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Reflexões sobre a relação entre o trabalho a morte e a própria vida


Em virtude do contínuo empenho do mundo de negócios de hoje e da maioria de nossas empresas em procurar permanente crescimento, expansão e sobrevivência, a noção da morte e da mortalidade está cada vez mais caindo no esquecimento. Este ensaio baseia-se na convicção de que qualidades humanas fundamentais como a significação, a maturidade e mesmo a sabedoria serão enfim expurgadas de nossas atividades econômicas, se as pessoas, individual ou coletivamente, não compreenderem que o trabalho que elas fazem, a vida que levam e a morte que um dia irão inevitavelmente experimentar estão todos inter-relacionados.

trabalho; vida; morte; recursos humanos

Through the ongoing attempt in our contemporary business world and in the majority of our work entreprises to search for ongoing growth, expansion and survival, the notion of death and mortality increasingly is falling into oblivion. The emphasis of this essay lies in the conviction that such fundamental human qualities as meaning, maturity and even wisdom eventual/y will be expatriated from our economic activities unless people individual/yas wel/ as col/ectively realize that the work they are doing, the life they are living, and the death they will inevitably experience, are interrelated.

work; life; death; human resources


Reflexões sobre a relação entre o trabalho a morte e a própria vida

Burkard Sievers

Professor de Desenvolvimento Organizacional Bergische Universitãt, Wuppertal, Alemanha


Em virtude do contínuo empenho do mundo de negócios de hoje e da maioria de nossas empresas em procurar permanente crescimento, expansão e sobrevivência, a noção da morte e da mortalidade está cada vez mais caindo no esquecimento. Este ensaio baseia-se na convicção de que qualidades humanas fundamentais como a significação, a maturidade e mesmo a sabedoria serão enfim expurgadas de nossas atividades econômi­cas, se as pessoas, individual ou coletivamente, não compreenderem que o trabalho que elas fazem, a vida que levam e a morte que um dia irão inevitavelmente experimentar estão todos inter-relacionados.

Palavras-chave: trabalho, vida, morte, recursos humanos.


Through the ongoing attempt in our contemporary business world and in the majority of our work entreprises to search for ongoing growth, expansion and survival, the notion of death and mortality increasingly is falling into oblivion. The emphasis of this essay lies in the conviction that such fundamental human qualities as meaning, maturity and even wisdom eventual/y will be expatriated from our economic activities unless people individual/yas wel/ as col/ectively realize that the work they are doing, the life they are living, and the death they will inevitably experience, are interrelated.

Key words: work, life, death, human resources.

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Revisão: Prol. Francisco Gabriel Heidemann, prolessor da Universidade Regional de Blumenau e do programa de mestrado em Administração de Negócios.

Tradução: Iara Jane Wollstein, do Laboratório de Línguas da Universidade Regional de Blumenau - SC.

Este artigo foi publicado originalmente sob o titulo "Thoughts on the relatedness at work, death ano life itself".In: European Management Journst. Paris, Berlim, Madrid: Oxiord. v. 8, n. 3, Sept. 1990, p. 321-4.

1. Ver SIEVERS, Burkard. Beyond the surrogate of motivation. In: Organization Studies, v. 7, 1986, p. 335-51; __ o Führung als perpetuirung von Unreife. In: Gruppendynamik, 20, p. 43-50; __ o Zombies or people - what is the product of work?: some considerations about the relation between human and nonhuman systems in regard lo the sociotechnícal systems paradigm. In: TURNER, Barry (org.). Organizational Symbolism. Berlin: de Gryter, 1990, p. 83-93; __ o The diabotizaton of death: some thoughts on the dosolence of mortlity in organization theory and practice. In: HASSARD, John (ed.)The theory and phylosophy of organizations: critical issues and new perpectives. Andover, Hampshire: Roulledge, 1990, p. 125-36.

2. ELIAS, Norbert. The Ioneliness of me dying. Oxford: Basil Blackweel, 1985.

3. LAWRENCE, W. Gordon. Beyond the trames. In: Malcolm pines (ed.), Dion and Group Psychotherapy London: Roulledge & Kegan Paul, 1985, p, 306-29.

4. DUNNE, John S. The city of gods. A study in myth and morality. New York: Macmillan, 1965.

5. ZIEGLER, Jean. Die Lebenden und der Tod. Frankfurt: UlIstein, 1982.

6.DDIDRNE, George S. Strategic management of human resorces: a portfolio approach. London: Jossey-Bass, 1984.

7. MILLER, Alice. The drama of gifted child. New York: Basic Books, 1981.

8. BERGER, Peter & PULLBERG, Stanley. Reilication and the sociological critique of consciousness.In: New Left Review, v. 35, p.56-71

9. Ver, como exemplo, SMIRCICH, Linda. Organizations as shared eanings. In: PONDY, Louis R. et al. (eds.) Organization symbolism. Greenwich: Jai Press, 1983, p. 55-65; SMIRCICH, Linda e MORGAN, Gareth. Leadership - the management of meaning.In: Journal of applied behavioral scence, n. 18, 1982, p. 257-73.

10. PETERS, Thomas J., WATERMAN, Robert H. In search of excellence: lessons from Ameaces best-run eompanies. New York: Harper&Row, 1992.

11. WINNICOn, Donald. Some thoughts on the meaning of the world democracy. In: Human relations3, 1950, p. 175-86.

12. CAMPBELL, Joseph. Myths to live by New York: Betham Books, 1973.

  • Este artigo foi publicado originalmente sob o titulo "Thoughts on the relatedness at work, death ano life itself".In: European Management Journst. Paris, Berlim, Madrid: Oxiord. v. 8, n. 3, Sept. 1990, p. 321-4.
  • 1. Ver SIEVERS, Burkard. Beyond the surrogate of motivation. In: Organization Studies, v. 7, 1986, p. 335-51;
  • __ o Führung als perpetuirung von Unreife. In: Gruppendynamik, 20, p. 43-50;
  • __ o Zombies or people - what is the product of work?: some considerations about the relation between human and nonhuman systems in regard lo the sociotechnícal systems paradigm. In: TURNER, Barry (org.). Organizational Symbolism. Berlin: de Gryter, 1990, p. 83-93;
  • __ o The diabotizaton of death: some thoughts on the dosolence of mortlity in organization theory and practice. In: HASSARD, John (ed.)The theory and phylosophy of organizations: critical issues and new perpectives. Andover, Hampshire: Roulledge, 1990, p. 125-36.
  • 2. ELIAS, Norbert. The Ioneliness of me dying. Oxford: Basil Blackweel, 1985.
  • 3. LAWRENCE, W. Gordon. Beyond the trames. In: Malcolm pines (ed.), Dion and Group Psychotherapy London: Roulledge & Kegan Paul, 1985, p, 306-29.
  • 4. DUNNE, John S. The city of gods. A study in myth and morality. New York: Macmillan, 1965.
  • 5. ZIEGLER, Jean. Die Lebenden und der Tod. Frankfurt: UlIstein, 1982.
  • 6.DDIDRNE, George S. Strategic management of human resorces: a portfolio approach. London: Jossey-Bass, 1984.
  • 7. MILLER, Alice. The drama of gifted child. New York: Basic Books, 1981.
  • 8. BERGER, Peter & PULLBERG, Stanley. Reilication and the sociological critique of consciousness.In: New Left Review, v. 35, p.56-71
  • 9. Ver, como exemplo, SMIRCICH, Linda. Organizations as shared eanings. In: PONDY, Louis R. et al. (eds.) Organization symbolism. Greenwich: Jai Press, 1983, p. 55-65;
  • SMIRCICH, Linda e MORGAN, Gareth. Leadership - the management of meaning.In: Journal of applied behavioral scence, n. 18, 1982, p. 257-73.
  • 10. PETERS, Thomas J., WATERMAN, Robert H. In search of excellence: lessons from Ameaces best-run eompanies. New York: Harper&Row, 1992.
  • 11. WINNICOn, Donald. Some thoughts on the meaning of the world democracy. In: Human relations3, 1950, p. 175-86.
  • 12. CAMPBELL, Joseph. Myths to live by New York: Betham Books, 1973.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    06 Out 2011
  • Data do Fascículo
    Set 1997
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