. M., & Loureiro, S. R. (2018).Roteiro de Entrevista de Habilidades Sociais Educativas para Professores (RE-HSE-Pr). Manual Técnico. São Paulo: Hogrefe.; Marturano & Elias, 2006Marturano, E. M. & Elias, L. C. S. (2006). O atendimento psicológico a crianças com dificuldades escolares. In: Silvares, E. F. M. (Org.). Atendimento psicológico em clínicas-escola(pp. 75-90). Campinas: Alínea.).

The practice of teachers within schools has become increasingly challenging (Mendonça & Pires, 2020Mendonça, K., & Pires, F. F. (2020). “A gente vinha porque queria e não porque era pressionado”: crianças e direitos de participação. Educação e Pesquisa, 46(1), 1-18.
) and the Brazilian context needs investigations in the area of education, while seeking for deeper comprehension of phenomena (Grimes et al., 2017Grimes, C., Rausch, R., & Santos, B. (2017). Desafios da atuação docente no ensino médio na contemporaneidade: Reflexões a partir dos dizeres de um professor de Biologia. Revista Profissão Docente, 16(34), 42-52.

systemically analyzing people (educational actors), contexts (systems in which people participate and practice in the school microsystem), processes (relations and variables that relate to each other) and time (socio-historical moment). Regarding the whole scenario, this study had the objective to characterize resources and difficulties reported by teachers concerning the teaching-learning process for adolescents on probation.



The present study was qualitative with a transversal outline, according to Minayo (2008Minayo, M. C. S. (2008). Pesquisa social: teoria, método e criatividade. Rio de Janeiro: Vozes .), these studies collaborate in the comprehension of relations, processes, and phenomena. In order to do so, interpretation of data was ruled by the technique of the Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo - (DSC), or Collective Individuals’ Discourse (Lefèvre & Lefèvre, 2005Lefèvre, F., & Lefèvre, A. M. C. (2005). O discurso do sujeito coletivo: um novo enfoque em pesquisa qualitativa (desdobramentos), Porto Alegre: EDUCS.), by the light of the Teoria Bioecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano, or Bio-ecological Theory of Human Development (Bronfenbrenner, 2012Bronfenbrenner, U. (2012). Bioecologia do desenvolvimento humano: tornando os seres humanos mais humanos. Porto Alegre: Artmed.). Also, the present study is part of a greater study with mixed methodology.

Ethical Aspects

The present study was submitted to and approved by the Ethics Committee in Research with Human Beings from the Philosophy, Sciences, and Languages University of Ribeirão Preto, from the University of São Paulo (CAAE 15339719.0.0000.5407). The participation of teachers was further legitimized by means of a Free Informed Consent Term. When it comes to risks for participants, they were reduced to a minimum amount and were generally associated to possible emotional discomfort. The gathering of data was realized by the first author of this manuscript, who is a psychologist and offered support when necessary.


Due to difficulties caused by the pandemic, researchers decided to realize a sample that was not probabilistic by convenience, using the snowball technique (snowball sampling). In this procedure, the researcher invites some participants and after gathering data, participants are requested to recommend new participants with the necessary characteristics for the study (Naderifar, Goli, & Ghaljaie, 2017Naderifar, M., Goli, H., & Ghaljaie, F. (2017). Snowball Sampling: A Purposeful Method of Sampling in Qualitative Research. Strides in Development of Medical Education, 14.
). The sample was composed by 10 teachers. Four of them were female and six were male. The average age was 44 years (DP = 6,9) and the average time of experience was 14 years (DP = 5,7). At the moment of gathering, five teachers were working with adolescents on probation in the public education system and five other teachers had previously worked with students under probation.


For data gathering, a semi-structured interview was used (and elaborated by means of literature in the area), whose plan was formed by matters concerning the experiences and perceptions of teachers with students under socio-educational measures of probation. The interview was organized with the initial contemplation of participants’ data including their occupations, such as age, time of profession, and for what disciplines they were responsible. After that, researchers considered matters regarding the perception of teachers on these students in the classroom in terms of assiduity, behaviors, and relationships with peers. Finally, researchers approached matters referring to professional practice in terms of challenges and resources in view of students under socio-educational measures of probation.

Data gathering procedure

The gathering of data took place between April and August of 2021. For recruiting the participants, the researcher contacted the principals of nine public schools (with students under socio-educational measure of probation), by telephone, since the onsite activities were suspended due to the sanitary crisis caused by Covid-19. In this contact, the objectives of the research were explained and an invitation was sent via email to the institution so that its administration could forward it to teachers. Only two teachers accepted the invitation and a time and date were set up for the interview, which took place at the school where they gave lessons in a designated room. The other participants were recruited in accordance with the snowball sampling, in which the two first participants indicated other teachers, who, in turn, recommended others. With all recommended participants, the contact was realized by means of cell phones directly with the teachers and the interview was conducted by means of videoconference at a time and date that had been previously set up.

Analysis and interpretation of data

The interviews were fully transcribed and the technique used in the analysis was the Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC), or Collective Individuals’ Discourse (Lefèvre & Lefèvre, 2005Lefèvre, F., & Lefèvre, A. M. C. (2005). O discurso do sujeito coletivo: um novo enfoque em pesquisa qualitativa (desdobramentos), Porto Alegre: EDUCS.). The proposed technique is ruled by principles of organization and tabulation of qualitative text data that lead to an elaboration of the DSC. The DSC is a synthesis of the collective discourse presented in the first person singular and composed by: Key Expressions - ECH (excerpts or literal transcriptions of answers that were considered by the researcher as the essential content of the representations), Central Ideas - IC (synthetic names or expressions formulated by the researcher that describe precisely the meaning presented by the combination of key expressions) and Anchoring - AC (expressions of theories, of beliefs, and of values announced by the discourse). The ECHs from each interview, that is, the excerpts and speeches that better represented the content, were grouped and, after that, categories were created by means of synthetic expressions that comprehended the sum of these meanings and content, the ICs. Then, after the ECHs of each interview were placed into their respective ICs, the identified ACs were underlined. Finally, there was the construction of the DSC, presented in the results.


The obtained results are presented below. For the present article, researchers selected only the central ideas that are related to the objective of this study. The first IC, named “Matters related to learning”, comprehends two DSCs, while the first is: “ The great majority presented pedagogical delay, an obvious blank space in their learning, especially in reading and writing, there is a fault in their literacy process. This difficulty regarding formal discipline - activities that involve a lot of writing or calculations, low grades, little participation in projects, and lack of comprehension of content in general - makes them unable to stay at school because it is something that makes no sense to them, they do not understand what’s going on there” (DSC formed by the discourse of 10 participants in an underlined anchoring).

The second DSC was “The student did not always stand out in classification, or in grades. Sometimes there were other types of learning that the student presented and we were supposed to know how to appreciate there are multiple dimensions. There were the students that were very good at drawing, music, or rhyming. Other students were good at providing examples and reflections on life, on everyday experiences, and on their relationships outside the school. Besides that, I considered it as learning when teenagers managed to look into each others’ eyes and talk instead of screaming or fighting, and the same thing applied to their relationship with teachers, or even just asking for a glass of water or going to the bathroom; or when they cannot keep quiet. Finally there were the students who presented leadership characteristics at some moments and knew how to behave and were provided with good intelligent in the aspects of social life.” (DSC formed by the discourse of 6 participants and two underlined anchorings).

Another IC that was found was “strategies and resources”, also composed by two DSCs. Concerning the first one, there is “The first thing I do is I try to establish a close connection, I believe this is the most important route for learning. And in order to make it happen, the first step is to treat others with respect, adopt a posture of dialogue with students, really pay attention, and listen carefully. I believe that it is fundamental to understand individuals and also understand the cultural and social aspects of the context in which they are inserted. Something that I learned in my trajectory, especially at the most complicated occasions, was the importance of having private conversations with students as a means to fix the problem. Such conversations would not work inside the classroom because of peer pressure and the student in trouble would be less likely to agree with me in front of their colleagues, so we just went outside in order to try and make a deal without unnecessary exposure.” (DSC formed by the discourse of seven participants and the three anchorings).

The second DSC within this IC was “A good strategy to discover things is to try to develop skills in these students, because they always have potential, there’s always something they like to do. Besides that, regarding content, it is important to approach themes that have meaning for these students, so that they can understand these themes in their own contexts, even if it is only in order to start a conversation and then proceed into the most important topic. This does not mean that content will be diminished or paid less attention. In fact, it means adapting what I’m going to approach regarding the reality of these students in a way that makes sense to them. We can always use game-like resources, or music, or arts. I have always promoted lots of projects in groups and this was not a strategy that had been thought over exclusively for this one, especially when the class had a lot of students it helped a lot. I also believe that these students want to feel useful there, so asking these students to do simple things such as clearing up the whiteboard, or tidying up the classroom, or helping in the organizational events was something that helped these students become more open for communication and learning.” (DSCs from the discourse of seven participants and 3 anchorings).

A third IC was “Difficulties and Challenges”, also with two DSCs, and one of them was “I believe that the greatest difficulty is to make education make sense in their universe. I believe that they come from a context in which education is a secondary thing. They just end up internalizing that notion and seeing school as a place where they do not belong, which is not a suitable situation for learning. Another difficulty concerns the blank spaces and academic learning, when adolescents really do not understand a thing that the teacher is saying in the classroom, when content does not make sense to them. It’s difficult for them to understand what is going on because there are things that they should have learned in previous years. The educational history of these students is affected by that, they are students that present difficulty and sometimes teachers do not care. Of course there are exceptions, but in general, these students just keep on passing, year after year, but without really learning anything.” (DSC from the discourse of eight participants, with two highlighted anchorings).

The second DSC was “It is that families work with schools and maybe this commitment by families be the turning point. But the problem is that families do not want any commitment, it seems to them like one more burden, one more thing to worry about. In the meetings, we talked about the difficulty of contacting these mothers or fathers. Another problem was that these students did not have a support network, they were marginalized kids who were vulnerable and who were in a situation of probation and lived in crime-ridden neighborhoods. These influences from outside are sometimes more attractive to them. And school is just a delay.” (DSC from the discourse of eight participants and two anchorings).

The last IC “The role played by psychology at school”, also resulted in two DSCs, while the first one was: Psychologists are fundamental in our formation spaces especially at schools where we worked in contexts of social vulnerability, especially in the outskirts of large cities. It is important to work this comprehension with teachers because there are many teachers who are still prejudiced, who have crystallized a posture, and who are not open to change and who do not understand that passing content is not the only purpose of school. At school, it was also the psychologist’s job to calm us down and mediate things so that we could understand what was going on with those teenagers. Also, it is something that can help us remember that we were teenagers one day, as individuals with rights and individuals with desires.” (DSC from the discourse of seven participants and the 2 anchorings).

The second DSC presents “Psychology is important to mediate conflict and to comprehend the profile of the students, their necessities, their emotional discomforts, the life projects they aim at, and to show that there are projects other than the ones close at hand, such as crime. Round tables, activities, discussions, and other team activities are important and strengthen connections between these students and their classmates and the school. Besides that, it is important to work with these students under on probation so that they can understand that they are in a new space for learning where they can build connections, and have friends and friendly teachers, and dream about their life projects because the schools are places that provide them with a lot of opportunities. Psychology would be a tool for these students to understand this new world, and explore the richness of opportunities” (DSC from the discourse of eight participants with two anchorings).


The present study aimed at characterizing resources and difficulties reported by teachers regarding the teaching-learning process for adolescents on probation. The assessments of the interviews with the teachers pointed at central ideas that are important in this process such as Matters Related to Learning Strategies and Resources, Difficulties and The Challenges in The Role Played by Psychology at School.

Concerning Matters Related to Learning, that students’ reported lateness, considering age and school year, the findings are in accordance with the literature, which reports this lateness as a risk factor for the good development of teenagers because poor performance and the feeling of failure contribute to a school trajectory that is characterized by negative experiences (Bazon et al., 2013Bazon, M. R., Silva, J. L., & Ferrari, R. M. (2013). Trajetórias escolares de adolescentes em conflito com a lei. Educação Em Revista, 29(2), 175-199.
), towards school evasion and the approximation of teenagers and misdemeanor (Le Blanc, 2003Le Blanc, M. (2003). Trajetórias de delinquência comum, transitória e persistente: uma estratégia de prevenção diferencial. In: I., Alberto(Ed.), Comportamento Antissocial: Escola e Família(Vol. 1, pp 31-80). Coimbra: Centro de Psicopedagogia da Universidade de Coimbra.; Silva & Bazon, 2015Silva, J. L., & Bazon, M. R. (2015). Educação escolar e conduta infracional em adolescentes: Revisão integrativa da literatura. Estudos de Psicologia, 19(4), 278-287.
). Such educational lateness makes us think of the importance of the initial years of school education because this is the period when students start comprehending and using alphabetical writing, while improving their reading and writing skills as well as solidifying their learning experiences and expanding their knowledge (Curricular Common National Basis, or Base Nacional Comum Curricular [BNCC], 2017Base Nacional Comum Curricular(BNCC). (2017). Educação é a Base. Brasília: Ministério da Educação. Recuperado de:
); these skills allow developing individuals to appropriate not only academic knowledge but also an understanding of social rules, which result in an insertion that is more suitable to the culture and society it is part of. Thus, since literacy can be a faulty thing, not only academic support in the later years gets compromised, but also the whole process of social, relational, and cultural adequacy within the contexts individuals are inserted in (Schmidt & Aguiar, 2016Schmidt, L. L., & Aguiar, L. C. (2016). A alfabetização no ensino fundamental de nove anos no contexto das políticas educacionais: alguns desafios para reflexão. Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação, 2395-2413.

However, literature emphasizes that despite the expected disparity between age and school year, failures, and evasions that characterize the trajectories of teenagers in conflict with the law, school still presents itself to part of them as an environment of protection, emphasizing the necessity for educational practices that recognize the peculiarities of these individuals (Lima & Haracemiv, 2021Lima, F. V., & Haracemiv, S. M. C. (2021). Trajetórias escolares dos/as adolescentes em conflito com a lei: revisão sistemática e integrativa. Arquivos analíticos de políticas educativas, 29(4), 1- 25.
). In this sense, data pointed out that this search by the teachers for different strategies with emphasis on game-like activities; thinking of appropriation and participation by young people in the school environment is a challenging task, but it’s essential nevertheless (Mendonça & Pires, 2020Mendonça, K., & Pires, F. F. (2020). “A gente vinha porque queria e não porque era pressionado”: crianças e direitos de participação. Educação e Pesquisa, 46(1), 1-18.
). This result is in accordance with literature (Coolahan, Fantuzzo, Mendez, & McDermott, 2000Coolahan, K., Fantuzzo, J., Mendez, J., & McDermott, P. (2000). Preschool peer interactions and readiness to learn: relationships between classroom peer play and learning behaviors and conduct. The American Psychological Association, 92(3), 458-465.
), on the effect of game-like activities for engagement in learning tasks, in order to practice social skills towards good activities and interactions in the classroom.

The teachers reported that they considered social skills to be important things to learn, and provided examples of situations when the teenagers could start and keep a respectful dialogue, when they managed to keep conversations while maintaining eye contact and also when they respect some rule of coexistence in the classroom. Social skills, indispensable resources for human development, act as a protection factor for confronting adversity at school (Poletto & Koller, 2008Poletto, M., & Koller, S. H. (2008). Contextos ecológicos: promotores de resiliência, fatores de risco e de proteção. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 25(3), 405-416.
; Casali-Robalinho et al., 2015Casali-Robalinho, I. G., Del Prette, Z. A. P., & Del Prette, A. (2015). Habilidades Sociais como Preditoras de Problemas de Comportamento em Escolares. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 31(3), 321-330.
; Del Prette & Del Prette, 2017Del Prette, Z. A., & Del Prette, A. (2017). Competência Social e Habilidades Sociais: manual teórico-prático. Rio de Janeiro: Vozes.). Teachers also reported the potential of working with groups and providing opportunities for the establishment of social relations and teamwork among peers, as well as opportunities for the exchange of knowledge, and the increase in repertoires of social skills and the capacity to adapt behaviors. It is important to remember that relations of friendship become a protection resource when they prove positive and embrace social emotional development of teenagers leading to proximal processes that are beneficial to development (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006Bronfenbrenner, U., & Morris, P. A. (2006). The Bioecological Model of Human Development. Em R. M. Lerner & W. Damon(Eds.), Handbook of child psychology: Theoretical models of human development, 793-828. Hoboken, NJ, US: John Wiley & Sons Inc.).

When it comes to the central idea of strategies and resources, difficulties and challenges, the teachers emphasized the importance of understanding the Microsystems the students belong to in order to understand them in a more complete way, and also in order to approximate content that was being taught to their realities (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006Bronfenbrenner, U., & Morris, P. A. (2006). The Bioecological Model of Human Development. Em R. M. Lerner & W. Damon(Eds.), Handbook of child psychology: Theoretical models of human development, 793-828. Hoboken, NJ, US: John Wiley & Sons Inc.; Carminatti & Del Pino, 2019Carminatti, B., & Del Pino, J. (2019). Afetividade e relação professor-aluno: contribuições destas nos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem em ciências no ensino médio. Investigações Em Ensino De Ciências, 24(1), 122-138.
). “That means taking into consideration that relational patterns, and cultural, cognitive, emotional, social, and historical aspects that are present in the interactions and relations among different segments” (Dessen & Polonia, 2007Dessen, M. A., & Polonia, A. C. (2007). A família e a escola como contextos de desenvolvimento humano. Paidéia(Ribeirão Preto ), 17(36), 21-32.
, p. 27).

The teachers also emphasized the search for potentials and the consideration of other skills such as arts or argumentation in the classroom as the starting point for the other things to be worked. It is important to highlight the fact that the practice of educational social skills by teachers not only facilitates the construction of a learning environment that fosters students’ desire to be part of the teaching-learning process (Carminatti & Del Pino, 2019Carminatti, B., & Del Pino, J. (2019). Afetividade e relação professor-aluno: contribuições destas nos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem em ciências no ensino médio. Investigações Em Ensino De Ciências, 24(1), 122-138.
), it also promotes feelings of affiliation to the school community (Achkar et al., 2017Achkar, A. M. N., Leme, V. B. R., Soares, A. B., & Yunes M. A. M. (2017). Risco e proteção de estudantes durante os anos finais do ensino fundamental. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, 21 (3), 417-426.
). Thus, social skills lead to satisfactory learning by students and offer educational, social, and emotional support that is suitable and thus characterizing resources of protection to developing individuals (Poletto & Koller, 2008Poletto, M., & Koller, S. H. (2008). Contextos ecológicos: promotores de resiliência, fatores de risco e de proteção. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 25(3), 405-416.

Still concerning the importance of getting to know the micro systems in which the students participate, the teachers highlighted the difficulties of getting the families engaged with the schooling process of teenagers, which could be harmful to their permanence and engagement in school activities. Considering the new demands imposed by this phase of development, it is expected that families establish mechanisms of protection for adolescents, benefiting their academic performance, and social relations, while mitigating possible behavior problems (Dessen & Polonia, 2007Dessen, M. A., & Polonia, A. C. (2007). A família e a escola como contextos de desenvolvimento humano. Paidéia(Ribeirão Preto ), 17(36), 21-32.
; Senna & Dessen, 2012Senna, S. R., & Dessen, M. A. (2012). Contribuições das Teorias do Desenvolvimento Humano para a Concepção Contemporânea da Adolescência.Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa,28(1), 101-108. Recuperado de
); resources from different micro systems have great influence on the development of teenagers (Senna & Dessen, 2012). However, we must consider that the characteristics of the family microsystem of these adolescents, the difficulties in their relations with the school (characterized by mutual blaming), among other factors including macro social ones (religious and political beliefs, for example), which have a negative impact and their role of providers of developmental resources. The development of individuals is in constant reorganization and depends on the actions and interactions that take place in the different life contexts as well as in the balance between diverse systems (Bronfenbrenner, 2012Bronfenbrenner, U. (2012). Bioecologia do desenvolvimento humano: tornando os seres humanos mais humanos. Porto Alegre: Artmed.).

The connection established between teacher and student was emphasized as a relevant resource for learning. This result is supported by studies that show the benefits to the full educational process when teachers try to establish a solid connection with their students in addition to quality communication (Carminatti & Del Pino, 2019Carminatti, B., & Del Pino, J. (2019). Afetividade e relação professor-aluno: contribuições destas nos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem em ciências no ensino médio. Investigações Em Ensino De Ciências, 24(1), 122-138.
; Guimarães & Maciel, 2021Guimarães, M., & Maciel, C. (2021). A afetividade na relação professor-aluno: Alicerces para a aprendizagem significativa. Research, Society and Development, 10(10), 1-12.
; Rodrigues et al., 2021Rodrigues, G. M. M. M., Blaszko, C. E., & Ujiie, N. T. (2021). A afetividade na relação professor-aluno e o processo ensino-aprendizagem. Colloquium Humanarum, 18(1). Recuperado de
), regarding the fact that the positive relation with teachers leads to better engagement by students in school activities (Valle & Williams, 2021Valle, J., & Williams, L. (2021). Engajamento Escolar: Revisão de Literatura Abrangendo Relação Professor-Aluno e Bullying. Psicologia, Teoria E Pesquisa, 37, 91-98.
). It is also possible to observe that a strong teacher-student relation proves a valuable resource for protecting the development of teenagers, regarding academic learning as well as the overcoming of the adversity that is present in educational environments (Zuffiano et al., 2013Zuffiano, A.; Alessandri, G.; Gerbino, M.; Kanacri, B. P. L.; Di Giunta, L.; Milioni, M., & Caprara, G. V. Academic achievement: The unique contribution of self-efficacy beliefs in self-regulated learning beyond intelligence, personality traits, and self-esteem. Learning and Individual Differences, 23(1), 158-162, 2017.

It is also important to consider that the connection established between teachers and students for the teaching-learning process is still under construction; thus, although they reported that they had the resources for this process, the teachers also reported difficulties related to the management of unsuitable behaviors by students, and when they had to do it they used different strategies that not always presented themselves as effective and inclusive, for example in the situations when students were invited to have a conversation outside the classroom believing that they were reducing the exposure of these students. Also, there is the report of teachers that when students are in conflict situations, being in front of their peers might result in confrontation, which makes it more difficult to have a dialogue with the students on probation. This strategy that was reported by the teachers hints at the use of resources in an attempt to control the situation and avoid exposure of the students who are already victims of prejudice and their everyday lives.

Literature has denounced the social stigma and rejection experienced by adolescents on probation (Komatsu & Bazon, 2018Komatsu, A. V., & Bazon, M. R. (2018). Fatores de risco e de proteção para emitir delitos violentos: Revisão Sistemática da Literatura. Perspectivas Em Psicologia, 22(1).
; Rocha, 2014Rocha, M. F. J. (2014). Conflito, diálogo e permanência: o professor mediador, o adolescente que cometeu ato infracional e a escola (Dissertação de Mestrado), Universidade Federal de São Carlos. São Carlos- SP. Recuperado de
). The communication of feelings and limitations is a relevant educational social skill that contributes to the construction of a strong relationship between teachers and students that is characterized not only by the sharing of content and academic themes, but also by dialogue, respect, and affection (Machado et al., 2014Machado, J. A., Yunes, M. A., & Silva, G. F. (2014). A formação continuada de professores em serviço na perspectiva da abordagem ecológica do desenvolvimento humano.Contrapontos, 14(3), 512-526.
), that is, mutual relations that can promote development with positive and functional results. According to Leblanc (2003, 2010), school is an institution that establishes a collection of rules and regulations for all students and demands that these rules are followed. This is where a teenager is in conflict with the law present resistance. They have difficulty to internalize rules and authority figures.

One last central idea that is present in the reports of the teachers was the “Role of psychology at school”. The interviewees mentioned the importance of these professionals and how much they could contribute to the process of education for these students and in the practices of teachers and the improvement of their professional limitations. In alignment with the preoccupation reported by teachers, studies consider it is fundamental to promote continuous formations that improve skills and competencies in teachers (Grimes et al., 2017Grimes, C., Rausch, R., & Santos, B. (2017). Desafios da atuação docente no ensino médio na contemporaneidade: Reflexões a partir dos dizeres de um professor de Biologia. Revista Profissão Docente, 16(34), 42-52.
; Rosin-Pinola et al., 2017Rosin-Pinola, A., Marturano, E., Elias, L., & Prette, Z. (2017). Ensinando habilidades sociais educativas para professores no contexto da inclusão escolar. Revista Educação Especial, 30(59), 737-750.), because they need support and updating in order to keep up with the constant changes in the school environment.

After the realized analysis, perceptions have become clear regarding the resources and difficulties of teachers when it comes to the teaching-learning process for adolescents on probation; the results lead to reflections on the working conditions for these teachers who do what they can considering the realities they live in (individual, material, and formative realities) in order to promote learning for these adolescents on probation within the context of formal education.


The present study had the objective to characterize the resources and difficulties reported by teachers when it comes to the teaching-learning process for teenagers who are under socio-educational measure of probation. Based on the realized assessments, it is possible observe that the realized interviews with the teachers evidenced important resources that contribute to the development of the teenagers but also difficulties that delayed the process and that could be mitigated by means of interventions with a focus on educational social skills and the family school relationship; there was also the reinforcement of existing data in the literature when it comes to the disparity presented by these teenagers in their academic development.

The present study presents a few limitations due to the small number of participants and the fact that they all came from one single region; thus, we suggest that future studies take on a larger number of participants. We wish to emphasize that our study is part of a greater study with a mixed outline that produces important results on the theme whether in quantitative or qualitative terms, based on the narratives of the teenagers themselves.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    17 June 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Apr 2022
  • Accepted
    03 Sept 2023
Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE) Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE), Rua Mirassol, 46 - Vila Mariana , CEP 04044-010 São Paulo - SP - Brasil , Fone/Fax (11) 96900-6678 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil