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The low germination of Ilex paraguariensis seeds and their long reproductive cycle make cuttings propagation a good alternative for its reproduction all year round, enabling to obtain genetically superior clones. Thus, we evaluated the influence of stock plants age, plant growth regulator indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) application and plant material collection in different seasons related to rooting of cuttings. From 12 and over 80-years-old trees shoots cuttings were made in four seasons, treated with IBA hydroalcoholic solution at concentrations of 0, 1500, 3000, 4500 and 6000 mg L-1. The rooting was performed in plastic boxes filled with vermiculite and carbonized rice husk at a ratio of 1:1 (v/v) and, after 90 days in controlled greenhouse conditions were evaluated the rooting percentage, callus formation, survival, mortality, number of roots/cutting and length of three larger roots/cutting. Cuttings from 12-years-old stock plants have higher ability to form adventitious roots and the use of IBA did not increase rooting potential. Autumn proved to be the most favorable season for rooting, followed by spring and winter.

Yerba mate; Vegetative rescue; Clonal forestry


A baixa viabilidade na germinação das sementes de erva-mate e seu longo ciclo reprodutivo fazem com que a estaquia seja uma opção para produção de mudas durante o ano inteiro, possibilitando a obtenção de clones geneticamente superiores. Assim, avaliou-se a influência da idade das plantas matrizes, aplicação do regulador vegetal ácido indol butírico (AIB) e coleta de material vegetal em diferentes estações do ano no enraizamento de estacas caulinares de erva-mate. A partir de brotações de copa de árvores de 12 anos e de mais de 80 anos de idade, foram preparadas estacas 12±0,5 cm nas quatro estações do ano, as quais foram tratadas com AIB em solução hidroalcoólica nas concentrações de 0, 1500, 3000, 4500 e 6000 mg L-1. O plantio foi realizado em caixas plásticas preenchidas com vermiculita e casca de arroz carbonizada na proporção de 1:1 (v/v) e, após 90 dias em casa de vegetação climatizada, foram avaliadas a porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, com calos, sobrevivência, mortalidade, número de raízes/estaca e comprimento das três maiores raízes por estaca. Estacas coletadas de matrizes de 12 anos apresentam maior aptidão à emissão de raízes adventícias e a aplicação de AIB não aumentou o enraizamento. O outono mostrou-se a estação mais favorável ao enraizamento, seguido da primavera e inverno.

Ilex paraguariensis; Resgate vegetativo; Silvicultura clonal


Ilex paraguariensis A.St.-Hil. (Aquifoliaceae), also known as yerba mate, is a tree species that can reach 20 meters in height. It occurs naturally in South America (Carvalho, 2003Carvalho PER. Espécies arbóreas brasileiras. Brasília: Embrapa Informação Tecnológica; 2003. 1039p.) where it has great economic importance, since its leaves are used in medicine and consumed in the form of tea (Dartora et al., 2013Dartora N, Souza LM, Paiva SM, Scoparo CT, Iacominia M, Gorina PAJ et al. Rhamnogalacturonan from Ilex paraguariensis: A potential adjuvant in sepsis treatment. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2013;92(2)1776-82.).

The use of inadequate techniques of cultivation and management, and especially the low genetic quality of the seedlings, resulted in the low productivity of the currently plantations (Santin et al., 2014Santin D, Benedetti EL, Barros NF, Almeida IC, Leal GP, Fontes L, Neves JCL. et al. Effect of potassium fertilization on yield and nutrition of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis). Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo. 2014;38(5):1469-77.). In addition, the production of seedlings requires long periods of stratification, presenting reduced germination (Cuquel et al., 1994Cuquel FL, Carvalho MLM, Chamma HMCP. Avaliação de métodos de estratificação para a quebra de dormência de sementes de erva-mate. Scientia Agricola. 1994;51(3)415-21.).

The slowness, coupled with the great phenotypic variation resulting from the sexual propagation, generates the need for more detailed studies with respect to other techniques for the production of yerba mate plants, making the conventional vegetative propagation interesting for obtaining genetically known material (Wendling et al., 2007Wendling I, Dutra LF, Grossi F. Produção e sobrevivência de miniestacas e minicepas de erva-mate cultivadas em sistema semi-hidropônico. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira. 2007;42:289-92.; Bitencourt et al., 2009Bitencourt J, Zuffellato-Ribas KC, Wendling I, Koehler HS. Enraizamento de estacas de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St.-Hill.) provenientes de brotações rejuvenescidas. Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais. 2009;11:277-81.; Brondani et al., 2009Brondani GE, Wendling I, Araújo MA, Santin D, Benedetti EL, Roveda LF. Composições de substratos e ambientes de enraizamento na estaquia de Ilex paraguariensis A.St.-Hil. Revista Floresta. 2009;39:41-9.). The challenge in this case is the success of rooting cuttings from selected adult plants, with the purpose of rescuing this genetic material without eliminating the stock plants (Wendling et al., 2013Wendling I, Brondani GE, Biassio A, Dutra LF. Vegetative propagation of adult Ilex paraguariensis trees through epicormic shoots. Acta Scientiarum Agronomy. 2013;35(1):117-25.). For this, physiologically juvenile shoots are needed (Brondani et al., 2008Brondani GE, Araujo MA, Wendling I, Kratz D. Enraizamento de Miniestacas de erva-mate sob diferentes ambientes. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira. 2008;57:29-38.; Bitencourt et al., 2009Bitencourt J, Zuffellato-Ribas KC, Wendling I, Koehler HS. Enraizamento de estacas de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St.-Hill.) provenientes de brotações rejuvenescidas. Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais. 2009;11:277-81.; Wendling et al., 2013Wendling I, Brondani GE, Biassio A, Dutra LF. Vegetative propagation of adult Ilex paraguariensis trees through epicormic shoots. Acta Scientiarum Agronomy. 2013;35(1):117-25.; Kratz et al., 2015Kratz D, Wendling I, Pires PP, Stuepp CA. Produção de mudas de erva-mate por miniestaquia em substratos renovaveis. Revista Floresta . 2015;45(3): 609-616.).

Many factors influence the rooting process of cuttings; among them, the age of the mother tree (Altoé et al., 2011Altoé JA, Marinho CS, Terra MIC, Carvalho AJC. Multiplicação de cultivares de goiabeira por miniestaquia. Bragantia. 2011;70(4):801-9.; Wendling et al., 2014bWendling I, Trueman SJ, Xavier A. Maturation and related aspects in clonal forestry-part II: reinvigoration, rejuvenation and juvenility maintenance. New Forests. 2014b;1:1-14.), the collection season (Zen et al., 2015Zen LC, Weiser AH, Zufellato-Ribas KC, Radomski MI. Estaquia caulinar herbácea e semilenhosa de Drimys brasiliensis. Revista Ciência Agronômica. 2015;46(2):396-403.) and the application of plant regulators (Stuepp et al., 2014Stuepp CA, Zuffellato-Ribas KC, Wendling I, Koehler HS, Bona C. Vegetative propagation of mature dragon trees through epicormic shoots. Revista Bosque. 2014;35(3)333-41.; Fragoso et al., 2015Fragoso RO, Witt NGPM, Obrzut VV, Valério S, Zuffellato-Ribas KC, Stuepp CA. Maintenance of leaves and indolebutyric acid in rooting of juvenile Japanese Flowering Cherry cuttings. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias. 2015;10:97-101.). Thus, more juvenile branches and in good nutritional condition tend to present a better rooting (Wendling et al., 2014bWendling I, Trueman SJ, Xavier A. Maturation and related aspects in clonal forestry-part II: reinvigoration, rejuvenation and juvenility maintenance. New Forests. 2014b;1:1-14.).

Little is known about the effects of maturation on the rooting of yerba mate cuttings (Wendling et al., 2013Wendling I, Brondani GE, Biassio A, Dutra LF. Vegetative propagation of adult Ilex paraguariensis trees through epicormic shoots. Acta Scientiarum Agronomy. 2013;35(1):117-25.; Stuepp et al., 2016Stuepp CA, Bitencourt J, Wendling I, Koehler HS, Zuffellato-Ribas KC. Indução de brotações epicórmicas por meio de anelamento e decepa em erva-mate. Ciência Florestal. 2016;26(3):1-14.). This results in a gap to be filled related to the regenerative and rescue capacity between adult and juvenile materials, especially to reestablish ontogenetic high age genotypes (Wendling et al., 2014bWendling I, Trueman SJ, Xavier A. Maturation and related aspects in clonal forestry-part II: reinvigoration, rejuvenation and juvenility maintenance. New Forests. 2014b;1:1-14.).

The application of plant regulators, mainly of the auxin group, has been cited as favorable to the adventitious rooting process in several species, and although indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is the most abundant auxin in vegetables, the use of indole butyric acid (IBA) has been shown to be more stable and efficient (Ferreira et al., 2010Ferreira BGA, Zuffellato-Ribas KC, Wendling I, Koehler HS, Nogueira AC. Miniestaquia de Sapium glandulatum (Vell.) Pax com o uso de ácido indol butírico e ácido naftaleno acético. Ciência Florestal. 2010;20:19-31.).

The collection season may have a close relation with the physiological characteristics of the cuttings, being more herbaceous when collected during the period of vegetative growth (spring/summer) or more woody when collected during the period of greatest vegetative rest (autumn/winter) (Pizzatto et al., 2011Pizzatto M, Wagner Júnior A, Luckmann D, Pirola K, Cassol DA, Mazaro SM. Influência do uso de AIB, época de coleta e tamanho de estaca na propagação vegetativa de hibisco por estaquia. Revista Ceres. 2011;58(4):487-92.).

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of stock plants age, plant growth regulator IBA application and plant material collection in different seasons related to rooting of cuttings.


The experiment was conducted between winter (May) 2006 and autumn (February) 2007 at the Laboratory of Forest Species Propagation, from Embrapa Florestas, located in Colombo, Paraná, Brazil (25°19'17" S and 49°09'39" W). According to the classification of Köppen, the climate of the region is temperate, of the type Cfb, with temperature of the coldest month between -3 and 18 °C, always humid, with rains well distributed throughout the year and temperature of the month warmer inferior to 22 °C.

Two groups of stock plants were used, the first one located in Bocaiúva do Sul - PR (25°12'22" S and 49°06'54'' W, 980 m), with 12 years of age, and the second located in Colombo - PR (25°20' S and 49°14' W, 950 m), with over 80 years of age. The branches of the year were collected in the morning and packed in polystyrene boxes, moistened and transported to the place of preparation. Woody stem cuttings 12 ± 0.5 cm long were cut bevel cut at the base and rectum above the last bud, with two leaves reduced to 50% of their original surface.

The experiments were carried out in the four seasons between 2006 and 2007 on the following dates: 05/05/2006 (autumn), 11/08/2006 (winter), 12/12/2006 (spring) and 08/02/2007 (summer).

The cuttings were disinfested with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution for 5 minutes (bactericidal action) and washed in tap water for 5 minutes, and then treated with 0.1% Benomyl® for 15 minutes (fungicidal action). Subsequently, the treatment of approximately 1 cm of the bases of the cuttings with IBA was carried out for 10 seconds, according to the following treatments (T): T1: 0 mg L-1 (witness); T2: 1500 mg L-1; T3: 3000 mg L-1; T4: 4500 mg L-1; T5: 6000 mg L-1. Subsequently, they were placed in plastic boxes of 13x30x37 cm (14.4 liters) filled with vermiculite of medium granulometry and carbonized rice husk (1:1 v/v), about 3 cm deep, conditioned in a greenhouse heated with intermittent misting (temperature between 20-30 °C and relative humidity higher than 85%) (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Averages of maximum, medium and minimum temperatures in greenhouse during the experimental period.
Figura 1
Médias das temperaturas máximas, médias e mínimas da casa de vegetação, durante o período experimental.

After 90 days of installation, the following variables were evaluated: rooting percentage (alive cuttings with roots of at least 1 mm in length); number of roots/cuttings; length of the three largest roots/cutting (mm); percentage of cuttings with callus (alive cuttings, without roots, with undifferentiated cell mass formation at the base); percentage of survival (alive cuttings that did not present root induction or callus formation) and; percentage of mortality (cuttings with necrotic tissues).

The experiments were carried out in a completely randomized design, with 2x5x4 factorial arrangement (2 ages of stock plants, 5 IBA concentrations and 4 seasons of the year), with 4 replications of 20 cuttings per experimental unit.

The data were analyzed with an analysis of variance (ANOVA), the treatment variances were evaluated for homogeneity with the Bartlett's test, and the variables with significant differences in the F test had their means compared with the Tukey test at 5% probability. The data whose analysis involved comparison of two-year materials from two different sites were submitted to covariance analysis, using age as a covariant. The covariance analysis revealed that the plant cultivation site did not influence the results of the analyzed variables, at a 95% probability level, and did not require adjustment for this factor.


Regardless of IBA concentrations and seasons of the year, 12-year-old stock plants presented higher rooting, except for summer, in which the variables did not differ and the rooting rate was low. The highest percentage of rooting was observed in the fall, with application of 4500 mg L-1 of IBA (87.5%).

The application of IBA increased the number of roots per cutting collected from 12-year-old stock plants in the spring (concentrations of 4500 and 6000 mg L-1) and summer (concentrations of 3000 and 4500 mg L-1). For the concentrations of 0 and 1500 mg L-1, winter was the best collection period (9.5 and 9.9 roots, respectively), while the concentration of 3000 mg L-1 of IBA was shown to be significantly higher only in the summer (3.9 roots). In autumn, the increase of roots number with IBA application for both stock plants ages was evident (Table 1).

Table 1
General averages for number of roots per cutting, average length of three largest roots per cutting, percentage of cuttings with callus, survival and mortality in yerba mate cuttings from two stock plants age, four seasons and five concentrations of IBA .
Tabela 1
Médias gerais para número de raízes por estaca, comprimento médio das três maiores raízes por estaca, porcentagem de estacas com calos, sobrevivência e mortalidade em estacas de erva-mate, em duas idades de plantas matrizes, quatro estações do ano e cinco concentrações de AIB.

The average length of the three largest roots/cuttings was higher in 12-year stock plants collected in winter, autumn and spring, regardless of the IBA concentration, except for the control treatment (0 mg L-1 IBA) in the spring. For stock plants older than 80 years, the concentrations of 0, 3000, 4500 and 6000 mg L-1 applied in spring presented the best results for this variable (Table 1).

In general, 12-year-old stock plants showed the lowest percentage of cuttings with callus. The highest values were verified in autumn, regardless of IBA concentration, in stock plants of 80 years of age (Table 1). Summer showed the highest percentage of live cuttings, regardless of IBA concentrations, reaching 41.2% survival in 12-year stock plants (Table 1). With the exception of autumn, cuttings from 80-year-old stock plants showed high mortality rates. The highest percentages were verified in winter, at concentrations of 0 and 6000 mg L-1 IBA (Table 1).


Vegetative propagation has been an excellent method to support forest species genetic improvement, allowing the reproduction of genetically superior trees with high physiological maturation (Pijut et al., 2011Pijut PM, Wowste KE, Michler CH. Promotion of adventitious root formation of difficult-to-root hardwood tree species. Horticultural Reviews. 2011;38:213-51.; Wendling et al., 2014bWendling I, Trueman SJ, Xavier A. Maturation and related aspects in clonal forestry-part II: reinvigoration, rejuvenation and juvenility maintenance. New Forests. 2014b;1:1-14.). It is possible to observe in this study the viability to rescue genetic material of high chronological age, representing an advance in the propagation of yerba mate adult plants.

The success in the cuttings propagation of woody species is often related to the existence of reserve substances in the stem, mainly carbohydrates, which will supply the necessary energy to the rhizogenesis (Oliveira et al., 2012Oliveira RJP, Bianchi VJ, Aires RF, Campos AD. Teores de carboidratos em estacas lenhosas de mirtileiro. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura. 2012;34:1199-207.). The photosynthates translocation takes place during the dormancy period and, therefore, autumn is the time that provides these reserves immediately available (Denaxa et al., 2012Denaxa NK, Vemmos SN, Roussos PA. The role of endogenous carbohydrates and seasonal variation in rooting ability of cuttings of an easy and a hard to root olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.). Scientia Horticulturae. 2012;143:19-28.), justifying the best rooting in this season.

Summer did not favor the increase in number and length of roots (Table 1), regardless of stock plants age and IBA concentrations, corroborating with the results observed by Brondani et al. (2009)Brondani GE, Wendling I, Araújo MA, Santin D, Benedetti EL, Roveda LF. Composições de substratos e ambientes de enraizamento na estaquia de Ilex paraguariensis A.St.-Hil. Revista Floresta. 2009;39:41-9. in 12-years-old stock plants. In the case of a subtropical species (Santin et al., 2014Santin D, Benedetti EL, Barros NF, Almeida IC, Leal GP, Fontes L, Neves JCL. et al. Effect of potassium fertilization on yield and nutrition of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis). Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo. 2014;38(5):1469-77.), yerba mate tends to present greater limitations of growth and development when exposed to high temperature conditions, such as observed in the summer, reflecting not only the percentage of rooting, but also in other characteristics such as number and length of roots (Table 1). In addition, the metabolic and physiological activities in plants have their regulation, among other factors, through the temperature variation in the environment (Floss, 2004Floss EL. Fisiologia de plantas cultivadas: o estudo que está por trás do que se vê. Passo Fundo: UPF; 2004. 536p.), and can act directly on the adventitious root emission (Brondani et al., 2007Brondani GE, Wendling I, Santin D, Benedetti EL, Roveda LF, Orrutéa AG. Ambiente de enraizamento e substratos na miniestaquia de erva-mate. Scientia Agraria. 2007;8(3):257-67.).

The use of plant regulators, specifically IBA, has been recommended for stimulating and accelerating the process of adventitious root formation (Guo et al., 2009Guo XF, Fu X, Zang D, Ma Y. Effect of auxin treatments, cuttings collection date and initial characteristics on Paeonia 'Yang Fei Chu Yu' cutting propagation. Scientia Horticulturae. 2009;119:177-81.; Pop et al., 2011Pop TI, Pamfil D, Bellini C. Auxin control in the formation of adventitious roots. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici. 2011;39(1):307-16.), increasing the rooting index, the speed of formation, quality and uniformity of the root system (Pijut et al., 2011Pijut PM, Wowste KE, Michler CH. Promotion of adventitious root formation of difficult-to-root hardwood tree species. Horticultural Reviews. 2011;38:213-51.). However, only in the winter, in cuttings collected from 12-year-old stock plants, a significant difference was observed between IBA concentrations, with the highest concentrations resulting in the lowest rooting percentages (Figure 2) and root vigor, denoted by the number of roots and mean length of the three largest roots (Table 1).

Figure 2
Percentage of Ilex paraguariensis rooted cuttings from two age stock plants, four seasons and five concentrations of IBA. Bold letters for ages, small letters for treatments with IBA within each season and capital letters between the seasons in each treatment with IBA. Means followed by the same letter are not statistically different by Tukey test at 5% probability (p <0.05).
Figura 2
Porcentagem de estacas enraizadas de erva-mate, em duas idades de plantas matrizes, quatro estações do ano e cinco concentrações de AIB. Letras em negrito para as idades de matrizes, letras minúsculas para os tratamentos com AIB dentro de cada estação e letras maiúsculas entre as estações do ano em cada tratamento de AIB. Médias seguidas da mesma letra não diferem estatisticamente entre si pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade (p<0,05).

The addition of auxins has been verified in many studies and the concentrations required vary from species to species (Abu-Zahra et al., 2013Abu-Zahra TR, Al-Shadaideh AN, Abubaker SM, Qrunileh IM. Inûuence of auxin concentrations on different ornamental plants rooting. International Journal of Botany. 2013;9:96-9.; Stuepp et al., 2015Stuepp CA, Zuffellato-Ribas KC, Wendling I, Koehler HS, Bona C. Presença de folhas e ácido indol butírico no enraizamento de estacas de quiri. Comunicata Scientae. 2015;6(2):181-93.). The plants respond progressively to the stimulus to an optimal level of auxin, from which, the increase in concentration becomes inhibitory or even phytotoxic (Pop et al., 2011Pop TI, Pamfil D, Bellini C. Auxin control in the formation of adventitious roots. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici. 2011;39(1):307-16.).

In general, the rooting percentage, number and length of roots had higher values in 12-years-old stock plants, a fact probably related to the greater vigor presented by these plants. Several authors recommend the use of juvenile materials for the propagation of woody species, justifying, above all, the improvements related to the rooting and vigor of clonal plants (Wendling et al., 2007Wendling I, Dutra LF, Grossi F. Produção e sobrevivência de miniestacas e minicepas de erva-mate cultivadas em sistema semi-hidropônico. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira. 2007;42:289-92.; Pijut et al., 2011Pijut PM, Wowste KE, Michler CH. Promotion of adventitious root formation of difficult-to-root hardwood tree species. Horticultural Reviews. 2011;38:213-51.; Wendling et al., 2014bWendling I, Trueman SJ, Xavier A. Maturation and related aspects in clonal forestry-part II: reinvigoration, rejuvenation and juvenility maintenance. New Forests. 2014b;1:1-14.). As the chronological age of the stock plants increases, the cuttings from the branches of the year tend to be less responsive to the application of IBA (Table 1), while those from younger plants show a greater responsiveness in root length when submitted to its application, which may, to a certain extent, be related to the absence of cofactors, or even the presence of inhibitors of rooting in adult material (Pijut et al., 2011Pijut PM, Wowste KE, Michler CH. Promotion of adventitious root formation of difficult-to-root hardwood tree species. Horticultural Reviews. 2011;38:213-51.).

The decline in rooting capacity in woody species is often linked to the effects of maturation (Ferreira et al., 2010Ferreira BGA, Zuffellato-Ribas KC, Wendling I, Koehler HS, Nogueira AC. Miniestaquia de Sapium glandulatum (Vell.) Pax com o uso de ácido indol butírico e ácido naftaleno acético. Ciência Florestal. 2010;20:19-31.) where cuttings from more juvenile plants or branches tend to have a better rooting (Wendling et al., 2013Wendling I, Brondani GE, Biassio A, Dutra LF. Vegetative propagation of adult Ilex paraguariensis trees through epicormic shoots. Acta Scientiarum Agronomy. 2013;35(1):117-25.; Stuepp et al., 2014Stuepp CA, Zuffellato-Ribas KC, Wendling I, Koehler HS, Bona C. Vegetative propagation of mature dragon trees through epicormic shoots. Revista Bosque. 2014;35(3)333-41.; Wendling et al., 2014bWendling I, Trueman SJ, Xavier A. Maturation and related aspects in clonal forestry-part II: reinvigoration, rejuvenation and juvenility maintenance. New Forests. 2014b;1:1-14.). Thus, cuttings collected from younger stock plants have greater vigor and greater easiness to root, justifying the best results observed in the present work, for cuttings collected from 12-years-old stock plants.

The high percentage of callus formation is another indicative of the high maturation of the used material (Wendling et al., 2014bWendling I, Trueman SJ, Xavier A. Maturation and related aspects in clonal forestry-part II: reinvigoration, rejuvenation and juvenility maintenance. New Forests. 2014b;1:1-14.), since the highest percentages of callus formation were observed in the fall, in cuttings coming from stock plants with more than 80 years of age (Table 1). In addition, autumn was one of the seasons that presented the highest rooting percentages of the youngest stock plants. These results support the hypothesis that callus formation is detrimental to the rooting of yerba mate cuttings, indicating that the rhizogenesis is direct, without the dependence of the previous formation of callus.

The high survival (41.2%) and mortality (95.0%) of cuttings verified in 12 and 80-years-old stock plants, respectively, show the recalcitrant characteristic of the species, responding differently for the two ages, concentrations of IBA and evaluated seasons (Table 1). It should be emphasized that the high survival observed in the younger stock plants, could reflect in a higher percentage of rooting, if exposed to a longer period of permanence in greenhouse.

The high mortality seems to be related mainly to the harvesting season, since in the autumn the mortality was low for the two plants ages, as well as for all the concentrations of IBA used. This result may be a consequence of the branches physiological condition at the time of collection, because it is during this period that plants begin to store reserves in the stem, being readily available to the cuttings during the periods of greatest growth, decreasing, consequently the mortality (Oliveira et al., 2012Oliveira RJP, Bianchi VJ, Aires RF, Campos AD. Teores de carboidratos em estacas lenhosas de mirtileiro. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura. 2012;34:1199-207.).

The higher summer mortality (95%) in 80-year-old stock plants submitted to treatments with 1500 mg L-1 IBA and zero mortality in autumn, evidenced the importance of the time of year for the collection of yerba mate cuttings (Table 1). It is important to note that the loss of vegetative vigor is one of the responses to maturation in forest species (Wendling et al., 2014aWendling I, Trueman SJ, Xavier A. Maturation and related aspects in clonal forestry-Part I: concepts, regulation and consequences of phase change. New Forests. 2014a;1:1-23.), evidenced by the high mortality percentages in cuttings from stock plants over 80 years of age.


Cuttings from younger stock plants are more responsive for adventitious roots formation, as well as result in the formation of a more vigorous root system. Autumn is the most favorable season to root induction, independently of the two studied stock plant ages. The use of IBA does not increase rooting percentages, regardless of stock plants age, and callus formation does not favor rooting in yerba mate cuttings.


  • Abu-Zahra TR, Al-Shadaideh AN, Abubaker SM, Qrunileh IM. Inûuence of auxin concentrations on different ornamental plants rooting. International Journal of Botany. 2013;9:96-9.
  • Altoé JA, Marinho CS, Terra MIC, Carvalho AJC. Multiplicação de cultivares de goiabeira por miniestaquia. Bragantia. 2011;70(4):801-9.
  • Bitencourt J, Zuffellato-Ribas KC, Wendling I, Koehler HS. Enraizamento de estacas de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St.-Hill.) provenientes de brotações rejuvenescidas. Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais. 2009;11:277-81.
  • Brondani GE, Araujo MA, Wendling I, Kratz D. Enraizamento de Miniestacas de erva-mate sob diferentes ambientes. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira. 2008;57:29-38.
  • Brondani GE, Wendling I, Araújo MA, Santin D, Benedetti EL, Roveda LF. Composições de substratos e ambientes de enraizamento na estaquia de Ilex paraguariensis A.St.-Hil. Revista Floresta. 2009;39:41-9.
  • Brondani GE, Wendling I, Santin D, Benedetti EL, Roveda LF, Orrutéa AG. Ambiente de enraizamento e substratos na miniestaquia de erva-mate. Scientia Agraria. 2007;8(3):257-67.
  • Carvalho PER. Espécies arbóreas brasileiras. Brasília: Embrapa Informação Tecnológica; 2003. 1039p.
  • Cuquel FL, Carvalho MLM, Chamma HMCP. Avaliação de métodos de estratificação para a quebra de dormência de sementes de erva-mate. Scientia Agricola. 1994;51(3)415-21.
  • Dartora N, Souza LM, Paiva SM, Scoparo CT, Iacominia M, Gorina PAJ et al. Rhamnogalacturonan from Ilex paraguariensis: A potential adjuvant in sepsis treatment. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2013;92(2)1776-82.
  • Denaxa NK, Vemmos SN, Roussos PA. The role of endogenous carbohydrates and seasonal variation in rooting ability of cuttings of an easy and a hard to root olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.). Scientia Horticulturae. 2012;143:19-28.
  • Ferreira BGA, Zuffellato-Ribas KC, Wendling I, Koehler HS, Nogueira AC. Miniestaquia de Sapium glandulatum (Vell.) Pax com o uso de ácido indol butírico e ácido naftaleno acético. Ciência Florestal. 2010;20:19-31.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    18 June 2015
  • Accepted
    16 Mar 2017
Sociedade de Investigações Florestais Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Avenida Purdue, s/nº - Campus Universitário UFV, CEP: 36570-900, Tel.: (+55 31) 3612-3959 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil