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Effect of Mineral Nitrogen on Transfer of 13C-Carbon from Eucalyptus Harvest Residue Components to Soil Organic Matter Fractions


The amount of harvest residues retained in Eucalyptus plantations strongly influences soil organic matter (SOM), but the efficiency of conversion to SOM may vary according to the type of residue. This study evaluated the recovery of C from Eucalyptus residue components - leaves, bark, branches, roots, and a mix of all residues - in different SOM fractions with or without mineral-N supplementation (200 mg kg-1 of N). Variation in natural 13C abundance was used to trace the destination of residue-derived C in the soil. The C content of the light fraction (LF) and heavy fraction (HF) of SOM increased over a 240-days decomposition period in response to incorporation of Eucalyptus residues in the soil. Bark and leaf residues showed the best results. Bark residues increased the C content of the HF by 45 % over the initial condition. Leaf residues made the largest contribution to LF-C, increasing it by 8.6 times. Leaf residues also led to the highest N contents in the LF and HF, whereas branches, roots, and the mixture of residues caused significant net transfers of N from the HF. Mineral-N supplementation had no effect on stabilization of organic C in the HF of SOM, in which the C could be maintained for longer periods due to physical/colloidal protection against microbial decomposition. These results highlight the importance of keeping Eucalyptus harvest residues in the planted area, especially the bark, which is the most abundant harvest residue component under field conditions, for maintenance of SOM.

C cycling; N cycling; SOM; stable isotopes


The increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration in recent decades has imposed the need for agricultural practices that favor removal of CO2 from the atmosphere through C sequestration in more stable fractions of soil organic matter (SOM). Plants have a major role in C cycling in soils through deposition of organic C either above ground (shoot litter) or below ground (root litter and rhizodepositions). The impact of this plant-derived C on SOM will depend on the composition of the inputs and their use by components of the soil food web (Chabbi and Rumpel, 2009Chabbi A, Rumpel C. Organic matter dynamics in agro-ecosystems - the knowledge gaps. Eur J Soil Sci. 2009;60:153-7.

Decomposition of organic residues in soils is controlled by three main variables: the composition of the decomposing community, including macro- and microorganisms (Tian et al., 1992Tian G, Kang BT, Brussaard L. Biological effects of plant residues with contrasting chemical compositions under humid tropical conditions - decomposition and nutrient release. Soil Biol Biochem. 1992;24:1051-60.
; Grandy and Neff, 2008Grandy AS, Neff JC. Molecular C dynamics downstream: the biochemical decomposition sequence and its impact on soil organic matter structure and function. Sci Total Environ. 2008:404:297-307.
); the quality of the organic material (Tian et al., 1992Tian G, Kang BT, Brussaard L. Biological effects of plant residues with contrasting chemical compositions under humid tropical conditions - decomposition and nutrient release. Soil Biol Biochem. 1992;24:1051-60.
; Wang et al., 2004Wang WJ, Baldock JA, Dalal RC, Moody PW. Decomposition dynamics of plant materials in relation to nitrogen availability and biochemistry determined by NMR and wet-chemical analysis. Soil Biol Biochem. 2004;36:2045-58.
; Vane et al., 2006Vane CH, Drage TC, Snape CE. Bark decay by the white-rot fungus Lentinula edodes: polysaccharide loss, lignin resistance and the unmasking of suberin. Int Biodeterior Biodegrad. 2006;57:14-23.
); and the physico-chemical characteristics of the environment, which are affected by the climate, soil properties, and, especially, N availability (Wang et al., 2004Wang WJ, Baldock JA, Dalal RC, Moody PW. Decomposition dynamics of plant materials in relation to nitrogen availability and biochemistry determined by NMR and wet-chemical analysis. Soil Biol Biochem. 2004;36:2045-58.
; Manzoni et al., 2008Manzoni S, Jackson RB, Trofymow JA, Porporato A. The global stoichiometry of litter nitrogen mineralization. Science. 2008;321:684-6.
; Stockmann et al., 2013Stockmann U, Adams MA, Crawforda JW, Fielda DJ, Henakaarchchi N, Jenkins M, Minasny B, McBratney AB, Courcelles VR, Singha K, Wheeler I, Abbott L, Anger DA, Baldock J, Bird M, Brookes PC, Chenu C, Jastrow JD, Lal R, Lehmann J, O’Donnell AG, Parton WJ, Whitehead D, Zimmerman M. The knowns, known unknowns and unknowns of sequestration of soil organic carbon. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 2013;164:80-99.
). All these variables work together to determine organic matter dynamics in soils so that the persistence or decomposition of organic residues can be seen as an ecosystem property (Grandy and Neff, 2008Grandy AS, Neff JC. Molecular C dynamics downstream: the biochemical decomposition sequence and its impact on soil organic matter structure and function. Sci Total Environ. 2008:404:297-307.
; Schmidt et al., 2011Schmidt MWI, Torn MS, Abiven S, Dittmar T, Guggenberger G, Janssens IA, Kleber M, Kögel-Knabn I, Lehmann J, Manning DAC, Nannipieri P, Rasse DP, Weiner S, Trumbore SE. Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property. Nature. 2011;478:49-56.

Carbon cycling can be manipulated to favor C stabilization in soils. The most significant factor in plantations is the amount and quality of plant residue inputs. In short-rotation Eucalyptus plantations, which currently occupy 5.1 million hectares of land in Brazil (Abraf, 2013Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Florestas Plantadas - Abraf. Anuário estatístico, ano base 2012. Brasília, DF: 2013.), minimum tillage practices are being introduced in order to increase wood yield while minimizing deleterious effects on the environment. Under such practices, Eucalyptus harvest residues - such as leaves, bark, branches, and roots - are left on the soil surface in the plantation area. Some of these residues, such as bark and branches, are more recalcitrant due to the presence of phenolic compounds, especially lignin, tannin, and suberin, which decrease the residue decomposition rate in soils (Wang et al., 2004Wang WJ, Baldock JA, Dalal RC, Moody PW. Decomposition dynamics of plant materials in relation to nitrogen availability and biochemistry determined by NMR and wet-chemical analysis. Soil Biol Biochem. 2004;36:2045-58.
; Vane et al., 2006Vane CH, Drage TC, Snape CE. Bark decay by the white-rot fungus Lentinula edodes: polysaccharide loss, lignin resistance and the unmasking of suberin. Int Biodeterior Biodegrad. 2006;57:14-23.
). Given the importance of residue quality in C cycling, would Eucalyptus residue fractions be selectively left or removed from the stand area in order to maximize C stabilization in SOM?

Decomposition of organic residues is highly affected by N availability. Low N availability can increase CO2-C loss during litter decomposition as microorganisms use labile residues to acquire N from recalcitrant substrates (Craine et al., 2007Craine JM, Morrow C, Fierer N. Microbial nitrogen limitation increases decomposition. Ecology. 2007;88:2105-13.
). Thus, N availability controls the C-use efficiency of decomposers such that substrates with low initial C:N ratio increase efficiency, and N-poor substrates (high C:N) lead to a less-efficient use of C (Manzoni et al., 2008Manzoni S, Jackson RB, Trofymow JA, Porporato A. The global stoichiometry of litter nitrogen mineralization. Science. 2008;321:684-6.
). The CO2-C loss from increased heterotrophic respiration under low C-use efficiency can be alleviated by high soil N supply (Craine et al., 2007Craine JM, Morrow C, Fierer N. Microbial nitrogen limitation increases decomposition. Ecology. 2007;88:2105-13.
), with consequent gains in organic C stabilization in SOM (Bird et al., 2003Bird JA, van Kessel C, Horwath WR. Stabilization of 13C-carbon and immobilization of 15N-nitrogen from rice straw in humic fractions. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2003;67:806-16.
; Moran et al., 2005Moran KK, Six J, Horwath WR, Kessel C. Role of mineral-nitrogen in residue decomposition and stable soil organic matter formation. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2005;69:1730-6.
; Kirkby et al., 2013Kirkby CA, Richardson AE, Wade LJ, Batten GD, Blanchard C, Kirkegaard JA. Carbon-nutrient stoichiometry to increase soil carbon sequestration. Soil Biol Biochem. 2013;60:77-86.
; Kirkby et al., 2014Kirkby CA, Richardson AE, Wade LJ, Passioura JB, Batten GD, Blanchard C, Kirkegaard JA. Nutrient availability limits carbon sequestration in arable soils. Soil Biol Biochem. 2014;68:402-9.
). An increase in C-use efficiency by microorganisms can favor the contributions of microbial residues to the SOM fractions associated with minerals (Cotrufo, 2013Cotrufo MF, Wallenstein MD, Boot CM, Denef K, Paul E. The microbial efficiency-matrix stabilization (MEMS) framework integrates plant litter decomposition with soil organic matter stabilization: do labile plant inputs form stable soil organic matter? Global Change Biol. 2013;19:988-95.
), assumed to be the fractions of greater stability in SOM. Stable isotopes are excellent tracers of organic matter input and transfer (Peterson, 1999Peterson BJ. Stable isotopes as tracers of organic matter input and transfer in benthic food webs: a review. Acta Oecol. 1999;20:479-87.
), allowing the destination of C and N applied to soils to be tracked.

We hypothesized that less labile Eucalyptus residue componentes have a greater contribution to the SOM when there is higher soil N availability. Using the natural abundance of 13C, we aimed to evaluate recovery of C from different Eucalyptus residues into SOM fractions. In addition, we studied the effect of mineral-N supplementation on C recovery from Eucalyptus residues.



The soil used in the incubation experiment was obtained from the 0.00-0.20 m layer of an Hapludox (Latossolo Amarelo Distrófico) situated in the southeastern part of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil (20° 52’ 31.1” S, 42° 58’ 21.6” W). The soil had been cultivated with Brachiaria brizantha for over 20 years, so the SOM was predominantly derived from this C4 photosynthesis plant, resulting in a δ13CPDB value of 16.75 ‰. We were then able to determine the destination of C derived from Eucalyptus residue into SOM fractions. However, soil collected from a distinct previous land use may have a significant effect on how the existing microbial communities deal with the newly added Eucalyptus residues. Previous studies have shown that substituting pastures for Eucalyptus plantations led to reduction in SOM (Mendham et al., 2002Mendham DS, O’Connell AM, Grove TS. Organic matter characteristics under native forest, long-term pasture, and recent conversion to Eucalyptus plantations in Western Australia: microbial biomass, soil respiration, and permanganate oxidation. Aust J Soil Sci Res. 2002;40:859-72.
), but the reverse was found by Lima et al. (2006)Lima AMN, Silva IR, Neves JCL, Novais RF, Barros NF, Mendonça ES, Smyth TJ, Moreira MS, Leite FP. Soil organic carbon dynamics following afforestation of degraded pastures with eucalyptus in southeastern Brazil. For Ecol Manage. 2006;235:219-31.
, indicating that not only changes in microbial communities and litter quality affects the stabilization of residue C into SOM, but also the soil C saturation deficit (Castellano et al., 2015Castellano MJ, Mueller KE, Olk DC, Sawyer JE, Six J. Integrating plant litter quality, soil organic matter stabilization, and the carbon saturation concept. Global Change Biol. 2015;21:3200-9.
). Thus, absolute residue C decomposition values presented in this study must be viewed with due caution.

The C and N concentrations in different fractions of the organic matter of the soil used in the experiment were as follows: Total (C: 25.4 and N: 1.4 g kg-1); physical procedure: light fraction of SOM - LF (C: 0.79 and N: 0.03 g kg-1) and heavy fraction of SOM - HF (C: 21.80 and N: 1.39 g kg-1); and chemical separation: humin (C: 14.33 and N: 0.44 g kg-1), fulvic acid (C: 0.24 and N: 0.02 g kg-1), and humic acid (C: 0.88 and N: 0.04 g kg-1).

Before use of the soil in the incubation experiment, coarse plant debris visible to the naked eye was manually removed; the soil was ground, sieved to 2 mm, and kept at the moisture content found under field conditions at the time of sampling (~12 % w/w). Soil subsamples were taken for physical and chemical characterization. The soil had a sandy clay loam texture (340 g kg-1 clay, 110 g kg-1 silt, and 550 g kg-1 sand).

Eucalyptus residues

The harvest residues used in the experiment were collected from a 4-year-old clonal plantation of a Eucalyptus grandis × E. urophylla hybrid. The plant residues were separated into leaf, bark, branch (Ø >20 mm), and root components. The fine (Ø <2 mm), medium (Ø 2 to 10 mm), and coarse (Ø >10 mm) roots were collected through manual soil excavation and sieving in the field. Afterwards, in the lab, they were washed with deionized water to remove attached soil particles. The Eucalyptus residues were dried and ground to pass through a 1-mm sieve using a Willey mill. Plant residue subsamples were taken for chemical characterization (Table 1). A mix of all residue components (leaves, bark, branches, and roots) at the same relative proportion found in the field was also prepared (12.9, 26.4, 12.7, and 49 % of leaf, bark, branch, and root residues, respectively). Just before application in the experiment, the residues were moistened to 60 % of humidity (dry basis) with distilled water to avoid soil desiccation upon their incorporation.

Table 1
Characteristics of the residues from the hybrid Eucalyptus grandis × E. urophylla

Experimental set up and incubation conditions

The experiment combined five Eucalyptus residues with two levels of mineral N (0 or 200 mg kg-1 of N); a control (no residue) was also used. Each Eucalyptus residue (including the mixture of all residues) was mixed with 100 g of soil at a rate equivalent to 20 g kg-1 of C. Mineral N was applied (when appropriate) as an aqueous 50:50 mixture of (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3 (based on N content).

Soil moisture was adjusted to 80 % of the water holding capacity, and the moist Eucalyptus residues were then applied. The soils with distinct treatments were placed in sealed 350-mL glass jars in an incubation room with temperature controlled at 25±1 °C for 240 days.

Carbon and nitrogen contents of SOM fractions

We used a method adapted from the procedure of Anderson and Ingram (1993)Anderson JM, Ingram JSI. Tropical soil biology and fertility: a handbook of methods. 2nd ed. Wallingford: CABI Pub; 1993. and Liao et al. (2006)Liao JD, Boutton TW, Jastrow JD. Storage and dynamics of carbon and nitrogen in soil physical fractions following woody plant invasion of grassland. Soil Biol Biochem. 2006;38:3184-96.
for physical separation of the uncomplexed SOM fraction and mineral-associated organic matter. In summary, air-dried soil samples (15 g) were shaken in a rotary shaker with 30 mL of distilled water for 16 h in plastic centrifuge tubes with glass marbles to facilitate disaggregation. Then, these samples were immediately centrifuged (630 g for 15 min) and the supernatant was separated, thus obtaining the light fraction (LF) released from inter- and intra-aggregates. The organic matter associated with soil minerals that sedimented to the bottom of the tube was considered the heavy fraction (HF). The energy applied might not have been enough to break all levels of aggregation; and by using a lower density liquid to separate the LF, a fraction of the unprocessed harvest residue might have been sedimented during the separation phase. However, the advantages of using water are low cost and lower generation of chemical artifacts (we were interested in carrying out spectroscopic analysis of the physical fractions). The use of water as a separation agent has been advocated elsewhere (Olk and Gregorich, 2006Olk DC, Gregorich EG. Overview of the symposium proceedings, “meaningful pools in determining soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics”. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2006;70:967-74.

The SOM fractions thus obtained were oven dried at 72 °C for 72 h, ground in a ball mill, and sieved to 0.149 mm (100 mesh). The HF was further fractionated chemically into operationally-defined humic substances (humin, humic acids, and fulvic acids) based on the method of the International Humic Substances Society (Swift, 1996Swift RS. Organic matter characterization. In: Sparks DL, Page AL, Helmke PA, Loeppert RH, editors. Methods of soil analysis. Chemical methods. Wisconsin: Soil Science Society of America; 1996. Pt. 3. p.1011-69). After fractionation, the humin fraction was oven dried, ground in a ball mill, and sieved to 0.149 mm. For the humic and fulvic acids, 500 µL of each fraction were added to tin capsules and oven dried at 40 °C for subsequent spectrometric analysis.

The content of C and N and the isotopic ratio of 13C/12C of the SOM fractions were determined using a continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS, 20-20, ANCA GSL, Sercon, Crewe, UK). The abundance of 13C was expressed as δ13C (‰ values in relation to the V-PDB standard).

For each SOM fraction, an isotope-mixing model was used to determine the C derived from residues (Equation 1).

in which fC is the fraction of residue-derived C, δsample is the δ13C value of SOM fractions in the treatments, δsoil is the δ13C value of the soil used in the experiment (-16.75 ‰), and δresidue is the δ13C value of the Eucalyptus residues (Table 1).

The C recovered from residues in each SOM fraction was calculated according to equation 2:

in which Cfraction is the total amount of C in each SOM fraction, and Cinput is the total C input via residue (20 g kg-1 of C).

It should be noted that variation in the δ13C in a sample after incorporation of the residues may be due to two different reasons: incorporation of the residue components (with different contents of sugar, lignins, lipids, peptides, and N-compounds that had different δ values), and alteration of the δ13C value of the original SOM caused by discrimination against the heavier isotope promoted by heterotrophic organisms. However, microbial degradation processes have only a minor influence on the natural distribution of stable C isotopes of respired CO2-C (Ekblad et al., 2002Ekblad A, Nyberg G, Högberg P. 13C-discrimination during microbial repiration of added C3-, C4- and 13C-labelled sugars to a C3- forest soil. Oecologia. 2002;131:245-9.

Statistical analyses

The experiment was carried out under a randomized block design with four replicates. The data were subjected to multivariate analysis of variance (Manova) with two factors (residue type and the addition of mineral N) and 12 dependent variables (see Results). Pillai’s Trace was adopted to assess the overall difference between treatment groups (α = 0.05), and then separate univariate tests were employed to address the individual differences for each dependent variable. The alpha level for these univariate tests was adjusted by Bonferroni inequality [adjusted α = (overall α)/(number of tests)], resulting in a significance level of 0.004 (Hair Jr et al., 2009Hair Jr JF, Black WC, Babin BJ, Anderson RE. Multivariate data analysis. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall; 2009.). The treatments were compared for each dependent variable using Tukey’s test (p<0.004).


Multivariate analysis showed significant differences among the Eucalyptus residues (Pillai’s Trace = 3.33, p<0.001) and treatments with or without the addition of mineral N (Pillai’s Trace = 0.84, p=0.044) when all the variables were considered jointly. However, the interaction of the two factors was not significant.

Carbon changes in SOM fractions

At the end of 240 days, the highest C recovery in the LF was obtained from leaves, branches, roots, and the mixture of residues (Figure 1a). The addition of mineral N decreased C recovery from leaves, whereas it improved recovery from the other residues. These changes were reflected in the C content of the LF measured 240 days after application of the residues (Table 2). The highest C content was measured in the treatment with leaf residues without the addition of mineral N, which caused a variation (ΔC) of 6.77 g kg-1 of C compared to the initial condition, i.e., the C content was 8.6 times greater. When mineral N was added to the soil, the LF-C content was an average of 6 times greater with the application of bark, branches, roots, or the mixture of residues.

Figure 1
Recovery of residue-derived C (based on natural abundance of C isotopes) in the (a) light fraction (LF) and (b) heavy fraction (HF) of organic matter in soil with (+ N) or without (- N) the addition of mineral N (200 mg kg-1 of N) after 240 days of incubation. Mixture = 12.9, 26.4, 12.7, and 49 % of leaves, bark, branches, and roots residues, respectively. Residues with the same letter are not significantly different (Tukey test, p<0.004). Asterisks indicate a significant effect from the addition of mineral N (p<0.004). No significant differences among treatments were detected for the HF. Error bars denote mean standard deviation (n = 4).

Table 2
Changes in the carbon content of soil organic matter fractions 240 days after application of different residues of Eucalyptus with or without the addition of mineral nitrogen (200 mg kg-1 of N)

The recovery of residue-derived C in the HF was, on average, 28 % of input, but no significant difference was observed among the residues (Figure 1b). The soils receiving bark, leaves, and the mixture of residues had the highest C content in the HF at the end of 240 days, representing an increase of up to 45 % in the C content compared to the initial condition (Table 2). The addition of mineral N had no effect on residue-C recovery in the HF (Figure 1b) and hence in the C content of this fraction (Table 2).

Chemical fractionation of the HF showed that the highest portion of the C is contained in the operationally defined humin fraction (Table 2). The data indicate that the C content in this fraction significantly increased through application of bark, branches, and the mixture of residues. Conversely, the operationally defined humic acid decreased in soils receiving bark and branches, while it showed no significant variation (ΔC) with the other residues. Finally, the operationally defined fulvic acid showed a small increase in soils receiving leaf and bark residues.

Nitrogen changes in SOM fractions

As observed for C, leaf residues led to the highest N content in the LF of SOM, which was 15 times greater than the initial condition (Table 3). Except for leaf residues, the LF-N content was higher when mineral N was added. However, a significant net increase over the control soil (ΔN) was observed only for leaf and mixed residues.

Table 3
Changes in the nitrogen content of soil organic matter fractions 240 days after application of different residues of Eucalyptus with or without the addition of mineral nitrogen (200 mg kg-1 of N)

The highest N content in the HF of SOM was obtained with application of leaf residues (Table 3). This was the only residue type able to promote net accumulation of N (ΔN) in the HF. Conversely, branches, roots, and the mixture of all residues caused net losses of N from this SOM fraction. Moreover, supplementation with mineral N had no effect on HF-N content.

When the HF was chemically fractionated, most N was recovered in the humin fraction, as was observed for C (Table 3). The highest N content in the humin fraction was observed in the treatment with leaf residues. Some significant net N increases were detected in the soils receiving leaf and bark residues. Humic and fulvic acids showed low N content values and no significant variation compared to the control soil.


In this study, C content of the LF and HF of SOM increased over a 240-days period through incorporation of Eucalyptus residues in the soil. Among the residues evaluated - namely leaves, bark, branches, roots, and the mixture of all residues - bark and leaf residues stood out. Bark and leaf residues showed the highest increases in the HF-C, increasing C content by up to 45 %. In turn, leaf residues caused the highest increases in the LF-C, LF-N, and HF-N.

The incorporation of Eucalyptus residues in the soil caused changes in the C content of SOM fractions. The LF of SOM is composed mainly of partially decomposed macroscopic organic residues, generally more closely related to the original material (Demolinari et al., 2008Demolinari MSM, Silva IR, Lima AMN, Vergutz L, Mendonça ES. Efeito da solução de separação densimétrica na quantidade e qualidade da matéria orgânica leve e na quantificação do carbono orgânico da fração pesada. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2008;32:871-9.
). Curiously, leaf residue led to a high amount of C recovered in the LF 240 days after application of the residues (Figure 1a). This was unexpected, since leaves are labile residues that are normally decomposed quickly by the soil microbiota. The fast degradation of material may promote the secretion of specific polysaccharides by the microorganisms and some of these compounds have adhesive properties. The production of adhesive compounds may contribute to particle aggregation (mineral and organo-mineral particles) around the plant material that is being attacked by the organisms. In fact, it has been shown that plant litter with a greater content of more easily decomposable soluble-C was more favorable to the overall microbial community, which in turn increased water-stable aggregate formation as a result of the concerted action of several binding agents produced during plant litter decomposition, including microbial-released polysaccharides and lipids, and even adhesion of microbial cells to soil particles (Le Guillou et al., 2012Le Guillou C, Angers DA, Maron PA, Leterme P, Menasseri-Aubry S. Linking microbial community to soil water-stable aggregation during crop residue decomposition. Soil Biol Biochem. 2012;50:126-33.
). Most importantly, the LF-C content was 8.6 times greater with incorporation of leaf residues (Table 2). In fact, all the Eucalyptus residues led to net increases in the LF-C content.

All the Eucalyptus residues increased the C content in the HF of SOM, with an average C recovery of 28 % of input. Bark, leaves, and the mixture of residues led to the highest increases; the HF-C was up to 45 % higher (Table 2). These results highlight the significance of maintaining harvest residue in the area, given the net increase in the soil organic C observed, especially in the mineral associated fraction (HF), which represents a more stable C stock of SOM (Grandy and Neff, 2008Grandy AS, Neff JC. Molecular C dynamics downstream: the biochemical decomposition sequence and its impact on soil organic matter structure and function. Sci Total Environ. 2008:404:297-307.
). Nevertheless, the contribution of root material to SOM, especially fine roots, is underestimated in the present study, because the direct contribution by root exudation and turnover, as well the indirect effect of roots on the microbial communities in the rhizosphere (Rasse et al., 2005Rasse DP, Rumpel C, Dignac MF. Is soil carbon mostly root carbon? Mechanisms for a specific stabilization. Plant Soil. 2005;269:341-56.
), were not taken into account. It is also important to note that in the current incubation experiment, the residues used were ground. Under field conditions, the residues show very different characteristics, which can influence their degradation rate.

Residue-derived N had a different destination than that of C in the SOM fractions, as observed in a previous study on incorporation of rice straw in soil (Bird et al., 2003Bird JA, van Kessel C, Horwath WR. Stabilization of 13C-carbon and immobilization of 15N-nitrogen from rice straw in humic fractions. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2003;67:806-16.
). Net increases in N content were observed in the LF of soil receiving leaves and the mixture of residues (Table 3), probably because of the high N content of these residues (Table 1). The rest of the residues had no effect on the LF-N content. The HF showed the most highly contrasting characteristics. While the HF-C increased through application of the residues (Table 2), significant net N transfer (immobilization) from the HF was observed in the soils receiving branches, roots, and the mixture of residues (Table 3). Except for leaves, the residues contained low amounts of N and, hence, high C:N ratios (Table 1). Thus, it is likely that part of the original soil organic N was taken up and immobilized in the microbial biomass during decomposition of those N-poor residues (Bird et al., 2003Bird JA, van Kessel C, Horwath WR. Stabilization of 13C-carbon and immobilization of 15N-nitrogen from rice straw in humic fractions. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2003;67:806-16.
; Craine et al., 2007Craine JM, Morrow C, Fierer N. Microbial nitrogen limitation increases decomposition. Ecology. 2007;88:2105-13.
; Manzoni et al., 2008Manzoni S, Jackson RB, Trofymow JA, Porporato A. The global stoichiometry of litter nitrogen mineralization. Science. 2008;321:684-6.

While supplementation with mineral N has previously been reported to improve the incorporation of plant residues to soils (Bird et al., 2003Bird JA, van Kessel C, Horwath WR. Stabilization of 13C-carbon and immobilization of 15N-nitrogen from rice straw in humic fractions. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2003;67:806-16.
; Moran et al., 2005Moran KK, Six J, Horwath WR, Kessel C. Role of mineral-nitrogen in residue decomposition and stable soil organic matter formation. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2005;69:1730-6.
; Kirkby et al., 2013Kirkby CA, Richardson AE, Wade LJ, Batten GD, Blanchard C, Kirkegaard JA. Carbon-nutrient stoichiometry to increase soil carbon sequestration. Soil Biol Biochem. 2013;60:77-86.
; Kirkby et al., 2014Kirkby CA, Richardson AE, Wade LJ, Passioura JB, Batten GD, Blanchard C, Kirkegaard JA. Nutrient availability limits carbon sequestration in arable soils. Soil Biol Biochem. 2014;68:402-9.
), our data showed that the addition of mineral N had a minor effect on C recovery from Eucalyptus residues (Figure 1, Table 2). Mineral-N supplementation of N-poor residues can increase C recovery by improving the efficiency of microbial biomass production, decreasing losses of CO2-C, and, especially, by increasing deposition of microbial products and debris, which are the main sources of stable SOM associated with mineral particles (Craine et al., 2007Craine JM, Morrow C, Fierer N. Microbial nitrogen limitation increases decomposition. Ecology. 2007;88:2105-13.
; Grandy and Neff , 2008Grandy AS, Neff JC. Molecular C dynamics downstream: the biochemical decomposition sequence and its impact on soil organic matter structure and function. Sci Total Environ. 2008:404:297-307.
; Manzoni et al., 2008Manzoni S, Jackson RB, Trofymow JA, Porporato A. The global stoichiometry of litter nitrogen mineralization. Science. 2008;321:684-6.
; Vogel et al., 2014Vogel C, Mueller CW, Höschen C, Buegger F, Heister K, Schulz S, Schloter M, Kögel-Knabner I. Submicron structures provide preferential spots for carbon and nitrogen sequestration in soils. Nat Commun. 2014;5:1-7.
). Nevertheless, in this study, the addition of mineral N affected residue-C recovery only in the less stable SOM fraction (LF) (Figure 1a). These results suggest that N availability did not hinder SOM stabilization in our experiment. The C:N ratios of the Eucalyptus residues (Table 1) are higher than that of the rice straw (144) used by Moran et al. (2005)Moran KK, Six J, Horwath WR, Kessel C. Role of mineral-nitrogen in residue decomposition and stable soil organic matter formation. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2005;69:1730-6.
. Thus, N supplementation would be expected to have more pronounced effect in our experiment, which did not occur. Two factors could explain the lack of effect from mineral-N supplementation. First, there are the intrinsic characteristics of the residues that confer recalcitrance, such as lignin content (Urquiaga et al., 1998Urquiaga S, Cadisch G, Alves BJR, Boddey RM, Giller KE. Influence of decomposition of roots of tropical forage species on the availability of soil nitrogen. Soil Biol Biochem. 1998;30:2099-106.
). Second, and most important, there are the ecosystem properties, including the abiotic and biotic characteristics (Schmidt et al., 2011Schmidt MWI, Torn MS, Abiven S, Dittmar T, Guggenberger G, Janssens IA, Kleber M, Kögel-Knabn I, Lehmann J, Manning DAC, Nannipieri P, Rasse DP, Weiner S, Trumbore SE. Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property. Nature. 2011;478:49-56.
), e.g., a microbiota adapted to deal with N-poor residues (Manzoni et al., 2008Manzoni S, Jackson RB, Trofymow JA, Porporato A. The global stoichiometry of litter nitrogen mineralization. Science. 2008;321:684-6.

The effect of mineral-N supplementation would be expected to be more pronounced in the N content of SOM fractions. However, the addition of mineral N increased the N content only in the LF of soils receiving bark, branches, roots, and the mixture of residues (Table 3). The added mineral N could have been incorporated into organic compounds, probably by the action of microorganisms (Grandy and Neff , 2008Grandy AS, Neff JC. Molecular C dynamics downstream: the biochemical decomposition sequence and its impact on soil organic matter structure and function. Sci Total Environ. 2008:404:297-307.
; Vogel et al., 2014Vogel C, Mueller CW, Höschen C, Buegger F, Heister K, Schulz S, Schloter M, Kögel-Knabner I. Submicron structures provide preferential spots for carbon and nitrogen sequestration in soils. Nat Commun. 2014;5:1-7.
), or interacted directly with charges on the surface of soil particles. Accordingly, Moran et al. (2005)Moran KK, Six J, Horwath WR, Kessel C. Role of mineral-nitrogen in residue decomposition and stable soil organic matter formation. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2005;69:1730-6.
reported that most of the mineral N added to soil remained in inorganic form after incubation of soil samples with or without rice straw. In the present study, we were not able to distinguish these different destinations of mineral N through the fractionating procedure used.

Most of the C and N contained in the HF were found to be associated with the operationally defined humin fraction. Indeed, the formation of organo-mineral complexes is evolving as a more important mechanism of soil C stabilization (Mikutta et al., 2006Mikutta R, Kleber M, Torn MS, Jahn R. Stabilization of soil organic matter: association with minerals or chemical recalcitrance? Biogeochemistry. 2006;77:25-56.
; Marschner et al., 2008Marschner B, Brodowski S, Dreves A, Gleixner G, Gude A, Grootes PM, Hamer U, Heim A, Jandl G, Ji R, Kaiser K, Kalbitz K, Kramer C, Leinweber P, Rethemeyer J, Schaffer A, Schmidt MWI, Schwark L, Wiesenberg GLB. How relevant is recalcitrance for the stabilization of organic matter in soils? J Plant Nutr Soil Sci. 2008;171:91-110.
; Doetterl et al., 2015Doetterl S, Stevens A, Six J, Merckx R, Oost KV, Pinto MC, Casanova-Katny A, Muñoz C, Boudin M, Venegas EZ, Boeckx P. Soil carbon storage controlled by interactions between geochemistry and climate. Nat Geosci. 2015:8:780-3.
). The incorporation of residue-derived C (Table 2) and N (Table 3) in the humin fraction in a relatively short period (240 days) may be evidence of rapid modifications in this previously considered refractory fraction. Recent studies have shown that microorganisms play an essential role in the stabilization of SOM through the deposition of compounds and cell debris on the surface of organo-mineral soil particles (Grandy and Neff, 2008Grandy AS, Neff JC. Molecular C dynamics downstream: the biochemical decomposition sequence and its impact on soil organic matter structure and function. Sci Total Environ. 2008:404:297-307.
; Cotrufo et al., 2013Cotrufo MF, Wallenstein MD, Boot CM, Denef K, Paul E. The microbial efficiency-matrix stabilization (MEMS) framework integrates plant litter decomposition with soil organic matter stabilization: do labile plant inputs form stable soil organic matter? Global Change Biol. 2013;19:988-95.
; Vogel et al., 2014Vogel C, Mueller CW, Höschen C, Buegger F, Heister K, Schulz S, Schloter M, Kögel-Knabner I. Submicron structures provide preferential spots for carbon and nitrogen sequestration in soils. Nat Commun. 2014;5:1-7.
; Throchmorton et al., 2015Throchmorton HM, Bird JA, Monte N, Doane T, Firestone MK, Horwath WR. The soil matrix increase microbial C stabilization in temperate and tropical forest soils. Biogeochemistry. 2015;122:35-45.
). Moreover, microorganisms can, under favorable environmental conditions, rapidly decompose molecules previously thought to be highly recalcitrant (Fontaine et al., 2007Fontaine S, Barot S, Barré P, Bdioui N, Mary B, Rumpel C. Stability of organic carbon in deep soil layers controlled by fresh carbon supply. Nature. 2007:450:277-80.
). However, the incorporation of residue-derived C in the humin fraction is not necessarily evidence of the occurrence of rapid changes through heterotrophic activity. Nonpolar substances from residues may be degraded less than hydrophilic compounds and, hence, be incorporated directly in the humin fraction without being biologically or chemically transformed (Song et al., 2011Song G, Hayes MHB, Novotny EH, Simpson AJ. Isolation and fractionation of soil humin using alkaline urea and dimethylsulphoxide plus sulphuric acid. Naturwissenschaften. 2011;98:7-13.
). Furthermore, aliphatic compounds abundant in plant material are not extractable in acid/alkali (e.g., suberin, cutin, and homogeneous alkyl chains or those with a low degree of hydrophilic substitution), and tend to remain in the humin fraction (Deshmukh et al., 2005Deshmukh AP, Simpson AJ, Hadad CM, Hatcher PG. Insights into the structure of cutin and cutan from Agave americana leaf cuticle using HRMAS NMR spectroscopy. Org Geochem. 2005;36:1072-85.
; Kelleher and Simpson, 2006Kelleher BP, Simpson AJ. Humic substances in soils: are they really chemically distinct? Environ Sci Technol. 2006:40:4605-11.
; Song et al., 2011Song G, Hayes MHB, Novotny EH, Simpson AJ. Isolation and fractionation of soil humin using alkaline urea and dimethylsulphoxide plus sulphuric acid. Naturwissenschaften. 2011;98:7-13.

This study highlights the significance of maintaining harvest residues in Eucalyptus plantations. All residues led to significant increases in soil organic C, especially in the SOM fraction associated with mineral particles (HF), which can stabilize organic compounds by protection against degradation (Kleber and Johnson, 2010Kleber M, Johnson MG. Advances in understanding the molecular structure of soil organic matter: implications for interactions in the environment. Adv Agron. 2010;106:77-142.
). Maintaining harvest residues, associated with benefits of cultivation of Eucalyptus on soil C stocks (Lima et al., 2006Lima AMN, Silva IR, Neves JCL, Novais RF, Barros NF, Mendonça ES, Smyth TJ, Moreira MS, Leite FP. Soil organic carbon dynamics following afforestation of degraded pastures with eucalyptus in southeastern Brazil. For Ecol Manage. 2006;235:219-31.
), is an advantageous way to improve the SOM in Eucalyptus plantations, with consequent gains in system productivity. Moreover, other nutrients are added with the residues and the cumulative effect of this should be studied under natural conditions. However, the effect of residue addition on soil organic N was negative in some cases, namely for branch and root residues, where net N losses were detected. This N was probably immobilized in the microbial biomass during decomposition of residues and would be available after mineralization of this biomass. Supplementation with external mineral N aiming to improve residue stabilization in SOM proved to be inefficient under the conditions of the experiment at the application rate tested. Nutrients other than N (Hobbie, 2015Hobbie SE. Plant species effects on nutrient cycling: revisiting litter feedbacks. Trends Ecol Evol. 2015;30:357-63.
; Ferreira et al., 2016Ferreira GWD, Soares EMB, Oliveira FCC, Silva IR, Dungait JAJ, Souza IF, Vergütz L. Nutrient release from decomposing Eucalyptus harvest residues following simulated management practices in multiple sites in Brazil. For Ecol Manage. 2016;370:1-11.
) may have limited residue decomposition and C stabilization into SOM. Finally, attention should be directed to the efficiency of leaf and bark residues, which led to the greatest net C increases in the LF and HF. Because of this, maintenance of these Eucalyptus harvest residues in the plantation area is highly recommended.


Addition of Eucalyptus residues produced a net increase in soil organic C content over a 240-days period.

Bark, leaves, and the mixture of residues provided the greatest gains in the HF of SOM, increasing C content by up to 45 %. The C and N content of the LF increased through incorporation of leaf residues. Leaf residues also increased N content in the HF. By contrast, branches, roots, and the mixture of residues caused significant losses in N from the HF.

External mineral-N supplementation had no effect on C and N accumulation in the most stable fraction of the SOM, i.e., the heavy fraction.

The results obtained highlight the importance of keeping harvest residues in the planted area, especially the bark - the largest residue component under field conditions, for maintenance of SOM.


The authors are grateful to Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq - Process No. 476374/2009-0 to I.R.S.), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) by finantial support, and Soil Science Department of Federal University of Viçosa by the logistic supporting during the development of this study as part of the first author master's thesis.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    16 Apr 2016
  • Accepted
    3 Apr 2017
Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Departamento de Solos - Edifício Silvio Brandão, s/n, Caixa Postal 231 - Campus da UFV, CEP 36570-900 - Viçosa-MG, Tel.: (31) 3612-4542 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil