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BJCVS: 25 years of brilliant career


BJCVS: 25 years of brilliant career

Domingo M. Braile

Emeritus Professor Adib Jatene, 1986

"The Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery first appeared when we were performing our 14 th Annual Congress and it would become the official publication of the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery.

We are, today, 325 surgeons, who operate in 19 states and the Federal District, using 119 hospitals and performing in 1986, approximately 20,000 operations. Most of them have been trained in the country, using equipment developed and manufactured here. "

With these words, Professor Adib Jatene, opened the Editorial of the first edition of the Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (RBCCV) in 1986. Today I am proud to write in this space as our magazine celebrates 25 years of existence. It has been a brilliant career, but not without much struggle, which start has only been possible by the efforts of Brazilian cardiovascular surgeons, who needed a specialty journal to publish their findings, which multiplied, but they were diluted in journals of other areas.

Under the guidance of Professor Adib Jatene and support of the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (SBCCV) in 1986 were published the first two editions of BJCVS. From 1987 to 1991 were three issues per year, and starting in 1992, four issues, a number that continues today, plus supplements, such as the annual Congress of SBCCV.

After holding the post of Editor brilliantly for 10 years, Professor Adib surrendered his post in 1996 to Professor Fabio Jatene, who continued the improvement of the journal (see farewell editorial of Professor Adib, clicking the link [] Professor Fabio made great advances, regulating the issues and finally the difficult indexing by SciELO, which gave greater visibility and credibility to the magazine.

In 2002 I was elected with a huge responsibility to continue the brilliant work of Dr. Fabio (see his farewell editorial via the link []

Thanks to the commitment of the Editorial Board, Associate Editors and Editorial Council, we have achieved important advances, such as version of full papers in English for the online edition, keeping the Portuguese language with summaries in English, in the print edition.

We incorporated the English title "Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (BJCVS), and created our own sites [] and [] for the online versions. With the evolution of the magazine, by the collaboration of our entire community it was achieved the remarkable indexation in PubMed / Medline, after direct negotiations with Dr. Sheldon Kotzin, as described in the editorial accessible at the link [].

In 2006, we were accepted into the SCOPUS database.

In 2009, one giant leap was given for our internationalization, by being accepted by Thomson Scientific, ISI Web of Knowledge platform see publishing at the link [].

Hopefully this year that we commemorate the 25th anniversary of BJCVS we will have the important "Impact Factor" (IF) which will definitely consolidate us as an international journal of high standard.

The need to disseminate the best of our journal articles and assist in the training of specialists, as well as the maintenance of their knowledge has led us to create the system of Continuing Medical Education (EMC).

The latter was totally developed by our team together with the system analysts of GN1 our partners at all times for online submissions and the entire system of peer reviews, as well as the electronic editions.

A special day like this can not go unnoticed. So we started, since last year, to plan some actions, as a gift for our readers. The first of these was to scan the entire collection. It was hard work, involving SBCCV, which supplied magazines and GN1, the company behind the website, which scanned and made the conversion and markup. All editions are already available online, with free access. Scielo will also make available this year, the volumes from 1986 to 1996 on the site, reliving the story of the first 10 years of RBCCV.

Another novelty is that our site is being redesigned and will soon be online, with a bold design and greater functionality, facilitating access to several links, new tools, more information and links that facilitate navigation to authors and reviewers. With this we hope to attract even more visitors, maintaining the constant increase in the number of hits, currently around 2,000 "hits" daily, which added to the access site of SciELO, in equal numbers, totalize more than 4 thousand hits a day with the consultation of more than 15,000 pages per day!

This year it will also be released the first Impact Factor (IF) of the RBCCV, for 2009 and 2010. I am pretty optimistic that we will get a good rate; it will be like a snowball, for it will attract more authors interested in publishing their papers, more works will be cited, leading to an increase in the index at the next measurement. In other databases we have already achieved significant growth. In Scopus, for example, we went from 0.12 in 2007 to 0.28 in 2009.

This first edition of the silver jubilee has, as always, items of great level. Indeed there is a marked improvement in the quality of the works submitted, showing concern for the improvement, not only by the authors, but also the revisers, which are updated continuously with major studies in the area becoming ever more efficient and more discerning.

But amongst all these articles, I would highlight one, a non-scientific one, but an excellent text of Dr. Francisco Costa tracing the path of his father, Dr. Iseu de Santo Elias Affonso da Costa, who passed away on November 4, 2010 (page 140).

We are providing EMC testing in the following articles: "The 2000 Bernstein-Parsonnet score and EuroSCORE were similar in predicting mortality in the Heart Institute-USP, pg. 1, "Survival in long-term octogenarians undergoing isolate coronary bypass surgery," pg. 21; "Predictors of Mortality over 70 years in Myocardial Revascularization or Valve Replacement with Cardiopulmonary Bypass " on page 69, and "Experimental study of implantable pulsatile electromechanical artificial ventricle," pg. 76.

In the next issue, we will address the 38th Congress of SBCCV, held in Porto Alegre, which as usual has a Supplement RBCCV/BJCVS with all the summaries of Free Papers and Posters, which now belong to the annals of Congresses published in an indexed journal.

Warm regards,

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    21 June 2011
  • Date of issue
    Mar 2011
Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular Rua Afonso Celso, 1178 Vila Mariana, CEP: 04119-061 - São Paulo/SP Brazil, Tel +55 (11) 3849-0341, Tel +55 (11) 5096-0079 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil