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Quantitative variations in federal Executive Career Paths


This paper analyzes the quantitative changes in the number of servers of some State Careers of the federal executive branch between 2012 and 2022. Thus, they were divided into four groups of direct administration civil careers that carry out similar activities and are commonly classified as typical of the state: Public Security, Legal, Inspection, and Public Management. Based on surveys carried out by the Statistical Panel of Federal Government Personnel, it was concluded that, during the period, the careers of the selected Public Security group grew strongly (+24%) and surpassed the selected Inspection careers in number of employees (-27%), which were reduced in a similar proportion. Individually, the careers that grew the most were Federal Highway Police (34%) and Foreign Trade Analyst (78%). The careers of Tax Auditor of the Federal Revenue and Labour Tax Auditor were the ones that declined the most, losing almost a third of their active servants each (33% and 33%).

civil servants; typical careers; workforce; federal government


Este trabalho pretende analisar mudanças quantitativas no número de servidores de algumas carreiras de Estado do Poder Executivo federal entre 2012 e 2022. Para tal, dividiram-se quatro grupos de carreiras civis da administração direta que exercem atividades afins e costumam ser classificadas como típicas de Estado: segurança pública, jurídicas, fiscalização e gestão pública. A escolha por esses grupos se deveu ao fato de que tais carreiras estratégicas com frequência se articulam em conjunto na defesa de seus interesses. Baseando-se em levantamentos realizados pelo Painel Estatístico de Pessoal do Governo Federal, concluiu-se que, durante o período, as carreiras do grupo de segurança pública selecionadas cresceram fortemente (+24%) e ultrapassaram, em número de servidores, as carreiras de fiscalização selecionadas (-27%), que foram reduzidas em proporção semelhante. Individualmente, as carreiras que mais cresceram foram a de policial rodoviário federal (34%) e de analista de comércio exterior (78%). Já as carreiras de auditor-fiscal da Receita Federal e de auditor-fiscal do trabalho foram as que mais diminuíram, perdendo quase um terço de seus servidores ativos cada uma (33% e 33%).

servidores; carreiras típicas; força de trabalho; governo federal


Este trabajo pretende analizar los cambios cuantitativos en el número de servidores de algunas carreras del Estado del Ejecutivo federal entre 2012 y 2022. Para ello, las carreras civiles de la administración directa que desarrollan actividades similares y son comúnmente catalogadas como propias del Estado se dividieron en cuatro grupos: Seguridad Pública, Jurídica, Inspección y Gestión Pública. La elección de estos grupos de debió a que tales carreras estratégicas frecuentemente se articulan en la defensa de sus intereses. Con base en las encuestas realizadas por el Panel Estadístico del Personal del Gobierno Federal, se concluyó que, durante el período, las carreras del grupo de Seguridad Pública seleccionadas crecieron fuertemente (+24%) y superaron a las carreras de Inspección seleccionadas en número de empleados (-27%), que se redujeron en una proporción similar. De manera individual, las carreras que más crecieron fueron policía federal de caminos (34%) y analista de comercio exterior (78%). Las carreras de inspector fiscal del Ministerio de Hacienda e inspector fiscal del Ministerio de Trabajo fueron las que más declinaron, perdiendo casi un tercio de sus servidores activos cada una (33% y 33%).

Palabras clave:
servidores públicos; carreras típicas; fuerza de trabajo; gobierno federal


Brazilian public accounts have faced an adverse scenario in the past decade. After primary surpluses lower than those in the previous years, in 2012 and 2013, the federal government recorded eight consecutive primary deficits from 2014 to 2021. The first confirmation of a new positive result would only come in the beginning of 2023, with the release of the consolidated numbers for 2022 (Ministério da Fazenda, 2023 Ministério da Fazenda. (2023, janeiro 27). Resultado do Tesouro Nacional. Recuperado de

Public service competitions were affected by the successive negative results, and the recent scenario has been the opposite of that of the previous decade (Profili, 2021Profili, E. B. (2021). Estrutura remuneratória dos servidores ativos civis do Executivo federal. Revista de Administração Pública, 55(4), 782-808. Recuperado de
), marked by a high level of renewal of the workforce in federal careers (Fernandes & Palloti, 2019Fernandes, C. C. C., & Palotti, P. L. M. (2019). Profissionalizando a burocracia e construindo capacidades: avanços desiguais na administração pública brasileira? Revista de Administração Pública, 53(4), 687-710.), both in direct and indirect administration (Paoltti & Freire, 2015Palotti, P., & Freire, A. (2015). Perfil, composição e remuneração dos servidores públicos federais: trajetória recente e tendências observadas. Anais do 8º Congresso do Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Estado da Administração de Gestão Pública, Brasília, DF. Recuperado de
). But have the various careers and areas of federal government been affected similarly? To answer this question, this study focuses on some civil careers typical to the state to examine how the map has changed over this period (2012-2022). In addition, it attempts to diagnose impacts on the federal Executive Power workforce.

The Proposed Constitutional Amendment (PEC) No. 32 of 2020, popularly known as the Administrative Reform PEC, did not explicitly define which state-typical activities were within its scope. However, the substitute text approved in 2021 by the Chamber of Deputies’ Special Commission on Administrative Reform pointed out that those positions were the ones that performed

core activities in public security, maintenance of fiscal and financial order, governmental regulation, inspection and management, public budgeting, control, the state’s intelligence, the Brazilian foreign service, government legal representation, public defender services, the institutional functioning of the Legislative and Judiciary Powers - the latter including process servers’ activities -, and the Office of the Public Prosecutor. Positions that exercise complementary activities were left out of the amendment’s scope (Câmara dos Deputados, 2021 Câmara dos Deputados. (2021). Substitutivo adotado pela Comissão Especial à Proposta de Emenda à Constituição nº 32-B, de 2020. Recuperado de

The National Permanent Forum of Government Careers (Fonacate) presents a similar definition on its website. According to it, these careers perform duties related to the expression of the state’s power, have no correspondent in the private sector, compose the state’s strategic core, and are provided for in article 247 of the 1988 Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, and in article 4 of Law No. 11,079 of 2004 (Lei nº 11.079, de 30 de dezembro de 2004Lei nº 11.079, de 30 de dezembro de 2004. (2004). Institui normas gerais para licitação e contratação de parceria público-privada no âmbito da administração pública. Brasília, DF. Recuperado de

In this definition, the careers occupying state-typical positions are thus related to

agrarian, agricultural and livestock and fiscal inspection, tax collection, finance and control, public management, foreign trade, public security, diplomacy, government legal representation, public defender services, regulation, monetary policy, the state’s intelligence, and the Office of the Public Prosecutor.

According to the cited article 247 of the 1988 Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. (1988). Brasília, DF. Recuperado de
), included into it by Constitutional Amendment No. 19 of 1998, subsequent legislation should establish “special criteria and guarantees for the loss of office by a tenured public servant who, due to the duties of their tenured position, performs activities that are exclusive to the state” (Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. (1988). Brasília, DF. Recuperado de
). In turn, item III of article 4 of Law No. 11,079 of 2004 (Lei nº 11.079, de 30 de dezembro de 2004Lei nº 11.079, de 30 de dezembro de 2004. (2004). Institui normas gerais para licitação e contratação de parceria público-privada no âmbito da administração pública. Brasília, DF. Recuperado de
), says that public-private partnership cannot receive on delegation “functions of regulation, jurisdiction, exercise of police power, or other activities exclusive to the state”. However, like the Constitution, it does not clearly list those activities (Lei nº 11.079, de 30 de dezembro de 2004Lei nº 11.079, de 30 de dezembro de 2004. (2004). Institui normas gerais para licitação e contratação de parceria público-privada no âmbito da administração pública. Brasília, DF. Recuperado de

For Bresser-Pereira (2022Bresser-Pereira, L. C. (2022). Uma reforma gerencial da administração pública no Brasil. Revista do Serviço Público, 73(b), 180-219. Recuperado de

the activities exclusive to the state are those in which the power of the state, i.e., the power to legislate and levy taxes is exercised. This includes the police, the armed forces, inspection and regulation bodies, and the bodies in charge of transferring resources to social and scientific areas, such as the Unified Health System, the unemployment benefit system, etc.


In order to systematize the analysis and identify whether there have been relevant quantitative changes in the workforce of some civil careers that exercise activities usually classified as typical to the state in the federal Executive Power’s direct administration from December 2012 to December 2022, this study was divided into four groups. This selection procedure is due to the fact there are over 300 careers in the federal Executive Power (Profili, 2021Profili, E. B. (2021). Estrutura remuneratória dos servidores ativos civis do Executivo federal. Revista de Administração Pública, 55(4), 782-808. Recuperado de
), and therefore analyzing all of them could make it unfeasible to examine the movements in more detail, form consistent groups, and provide a reasonable compilation of results. These categories were chosen due to their being strategic careers and usually coming together to defend their interests (Barbosa, 2018Barbosa, N. H. Filho. (2018, março 19). Propostas de reformas para destravar o Brasil. São Paulo, SP: Fundação Getulio Vargas. Recuperado de

Using the Statistical Panel of Federal Government Personnel (Ministério da Economia, 2022b Ministério da Economia. (2022b). Painel Estatístico de Pessoal. Recuperado de
) as a database allowed surveying numbers related to the four groups: inspection, public security, legal, and public management.

The first group was formed by careers that exercise inspection activities: the Federal Revenue Service auditor-inspector and tax analyst careers, linked the Ministry of Finance; the labor auditor-inspector career, linked the Ministry of Labor and Employment; and the agriculture and livestock auditor-inspector career, linked to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

The second was formed by public servants whose duties are directly related to public security. Four careers in the Ministry of Justice and Public Security were selected: federal police commissioner, federal police clerk, and federal highway police officer.

The third comprises the careers forming the federal government management group: the planning and budget analyst career, in the Ministry of Planning and Budget; the public policy and government management specialist career, overseen by the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services; the foreign trade analyst career, in the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services; and the federal finance and control auditor career, linked to the Ministry of Finance and the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU).

The fourth is formed by the legal careers working in the Executive Power’s direct administration. Thus, while the careers of Central Bank attorney and federal attorney are also legal careers linked to the Executive Power, because they work at independent government foundations and agencies, they will not be analyzed here. Therefore, this group will be formed, exceptionally, by only two careers: attorney of the Union, linked to the Office of the Attorney General (AGU), and national Treasury attorney, linked to the Ministry of Finance and the AGU.

Data from the Statistical Panel of Personnel (Ministério da Economia, 2022b) relating to all of these careers and groups were tabulated for comparison purposes in order to allow concluding whether there have been relevant changes in the profile of the Brazilian state between 2012 and 2022.

2.1 Inspection Careers

With regard to inspection careers, a strong decrease is observed in the number of public servants over this period. In 2012, the total of active public servants in the careers of Federal Revenue auditor-inspector, Federal Revenue analyst, labor auditor-inspector, and agriculture and livestock auditor-inspector were 24,676. Ten years later, a 27% decrease is found, with the number reaching 17,998.

The most striking reductions occurred in the careers of Federal Revenue auditor-inspector and labor auditor-inspector, which lost practically one third of their workforce during this period (33% and 33%). The agriculture and livestock auditor-inspector and Federal Revenue tax analyst careers also presented a drop in the number of members, though to lower degree (24% and 17%).

These decreases are clear reflections of the high retirement rates in these careers and the decrease in public service competitions for the area, which became rarer after the fiscal crisis that began in 2015, causing a permanent downward movement. In the case of the two Federal Revenue Service careers - auditor-inspector and tax analyst -, no competitions were held from 2015 to 2022. In end of 2022, a new competition notice was released for both careers, which should enable new hirings (Minstério da Economia, 2022a Ministério da Economia. (2022a). Edital - Nº 1/2022 - RFB, de 2 de dezembro de 2022. Recuperado de
). The last public examination for labor auditor-inspector was held in 2013 (Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, 2013 Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego. (2013). Edital Nº 1 - MTE, de 28 de junho de 2013. Recuperado de
), and for federal agriculture and livestock auditor-inspector, in 2017 (Ministério da fazenda, 2017 Ministério da Fazenda. (2017). Edital ESAF Nº 59, de 25 de setembro de 2017. Recuperado de

Graph 1shows that the Federal Revenue tax analyst career did present some growth early in the period, impacted by the official appointment of successful candidates from the 2012 competition (Ministério da Fazenda, 2012c Ministério da Fazenda. (2012c). Edital ESAF Nº 23, de 06 de julho de 2012. Recuperado de
). Competitions between 2012 and 2014 also seem to have lessened the drop in the number of Federal Revenue auditor-inspectors (Ministério da Fazenda, 2012d Ministério da Fazenda. (2012d). Edital ESAF Nº 24, de 06 de julho de 2012. Recuperado de
, 2014 Ministério da Fazenda. (2014). Edital ESAF Nº 18, de 07 de março de 2014. Recuperado de
) and labor auditor-inspectors (Minstério do Trabalho e Emprego, 2013 Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego. (2013). Edital Nº 1 - MTE, de 28 de junho de 2013. Recuperado de
) in the initial years.

Graph 1
Number of public servants: inspection

2.2 Public Security Careers

Contrary to what is observed for inspection careers, public security careers in the federal Executive Power have experienced a strong growth in the past decade. The increase in the number of public servants was nearly of the same magnitude as the drop in the previous group: 24%. The total of active public servants in the careers of federal police commissioner, federal police clerk and federal highway police officer rose from 19,192 to 23,831.

The career that experienced the most growth was that of federal highway police officer, ending 2022 with almost 13,000 public servants. In 2012, there were less than 9,700 active police officers, an increase by nearly 34% in the active workforce. Also noteworthy is the federal police clerk career, with an increase of more than 26% in the number of active clerks.

The federal police commissioner career had a discrete growth in the period (1,742 to 1,917), like that of federal police agents (12%), and had their workforce increased by 10%.

As for public service competitions, the public security area is the one that had the most competition notices released in the last few years. For the three Federal Police careers, there were examinations in 2021, with 400 vacancies for clerks, 120 vacancies for commissioners, and almost 900 for agents (Minstério da Justiça e Segurança Pública, 2012b Ministério da Justiça. (2012b). Edital Nº 11/2012 - DGP/DPF, de 10 de junho de 2012. Recuperado de

The federal highway police officer career, which experienced the most growth in the period, had a competition notice released also in 2021, with 1,500 direct vacancies offered (Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública, 2021a Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública. (2021a). Edital Concurso PRF Nº 1, de 18 de janeiro de 2021. Recuperado de
). Graph 2 shows the impact of recent hirings on the increase in the number of federal highway police officers. For the 2021-2022 period alone, the total of public servants in the career expanded by over 2,000.

Graph 2
Number of public servants: security

2.3 Legal careers

The number of public servants in the legal careers of direct administration remained stable during the selected period. The total of active public attorneys grew by 3%, with the total rising from 3,611 to 3,732.

While the number of attorneys of the Union presented absolute stability - from 1,659 to 1,663 -, the total of national Treasury attorneys rose from 1,952 to 2,069, a 6% increment. The two careers held public competitions in 2012 and 2015 (Advocacia-Geral da União, 2012Advocacia-Geral da União. (2012). Edital Nº 9 - AGU, de 26 de abril de 2012. Recuperado de
, 2015 Advocacia-Geral da União. (2015). Edital Nº 1 - AGU, de 13 de julho de 2015. Recuperado de
; Ministério da Fazenda, 2012a Ministério da Fazenda. (2012a). Edital ESAF Nº 04, de 21 de março de 2012. Recuperado de
, 2012a Ministério da Fazenda. (2012b). Edital ESAF Nº 07, de 16 de abril de 2012. Recuperado de
, 2015b Ministério da Fazenda. (2012c). Edital ESAF Nº 23, de 06 de julho de 2012. Recuperado de
) and have released competition notices for new examinations which are being held in 2023 (Advocacia-Geral da União, 2022a Advocacia-Geral da União. (2022a). Edital Nº 1 - AGU, de 26 de dezembro de 2022. Recuperado de
, 2022b Advocacia-Geral da União. (2022b). Edital Nº 1 - PFN, de 26 de dezembro de 2022. Recuperado de

Graph 3indicates a slight increase for both careers in the periods following their public competitions, and after 2018, a permanent downward movement in both workforces.

Graph 3
Number of public servants: legal

2.4 Public Management Careers

The careers in the management group were the ones whose variations were the least individually uniform over the period, though as a group it reached an overall 5% growth. While one of the careers (foreign trade analyst) saw its number of active public servants grow by more than 78%, the planning and budget analyst career shrank by over 13%.

The public policy and government management specialist career, overseen by the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services experienced a very similar movement to that of the planning and budget career, as it shrank by more than 11%.

In turn, the federal finance and control auditor career, historically divided between the Ministry of Finance and the CGU, had a growth of nearly 10%.

The movements observed in Graph 4can be explained by the competitions held in the period. The foreign trade analyst career almost doubled in size between 2012 and 2014 due to the public competition run in 2012 (Ministério da Fazenda, 2012a Ministério da Fazenda. (2012a). Edital ESAF Nº 04, de 21 de março de 2012. Recuperado de
), with the hiring of successful candidates in the following years, and has since been showing a slow drop in its workforce, thanks to the lack of new hirings.

The public policy and government management specialist career shows a slight and uniform shrinking throughout the period, as it is, of all careers mentioned in this study, the only one that did not hire any public servants in the period. The last public competition took place in 2009 (Ministério da Fazenda, 2009 Ministério da Fazenda. (2009). Edital ESAF Nº 46, de 19 de junho de 2009. Recuperado de

The planning and budget analyst career released a single competition notice in the period - in 2015. For this reason, 2017 was its only growth point, when successful candidates were officially hired.

Finally, federal finance and control auditor career was the only one to experience some growth recently, thanks to the public competition held by the CGU in 2021 (Controladoria Geral da União, 2021 Controladoria-Geral da União. (2021). Edital de concurso CGU Nº 1 / 2021. Recuperado de
). For the Ministry of Finance, no public competition for the career has been held since 2012, when it was still called finance and control analyst, and the last hirings occurred in late 2016.

Graph 4
Number of public servants: management


In sum, the conducted analyses and surveys indicate a strong growth in the number of active public servants in the public security careers (+24%) between 2012 and 2022, and a major decrease in the public servant workforce in the inspection area (-27%) of the federal Executive Power for the same period, whereas the legal (+3%) and public management (+5%) careers experienced a near-stability movement. Graph 5illustrates the reversal in size between the inspection and security careers in the federal Executive Power. The selected inspection careers had over 5,000 more public servants than the selected security ones in 2012, and ended 2022 with almost 6,000 fewer public servants, which indicates a clear shift in the state’s profile.

Graph 5
Number of servants: career groups

The exclusive comparison between the two career groups, as depicted in Graph 6, demonstrates how, in percentage terms, there was an almost complete reversal between the workforces’ sizes over the decade.

Graph 6
Number of public servants: security vs. inspection

The selection by period, however, can provide elements that are just as interesting. The management career group released five of their six public service competition notices during former President Dilma Rousseff’s administration. The sixth, for the public policy and government management specialist career, was released during the same period, in 2013, but the competition was annulled by the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) (Ministério da Fazenda, 2013 Ministério da Fazenda. (2013). Edital ESAF Nº 48, de 06 de junho de 2013. Recuperado de

The same line can be followed to analyze the movement of the legal careers. Both the AGU and the Office of the National Treasury Attorney General held competitions in 2012 and 2015, during the two Rousseff administrations, when the fiscal crisis was still in its early stages, and were only able to launch competitions again on the last days of 2022.

The case of inspection careers seems distinct from the others. However much competitions for all careers were held during the period - in the case of the Federal Revenue auditor-inspector career, at two opportunities (Ministério da Fazenda, 2012d Ministério da Fazenda. (2012d). Edital ESAF Nº 24, de 06 de julho de 2012. Recuperado de
, 2014 Ministério da Fazenda. (2014). Edital ESAF Nº 18, de 07 de março de 2014. Recuperado de
) - and a new competition notice was launched in December 2022 (Ministério da Economia, 2022a Ministério da Economia. (2022a). Edital - Nº 1/2022 - RFB, de 2 de dezembro de 2022. Recuperado de
), the number of retirements seems much larger; thus, the number of competitions has only mitigated the drop. The same phenomenon can be observed in the labor auditor-inspector career, which did not stop shrinking at any point during the period. The federal agriculture and livestock auditor-inspector career also had two competition notices in the period (Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, 2014 Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. (2014). Edital Nº 1, de 21 de janeiro de 2014. Recuperado de
; Ministério da Fazenda, 2017 Ministério da Fazenda. (2017). Edital ESAF Nº 59, de 25 de setembro de 2017. Recuperado de

In the inspection group, as in the two previous ones, most competition notices were released during the administration of Dilma Rousseff, who, besides being from the Workers’ Party (PT), which ideologically advocates a larger presence of state activities, authorized most competition notices before the fiscal crisis entered its radical stage. In the following period, from 2016 to 2018, competitions became rare due to the crisis deterioration and the more liberal stance of the Michel Temer administration.

As for the public security careers, their growth took place during Jair Bolsonaro’s administration. Historically linked to the area, the then president demonstrated several times his appreciation for the security categories and went so far as defending a differentiated pay raise for the Federal Highway Police, which eventually did not occur.

In 2019, the number of active members of the federal highway police officer career was below that for 2012 (9,584 against 9,659). By the end of 2022, this number had grown to almost 13,000. The Federal Police clerk career presented a similar scenario. In 2019, the number of active clerks was 1,798, against 1,842 in 2012. The Federal Police commissioner and agent careers experienced less robust movements than the other two.

For commissioners, competitions were held in 2012 and 2018 (Ministério da Justiça, 2012b Ministério da Justiça. (2012b). Edital Nº 11/2012 - DGP/DPF, de 10 de junho de 2012. Recuperado de
; Ministério Extraordinário da Segurança Pública, 2018Ministério Extraordinário da Segurança Pública. (2018). Edital Nº 1 - DGP/PF, de 14 de junho de 2018. Recuperado de
), which smoothed out oscillations in the period. The agents, in turn, were able to release large competition notices in 2012 and 2014 (Ministério da Justiça, 2012a Ministério da Justiça. (2012a). Edital Nº 1/2012 - DGP/DPF, de 14 de março de 2012. Recuperado de
, 2014 Ministério da Justiça. (2014). Edital Nº 55/2014 - DGP/DPF, de 25 de setembro de 2014. Recuperado de
), which caused the workforce to strongly increase until 2016, followed by some oscillation, until the 2021 competition (Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública, 2021b Ministério da Fazenda. (2017). Edital ESAF Nº 59, de 25 de setembro de 2017. Recuperado de
) caused the career to grow, reaching an all-time high in 2022.



  • 14
    Clovis Bueno de Azevedo (Fundação Getulio Vargas, São Paulo / SP - Brazil)
  • 15
    Maria Celina Soares D’Araujo (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro / RJ - Brazil)
  • 16
    Rodolfo de Camargo Lima (Universidade Cidade de São Paulo, São Paulo / SP - Brazil; Universidad Católica de Temuco, Temuco - Chile)
  • Reviewer

    Peer review report: the peer review report is available at this URL.
  • [Translated version] Note: All quotes in English translated by this article’s translator.

Edited by

Alketa Peci (Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro / RJ - Brazil)
Gabriela Spanghero Lotta (Fundação Getulio Vargas, São Paulo / SP - Brazil)

Data availability

The whole set of data that supports the results of this study was made available on the Statistical Panel of Personnel of the Federal Executive Power and can be retrieved from⟨=en-US&host=Local&anonymous=true

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    04 Dec 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    07 Feb 2023
  • Accepted
    10 July 2023
Fundação Getulio Vargas Fundaçãoo Getulio Vargas, Rua Jornalista Orlando Dantas, 30, CEP: 22231-010 / Rio de Janeiro-RJ Brasil, Tel.: +55 (21) 3083-2731 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil