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The use of cyberspace by the public administration in the COVID-19 pandemic: diagnosis and vulnerabilities


The COVID-19 pandemic, while demanding social distancing, imposes approximation and coordination of efforts by public and private entities through the Internet and digital services. This article analyzes the use and operationalization of cyberspace by the public administration in the fight against SARS-CoV-2. It presents a diagnosis of the vulnerabilities and challenges related to this growing operationalization. The public administration began to operationalize cyberspace more vigorously from the 1990s, with e-government. Inter-governmental and governmental coordination strategies imposed by the current situation would be impossible without the intensification of the operationalization of cyberspace by the public administration apparatus, which transposes unusual and even unprecedented practices and actions to the digital domain. Given its artificiality, cyberspace can only be operated by those with the means to do so. Cyber-democratization comes up against the digital divide. The current need for social distancing highlights technical and socio-economic challenges arising from the transposition of the public administration apparatus into cyberspace.

COVID-19; administration; cyberspace; e-government


A pandemia da COVID-19, por demandar isolamento social, impõe aproximação e coordenação de esforços de entes públicos e privados por intermédio da Internet e dos serviços digitais. O artigo analisa o uso e a operacionalização do ciberespaço pela Administração Pública no combate ao SARS-CoV-2 e apresenta um diagnóstico das vulnerabilidades e desafios referentes a essa crescente operacionalização. A administração pública passou a operacionalizar o ciberespaço com mais afinco a partir da década de 1990, com o e-government. Estratégias de coordenação (inter)governamental impostas pela atual conjuntura seriam impossíveis sem a intensificação da operacionalização do ciberespaço pelo aparato administrativo público, que transpõe para o domínio digital práticas e ações pouco usuais ou mesmo inéditas. Dada sua artificialidade, o ciberespaço só pode ser operacionalizado por detentores de meios para tal. A “democratização” cibernética esbarra na exclusão digital. O atual isolamento social evidencia desafios técnicos e socioeconômicos decorrentes da transposição do aparato de administração pública para o ciberespaço.

COVID-19; administração; ciberespaço; e-government; exclusão digital


Por exigir aislamiento social, la pandemia de COVID-19 impone la aproximación y coordinación de esfuerzos de las entidades públicas y privadas por medio de Internet y de los servicios digitales. El artículo analiza el uso y operacional actual del ciberespacio por parte de la Administración Pública en la lucha contra el virus SARS-CoV-2 y presenta un diagnóstico de las vulnerabilidades y desafíos relacionados con esta creciente utilización operacional. La administración pública comenzó a usar el ciberespacio con mayor ahínco desde la década de 1990, momento en que surgió el e-government. Las estrategias de coordinación (inter)gubernamental impuestas por la situación actual serían imposibles sin la intensificación de la utilización operacional del ciberespacio por parte del aparato administrativo público, que transpone al dominio digital prácticas y acciones poco usuales o inéditas. Dada su artificialidad, el ciberespacio solo puede ser operado por quienes tienen los medios para hacerlo. La “democratización” cibernética choca con la exclusión digital. El aislamiento social actual destaca los desafíos técnicos y socioeconómicos derivados de la transposición del aparato de la administración pública al ciberespacio.

Palabras clave:
COVID-19; administración; ciberespacio; e-government; exclusión digital


Just as times of war and need drive innovation (Freeman & Soete, 2008Freeman, C., & Soete, L. (2008). A Economia da inovação industrial. Campinas, SP: Editora da UNICAMP.), the social isolation imposed by COVID-19 prompts virtual solutions and platforms to assist in the digitalization of social life, driven by the political rhetoric of “War on COVID- 19” (Bennet & Berenson, 2020Bennet, B., & Berenson, T. (2020, 19 de março). As Coronavirus Spreads, Trump Refashions Himself as a Wartime President. Time. Recuperado de
; Nienaber & Carrel, 2020Nienaber, M., & Carrel, P. (2020, 18 de março). Merkel tells Germans: Fighting virus demands war-time solidarity. Reuters. Recuperado de
). The need to transpose the administrative apparatus into cyberspace generates vulnerabilities and challenges rising from the dynamics and logic of the cyber domain that affect possible strategies to combat SARS-CoV-2. Based on paradigmatic cases, this article investigates administrative implications of the transposition of the state apparatus into cyberspace, a practice that started in the 1990s and that gained new contours with the advent of the current pandemic. The text presents a diagnosis of the vulnerabilities and challenges related to the increasing operationalization of cyberspace by the public administration.

