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Heraldo VasconcelosI; J. Jacques GelmanII

IChefe do Serviço de Documentação da Biblioteca da EAESP

IIProfessor no Departamento de Mercadologia da EAESP/FGV

Em 1964, reconhecendo a importância econômica e social do fortalecimento da pequena empresa comercial, o governo norte-americano abria uma linha de crédito no valor de US$ 25 mil a todos os pequenos empresários que estivessem interessados em aderir ao sistema de comercialização conhecido por franchising.

Em 1965, cerca de 340 mil estabelecimentos comerciais já operavam através desse sistema e, em 1968, mais de 450 mil estabelecimentos representavam um quarto das vendas no varejo daquele país, ou seja, 10% do seu produto nacional bruto.

Segundo o Departamento de Comércio Americano, as vendas pelo sistema de franchising nos EUA totalizaram, em 1985, US$ 529 bilhões, representando um terço de vendas do comércio varejista.

Uma definição de franchising não é fácil, tendo em vista a existência de sistemas variados e distintos, todos operando sob o mesmo rótulo. Robert Rosenberg define franchising como sendo um sistema que visa a distribuição seletiva de bens e/ou serviços sob uma determinada marca através de estabelecimentos comerciais de propriedade de comerciantes, independentes, chamados franchisees. Muito embora o franchisor supra o franchisee com know-how e uma identificação pela marca, o franchisee goza do direito ao lucro e corre os riscos do negócio. O franchisor controla a distribuição de seus bens e/ou serviços através de um contrato que regula as atividades do franchisee a fim de que estabeleça uma padronização.

A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada no acervo da Biblioteca da EAESP, visando fornecer maiores subsídios ao estudo do tema.

As referências bibliográficas precedidas de asterisco não pertencem ao acervo da biblioteca.

Os documentos foram organizados conforme a data de publicação, em ordem decrescente.

1. Brickley, James A. & Dark, Frederick. The choice of organizational form: the case of franchising. Journal of Financial Economics, 18(2):401-20, June 1987.

2. Franchising: inns on the outs. Marketing Management, 138(7). 30, May 1987.

3. Dailey, M.L Assessing franchises for client purchase. Journal of Accountancy, 167(3):120, Mar. 1986.

4. *Kinch, John. Franchising: the inside story-how to stant your own business and succeed! Wilmigton, Delawane, Trimark, 1986. 211p.

5. * Webster, Bryce. The insider's guide to franchise. New York, Amacon, 1986. 309p.

6. Anand, P & Stern, L.W. A sociopsychological explanation for why marketing channel members relinquish control. Journal of Marketing Research, 22(4):365-76, Nov. 1985.

7. *Gross, H. Franchise investigation and contract negotiation, Babylon, N.Y., Pilot, 1985.

8. *The Sucessful franchise. Hampshire, Gower, 1965.

9. Unanswered questions about franchising: comment Southern Economic Journal, 51(3):927-36, Jan. 1985.

10. *Zeidman, P.F. Franchising. Washington, Federal, 1985.

11. Anderson. E.E. The growth and performance of franchise systems: company versus franchise ownership. Journal of Economics and Business, 36(4):421-31, Dec. 1964.

12. *Franchise law bibliography. Chicago, American Bar. Assn., 1984.

13. Lee L.W. Franchising and interbrand competition. Southern Economic Journal, 51(1):219-34, July 1984.

14. Mendelsohn, M. The guide to franchising. 4,ed. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1984.

15. O'Donnell, T. No entrepreneurs need apply. Forbes, 134(13):124, Dec. 3, 1984.

16. Schul, P.L, et alii. The impact of channel leadership behavior on intrachannel conflict. Journal of Marketing 47(3):21-34, Summer 1983.

17. Blair, R.D. & Kaserman, David L. Optimal franchising. Southern Economic Journal, 49(2):494-505, Oct. 1982.

18. Franchise investment in every pot. Business Week, (34-65):75, Apr. 1982.

19. Murphy, T.P. Franchising. Forbes, 130(6):244, Sept. 13, 1982.

20. Norback, Peter G. The Dow-Jones-trwin guide to franchises. Illinois, Homewood, 111, Dow-Jones-Irwin, 1982. 308p.

21. *Seltz, D.D. The complete handbook of franchising. Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley, 1982.

22. *Smart, A. The how to's of retail franchising. New York, Lebhar-Friedman, 1982.

23. Statement of financial accounting standards n. 45. accounting for franchise fee revenue. The Journal of Accountancy, 151(5): 130-3, May 1981.

24. Kiyohara, Víctor Ruieti. Sistema de "franchise": uma estratégia alternativa para a hotelaria brasileira. Dissertação, São Paulo, FGV/EAESP, 1980. 148p.

25. Monopoly pays off in the business of sports. Business Week, (58):146-8, Oct. 13, 1980.

26. Nevin, J,R. et alii. Impact of fair pratice laws on a franchise channel of distribution. MSU Business Topics, 28(3):27-37, Summer 1980.

27. Montanher, Fernando. Cadeia voluntária - uma solução para o pequeno varejista. O caso de Brasília, Dissertação. São Paulo, s.c.p., FGV/EAESP, 1979.

28. Proctor, S. The growth of universal franchise. International Management, 34(11):19-20, Nov. 1979.

29. Scott, R.A, & Scott, R.K, Installment accounting: is it inconsistent The Journal Of Accountancy. 148(5).52-8, Nov. 1979.

30. Bylirisky, G. The computer stores have arrived. Fortune 97(8):52-5, Apr. 1978.

31. Diamond S.A. Decision boosts franchisor risks. Advertsing Age, 49(36):44, Sept. 4, 1978.

32. Hunt, S.D. Women and Franchising. MSU Business Topics, 26(2):25-8, Spring 1978.

33. Manson, Joseph Barry &. Mayer, Morris Lehman. Modem Retailing: theory and practice. Business Publications, 1978. p. 211-5.

34. Porter, J.L. & Renforth, W, Franchise agreements: spotting the important legal issues. Journal of Small Business Management, 16(4):32-40, Oct 1978.

35. Snyder, L. Right way to invest in franchise companies. Fortune, 97(8):89-90, Apr. 1978.

36. Trombetta, W.L. The personal injury risk factor in franchising. Journal of Small Business Management, 16(4):32.40, Oct. 1978.

37. Anderson, H.R. The G&A overhead pool: accounting tool or cop-out? Management Accounting, 59(4):37.42, Oct. 1977.

38. The Fast-food stars: three strategies for fast growth. Business Week, (2.491): 56-68, July 1977.

39. Franchiser case strengthened. Advertising Age, 48(31):65, Aug. 1977.

40. Hackett, Donald W. Franchising: the state of the art. Chicago, American Marketing Association, 1977. p 63-7.

41. Hunt, S.D. Franchising: promisses, problems, prospects. Journal of Retailing, 53(3):71-84, Fall 1977.

42. O'Connor, N.C. Initial franchise fee: revenue recognition. Management Accounting, 59(5):48-51, Nov. 1977.

43. Orval Kent tosses its distribution. Sates & Marketing Management, 119(5):26, Oct 1977.

44. Rosson, P. Dealer adaption of a new car franchise: a exploratory study. Journal of Management Studies, 14(3):329-40, Oct 1977.

45. Spohn, Robert F. & Allen, Robert Y. Retailing. Reston, Prentice-Hall, 1977. p. 373-6.

46. Fast-Food franchisers squeeze out the little guy. Business Week, (2.434):42-8, May, 1976.

47. Franchising the local realty broker. Business Week, (2.449):73, Sept. 1976.

48. Holiday Inns: trying the comeback trail. BusinessWeek, (2.439):64-5, 1976.

49. Hunt, Shelby D. & Nevin, John R. Full disclosure laws in franchising: an empirical investigation. Journal of Marketing, 40(2):53-62, Apr. 1976.

50. Lillis, Charles M. et alii. Competitive advantage variation over the life cycle of a franchise. Journal of Marketing, 40(4):77-80, Oct. 1976.

51. Lusch, R.F. Channel conflict: its impact on retailer operating performance. Journal of Retailing, 52(2):3-12+, Summer 1976.

52. Redinbaugh, Larry D. Franchise retailing. In: ______.Retailing management: a planning approach. McGraw-Hill, 1976. cap. 3, p. 43-56.

53. Stern, Louis W. et alii. Territorial restrictions in distribution: a case analysis. Journal of Marketing, 40(2);69-75, Apr. 1976,

54. Hunt, Shelby D. & Nevin, John R. Tying agreements in franchising. Journal of Marketing, 39(3):20-6, July 1975.

55. Roso, Jayme Vita. Franchising para o homem de marketing. Marketing, (33):24, mar. 1975.

56. Bush, Ronald F. et alii. Community location decision by franchisors: a comparative analysis. Journal of Retailing, 50(3):13-22, Fall 1974.

57. Hunt, Shelby D. & Nevin, John R. Power in a channel of distribution: sources and consequences. Journal of Marketing Research, 11(2): 186-93, May 1974.

58. Quarterback for tax shelters. Business Week, (2.312):63, Jan. 1974.

59. Comité Belga de la Distribución. Franchising: una revolución comercial. Barcelona, Hispano Europea, 1973. 109p.

60. Hunt, Shelby D. The trend toward company-operated units in franchise chains. Journal Of Retailing, 49(2):3-12, Summer 1973.

61. A Root-beer franchiser regains its fizz. Business Week, (2.302): 54-6, Oct 1973.

62. Walker, Bruce & Eteel, Michael. The internationalization of U.S. franchise systems: progress and procedures. Journal of Marketing, 37(2):38-44, Apr. 1973.

63. Hunt, Shelby O. The socieconomic consequences of a the franchise syslem of distribution. Journal of Marketing, 36(3):32-8, July 1972.

64. Suchodolsky, Beno & Gelman, J. Jacques. Sistema de distribuição em massa. O Estado de São Paulo, 24. abr. 1972.

65. Swart, J. Carroll & Carter, Robert B Negroes in franchising. Journal of Retailing, 48(3):81-8, Fall 1972,

66. Stephenson, P. Ronald & House, Robert G. A perspective on franchising the design of an effective relationship. Business Horizons, 14(4):35-42, Aug. 1971.

67. Crandall, Robert W. The decline of the franchised dealer in the automobile repair market, The Journal of Business, 43(1):19-30, Jan. 1970.

68. Franchising's troubled dream world. Fortune, 86(3):116. Mar. 1970.

69. Dalrympe, Douglas J. & Thompson, Donald L, Franchising, In: ______. Retailing: an economic view, The Free Press, 1969. cap.5, p. 73-91.

70. *Kursh, Harry. The franchise boom. Prentice-hall, 1969,

71. Hall, William P. Franchising - new scope for an old technique. In: Gist, Ronald G. Management perspectives in retailing. Wiley, 1967. part.2, cap. 2, p. 54-66.

72. Partners for profit, a study of franchising. New York, AMA, 1966. 128p.

  • 1. Brickley, James A. & Dark, Frederick. The choice of organizational form: the case of franchising. Journal of Financial Economics, 18(2):401-20, June 1987.
  • 2. Franchising: inns on the outs. Marketing Management, 138(7). 30, May 1987.
  • 3. Dailey, M.L Assessing franchises for client purchase. Journal of Accountancy, 167(3):120, Mar. 1986.
  • 4. *Kinch, John. Franchising: the inside story-how to stant your own business and succeed! Wilmigton, Delawane, Trimark, 1986. 211p.
  • 5. * Webster, Bryce. The insider's guide to franchise. New York, Amacon, 1986. 309p.
  • 6. Anand, P & Stern, L.W. A sociopsychological explanation for why marketing channel members relinquish control. Journal of Marketing Research, 22(4):365-76, Nov. 1985.
  • 7. *Gross, H. Franchise investigation and contract negotiation, Babylon, N.Y., Pilot, 1985.
  • 8. *The Sucessful franchise. Hampshire, Gower, 1965.
  • 9. Unanswered questions about franchising: comment Southern Economic Journal, 51(3):927-36, Jan. 1985.
  • 10. *Zeidman, P.F. Franchising. Washington, Federal, 1985.
  • 11. Anderson. E.E. The growth and performance of franchise systems: company versus franchise ownership. Journal of Economics and Business, 36(4):421-31, Dec. 1964.
  • 12. *Franchise law bibliography. Chicago, American Bar. Assn., 1984.
  • 13. Lee L.W. Franchising and interbrand competition. Southern Economic Journal, 51(1):219-34, July 1984.
  • 14. Mendelsohn, M. The guide to franchising. 4,ed. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1984.
  • 15. O'Donnell, T. No entrepreneurs need apply. Forbes, 134(13):124, Dec. 3, 1984.
  • 16. Schul, P.L, et alii. The impact of channel leadership behavior on intrachannel conflict. Journal of Marketing 47(3):21-34, Summer 1983.
  • 17. Blair, R.D. & Kaserman, David L. Optimal franchising. Southern Economic Journal, 49(2):494-505, Oct. 1982.
  • 18. Franchise investment in every pot. Business Week, (34-65):75, Apr. 1982.
  • 19. Murphy, T.P. Franchising. Forbes, 130(6):244, Sept. 13, 1982.
  • 20. Norback, Peter G. The Dow-Jones-trwin guide to franchises. Illinois, Homewood, 111, Dow-Jones-Irwin, 1982. 308p.
  • 21. *Seltz, D.D. The complete handbook of franchising. Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley, 1982.
  • 22. *Smart, A. The how to's of retail franchising. New York, Lebhar-Friedman, 1982.
  • 23. Statement of financial accounting standards n. 45. accounting for franchise fee revenue. The Journal of Accountancy, 151(5): 130-3, May 1981.
  • 24. Kiyohara, Víctor Ruieti. Sistema de "franchise": uma estratégia alternativa para a hotelaria brasileira. Dissertação, São Paulo, FGV/EAESP, 1980. 148p.
  • 25. Monopoly pays off in the business of sports. Business Week, (58):146-8, Oct. 13, 1980.
  • 26. Nevin, J,R. et alii. Impact of fair pratice laws on a franchise channel of distribution. MSU Business Topics, 28(3):27-37, Summer 1980.
  • 27. Montanher, Fernando. Cadeia voluntária - uma solução para o pequeno varejista. O caso de Brasília, Dissertação. São Paulo, s.c.p., FGV/EAESP, 1979.
  • 28. Proctor, S. The growth of universal franchise. International Management, 34(11):19-20, Nov. 1979.
  • 29. Scott, R.A, & Scott, R.K, Installment accounting: is it inconsistent The Journal Of Accountancy. 148(5).52-8, Nov. 1979.
  • 30. Bylirisky, G. The computer stores have arrived. Fortune 97(8):52-5, Apr. 1978.
  • 31. Diamond S.A. Decision boosts franchisor risks. Advertsing Age, 49(36):44, Sept. 4, 1978.
  • 32. Hunt, S.D. Women and Franchising. MSU Business Topics, 26(2):25-8, Spring 1978.
  • 33. Manson, Joseph Barry &. Mayer, Morris Lehman. Modem Retailing: theory and practice. Business Publications, 1978. p. 211-5.
  • 34. Porter, J.L. & Renforth, W, Franchise agreements: spotting the important legal issues. Journal of Small Business Management, 16(4):32-40, Oct 1978.
  • 35. Snyder, L. Right way to invest in franchise companies. Fortune, 97(8):89-90, Apr. 1978.
  • 36. Trombetta, W.L. The personal injury risk factor in franchising. Journal of Small Business Management, 16(4):32.40, Oct. 1978.
  • 37. Anderson, H.R. The G&A overhead pool: accounting tool or cop-out? Management Accounting, 59(4):37.42, Oct. 1977.
  • 38. The Fast-food stars: three strategies for fast growth. Business Week, (2.491): 56-68, July 1977.
  • 39. Franchiser case strengthened. Advertising Age, 48(31):65, Aug. 1977.
  • 40. Hackett, Donald W. Franchising: the state of the art. Chicago, American Marketing Association, 1977. p 63-7.
  • 41. Hunt, S.D. Franchising: promisses, problems, prospects. Journal of Retailing, 53(3):71-84, Fall 1977.
  • 42. O'Connor, N.C. Initial franchise fee: revenue recognition. Management Accounting, 59(5):48-51, Nov. 1977.
  • 43. Orval Kent tosses its distribution. Sates & Marketing Management, 119(5):26, Oct 1977.
  • 44. Rosson, P. Dealer adaption of a new car franchise: a exploratory study. Journal of Management Studies, 14(3):329-40, Oct 1977.
  • 45. Spohn, Robert F. & Allen, Robert Y. Retailing. Reston, Prentice-Hall, 1977. p. 373-6.
  • 46. Fast-Food franchisers squeeze out the little guy. Business Week, (2.434):42-8, May, 1976.
  • 47. Franchising the local realty broker. Business Week, (2.449):73, Sept. 1976.
  • 48. Holiday Inns: trying the comeback trail. BusinessWeek, (2.439):64-5, 1976.
  • 49. Hunt, Shelby D. & Nevin, John R. Full disclosure laws in franchising: an empirical investigation. Journal of Marketing, 40(2):53-62, Apr. 1976.
  • 50. Lillis, Charles M. et alii. Competitive advantage variation over the life cycle of a franchise. Journal of Marketing, 40(4):77-80, Oct. 1976.
  • 51. Lusch, R.F. Channel conflict: its impact on retailer operating performance. Journal of Retailing, 52(2):3-12+, Summer 1976.
  • 53. Stern, Louis W. et alii. Territorial restrictions in distribution: a case analysis. Journal of Marketing, 40(2);69-75, Apr. 1976,
  • 54. Hunt, Shelby D. & Nevin, John R. Tying agreements in franchising. Journal of Marketing, 39(3):20-6, July 1975.
  • 55. Roso, Jayme Vita. Franchising para o homem de marketing. Marketing, (33):24, mar. 1975.
  • 56. Bush, Ronald F. et alii. Community location decision by franchisors: a comparative analysis. Journal of Retailing, 50(3):13-22, Fall 1974.
  • 57. Hunt, Shelby D. & Nevin, John R. Power in a channel of distribution: sources and consequences. Journal of Marketing Research, 11(2): 186-93, May 1974.
  • 58. Quarterback for tax shelters. Business Week, (2.312):63, Jan. 1974.
  • 59
    Comité Belga de la Distribución. Franchising: una revolución comercial. Barcelona, Hispano Europea, 1973. 109p.
  • 60. Hunt, Shelby D. The trend toward company-operated units in franchise chains. Journal Of Retailing, 49(2):3-12, Summer 1973.
  • 61. A Root-beer franchiser regains its fizz. Business Week, (2.302): 54-6, Oct 1973.
  • 62. Walker, Bruce & Eteel, Michael. The internationalization of U.S. franchise systems: progress and procedures. Journal of Marketing, 37(2):38-44, Apr. 1973.
  • 63. Hunt, Shelby O. The socieconomic consequences of a the franchise syslem of distribution. Journal of Marketing, 36(3):32-8, July 1972.
  • 64. Suchodolsky, Beno & Gelman, J. Jacques. Sistema de distribuição em massa. O Estado de São Paulo, 24. abr. 1972.
  • 65. Swart, J. Carroll & Carter, Robert B Negroes in franchising. Journal of Retailing, 48(3):81-8, Fall 1972,
  • 66. Stephenson, P. Ronald & House, Robert G. A perspective on franchising the design of an effective relationship. Business Horizons, 14(4):35-42, Aug. 1971.
  • 67. Crandall, Robert W. The decline of the franchised dealer in the automobile repair market, The Journal of Business, 43(1):19-30, Jan. 1970.
  • 68. Franchising's troubled dream world. Fortune, 86(3):116. Mar. 1970.
  • 70. *Kursh, Harry. The franchise boom. Prentice-hall, 1969,
  • 72. Partners for profit, a study of franchising. New York, AMA, 1966. 128p.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    19 Jun 2013
  • Data do Fascículo
    Dez 1987
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