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Gerenciamento da qualidade total: uma revisão crítica

Total quality management; organizational change; organizational analysis

Gerenciamento da qualidade total; mudança organizacional; análise organizacional


Gerenciamento da qualidade total: uma revisão crítica

Tomaz Wood Jr.I; Flávio Torres UrdanII

IDoutorando em Administração de Empresas na EAESP/FGV e Professor Universitário

IIMestre em Administração de Empresas pela EAESP/FGV, Consultor de Empresas e Professor Universitário

Palavras-chave: Gerenciamento da qualidade total, mudança organizacional, análise organizacional.

Key words: Total quality management, organizational change, organizational analysis.

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Full text available only in PDF format.

Artigo recebido pela Redação da RAE em maio/94, avaliado em julho e outubro/94, aprovado para publicação em outubro/94.

1. PORTER, Michael A. The competitive advantage of nattons. New York: Free, 1990. 855 p.

2. HARARI, Oren. Ten reasons why TQM doesn't work. Management Review, Saranac Lake, v. 82, n. 1, p. 33-8, Jan. 1993.

3. BECKER, Selwyn W. TQM does work: ten reasons why misguided atternpts fall (discussion of O. Harari's Jan. 1993 arlicle). Management Review, Saranac Lake, v. 82, n. 5, p. 30, May 1993.

4. MEARS, Peter. How to stop talking about, ano begin progress toward, total quality management. Business Horizons, Greenwich, v. 36, p. 11-4, May/ June 1993.

5. AGGARWAL, Sumer. A quick guide to total quality management. Business Hotizons, Greenwich, v. 36, p. 66-8, May./June 1993.

6. BROCKA, Bruce, BROCKA, M. Suzanne. Quality management: implementing the best ideas of the masters. Homewood: Business One Irwin, 1992. 408 p.

7. SCHNEIDER, Alan J. TQM and the financial tuncnon. Journal of Business Strategy, Boston, v. 13, n. 5, p. 21-5, Sept./Oct. 1992.

8. BROCKA, Bruce, BROCKA, M. Suzanne. Op. cit.

9. DOBYNS, Lloyd, CRAWFORD-MASON, Clare. Qualityor else. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1991. 309 p.

10. DEMING, W. Edward. Out of the crisis. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT, 1986. 507 p.

11. CROSBY, Philip B. Quality is free. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990.

12. JURAN, Joseph M. Quality Control Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983.

13. FEIGENBAUN, Armand V. Total Quality Contral. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988.

14. ISHIKAWA, Kaoru. What is total quality contral? The Japanese way. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1985. 215 p.

15. DAVIS, Tim R. V, Baldrige winners link quality, strategy, and financial management (5th annual total quality conference). Planning Review, Oxtord, OH., v. 20, n. 6, p. 36-40, Nov./Dec. 1992.

16. JACOB, Rahul. TQM: more than a dying fad? Fortune, New York, v. 128, n. 9, p. 52-4, Oct. 18 1993.

17. MALONE, Jlihn. Creating an atmosphere ot complete employee involvement in TQM (International Quality Study by American Ouatity Foundation and Ernst & Young). Healthcare Financial Management, Westchester, v. 48, n. 6, p. 126­7, June 1993.

18. WILSON, David C. A strategy of change: concepts and controversies in the management of change. London: Routledge, 1992. 147 p.

19. HARARI, Oren. Op. cit.

20. JACOB, Rahul. Op. cit.

21. JURAN, Joseph M. Made in U.S.A.: A renaissance in quality (including author's experiences as consultant to post-WW II Japanese manufacturers). Harvard Business Review, Boston, V. 71, n. 4, p. 42-7, July/Aug. 1993.

22. ERICKSON, Tamara J. Beyond TQM: Creating the high performance business. Management Review, Saranac Lake, v. 81, n. 7, p. 58-61, July 1992.

23. BECKER, Selwyn W. Op. cit.

24. CHANG, Richard Y. When TQM goes nowhere. Training and Development, Alexandria, Va., V. 47, p. 22-9, Jan. 1993.

25. RUSSEL, John. Are we falling out of love with TQM? Electronic Business, Denver, V. 1 a, p. 158, Oct. 1992.

26. DAVIS, Tim R. V. Op. cit.

27. HAMMER, Michael, CHAMPY, Jarnes. Reengenharia: revolucionando a empresa em função dos clientes, da concorrência e das grandes mudanças da gerência. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Campus, 1993.

28. DAVENPORT, Thomas H. Need radical innovation and continuous improvement? Integrate process reengineering and TQM. Planning Review, Oxford, OH., v. 22, n. 3, p. 6­12, May/June 1993.

29. SHIPMAN, Alan. Quality defects (TQM vs ISO 9000 standares). International Management (Europe edition), London, v. 48, n. 4, p. 58-9, May 1993.

30. VAN NULAND, Yves. The new common language for 12 countries. Quality Progress, Milwaukee, v. 23, n. 6, p. 40-1, June 1990.

31. GALLO, Rita. Economia globalizada exige qualidade permanente em todos os produtos. Diário Comércio & Indústria, São Paulo, 21 Jan. 1993. p.1.

32. KALlNOSKY, Ian S. The total quality system - going beyond ISO 9000. Quality Progress, Milwaukee, v. 23, n. 6, p. 50-4, June 1990.

33. REIS, Cléber Cabral. Pesquisa da CNI revela o empenho das empresas em aumentar qualidade. Diário Comércio & Indústria, São Paulo, 11 Nov. 1992. p.7.

34. ZAHAR, Cristina. Economia instável atrasa programas de qualidade. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 25 mar. 1993. p. 2-1.

35. IZIDORO, Marina. Cresce interesse pela qualidade. O Estado de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 19 abro 1993. p.4.

36. ZAHAR, Cristina. Op. cit.

37. ROSANDER, Arlyn C. Applications of quality control in the service industry. Milwaukee: American Society for Quality Control, 1985. 387 p.

38. ALBRECHT, Karl, BRADFORD, Lawrence J. Serviços com qualidade. São Paulo: Makron, 1992. 216 p.

39. BERRV, Leonard L, PARASURAMAN, A. Marketing servtces: competing through quality. New Vork: The Free Press, 1991. 212p.

40. GRONROOS, Christian. Service Management and Marketing. Lexington: Lexington Books, 1990. 298 p.

41. HESKETT, James L., SASSER, W. Earl, HART, Christopher W. L. Service breakthrougs: changing the rutes of the game. New Vork: The Free Press, 1990. 306 p.

42. ROSANDER, Arlyn C. Op. cit.

43. ZABLOKI, Haíne. Quality management targets health care (TQM applied to running a hospital). Nations's Business, v.81, p.40+, Feb. 1993.

44. FEIGENBAUN, Armand V. TQM: health care can learnirom other fields. Hospitais, v. 66, p. 56, Nov. 1992.

45. GEBER, Beverly. Gan TQM cure health care? Training, Minneapolis, v. 29, p. 25-34, Aug. 1992.

46. HYDE, Albert C. The proverbs of total quality management: recharting the path to quality improvement in the public sector. Public Productivity & Management Review, San Francisco, v. 16. p. 25-37, Fa1l 1992.

47. STUPAK, Ronald J. Driving forces for quality improvement in the 1990s (public sector). Public Manager, v. 22, p. 32+, Spring 1993.

48. KLlNE, James F. Stale governments' growing gains Irom TQM. National Productivity Review, New York, v. 12, p. 259­71, Spring 1993.

49. SWISS, James E. Adapting total quality management (TQM) to government. Public Administration Review, Washington, D.C., v. 52, p. 356-62, July/Aug. 1992.

50. BARRIER, Miehael. Business scnools, TQM, and you. Nation's Business, Washington, D.C., v. 81, p. 60-1, July 1993; IVANCEVICH, Daniel M., INVANCEVICH, Susan H. TQM in the classroom. Management Accounting, New York, v. 74, n. 4, p. 14-5, Oct, 1992; JORGENSEN, Barbara. Industry to business scholls: smarten up on TQM or else. Electronic Business, v. 18, p, 85-6+, Oct. 1992.

51. FEIGENBAUM, Armand V. We can't improve Ameriean quality if we aren't teaching it. National Productivity Review, New York, v. 12, p. 139-41, Spring 1993.

52. BONSER, Charles F. Total qualily education? Public Administration Review, Washington, D.C., v. 52, n. 5, p. 504-12, Sept./Oct. 1992.

53. GILL, John, WHITTLE, Sue. Management by panacea: accounting for transience (cyclical nature of management by objectives, organization development and TQM). Journal of Managem Studies,Oxford, v.30, n.2, p-281-95, Mar. 1993.

  • 1. PORTER, Michael A. The competitive advantage of nattons. New York: Free, 1990. 855 p.
  • 2. HARARI, Oren. Ten reasons why TQM doesn't work. Management Review, Saranac Lake, v. 82, n. 1, p. 33-8, Jan. 1993.
  • 3. BECKER, Selwyn W. TQM does work: ten reasons why misguided atternpts fall (discussion of O. Harari's Jan. 1993 arlicle). Management Review, Saranac Lake, v. 82, n. 5, p. 30, May 1993.
  • 4. MEARS, Peter. How to stop talking about, ano begin progress toward, total quality management. Business Horizons, Greenwich, v. 36, p. 11-4, May/ June 1993.
  • 5. AGGARWAL, Sumer. A quick guide to total quality management. Business Hotizons, Greenwich, v. 36, p. 66-8, May./June 1993.
  • 6. BROCKA, Bruce, BROCKA, M. Suzanne. Quality management: implementing the best ideas of the masters. Homewood: Business One Irwin, 1992. 408 p.
  • 7. SCHNEIDER, Alan J. TQM and the financial tuncnon. Journal of Business Strategy, Boston, v. 13, n. 5, p. 21-5, Sept./Oct. 1992.
  • 9. DOBYNS, Lloyd, CRAWFORD-MASON, Clare. Qualityor else. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1991. 309 p.
  • 10. DEMING, W. Edward. Out of the crisis. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT, 1986. 507 p.
  • 11. CROSBY, Philip B. Quality is free. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990.
  • 12. JURAN, Joseph M. Quality Control Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983.
  • 13. FEIGENBAUN, Armand V. Total Quality Contral. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988.
  • 14. ISHIKAWA, Kaoru. What is total quality contral? The Japanese way. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1985. 215 p.
  • 15. DAVIS, Tim R. V, Baldrige winners link quality, strategy, and financial management (5th annual total quality conference). Planning Review, Oxtord, OH., v. 20, n. 6, p. 36-40, Nov./Dec. 1992.
  • 16. JACOB, Rahul. TQM: more than a dying fad? Fortune, New York, v. 128, n. 9, p. 52-4, Oct. 18 1993.
  • 17. MALONE, Jlihn. Creating an atmosphere ot complete employee involvement in TQM (International Quality Study by American Ouatity Foundation and Ernst & Young). Healthcare Financial Management, Westchester, v. 48, n. 6, p. 1267, June 1993.
  • 18. WILSON, David C. A strategy of change: concepts and controversies in the management of change. London: Routledge, 1992. 147 p.
  • 21. JURAN, Joseph M. Made in U.S.A.: A renaissance in quality (including author's experiences as consultant to post-WW II Japanese manufacturers). Harvard Business Review, Boston, V. 71, n. 4, p. 42-7, July/Aug. 1993.
  • 22. ERICKSON, Tamara J. Beyond TQM: Creating the high performance business. Management Review, Saranac Lake, v. 81, n. 7, p. 58-61, July 1992.
  • 24. CHANG, Richard Y. When TQM goes nowhere. Training and Development, Alexandria, Va., V. 47, p. 22-9, Jan. 1993.
  • 25. RUSSEL, John. Are we falling out of love with TQM? Electronic Business, Denver, V. 1 a, p. 158, Oct. 1992.
  • 27. HAMMER, Michael, CHAMPY, Jarnes. Reengenharia: revolucionando a empresa em função dos clientes, da concorrência e das grandes mudanças da gerência. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Campus, 1993.
  • 28. DAVENPORT, Thomas H. Need radical innovation and continuous improvement? Integrate process reengineering and TQM. Planning Review, Oxford, OH., v. 22, n. 3, p. 612, May/June 1993.
  • 29. SHIPMAN, Alan. Quality defects (TQM vs ISO 9000 standares). International Management (Europe edition), London, v. 48, n. 4, p. 58-9, May 1993.
  • 30. VAN NULAND, Yves. The new common language for 12 countries. Quality Progress, Milwaukee, v. 23, n. 6, p. 40-1, June 1990.
  • 31. GALLO, Rita. Economia globalizada exige qualidade permanente em todos os produtos. Diário Comércio & Indústria, São Paulo, 21 Jan. 1993. p.1.
  • 32. KALlNOSKY, Ian S. The total quality system - going beyond ISO 9000. Quality Progress, Milwaukee, v. 23, n. 6, p. 50-4, June 1990.
  • 33. REIS, Cléber Cabral. Pesquisa da CNI revela o empenho das empresas em aumentar qualidade. Diário Comércio & Indústria, São Paulo, 11 Nov. 1992. p.7.
  • 34. ZAHAR, Cristina. Economia instável atrasa programas de qualidade. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 25 mar. 1993. p. 2-1.
  • 35. IZIDORO, Marina. Cresce interesse pela qualidade. O Estado de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 19 abro 1993. p.4.
  • 37. ROSANDER, Arlyn C. Applications of quality control in the service industry. Milwaukee: American Society for Quality Control, 1985. 387 p.
  • 38. ALBRECHT, Karl, BRADFORD, Lawrence J. Serviços com qualidade. São Paulo: Makron, 1992. 216 p.
  • 39. BERRV, Leonard L, PARASURAMAN, A. Marketing servtces: competing through quality. New Vork: The Free Press, 1991. 212p.
  • 40. GRONROOS, Christian. Service Management and Marketing. Lexington: Lexington Books, 1990. 298 p.
  • 41. HESKETT, James L., SASSER, W. Earl, HART, Christopher W. L. Service breakthrougs: changing the rutes of the game. New Vork: The Free Press, 1990. 306 p.
  • 43. ZABLOKI, Haíne. Quality management targets health care (TQM applied to running a hospital). Nations's Business, v.81, p.40+, Feb. 1993.
  • 44. FEIGENBAUN, Armand V. TQM: health care can learnirom other fields. Hospitais, v. 66, p. 56, Nov. 1992.
  • 45. GEBER, Beverly. Gan TQM cure health care? Training, Minneapolis, v. 29, p. 25-34, Aug. 1992.
  • 46. HYDE, Albert C. The proverbs of total quality management: recharting the path to quality improvement in the public sector. Public Productivity & Management Review, San Francisco, v. 16. p. 25-37, Fa1l 1992.
  • 47. STUPAK, Ronald J. Driving forces for quality improvement in the 1990s (public sector). Public Manager, v. 22, p. 32+, Spring 1993.
  • 48. KLlNE, James F. Stale governments' growing gains Irom TQM. National Productivity Review, New York, v. 12, p. 25971, Spring 1993.
  • 49. SWISS, James E. Adapting total quality management (TQM) to government. Public Administration Review, Washington, D.C., v. 52, p. 356-62, July/Aug. 1992.
  • 50. BARRIER, Miehael. Business scnools, TQM, and you. Nation's Business, Washington, D.C., v. 81, p. 60-1, July 1993;
  • IVANCEVICH, Daniel M., INVANCEVICH, Susan H. TQM in the classroom. Management Accounting, New York, v. 74, n. 4, p. 14-5, Oct, 1992;
  • JORGENSEN, Barbara. Industry to business scholls: smarten up on TQM or else. Electronic Business, v. 18, p, 85-6+, Oct. 1992.
  • 51. FEIGENBAUM, Armand V. We can't improve Ameriean quality if we aren't teaching it. National Productivity Review, New York, v. 12, p. 139-41, Spring 1993.
  • 52. BONSER, Charles F. Total qualily education? Public Administration Review, Washington, D.C., v. 52, n. 5, p. 504-12, Sept./Oct. 1992.
  • 53. GILL, John, WHITTLE, Sue. Management by panacea: accounting for transience (cyclical nature of management by objectives, organization development and TQM). Journal of Managem Studies,Oxford, v.30, n.2, p-281-95, Mar. 1993.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    10 Jun 2013
  • Data do Fascículo
    Dez 1994


  • Recebido
    Maio 1994
  • Revisado
    Out 1994
  • Aceito
    Out 1994
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