Originally, the article demonstrates that when elaborating public policies, the digital divide must be considered a cyberspace vulnerability, alongside traditional technical problems. This work indicates that COVID-19 has highlighted the effects of digital exclusion and that it was not properly considered by the Brazilian authorities when elaborating policies to mitigate the effects of the pandemic.

Structurally, the article elucidates the transposition of the administrative apparatus into the cyber domain and the history of e-government. Thereafter, it examines the challenges arising from the nature of cyberspace regarding the virtualization of government administration. Finally, it analyzes the implications of such transposition with regard to technical and socioeconomic vulnerabilities, focusing on actions triggered by the new coronavirus.


The administrative virtualization is carried out through the technical-scientific-informational framework of globalization processes, which, according to Santos (2009)Santos, M. (2009). A Natureza do Espaço (4a ed.). São Paulo, SP: Edusp., culminates in cyberspace. In this case, it is viewed as a domain of artificial human interaction, equipped with unique peculiarities (Cohen, 2007Cohen, J. E. (2007). Cyberspace as/and space. Columbia Law Review, 107(1), 210-256.; Rattray, 2009Rattray, G. J. (2009). An environmental approach to understanding cyberpower. In F. D. Kramer, S. H. Starr, & L. K. Wentz(Eds.), Cyberpower and National Security (Chap. 10, pp. 253-274). Washington, DC: National Defense University Press .; Kuehl, 2009Kuehl, D. T. (2009). From Cyberspace to Cyberpower: Defining the Problem. Washington, DC: National Defense University Press.; Medeiros, 2019Medeiros, B . (2019). Ciberespaço e Relações Internacionais: Rumo a Construção de um novo Paradigma? (Dissertação de Mestrado). Instituto Meira Mattos da Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Recuperado de
), developed through the interconnection of physical layers (people and hardware) and digital layers (software and information) (Libicki, 2009Libicki, M. C. (2009). Cyberdeterrence and cyberwar. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation.; Ventre, 2012Ventre, D. (2012). Ciberguerra. In Academia General Militar. In La Academia General Militar, & Universidad de Zaragoza (Eds.), Seguridad global y potencias emergentes en un mundo multipolar. Madrid, España: Autor. Recuperado de

Given its artificiality, cyberspace only exists through its operation by individuals and institutions. Since access to technology is a limiting factor for cyberspace, the asymmetry of this access results in increasing socioeconomic disparities (Ruediger, 2003Ruediger, M. A. (2003). Governança democrática na era da informação. Revista de Administração Pública, 37(6), 1257-1280.).

The most evident manifestation of cyberspace is the Internet. It was conceived during the Cold War by the American public administration as a network of computers interconnected between universities and research centers that then extended to the private sector, originating the universe known today (Castells, 2003Castells, M. (2003). A Galáxia da Internet. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Jorge Zahar.). With the popularization of the Internet in the 1990s, portions of the public administration were progressively digitized in order to use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as vectors of efficiency and agility for information flows between governments and their citizens (Chadwick & May, 2003Chadwick, A., & May, C. (2003, 21 de março). Interaction between states and citizens in the age of the internet: “e-government” in the United States, Britain, and the European Union. Governance, 16(2), 271-300.).

At the beginning of the 21st century, ICTs were considered a mere extension of public administration, with potential benefits of speed, accessibility and convenience (Jaeger, 2002Jaeger, P. T. (2002). Constitutional principles and e-government: An opinion about possible effects of federalism and the separation of powers on e-government policies. Government Information Quarterly, 19(4), 357-368.). The most recent views, however, envision e-government as the combination of ICTs and the public administrative apparatus, with repercussions for areas that include improvement in public services, political frameworks, high quality and efficiency of government operations, civil engagement in democratic processes and institutional reforms (Dawes, 2008Dawes, S. S. (2008). The evolution and continuing challenges of e-governance. Public Administration Review, 68(s1), s86-s102.; Choi & Chandler, 2019Choi, T., & Chandler, S. M. (2020, janeiro). Knowledge vacuum: An organizational learning dynamic of how e-government innovations fail. Government Information Quarterly, 37(1). Recuperado de

E-government processes consist of capitalizing on the peculiarities of cyberspace by the public administration. In other words, the use of deterritorialization and interconnection of cyberspace (Medeiros, 2019Medeiros, B . (2019). Ciberespaço e Relações Internacionais: Rumo a Construção de um novo Paradigma? (Dissertação de Mestrado). Instituto Meira Mattos da Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Recuperado de
) to reach connected portions of society, while computational speed and connections accelerate administrative processes. Hence, e-government can effectively be characterized as a facilitator of relations between State and society (Ruediger, 2003Ruediger, M. A. (2003). Governança democrática na era da informação. Revista de Administração Pública, 37(6), 1257-1280.) through innovation, rationalization and adoption of management models that prioritize the provision of information and services to citizens. At the same time, e-government opens public administration to participation and social control and encourages the exercise of citizenship (Rampelotto et al., 2015Rampelotto, A., Löbler, M. L., & Visentini, M. S. (2015). Avaliação do sítio da Receita Federal do Brasil como medida da efetividade do governo eletrônico para o cidadão. Revista de Administração Pública, 49(4), 959-984.) in accordance with the Brazilian constitutional principle of advertising, provided for in Article 37, caput, of the Federal Constitution (1988)Constituição Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil, de 5 de outubro de 1988. (1988). Brasília, DF., and elucidated by Oliveira (1996)Oliveira, F. (1996). A Administração Pública na Constituição de 1988 (2ª Parte). Revista De Direito Administrativo, 206, 43-87. Recuperado de

Because it demands means for its operationalization such as electronic devices and infrastructure networks, e-government has the potential to be excluding, contrary to the intrinsic universality of the public good. Governments often resort to using mixed methods of online and face-to-face processes to mitigate the digital divide (Sampaio, 2016Sampaio, R. C. (2016). e-Orçamentos Participativos como iniciativas de e-solicitação: uma prospecção dos principais casos e reflexões sobre a e-Participação. Revista de Administração Pública, 50(6), 937-958.).

In a way, Brazil demonstrates its concern with digital inclusion by the paradigmatic change from the term “electronic government”, which refers to the computerization of internal management processes, to the term “digital government”, “whose focus centers on the relationship with society (citizen’s view), in order to become more user friendly, more accessible and more efficient in offering services to citizens by means of digital technologies” (Digital Government, 2020Governo Digitai. (2020).Do Eletrônico ao Digital. Recuperado de

The reality imposed by COVID-19 heightens the operationalization of cyberspace through the administrative apparatus, requiring that employees work remotely (Hern, 2020Hern, A. (2020, 13 de março). COVID-19 could cause permanent shift towards home working. The Guardian. Recuperado de
), banks prioritize digital services (Almeida, 2020Almeida, M. (2020, 24 de março). Bancos restringem atendimento e têm horários diferenciados. EXAME. Recuperado de
), stores adapt to online shopping models (Meyersohn, 2020Meyersohn, N. (2020, 19 de março). Coronavirus will change the grocery industry forever. CNN Business. Recuperado de
) and face-to-face education is modified so as to continue at a distance (Star, 2020Star, M. (2020, 20 de março). Online Education Becomes Teacher’s Pet In COVID-19 Crisis. Forbes. Recuperado de
). Regarding the existing socioeconomic differences, the responsibility for taking further measures of e-government and adapt their communications and practices to the virtual environment rests with the government apparatus. Nevertheless, social insertion in cyberspace is open to exploitation by a myriad of actors capable of operationalizing the logics and peculiarities of the digital universe according to their personal agendas.


In view of the digitalization of the administrative apparatus and the intensification of e-government, the conservation of political frameworks and the efficiency of government operations are essential focal points for public administration. Maintaining government communications and services in cyberspace is imperative in today’s context of social isolation. However, as today’s society resorts to cyberspace, in addition to aggravating social differences, this becomes a vector for the dissemination of disinformation and criminal attacks (Batista et al., 2020Batista, E., Jr., Medeiros, B., Rocha, H., & Goldoni, L. (2020). Vetores Cibernéticos da Pandemia de Covid-19. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Observatório Militar da Praia Vermelha. Recuperado de

Part of the government’s actions in the current pandemic scenario is aimed at combating “infodemics”, i.e., the proliferation of false information about SARS-CoV-2 by social networks (Cinelli et al., 2020Cinelli, M., Quattrociocchi, W., Galeazzi, A., Valensise, C.M., Brugnoli, E., Schmidt, A.L., Zola, P., Zollo, F., & Scala, A. (2020). The COVID-19 Social Media Infodemic.ArXiv, abs/2003.05004 v1, 1-18.). The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), for example, recently had to deny information falsely attributed to the entity (Fiocruz, 2020Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. (2019, 17 de março) Fiocruz esclarece informações falsas. Recuperado de

One way of spreading false news and cyber-attack is by sending malicious links via email or communication applications (apps). In Brazil, links and sites improperly attributed to health authorities give rise to scams, encouraging downloads of files that supposedly could contain data on SARS-CoV-2 (Mazzi, 2020Mazzi, C. (2020, 30 de março). Como reconhecer e fugir dos golpes na internet sobre coronavírus. O Globo. Recuperado de
). After opening the link or the file sent, the device becomes infected. Hence, the attacker can obtain various data from the victim, such as banking (Kaspersky, 2020Kaspersky (2020, 13 de fevereiro). Coronavírus chega ao Brasil: Kaspersky identifica disseminação de malware usando a epidemia como isca. Recuperado de

Public administration is also challenged by ransomware: malicious software that encrypts the contents of a device and only releases them after a payment in cryptocurrencies. The university hospital in Brno, Czech Republic, testing center for the new coronavirus, has suffered a ransomware attack (Newman, 2020) where criminals gained access to the hospital system and encrypted the databases (Arbulu, 2020Arbulu, R. (2020, 16 de março). Ciberataque faz hospital que tratava pacientes do coronavírus fechar as portas. Canal Tech. Recuperado de
). The hospital did not pay the ransom and, as a result, activities were temporarily suspended and patients were relocated (Schwartz, 2020Schwartz, M. (2020, 16 de março). COVID-19 Complication: Ransomware Keeps Hitting Healthcare. Bankinfosecurity. Bank Info Security. Recuperado de

Another recent example of a ransomware attack occurred in the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District in Illinois, USA. As the institution had data backup, its services were not severely affected by the non-payment of ransom (Nichols, 2020Nichols, S. (2020, 12 de março). Fresh virus misery for Illinois: Public health agency taken down by… web ransomware. Great timing, scumbags. The Register. Recuperado de
). The billions of dollars of damage caused by the 2017 WannaCry ransomware left valuable lessons in digital literacy for administrative entities, among them, ensuring continuous system backups (Coughlin, 2017Coughlin, T. (2017, 14 de maio). WannaCry ransomware demonstrates the value of better security and backups. Forbes. Recuperado de

Public websites are targets for cybercriminals who seek advantages by creating clones that simulate official websites. Recently, the US Department of Health and Human Services suffered a DDoS (Distributed Deny of Service) attack that aimed to make the institution’s website unavailable. As a result, people lost the official reference and had to search for other sources of data on the pandemic that might not be “legitimate”, or be infected with codes to “steal” user data (Morrison, 2020Morrison, S. (2020, 16 de março). What we know about the Health Department website cyberattack. Vox. Recuperado de

It is worth noticing that the digitally excluded are already permanently “denied access” to electronic information systems. Thus, in practice, digital exclusion has social similarities to one of the “traditional” technical vulnerabilities of cyberspace.


The increasing operationalization of cyberspace by the public administration driven by COVID-19 gives rise to innovations, challenges, vulnerabilities and lessons.

In recent weeks, television newscasts have been showing virtual meetings of national authorities, in which videoconferencing platforms are used (Behnke, 2020Behnke, E. (2020, 13 de abril). Bolsonaro acompanha videoconferência das Forças Armadas sobre covid-19. Estadão. Recuperado de,bolsonaro-acompanha-videoconferencia-das-forcas-armadas-sobre-covid-19,70003269846
; Matsuura, 2020Matsuura, S. (2020, 07 de abril). Populares com a quarentena, aplicativos para reuniões virtuais viram alvo de hackers. O Globo. Recuperado de
; O Estado de S. Paulo, 2020O Estado de S. Paulo. (2020, 14 de abril). Trump convoca líderes do G7 para videoconferência sobre pandemia. Recuperado de,trump-convoca-lideres-do-g7-para-videoconferencia-sobre-pandemia,70003270865
). In order to respond to the demands imposed by the pandemic, public and private entities have transferred activities to cyberspace. However, the use of this alternative for professional and educational activities and for the coordination of public policies reveals technical and social vulnerabilities of cyberspace. According to Sampaio (2016Sampaio, R. C. (2016). e-Orçamentos Participativos como iniciativas de e-solicitação: uma prospecção dos principais casos e reflexões sobre a e-Participação. Revista de Administração Pública, 50(6), 937-958.), while it is necessary to admit the advantages of society’s participation in cyberspace, it is necessary to recognize the existing limitations.

The transposition of face-to-face work activities into cyberspace creates a type of social exclusion, since only part of society is able to maintain its employment and income. To mitigate the socioeconomic effects of the pandemic, the Federal Government has launched an emergency aid program (Decree 10.316, of April 7, 2020Decreto nº 10.316, de 07 de abril de 2020. (2020). Regulamenta a Lei nº 13.982, de 2 de abril de 2020, que estabelece medidas excepcionais de proteção a serem adotadas durante o período de enfrentamento da emergência de saúde pública de importância internacional decorrente do coronavírus (COVID-19). .) for the universe of citizens who have drastically lost their livelihood. This action brings to light the technical and social vulnerabilities of cyberspace.

In order to comply with the Government’s determinations, the Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) launched the “Caixa Auxílio Emergencial” website and app by which citizens, covered by the previously mentioned Decree, can request emergency aid. The bank provided a call center to clarify doubts, albeit accessing it poses problems (UOL, 2020UOL. (2020, 22 de abril).Telefone 111 da Caixa, para auxílio emergencial, continua tendo problemas. Recuperado de
). The way it was designed to work is that the ‘Bolsa Família’ beneficiaries, who are already registered at the CEF, would automatically receive the extra assistance through a deposit made in the same bank account as the regular government program.

Other interested citizens, who fulfill the criteria of the Decree, must register on the CEF website or app to receive emergency assistance, provided they are holders of a regularized Cadastro de Pessoa Física (CPF). A major problem since the many “invisible” Brazilians do not have a CPF (Kerber, 2020Kerber, D. (2020, 08 de abril). O que significa ‘CPF em situação inválida’ no auxílio emergencial? Estadão. Recuperado de,o-que-significa-cpf-em-situacao-invalida-no-auxilio-emergencial,70003264940
). With this requirement, plus the lack of information, technical problems and the precariousness of non-face-to-face information channels, the system did not work as expected and many took to the streets outside the CEFs, forming lines and agglomerations, forcing them to go against the recommendations to combat the pandemic (Lara, 2020Lara, M. (2020, 15 de abril). Pará alega aglomerações e pede fim da exigência de regularização de CPF para auxílio emergencial. Estadão. Recuperado de,para-alega-aglomeracoes-e-pede-fim-da-exigencia-de-regularizacao-de-cpf-para-auxilio-emergencial,70003271592

When the online registration is completed, the interested party awaits analysis by Dataprev (Larghi, 2020Larghi, N. (2020, 22 de abril). Caixa possui dois aplicativos para auxílio emergencial; entenda a diferença. Valor Investe. Recuperado de
). Once approved, the beneficiary should receive the deposit in a CEF or Banco do Brasil account. Those who do not have an account with these banks receive a code to access the Social Savings Account, managed by the “Caixa TEM” software (CEF, 2020Caixa Econômica Federal. (2020). Auxílio Emergencial. Recuperado de
). This last alternative presents another problem: the code is only valid for two hours (Branco, 2020Branco, A. (2020, 02 de junho). Beneficiário tem até 2 horas para sacar o auxílio emergencial na Caixa após gerar código. Agora São Paulo. Recuperado de
), which makes it difficult for those with mobility or internet access problems and / or those who need to use borrowed devices to access the CEF app or website. Technical problems, delays and misinformation again took many people back to the streets unnecessarily (G1, 2020G1. (2020, 13 de abril). Agências da Caixa registram filas e aglomerações no Grande Recife. Recuperado de

The main problems faced by the population are not related to the design of the CEF systems itself, but in the requirements for their use. Initially, data from 2019 show that 6.8% of the Brazilian population over 15 years of age is composed of illiterates (Gazeta do Povo, 2020Gazeta do Povo. (2020).Taxa de analfabetismo no Brasil | Infográficos | Gazeta do Povo. Recuperado de
). These, consequently, are excluded from the digital universe. Inequality of access is another problem: 50% of the population in rural areas and peripheral regions and 16.2% in urban areas do not have access to the Internet (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics [IBGE], 2018Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica. (2018). Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua - PNAD Contínua. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Autor. Recuperado de
); altogether, only 70.07% of the population is active on the Internet (Internet World Stats [IWS], 2020cInternet World Stats (2020c). Internet Usage, Facebook Subscribers and Population Statistics for all the Americas World Region Countries: June 30, 2019. Recuperado de
). In addition, those interested in the aid could still suffer from problems related to the rules imposed on registration (GooglePlay, 2020GooglePlay (2020). Caixa | Auxílio Emergencial. Recuperado de
) and / or have old devices that are unable to install the software.

The digital divide is also present in education during the pandemic. According to data from the National High School Examination (Enem) board of 2018, 34% of students in the public school system did not have access to the Internet and 55% did not have a computer (Saldaña et al., 2020Saldaña, P., Mariani, D., Yukari, D., & Sant’Anna, E. (2020, 28 de maio). Internet não chega a 34% dos alunos da rede pública que fizeram Enem. Folha S. de Paulo. Recuperado de
). Despite these numbers, after schools were closed across the nation due to COVID-19, the Ministry of Education (MEC) authorized the use of ICTs as an alternative for continuing education (MEC, 2020Ministério da Educação. (2020, 18 de março).MEC autoriza ensino a distância em cursos presenciais. Recuperado de

It took strong pressure from the society for the Government to agree to postpone this year’s Enem exams (Betim, 2020Betim, F. (2020). Governo adia Enem após pressão que trouxe à tona o fosso entre ensino público e privado. El País Brasil. Recuperado de
). When it comes to inequalities, the Minister of Education allegedly stated in a meeting with senators, “Enem was not designed to correct injustices” (Lemos, 2020Lemos, I. (2020). Em reunião com senadores, Weintraub diz que Enem não foi feito para corrigir injustiças. Folha de S. Paulo. Recuperado de
). Only time will tell whether the historic inequality in the performance of students from public and private schools in the Enem (G1, 2016G1. (2016, 04 de outubro). Enem mostra desigualdade entre ensino público e privado. Recuperado de
) will be exacerbated by the current pandemic.

Both classes and work activities were transferred to the virtual environment via videoconferencing platforms. The operationalization of cyberspace through these tools, including by the public administration, raises questions about privacy and security.

When analyzing the videoconferencing app, Citizen Lab1 1 Interdisciplinary group based at the University of Toronto, specialized in research and development of policies related to ICTs, human rights and security (The Citizen Lab, 2020). pointed out that calls go through the company’s central server so that it can have access to communications, files and videos shared through the platform. In addition, the group identified that encryption keys were transmitted by servers located in countries other than those that host the company (Marczak & Scott-Railton, 2020Marczak, B., & Scott-Railton, J. (2020, 03 de abril). Move Fast and Roll Your Own Crypto: A Quick Look at the Confidentiality of Zoom Meetings. The Citizen Lab. Recuperado de
). These findings gain relevance because Brazilian public entities use the platform in question for work meetings. Therefore, potentially sensitive data could be accessed by private entities located outside the national territory. It is important to emphasize that no communication app is 100% secure and that similar problems can also occur with the storage of information and files “in the cloud”, which are actually physical servers located in different countries. Furthermore, the Snowden case has already exposed vulnerabilities related to the traffic of digital information (Greenwald & MacAskill, 2013Greenwald, G., & MacAskill, E. (2013, 06 de junho). NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others. The Guardian. Recuperado de

Another vulnerability of video call apps arises from the expedient the cyber-attackers use to enter public meetings or discover the identification code of a private meeting. After entering, they can listen to the communications or try to end meetings or classes, embarrassing participants with racist and / or pornographic messages (O’Flaherty, 2020O’Flaherty, K. (2020, 27 de março). Beware Zoom Users: Here’s How People Can ‘Zoom-Bomb’ Your Chat. Forbes. Recuperado de
). Such an issue becomes more prominent as users post photos of meetings on social networks, displaying the call identification code, such as the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson did at the end of March (Corera, 2020Corera, G. (2020, 01 de abril). UK government defends PM’s use of Zoom. BBC News. Recuperado de

Despite the aforementioned vulnerabilities, as shown on television news, Brazilian institutions such as the Federal Supreme Court, the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate continue to use videoconferencing platforms to hold ordinary sessions and voting (Brígido, 2020Brígido, Carolina(2020, 30 de março). STF vai realizar primeira sessão por videoconferência dia 15. O Globo. Recuperado de
). It is noteworthy that the trials are transmitted over the Internet and TV Justiça, and that no vote in Congress was secret (Ladeira, 2020Ladeira, P. (2020, 18 de março). Com ministros em idade de risco, Supremo supera resistências e prepara sessão por videoconferência. Folha de S. Paulo. Recuperado de

The Snowden case left important lessons. With regard to the initiatives promoted by the Brazilian Government in cyberspace, the topics “budget control” (Normative Instruction No. 01, 2019Instrução Normativa n. 01, de 04 de abril de 2019. (2019). Dispõe sobre processo de contratação de soluções de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação - TIC pelos órgãos e entidades integrantes do Sistema de Administração dos Recursos de Tecnologia da Informação - SISP do Poder Executivo Federal. Brasília, DF.), “information security” (National Information Security Policy, Decree No. 9.637, 2018Decreto n. 9.637, de 26 de dezembro de 2018. (2018). Dispõe sobre a governança da segurança da informação e institui a Política Nacional de Segurança da Informação. Brasília, DF.) and “confidentiality and transparency” (General Data Protection Law - LGPD) stand out.


The operationalization of cyberspace by the public administration faces challenges inherent to the cyber domain. It is imperative that public sectors consider the technical and social vulnerabilities of that environment and take measures to combat them.

Running training courses and developing platforms and personal solutions should be part of broader digital inclusion measures. This challenge is not unprecedented; it synthesizes historical processes of social exclusion.

The problems related to education through digital platforms and the difficulties in accessing the Federal Government’s emergency benefit leave significant lessons for the public administration: digital exclusion is a nefarious face of the operationalization of cyberspace. As seen, only 70% of the Brazilian population is active on the Internet (Pop.AI).

Regarding emergency aid, the experiences of countries with digital and / or social reality similar to Brazil offer little as an alternative. According to Ozili (2020)Ozili, P. (2020). COVID-19 in Africa: socio-economic impact, policy response and opportunities, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, ahead-of-print, 1-24. Recuperado de
, in the African continent, only Nigeria (Pop.AI 61.2%, IWS, 2020aInternet World Stats (2020a). Internet Penetration in Africa. Recuperado de
) and Malawi (Pop.AI 14.2%, IWS, 2020aInternet World Stats (2020a). Internet Penetration in Africa. Recuperado de
) have emergency income assistance programs. The Nigerian government distributes approximately USD 52.00 to families registered with the ‘National Social Register of Poor and Vulnerable Households’ via bank transfer (Human Rights Watch [HRW], 2020). India (Pop.AI 40.6%, IWS, 2020dInternet World Stats (2020d). Internet Usage in Asia. Recuperado de
) adopts a similar model, distributing USD 6.60 to women registered in the Jan Dhan Program, through deposit in bank accounts (The Economic Times, 2020The Economic Times. (2020). COVID-19: Govt to transfer financial assistance only through DBT mechanism. Recuperado de
). Both programs are similar to the transfer that takes place in Brazil for Bolsa Família beneficiaries. Argentina, which has 93% of Pop.AI (IWS, 2020cInternet World Stats (2020c). Internet Usage, Facebook Subscribers and Population Statistics for all the Americas World Region Countries: June 30, 2019. Recuperado de
), adopted measures similar to the Brazilian one: fully online registration of beneficiaries and direct payment in bank accounts (Argentina, 2020Argentina. (2020). Ingreso familiar de emergencia. Buenos Aires, AR: Autor. Recuperado de

Brazil could have adopted mixed solutions practiced by States equally affected by the pandemic, as summarized in the following box:


Despite having a high percentage of Pop.AI, none of the countries listed relied so much on cyberspace for the payment of emergency aid as Brazil. Registration via the workplace (UK and Spain), Federal Revenue (USA) or Social Security (Italy) database, and distribution via the Post Office (USA), payroll (UK and Spain) or deposit in the beneficiary’s preferred account (USA, UK and Italy) could all minimize the problems faced by many Brazilians. Having said that, social issues, such as informality, would hinder the full reproduction of these measures in the country.

The vulnerabilities of cyberspace for public administration are technical and social; and countries with high social inequality are more difficult to remedy. Although it is impossible to predict the world after social isolation, comparable to combating this contagious disease, it is possible to see that a greater exposure of the administrative apparatus to cyber reality engenders practices and habits that will lead to the creation of “cyber antibodies”. As a result, government sectors would not only become more aware of the vulnerabilities emanating from the cyber domain, but could also counter back and avoid them in their daily work.


  • 1
    Interdisciplinary group based at the University of Toronto, specialized in research and development of policies related to ICTs, human rights and security (The Citizen Lab, 2020).
  • [Translated version] Note: All quotes in English translated by this article’s translator.
  • The article is part of the effort of the Science, Technology and Innovation in Defense: Cybernetics and National Defense research project, approved by the public notice 27/2018, and the Program to Support Teaching and Scientific and Technological Research in National Defense - PRÓ-DEFESA.
  • 11
    The authors would like to thank Prof. Dr. Karina Rodrigues and the contributions of the RAP reviewers for their critical reading and, of course, exempt them from any mistake that may have been stated in the article

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    28 Aug 2020
  • Date of issue
    Jul-Aug 2020


  • Received
    24 Apr 2020
  • Accepted
    19 June 2020
Fundação Getulio Vargas Fundaçãoo Getulio Vargas, Rua Jornalista Orlando Dantas, 30, CEP: 22231-010 / Rio de Janeiro-RJ Brasil, Tel.: +55 (21) 3083-2731 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil