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The change to a new editorial management system, starting on May 1st of the current year, is related to RAE’s internationalization process, since this new system is used by the most important international journals, and it is being already adopted by some national periodicals indexed in SciELO. This new system allows extraction of data of the follow-up process in an efficient and precise way, producing relevant information to the improvement of editorial activities, always aiming at the perfectioning of RAE’s relationship with its collaborators (authors, scientific editors and ad hoc evaluators) and providing quality papers to our readers more quickly.

Between May 1st, date of the system’s operational starting, to the end of August, RAE has received 255 submissions. From these, around 50% were rejected because of format; due to a high number of authors who do not make the basics: to read the Writing Manual before submitting their articles. Since little more than 70% of these rejected papers were submitted again, we had the entry of 218 new articles in the RAE evaluation process in the period, a number that indicates the possible growth of submissions in 2014.

Compared to the same period in the previous year, we had a 40% growth in international submissions this year, indicating that the internationalization process is evolving. Over 60% of these international submissions come from Portugal and Spain, a very close percentage to what we had in the same period in 2013. The volume of submission from Latin America countries was kept, and we had submissions from authors in institutions from countries which had not yet sent contributions to RAE.

During the period, we have also recorded the difficulties of our collaborators to adapt to the new system. Due to the fact that all is in English, some Brazilian authors had difficulties to understand the submission guidelines. Scientific editors and reviewers also had to adapt, but the tool was, in general, well understood and, in a short time, most of them were already familiar with the new system. The RAE team has also passed through an adaptation period. Mainly because, different from the previous system, the new one was not developed in a customized way, and we had to change our internal processes. In general, we expect the new system to support well this new stage towards RAE internationalization.

As in all 2014 issues, in this last one of the year, we will have foreign articles. In “Capital intelectual y competencias distintivas en Pymes madereras de Argentina”, the authors analyze competitiveness in small and medium size Argentine companies; “Do stakeholders matter in strategic decision making of a sports organization?” deals with identifying the profiles of those involved in the decision-making process of a sports organization; “Antecedentes de las intenciones de abandono en cooperativas colombianas” presents a study on human resources in cooperatives; “Dependence relationship between the critical quality factors and social impact” proposes a theoretical mode that shows that leadership is the factor that most affects the social impact of companies.

In this issue of RAE, we also published the articles “Responsabilidade ambiental e lealdade de clientes em banco de varejo”, a study that measures the impact of the perception of clients of a retail bank in Brazil; “O efeito da distribuição sobre o market share em diferentes canais” investigates the relationship between distribution variables and the participation of emerging markets in the Brazilian beverage segment; “Desempenho de fusões e aquisições cross border: análise empírica do caso brasileiro” investigates the increase of the financial performance of Brazilian companies that have undertaken mergers and acquisitions over the past 15 years; “Organização e desempenho: avaliação da centralização da patologia do INCA-Brasil” identifies the effectiveness of centralizing the Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA) Anatomic pathology laboratories.

This issue is completed with the essay “A língua e o pensar no campo da pesquisa em Administração: constatações e questões para os pesquisadores que não utilizam a língua inglesa”, translated from French by Professor Jean-François Chanlat; a review on the book “Uniting diverse organizations: managing goal-oriented advocacy networks”, by Angel Saz-Carranza; and book recommendations on History and Management and Management of organizational space.

Have a good reading!


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Nov-Dec 2014
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de S.Paulo Avenida Nove de Julho, 2.029, Bela Vista, CEP: 01313-902, Telefone: +55 (11) 3799-7718 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil