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Limiting physical properties of Technosols formed by the Fundão dam failure, Minas Gerais, Brazil


Physical properties of the Technosols formed by the tailings deposition may constitute a physical barrier that limits water movement and plant development due to the properties received from those sediments. This study aimed to evaluate the physical quality of the Technosols formed by the deposition of sediments displaced by the Fundão Dam failure, Mariana, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, based on the evaluation of physical properties and Load Bearing Capacity Models (LBCM). For that, three areas under different vegetation types were selected: eucalyptus (Euc), forest with human-assisted revegetation (RF), and forest with native vegetation (NF). Three sampling subareas were demarcated in each area: non-impacted areas (Ni), and Technosols formed in directly impacted areas (Di), and partially impacted areas (Pi). Undisturbed samples were collected in two layers and subjected to the uniaxial compression test after equilibration at five matric potentials. Soil compression curves and LBCM were determined. Soil bulk density (BD), total porosity (TP), organic matter (OM), granulometry, and particle density (PD) were also determined. Clay content was less significant, and the silt and very fine sand content was significantly higher in the Technosols, generating an increase in BD and reduction in TP. Technosols generally exhibited greater load-bearing capacity due to higher pre-consolidation pressure values attained by these soils due to the lower clay and OM contents. High resistance of these soils is one limitation for revegetation of the areas evaluated, being necessary management practices to improve physical properties of the Technosols.

tailings deposition; soil physical quality; load-bearing capacity models; preconsolidation pressures; Technosols


Mining activity is highly technified and generates wealth for a country. However, despite all the technology involved, the environmental impact from rupture of tailings retention structures leads to enormous environmental and social damage to the population, as occurred in Mariana (2015) and Brumadinho (2019) in Minas Gerais, Brazil (Schaefer et al., 2016Schaefer CEGR, Santos EE, Fernandes Filho EI, Assis IR. Paisagens de lama: Os Tecnossolos para recuperação ambiental de áreas afetadas pelo desastre da barragem do Fundão, em Mariana. In: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo - SBCS. Boletim Informativo da Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo. 2016;42:24-7.; Carmo et al., 2017Carmo FF, Kamino LHY, Tobias Junior R, Campos IC, Silvino G, Castro KJ, Mauro ML, Rodrigues NUA, Miranda MPS, Pinto CEF. Fundão tailings dam failures: the environment tragedy of the largest technological disaster of Brazilian mining in global context. Perspect Ecol Conserv. 2017;15:145-51.
; Armstrong et al., 2019Armstrong M, Petter R, Petter C. Why have so many tailings dams failed in recent years? Resour Policy. 2019;63:101412.

In Mariana, the tailings led to considerable environmental damage that involved displacement of 50 million m3 of sediments, affecting not only the waters of the Doce River, but also around 457.6 ha of forest (Marta-Almeida et al., 2016Marta-Almeida M, Mendes R, Amorim FN, Cirano M, Dias JM. Fundão Dam collapse: Oceanic dispersion of River Doce after the greatest Brazilian environmental accident. Mar Pollut Bull. 2016;112:359-64.
; Omachi et al., 2018Omachi CY, Siani SMOO, Chagas FM, Mascagni ML, Cordeiro M, Garcia GD, Thompson CC, Siegle E, Thompson FL. Atlantic Forest loss caused by the world´s largest tailing dam collapse (Fundão Dam, Mariana, Brazil). Remote Sens Appl Soc Environ. 2018;12:30-4.
). Permanent deposition of tailings of variable depth on the soils in native ecosystems and systems under agricultural production produced environmental damage, as well as associated economic and social damage.

Deposition of tailings along the edges of the Doce River basin, the thickness of these tailings, and the impossibility of removing them are sufficient indicators to classify the soils under study as Technosols (Huot et al., 2012Huot H, Simonnot M-O, Marion P, Yvon J, Donato P, Morel J-L. Characteristics and potential pedogenetic processes of a Technosol developing on iron industry deposits. J Soils Sediments. 2012;13:555-68.
, 2015Huot H, Simonnot M-O, Morel J-L. Pedogenetic trends in soils formed in technogenic parent materials. Soil Sci. 2015;180:182-92.
; Asensio et al., 2013Asensio V, Covelo EF, Kandeler E. Soil management of copper mine tailing soils - Sludge amendment and tree vegetation could improve biological soil quality. Sci Total Environ. 2013;456-457:82-90.
), a concept introduced in 2006 by the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB-FAO) (IUSS Working Group WRB, 2006IUSS Working Group WRB. World reference base for soil resources 2006 - A framework for international classification, correlation and communication. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; 2006. (World Soil Resources Reports, 103).). According to this classification system, Technosols are soils constituted in the upper 1.00 m by 20 % or more (in volume) of material of human origin, whose properties and pedogenesis are dominated by their technical origin.

In a similar manner, in 2001, discussions began regarding the need to consider the limitations of the Soil Taxonomy Classification System for classifying soils impacted by human activity, producing revision and modification of the system in 2014 (Soil Survey Staff, 2014Soil Survey Staff. Keys to soil taxonomy. 12th ed. Washington, DC: United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service; 2014.) to thus ensuring adequate classification and survey of altered soils and transported by humans (Wilding and Ahrens, 2002Wilding LP, Ahrens RJ. Soil taxonomy: Provisions for anthropogenically impacted soils. In: Micheli E, Nachtergaele F, Jones R, Montanarella L, editors. Soil classification 2001. Luxembourg: European Soil Bureau; 2002. (Research report, 7). p. 35-46.; Echevarria and Morel, 2015Echevarria G, Morel JL. Technosols of mining areas. In: Nascimento CWA, Souza Júnior VS, Freire MBGS, Souza ER, editors. Tópicos em ciência do solo. Viçosa, MG: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo; 2015. v. 9. p. 92-111.).

Technosols are found worldwide where human activities have led to artificial soil formation, sealing of original soils, or extraction of materials (Isric, 2023International Soil Reference and Information Centre - Isric. Technosols. Wageningen: Isric; 2023. Available from:
). They are generically defined as soils with indications of pedogenetic development, whose properties and functions were defined by human action (Séré et al., 2010Séré G, Schwartz C, Ouvrard S, Renat JC, Watteau F, Villemin G, Morel JL. Early pedogenic evolution of constructed Technosols. J Soils Sediments. 2010;10:1246-54.
; Oliveira Filho and Pereira, 2023Oliveira Filho JS, Pereira MG. Is environmental contamination a concern in global Technosols? A bibliometric analysis. Water Air Soil Pollut. 2023;234:142.
). These soils may occur in urban, industrial, traffic, mining, and military areas (Leguédois et al., 2016Leguédois S, Séré G, Auclerc A, Cortet J, Huot H, Ouvrard S, Watteau F, Schwartz C, Morel JL, Louis Morel J. Modelling pedogenesis of Technosols. Geoderma. 2016;262:199-212.
). Thus, mining generates large surfaces of degraded Technosols with an annual production of soil material of about 21 Gt yr-1 (Hayes et al., 2014Hayes SM, Root RA, Perdrial N, Maier RM, Chorover J. Surficial weathering of iron sulfide mine tailings under semi-arid climate. Geochim Cosmochim Ac. 2014;141:240-57.
; Leguédois et al., 2015Leguédois S, Auclerc A, Morel JL, Schwartz C, Séré G, Echevarria G, Lorraine U. Technosols of mining and quarrying areas: Toward multifunctionality. Nancy, France: Université de Lorraine; 2015.).

Although the information available on Technosoils is scarce and recent, interest in monitoring and evaluation has grown. Studies have shown that the properties of this Technosol formed by tailings deposition are completely different from original soils in their physical, chemical, and biological properties (Schaefer et al., 2015Schaefer CEGR, Santos EE, Souza CM, Neto JD, Fernandes Filho EI, Delpupo C. Cenário histórico, quadro físiográfico e estratégias para recuperação ambiental de Tecnossolos nas áreas afetadas pelo rompimento da barragem do Fundão, Mariana, MG. Arq Mus Hist Nat Jard Bot. 2015;24:104-35.; Guerra et al., 2017Guerra MBB, Teaney BT, Mount BJ, Asunskis DJ, Jordan BT, Barker RJ, Santos EE, Schaefer CEGR. Post-catastrophe analysis of the Fundão Tailings dam failure in the Doce River system, Southeast Brazil: Potentially toxic elements in affected soils. Water Air Soil Pollut. 2017;228:252.
; Batista et al., 2020Batista ER, Carneiro JJ, Pinto FA, Santos JV, Carneiro MAC. Environmental drivers of shifts on microbial traits in sites disturbed by a large-scale tailing dam collapse. Sci Total Environ. 2020;738:139453.
; Couto et al., 2021Couto FR, Ferreira AM, Pontes PP, Marques AR. Physical, chemical and microbiological characterization of the soils contaminated by iron ore tailing mud after Fundão Dam disaster in Brazil. Appl Soil Ecol. 2021;158:103811.
), limiting the adoption of soil use and management practices.

In relation to soil physical properties, the behavior of these waste materials is quite different from those of conventional soils (Radhika et al., 2020Radhika BP, Krishnamoorthy A, Rao AU. A review on consolidation theories and its application. Int J Geotech Eng. 2020;14:9-15.
). Some studies have indicated the predominance of sand and silt fractions in the tailings (Silva et al., 2006Silva GP, Fontes MPF, Costa LM, Barros NF. Caracterização química, física e mineralógica de estéreis e rejeito da mineração de ferro da Mina de Alegria, Mariana-MG. Pesq Agropec Trop. 2006;36:45-52., 2015Silva RB, Dias Junior MS, Iori P, Silva FAM, Folle SM, Franz CAB, Souza ZM. Prediction of soil shear strength in agricultural and natural environments of the Brazilian Cerrado. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2015;50:82-91.
). This can cause a physical barrier that limits water movement and the capacity for plant development. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to evaluate soil physical quality, which will contribute to understanding the processes involved (Stefanoski et al., 2013Stefanoski DC, Santos GG, Marchão RL, Petter FA, Pacheco LP. Uso e manejo do solo e seus impactos sobre a qualidade física. Rev Bras Eng Agric Ambient. 2013;17:1301-9.
; Rabot et al., 2018Rabot E, Wiesmeier M, Schlüter S, Vogel HJ. Soil structure as an indicator of soil functions: A review. Geoderma. 2018;314:122-37.

Physical parameters used to evaluate soil physical quality include load-bearing capacity, analyzed by models (Karlen, 2004Karlen DL. Soil quality as an indicator of sustainable tillage practices. Soil Till Res. 2004;78:129-30.
; Kondo and Dias Junior, 2014Kondo MK, Dias Junior MS. Efeito do manejo e da umidade no comportamento compressivo de três Latossolos. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2014;23:497-506.
). Load-bearing capacity is defined as the capacity of the soil structure to resist induced stresses without irreversible changes in the three-dimensional arrangement of the constituent soil particles (Alakukku et al., 2003Alakukku L, Weisskopf P, Chamen WC, Tijink FG, van der Linden J, Pires S, Sommer C, Spoor G. Prevention strategies for field traffic-induced subsoil compaction: A review. Soil Till Res. 2003;73:145-60.
; Tassinari et al., 2021Tassinari D, Dias Junior MS, Silva BM, Oliveira GC, Carvalho TS, Severiano EC, Rocha WW. Determination method and strain-attribute interact in the calculation of precompression stress from soil compression curves. Biosyst Eng. 2021;210:33-47.

This study aimed to create and compare load-bearing capacity models for Technosols formed by iron mine tailings deposition from the Fundão Dam, seeking to identify the most restrictive conditions for plant development in accordance with soil use, the impact level of the tailings, and the soil layer. We hypothesize that the Technosols formed from the tailings will have greater physical restrictions than original soils.


Study area is located in southeast Brazil, in the state of Minas Gerais (Figure 1a), in the municipality of Mariana (Figure 1b). The soils of this area were affected by the rupture of the Fundão dam located along the banks of the Gualaxo do Norte River nearly four years after the deposition of the tailings. Three types of areas reflecting diverse vegetation (Figures 1c and 1d), considering their distance from the dam and, consequently, the displacement of the tailings, were chosen for study: an area of planted eucalyptus with human-assisted revegetation (Euc) located 25 km from the dam by the river channel; an area of forest with human-assisted revegetation through sowing of herbaceous plants (RF) located 38 km from the dam; and an area of forest with native vegetation (NF) whose tailings moved 43 km downstream (Figure 1d).

Figure 1
Location of the areas of interest (a) state of Minas Gerais (MG), municipality of Mariana (b), area under study (c), sampling areas and their location in relation to the Fundão Dam (d).

In each type of vegetation, three sampling areas with different levels of impact were demarcated: areas not impacted or without tailings located at the top of the landscape (Ni); and two areas with Technosols: areas partially impacted (Pi) by the rupture of the Fundão Dam, with deposition of tailings up to 0.40 m in depth, located on the slope; and areas with deposition of tailings up to 1.00 m depth, or directly impacted areas (Di), located at the bottom. The location of these areas in the landscape is shown in figure 2.

Figure 2
Elevation maps indicating the location of the three vegetation types (1. Euc: eucalyptus; 2. NF: native forest; 3. RF: revegetated forest), the sampling areas with different impact levels (Di: directly impacted; Pi: partially impacted; and Ni: not impacted), distance between them, and their altitude.

In each sampling area, five points were selected at random for collection of undisturbed samples in two layers: 0.00-0.03 and 0.10-0.13 m. The 0.00-0.03 m layer was chosen as the layer most subject to changes by biological activities, and the 0.10-0.13 m layer was chosen to represent the greater mechanical resistance in field analyses, which may limit root system development.

Undisturbed samples were taken using an Uhland sampler with 6.4 cm diameter and 2.5 cm height rings. Samples were wrapped in plastic film and treated with paraffin wax to preserve their structure. These undisturbed samples were initially prepared by removing excess soil from the cylinders, saturated by capillarity, and placed in a Richards extractor, where they drained under the potentials (ψ) -10, -33, -100, -500, and -1500 kPa, and their weight was determined after equilibrium at each potential (Klute, 1986Klute A. Water retention: Laboratory methods. In: Klute A, editor. Methods of soil analysis: Part 1 Physical and mineralogical methods. Madison: American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America; 1986. p. 635-62.). After that, these samples were subjected to the uniaxial compression test (Dias Junior and Martins, 2017Dias Junior MS, Martins PCC. Ensaio de compressão uniaxial e modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga do solo. In: Teixeira PC, Donagemma GK, Fontana A, Teixeira WG, editors. Manual de métodos de análise de solo. 3. ed. rev e ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2017. p. 152-71.), applying pressure through compressed air. Pressures applied to the samples were 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1600 kPa. Each pressure was applied until 90 % of maximum deformation was achieved. Soil compression curves were created with these data, where the pre-consolidation pressures (σp) were determined. Potentials were represented on the abscissa (x) axis, and the pre-consolidation pressures (σp) were represented on the ordinate (y) axis to obtain the load-bearing capacity models (Dias Junior et al., 2005Dias Junior MS, Leite FP, Lasmar Júnior E, Araújo Junior CF. Traffic effects on the soil preconsolidation pressure due to eucalyptus harvest operations. Sci Agric. 2005;62:248-55.
) using the Sigma Plot 14 software. These points were fitted to a regression of the σp = aѰmb type, in which σp is the pre-consolidation pressure, Ѱm is the matrix potential, and the a and b are parameters that represent empirical parameters obtained from fitting the model (Severiano et al., 2013Severiano EC, Oliveira GC, Junior MSD, Curi N, Costa KAP, Carducci CE. Preconsolidation pressure, soil water retention characteristics, and texture of Latosols in the Brazilian Cerrado. Soil Res. 2013;51:193-202.
). Regressions were fitted through the R software, version 4.0.3 (R Core Team, 2020R Core Team. The R Stats Package verssão 4.0.3. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing; 2020. Available from:
), which was applied to the models of pre-consolidation pressure of the soil samples. Estimated soil equations were statistically compared using the Snedecor and Cochran (1989)Snedecor GW, Cochran WG. Statistical methods. 8th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press; 1989. test for linear models, which includes a data homogeneity test (F test), the angular coefficient (b), and the significance of the linear coefficient (a) of the equation.

After to performe the tests, samples samples were dried in a laboratory oven at 105 °C for 24 h to determine soil bulk density (BD) (Almeida et al., 2017Almeida BG, Viana JHM, Teixeira WG, Donagemma GK. Densidade do solo. In: Teixeira PC, Donagemma GK, Fontana A, Teixeira WG, editors. Manual de métodos de análise de solo. 3. ed. rev e ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2017. p. 65-75.). Total porosity (TP) was determined by the expression: TP = (1-BD/PD), in which: BD is soil bulk density and PD is particle density (Viana et al., 2017Viana JHM, Teixeira WG, Donagemma GK. Densidade de partículas. In: Teixeira PC, Donagemma GK, Fontana A, Teixeira WG, editors. Manual de métodos de análise de solo. 3. ed. rev e ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2017. p. 76-81.).

Material excess removed from the rings was used as disturbed samples. They were air-dried, passed through a 2.0 mm sieve, and used in the following analyses: organic matter (OM) (Cantarella et al., 2001Cantarella H, Quaggio JA, van Raij B. Deteminação da matéria orgánica. In: van Raij B, Andrade JC, Cantarella H, Quaggio JA, editors. Análise química para avaliação da fertilidade em solos tropicais. Campinas, SP: Instituto Agronómico de Campinas; 2001. p. 173-80.); granulometry by the pipette method, with fractionation of sand to determine the very fine (VF), fine, media, coarse, and very coarse sand fractions (Donagemma et al., 2017Donagemma GK, Viana JHM, Almeida BG, Ruiz HA, Klein VA, Dechen SCF, Fernandes RBA. Análise granulométrica. In: Teixeira PC, Donagemma GK, Fontana A, Teixeira WG, editors. Manual de métodos de análise de solo. 3. ed. rev e ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2017. p. 95-116.); and particle density by the volumetric flask method (Viana et al., 2017Viana JHM, Teixeira WG, Donagemma GK. Densidade de partículas. In: Teixeira PC, Donagemma GK, Fontana A, Teixeira WG, editors. Manual de métodos de análise de solo. 3. ed. rev e ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2017. p. 76-81.).

A completely randomized experimental design was set up to statistically analyze the results to BD, PD, TP, clay, silt, sand, and sand fractions. Before proceeding with the analysis, a transformation that maximizes the likelihood of the normal model was selected for each variable (Box and Cox, 1982Box GE, Cox DR. An analysis of transformations revisited, rebutted. J Am Stat Assoc. 1982;77:209-10.
). On the other hand, when factors and/or interactions were detected with significant effects in ANOVA, comparisons of means were conducted using the Scott-Knott test (p<0.01).


Characterization and physical properties of the soils

Soils under study belong, in general, to the medium texture group, but the original soils are classified in the sandy clay loam texture, while the Technosols range from loam to sandy loam texture.

Particle size distribution in the studied soils is shown in figure 3. Soils are clustered according to the results of the Scott-Knott test (p<0.01) and classified in an ascending manner. Soils with the highest values for each trait or property are always in the first groups. Thus, the clay contents were highly variable, generating seven groups (Figure 3a). For this trait, the lowest values correspond to Di and Pi (clustered in “d”, “e”, “f” and “g”) with clay from 45 to 105 g kg-1. These soils also obtained the highest values for silt (419-480 g kg-1) grouped in “a”, in contrast with the Ni soils (“b” and “c” groups), which had silt from 165 to 280 g kg-1 (Figure 3b).

Figure 3
Clay (a), silt (b), total sand (c), and very fine sand (VFS) (d) contents clustered by the Scott-Knott test at 1 %, in areas affected by the rupture of the Fundão Dam, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Vegetation type: NF (native forest), RF (revegetated forest), Euc (eucalyptus). Impact level: Ni (not impacted), Pi (partially impacted), Di (directly impacted). Evaluated layers: 1 (surface layer: 0.00-0.03 m), 2 (subsurface layer: 0.10-0.13 m).

In contrast, the soils were separated into only two groups regarding the total sand content, with impacted and non-impacted soils in both groups (Figure 3c). In addition, the results for very fine sand (VFS) are similar to silt (Figure 3d). For the Ni soils, the values ranged from 33 to 65 g kg-1 (group “c”), whereas for the Technosols, the values were from 189 to 279 g kg-1 (groups “a” and “b”), exhibiting significantly higher values.

The PD (Figure 4) were highly variable in the soils studied, generating seven groups. In the first five are the areas under the Technosols (Di and Pi), which have PD from 2.78 to 2.94 Mg m-3, compared to the Ni soils, which had PD from 2.40 to 2.60 Mg m-3. The highest PD corresponded to the soils under RF, with PD of 2.94 Mg m-3 in the two layers evaluated. On the other hand, soil bulk density (BD) in the 18 conditions analyzed exhibited four homogeneous groups (Figure 5a), with the highest BD corresponding to the Technosols, with values from 1.59 to 1.88 Mg m-3 (clustered in “a” and “b”). Regarding total porosity (TP), the soils were clustered in three homogeneous groups; in this case, the Technosols were clustered in “b” and “c”, with TP from 0.33 to 0.43 m3 m-3, significantly lower than in original soils (Figure 5b).

Figure 4
Particle density (PD), clustered by the Scott-Knott test at 1 %, in areas affected by the rupture of the Fundão Dam, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Type of vegetation: NF (native forest), RF (revegetated forest), Euc (eucalyptus). Level of impact: Ni (not impacted), Pi (partially impacted), Di (directly impacted). Evaluated layers: 1 (surface layer – 0.00-0.03 m), 2 (subsurface layer – 0.10-0.13 m).
Figure 5
Soil bulk density (BD) (a) and total porosity (TP) (b), clustered by the Scott-Knott test at 1 %, in areas affected by the rupture of the Fundão Dam, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Vegetation type: NF (native forest), RF (revegetated forest), Euc (eucalyptus). Level of impact: Ni (not impacted), Pi (partially impacted), Di (directly impacted). Evaluated layers: 1 (surface layer – 0.00-0.03 m), 2 (subsurface layer – 0.10-0.13 m).

In the case of OM, the results obtained show highly variable in the soils under study, giving rise to eight groups (Figure 6). In general, the OM was greater in the soils without tailings and clustered in “a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, and “e” (12.3 to 26.3 g kg-1). In Di and Pi, OM was 2.7 to 8.9 g kg-1. Thus, in Ni in the three vegetations evaluated, the OM values were higher in the surface layer than in the subsurface layer in the following sequence: NF > Euc > RF, with values from 17.8 to 26 g kg-1 in the surface layer and from 12.3 to 19.5 g kg-1 in the subsurface layer. Technosols showed the same trend, except for RFPi, which had higher OM contents in the subsurface layer. In Pi and Di, the OM values were variable both in the uses and in the layers evaluated, with values from 2.7 to 8.9 g kg-1.

Figure 6
Soil organic matter (OM), clustered by the Scott-Knott test at 1 %, in areas affected by the rupture of the Fundão Dam, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Vegetation type: NF (native forest), RF (revegetated forest), Euc (eucalyptus). Impact level: Ni (not impacted), Pi (partially impacted), Di (directly impacted). Evaluated layers: 1 (surface layer – 0.00-0.03 m), 2 (subsurface layer – 0.10-0.13 m).

Results of the correlation between clay content and BD, PD, TP, and OM are shown in figure 7. For all traits evaluated, the clay content played a fundamental role in their clustering or segregation. Thus, Ni have the greatest clay contents, with less restrictive or limiting values for the parameters evaluated, whereas in the soils with lower clay contents (Technosols), the properties evaluated were impacted, generating more restrictive or limiting values for them.

Figure 7
Relationship between clay content and particle density (PD) (a), soil bulk density (BD) (b), total porosity (TP) (c), and organic matter (OM) (d) in areas affected by the rupture of the Fundão Dam, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Impact level: Ni (not impacted), Pi (partially impacted), Di (directly impacted).

Load-bearing capacity of the soils

In comparison of the LBCM from soil surface layers (0.00-0.03 m), no differences were observed between the Di and Pi soils under different vegetation types evaluated (Table 1), and they were clustered in a single model. In Ni, soils also did not differ between different vegetation types; therefore, they were clustered in a single model. Consequently, two models were obtained for the surface layer of the nine conditions studied (Figure 8a).

Figure 8
Load-bearing capacity models of the surface layer (0.00-0.03 m) (a) and subsurface layer (0.10-0.13 m) (b) in areas affected by the rupture of the Fundão Dam, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Vegetation type: NF (native forest), RF (revegetated forest), Euc (eucalyptus). Impact level : Ni (not impacted), Pi (partially impacted), and Di (directly impacted).
Table 1
Comparison of the load-bearing capacity models [σp = 10(a + bƟ)] for the 0.00-0.03 m layer in areas affected by the rupture of the Fundão Dam, Minas Gerais, Brazil, according to the procedure described in Snedecor and Cochran (1989)Snedecor GW, Cochran WG. Statistical methods. 8th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press; 1989.

In the 0.10-0.13 m layer, as in the surface layer, there were no significant differences between angular coefficients and linear coefficients of the Di and Pi soils under different vegetation types, and these LBCM were clustered in a single model, as shown in table 2. The same occurred with the LBCM of the Ni soils, which did not differ significantly and were clustered in a single model. Thus, two LBCM were obtained for the subsurface layer, as shown in figure 8b.

Table 2
Comparison of the load-bearing capacity models [σ = 10(a+bƟ] for the 0.10-0.13 m soil layer in areas affected by the rupture of the Fundão Dam, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and according to the procedure described in Snedecor and Cochran (1989)Snedecor GW, Cochran WG. Statistical methods. 8th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press; 1989.

In the LBCM of the surface layer obtained after clustering (Figure 8a), the value of the estimated “a” parameter was 82.0 in the A1 model that clusters the original soils, and 137.9 in the A2 model that clusters the Technosols. In the same way, the value of “b” parameter was from 0.91 to 0.12, respectively (Figure 8a).

The “A1” and “A2” models have an R2 of 0.91 and 0.62, indicating their good fit, considering that the fitting parameters had highly significant results, with values lower than 0.01. The A2 model has pre-consolidation pressures (PCP) of around 325 kPa under a matric potential of -1,500 kPa, whereas the A1 model has values of 220 kPa at the same potential. In contrast, the coefficients of determination (R2) of the B1 and B2 models were 0.87 and 0.83, respectively, and significant at 1 %, showing the good fit of the models (Figure 8b). For these models, the a and b parameters had values of 67.0 and 80.1 (a parameter), and 0.23 and 0.21 (b parameter). For the B1 model, the pre-consolidation pressure was below 350 kPa at the matric potential of -1,500 kPa, and for the B2 model, it was above 350 kPa at the same potential.

Table 3 presents the comparison of the LBCM for the 0.00-0.03 and 0.10-0.13 m layers. Four final models were obtained, since there were significant differences upon making a comparison with the linear model test of Snedecor and Cochran (1989)Snedecor GW, Cochran WG. Statistical methods. 8th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press; 1989., regardless of the layer or the level of impact compared. Since these models were not clustered, they conserved the values of the “a” and “b” coefficients, as the R2 already indicated (Figure 9).

Table 3
Comparison of the load-bearing capacity models [p = a*Ѱm b] for the 0.00-0.03 and 0.10-0.13 m layers in areas affected by the rupture of the Fundão Dam, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and according to the procedure described in Snedecor and Cochran (1989)Snedecor GW, Cochran WG. Statistical methods. 8th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press; 1989.


Soil characteristics and physical properties

Textural variability of the studied soils was determined by the deposition of material coming from the dam with high silt and very fine sand content, and low clay content. For the total sand values, only two groups were differentiated. Thus, our research shows that as a consequence of the low coarse sand contents in the tailings that gave rise to the Technosols, the values of this particle size do not represent a criterion of differentiation among them and the Ni soils, whereas the finer sands represent a criterion of differentiation.

In this respect, Silva et al. (2015)Silva RB, Dias Junior MS, Iori P, Silva FAM, Folle SM, Franz CAB, Souza ZM. Prediction of soil shear strength in agricultural and natural environments of the Brazilian Cerrado. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2015;50:82-91.
described the particle size composition of this sediment as consisting of around 90 % sand and silt and only 10 % clay, compacted, and with low porosity and absence of structure. This information corroborates that of Silva et al. (2006)Silva GP, Fontes MPF, Costa LM, Barros NF. Caracterização química, física e mineralógica de estéreis e rejeito da mineração de ferro da Mina de Alegria, Mariana-MG. Pesq Agropec Trop. 2006;36:45-52.; in similar tailings, they observed contents of around 54 g kg-1 coarse sand, 729 g kg-1 fine sand, 122 g kg-1 silt, and less than 100 g kg-1 clay. This information regarding the characteristics of the tailings explains the granulometry of the Technosols evaluated in this study, coinciding with the results of Silva et al. (2021a)Silva AO, Guimarães AA, Lopes BDO, Zanchi CS, Vega CFP, Batista ER, Moreira FMS, Souza FRC, Pinto FA, Santos JV, Carneiro JJ, Siqueira JO, Kemmelmeier K, Guilherme LRG, Ruffini M, Dias Junior MS, Aragão OOS, Borges PHC, Olivera-Longatti SM, Carneiro MAC. Chemical, physical, and biological attributes in soils affected by deposition of iron ore tailings from the Fundão Dam failure. Env Monit Assess. 2021a;193:462.
; their research showed that the silt contents in the soils impacted by the dam had a general effect on the physical properties of these soils. Similarly, in their research on Technosols formed by mining, Kozłowski et al. (2023)Kozłowski M, Otremba K, Paj M. Changes in physical and water retention properties of Technosols by agricultural reclamation with wheat – Rapeseed rotation in a post-mining area of Central Poland. Sustainability. 2023;15:7131.
, characterized the texture of these soils as sandy loam because the sand fractions were greater than 50 % and the clays were less than 20 %. Clay content in Technosols can also be explained by the nature of the parental material already described because, as mentioned, the newly-formed soils have characteristics received from the sediment of origin, whereas the higher contents of this size of particles in the original soils is a product of the differentiated pedogenesis that occurred in them.

Changes in granulometry can also explain the PD, which changes the physical composition and probably the mineralogical composition of the soils because of the origin of the tailings deposited. High PD in the profile of Technosolos formed from mining tailings was found in recent research (Kaczmarek et al., 2021Kaczmarek Z, Mocek-Płóciniak A, Gajewski P, Mendyk Ł, Bocianowski J. Physical and soil water properties of Technosols developed from lignite fly ash. Arch Environ Prot. 2021;47:95-102.
; Shishkov et al., 2022Shishkov T, Dimitrov E, Atanasova I. Physical and chemical properties in reclaimed soils in a stand of Robinia pseudoacacia from Mini Maritsa Iztok basin in Southern Bulgaria. Bulg J Agric Sci. 2022;28:989-99.) and was attributed to the characteristics of the origin material. In this sense, Santos et al. (2019)Santos OSH, Avellar FC, Alves M, Trindade RC, Menezes MB, Ferreira MC, França GS, Cordeiro J, Sobreira FG, Yoshida IM, Moura PM, Baptista MB, Scotti MR. Understanding the environmental impact of a mine dam rupture in Brazil: Prospects for remediation. J Environ Qual. 2019;48:439-49.
and Couto et al. (2021)Couto FR, Ferreira AM, Pontes PP, Marques AR. Physical, chemical and microbiological characterization of the soils contaminated by iron ore tailing mud after Fundão Dam disaster in Brazil. Appl Soil Ecol. 2021;158:103811.
found a predominance of iron oxides in locations impacted by the Fundão Dam. These minerals are typical of tailings dams in the iron mining processes and can explain the PD results. For example, Hematite has a PD of 5.3 Mg m-3 (Chen et al., 2019Chen ZY, Qu YX, Zeilstra C, van der Stel J, Sietsma J, Yang YX. Prediction of density and volume variation of hematite ore particles during in-flight melting and reduction. J Iron Steel Res Int. 2019;26:1285-94.
), explaining the higher particle density in the Technosols compared to the original soils with significantly greater clay content (Figure 7a).

Our results for BD coincide with those of Schaefer et al. (2015)Schaefer CEGR, Santos EE, Souza CM, Neto JD, Fernandes Filho EI, Delpupo C. Cenário histórico, quadro físiográfico e estratégias para recuperação ambiental de Tecnossolos nas áreas afetadas pelo rompimento da barragem do Fundão, Mariana, MG. Arq Mus Hist Nat Jard Bot. 2015;24:104-35., Silva et al. (2016Silva AC, Cavalcante LCD, Fabris JD, Franco Júnior R, Barral UM, Farnezi MMM, Viana AJS, Ardisson JD, Eugenio L, Fernandez-Outon, Lara LRS, Stumpf HO, Barbosa JBS, Silva LC. Chemical, mineralogical and physical characteristics of a material accumulated on the river margin from mud flowing from the collapse of the iron ore tailings dam in Bento Rodrigues, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Rev Espinhaço. 2016;5:44-53.
, 2021a)Silva AO, Guimarães AA, Lopes BDO, Zanchi CS, Vega CFP, Batista ER, Moreira FMS, Souza FRC, Pinto FA, Santos JV, Carneiro JJ, Siqueira JO, Kemmelmeier K, Guilherme LRG, Ruffini M, Dias Junior MS, Aragão OOS, Borges PHC, Olivera-Longatti SM, Carneiro MAC. Chemical, physical, and biological attributes in soils affected by deposition of iron ore tailings from the Fundão Dam failure. Env Monit Assess. 2021a;193:462.
and Couto et al. (2021)Couto FR, Ferreira AM, Pontes PP, Marques AR. Physical, chemical and microbiological characterization of the soils contaminated by iron ore tailing mud after Fundão Dam disaster in Brazil. Appl Soil Ecol. 2021;158:103811.
, who evaluated depositions of tailings coming from mining, always obtaining higher BD compared to the BD in the soils without tailings. Similarly, Radhika et al. (2020)Radhika BP, Krishnamoorthy A, Rao AU. A review on consolidation theories and its application. Int J Geotech Eng. 2020;14:9-15.
found that Technosoils produced by mining, like those in this research, presented BD above 1.7 Mg dm-3, with little variability in the profile. These increases may also be related to the lower clay and high silt and sand contents, as already discussed (Figure 7b), the soils with highest clay contents (non-impacted soils) have the lowest BD, while the Technosols, both those formed by partial impact and those formed by direct impact of the tailings, have the highest bulk densities.

However, it is noteworthy that the BD (and consequently lower TP) in these soils may have increased beyond the densification of the tailings over the period of pedogenesis that occurred in the four years after their deposition, in accordance with the principles proposed by Ferreira (2010)Ferreira MM. Caracterização física de solos. In: van Lier QJ, editor. Física de solo. Viçosa, MG: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo; 2010. p. 1-27.. In other words, their compaction may have increased by the pedogenetic process of densification brought about in this case by the quantity of silt (content >400 g kg-1) and very fine sand (content >200 g kg-1) particles. Deposition of the non-consolidated material generated remodeling of the topography at the base of the lowlands, in the floodplains, and in the colluvial areas, coinciding with the areas sampled in this study.

In the same way, the OM content in the soils is correlated with the clay values (Figure 7d), which explains why in the Ni soils the organic matter contents were significantly greater than in the Technosols, in agreement with the results of Batista et al. (2020)Batista ER, Carneiro JJ, Pinto FA, Santos JV, Carneiro MAC. Environmental drivers of shifts on microbial traits in sites disturbed by a large-scale tailing dam collapse. Sci Total Environ. 2020;738:139453.
, Silva et al. (2021a)Silva AO, Guimarães AA, Lopes BDO, Zanchi CS, Vega CFP, Batista ER, Moreira FMS, Souza FRC, Pinto FA, Santos JV, Carneiro JJ, Siqueira JO, Kemmelmeier K, Guilherme LRG, Ruffini M, Dias Junior MS, Aragão OOS, Borges PHC, Olivera-Longatti SM, Carneiro MAC. Chemical, physical, and biological attributes in soils affected by deposition of iron ore tailings from the Fundão Dam failure. Env Monit Assess. 2021a;193:462.
and Couto et al. (2021)Couto FR, Ferreira AM, Pontes PP, Marques AR. Physical, chemical and microbiological characterization of the soils contaminated by iron ore tailing mud after Fundão Dam disaster in Brazil. Appl Soil Ecol. 2021;158:103811.
. This result is due to organic matter variability matter carried by the dam rupture, which produced its accumulation at random in the Technosols. The reduction of OM in the Technosols is also closely related to the reduction in microbial activity in these soils (Silva et al., 2021aSilva AO, Guimarães AA, Lopes BDO, Zanchi CS, Vega CFP, Batista ER, Moreira FMS, Souza FRC, Pinto FA, Santos JV, Carneiro JJ, Siqueira JO, Kemmelmeier K, Guilherme LRG, Ruffini M, Dias Junior MS, Aragão OOS, Borges PHC, Olivera-Longatti SM, Carneiro MAC. Chemical, physical, and biological attributes in soils affected by deposition of iron ore tailings from the Fundão Dam failure. Env Monit Assess. 2021a;193:462.
). In this respect, Batista et al. (2020)Batista ER, Carneiro JJ, Pinto FA, Santos JV, Carneiro MAC. Environmental drivers of shifts on microbial traits in sites disturbed by a large-scale tailing dam collapse. Sci Total Environ. 2020;738:139453.
showed that the physical-chemical properties and the presence of low bioavailable heavy metals contents in the dam tailings led to changes in the microbial communities through reductions in C storage and in biogeochemical cycling of nutrients in comparison with those in undisturbed reference soils in the surroundings. This, therefore, has negative implications for ecosystem operations.

Total clay content has been indicated as the main characteristic that determines soil properties, due to its effect on soil structure, density, porosity, organic matter, and other properties (Dexter, 2004Dexter ARR. Soil physical quality: Part I. Theory, effects of soil texture, density, and organic matter, and effects on root growth. Geoderma. 2004;120:201-14.
; Mazurana et al., 2017Mazurana M, Levien R, Vasconcellos A, Junior I, Conte O, Bressani LA, Müller J. Soil susceptibility to compaction under use conditions in southern Brazil. Cienc Agrotec. 2017;41:60-71.
; Martín et al., 2018Martín MA, Pachepsky YA, García-Gutiérrez C, Reyes M. On soil textural classifications and soil-texture-based estimations. Solid Earth. 2018;9:159-65.
). In this study, this response can be seen in figure 7 by the high correlation between clay and the other properties evaluated. There is thus a high negative correlation with PD (r = -0.88) and BD (r = -0.92), and high positive correlation with TP (r = 0.87) and OM (r = 0.91). In the same way, this figure shows the similarity of the Technosols regarding the properties evaluated, regardless of their position in the landscape, as a consequence of their formation from the tailings that were deposited at random over the original soils, which exhibited greater variability resulting from the differentiated pedogenesis in the natural environment.

On the other hand, it has already been demonstrated that high silt contents in these soils, can result in surface crusting and consequent erosion problems (Rabot et al., 2018Rabot E, Wiesmeier M, Schlüter S, Vogel HJ. Soil structure as an indicator of soil functions: A review. Geoderma. 2018;314:122-37.
; Cruz et al., 2020Cruz FVS, Gomes MP, Bicalho EM, Della Torre F, Garcia QS. Does Samarco’s spilled mud impair the growth of native trees of the Atlantic Rainforest? Ecotox Environ Safe. 2020;189:110021.
; Silva et al., 2021aSilva AO, Guimarães AA, Lopes BDO, Zanchi CS, Vega CFP, Batista ER, Moreira FMS, Souza FRC, Pinto FA, Santos JV, Carneiro JJ, Siqueira JO, Kemmelmeier K, Guilherme LRG, Ruffini M, Dias Junior MS, Aragão OOS, Borges PHC, Olivera-Longatti SM, Carneiro MAC. Chemical, physical, and biological attributes in soils affected by deposition of iron ore tailings from the Fundão Dam failure. Env Monit Assess. 2021a;193:462.
). In addition, together with the very fine sand, silt is associated with the predominance of smaller size pores, with consequent problems of permeability, imposing restrictions on water movement (Silva et al., 2018Silva AO, Costa AM, Teixeira AFS, Guimarães AA, Santos JV, Moreira FMS. Soil microbiological attributes indicate recovery of an iron mining area and of the biological quality of adjacent phytophysiognomies. Ecol Indic. 2018;93:142-51.
, 2021bSilva RF, Severiano EC, Oliveira GC, Barbosa SM, Souza Peixoto D, Tassinari D, Montoani Silva B, Silva SHG, Dias Júnior MS, Figueiredo AFR. Changes in soil profile hydraulic properties and porosity as affected by deep tillage soil preparation and Brachiaria grass intercropping in a recent coffee plantation on a naturally dense Inceptisol. Soil Till Res. 2021b;213:105127.
). This occurs because the predominance of these particles generates a structure of greater density in which the grains of fine sand and silt occupy the spaces (plug) of the pores formed by the coarser sand, leading to the predominance of small pores in the soil, as reported by Ribeiro et al. (2007)Ribeiro KD, Menezes SM, Mesquita MDGBDF, Sampaio FDMT. Soil physical properties, influenced by pores distribution, of six soil classes in the region of Lavras-MG. Cienc Agrotec. 2007;31:167-75.
. Therefore, regarding their physical properties, the Technosols represent a challenge for management, whether for reforestation for biodiversity recovery or for agricultural use, considering that the tailings also reached areas under cultivation.

In contrast, the properties and characteristics of the original soils classified as sandy clay loam generally fit within what is expected for soils of this textural classification in comparison with diverse studies regarding this type of soil (Ottoni et al., 2014Ottoni MV, Lopes-Assad MLRC, Pachepsky Y, Filho OCR. A hydrophysical database to develop pedotransfer functions for Brazilian soils: Challenges and perspectives. In: Teixeira WG, Ceddia MB, Ottoni MV, Donnagema GK, editors. Application of soil physics in environmental analyses. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing; 2014. p. 467-94.
; Obour et al., 2019Obour PB, Danso EO, Yakubu A, Abenney‐Mickson S, Sabi EB, Darrah YK, Arthur E. Water retention, air exchange and pore structure characteristics after three years of rice straw biochar application to an Acrisol. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2019;83:1664-71.
; Arruda et al., 2021Arruda KF, Dalbem E, Souza JKA. Matéria orgânica do solo e sua relação com diferentes texturas do solo. Rev Cient Eletron Cienc Apl. 2021;1:1-12.). Nevertheless, this comparison does not allow differences to be seen regarding their degradation or loss of quality, which is expected in highly human-impacted soils.

Soil load-bearing capacity

For all evaluated soils, the σp increased as suction decreased (Figure 9). Similar results were observed by several authors (Martins et al., 2013Martins P, Dias Junior MS, Carvalho J, Silva AR, Fonseca SM. Levels of induced pressure and compaction as caused by forest harvesting operations. Cerne. 2013;19:83-91.
; Severiano et al., 2013Severiano EC, Oliveira GC, Junior MSD, Curi N, Costa KAP, Carducci CE. Preconsolidation pressure, soil water retention characteristics, and texture of Latosols in the Brazilian Cerrado. Soil Res. 2013;51:193-202.
; Andrade et al., 2017Andrade MLC, Tassinari D, Dias Junior MS, Martins RP, Rocha WW, Souza ZR. Soil compaction caused by harvest and logging operations in eucalyptus forests in coarse-textured soils from northeastern Brazil. Cienc Agrotec. 2017;41:191-200.
; Tassinari et al., 2019Tassinari D, Andrade MLC, Dias Junior MS, Martins RP, Rocha WW, Pais PSAM, Souza ZR. Soil compaction caused by harvesting, skidding and wood processing in eucalyptus forests on coarse-textured tropical soils. Soil Use Manag. 2019;35:400-11.
). Both in studies to evaluate load-bearing capacity (LBC) and in the compaction evaluation. Reduction in soil resistance in accordance with greater moisture content is because as soil moisture content increases, the activity of the cohesive forces of the soil and the internal friction decrease, thus leading to a reduction in soil mechanical resistance (Assis et al., 2009Assis RL, Lazarini GD, Lanças KP, Cargnelutti Filho A. Avaliação da resistência do solo à penetração em diferentes solos com a variação do teor de água. Eng Agric. 2009;29:558-68.
; Lima et al., 2013Lima RP, León MJ, Silva AR. Compactação do solo de diferentes classes texturais em áreas de produção de cana-de-açúcar. Rev Ceres. 2013;60:16-20.

Figure 9
Final soil load-bearing capacity models in areas affected by the rupture of the Fundão Dam, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Technosols had higher σp, and this condition is closely associated with soil granulometry, as reported by Severiano et al. (2013)Severiano EC, Oliveira GC, Junior MSD, Curi N, Costa KAP, Carducci CE. Preconsolidation pressure, soil water retention characteristics, and texture of Latosols in the Brazilian Cerrado. Soil Res. 2013;51:193-202.
, whose research showed that soil resistance decreases as clay content increases. In addition, Technosols have high silt contents, and, under these conditions, the internal contact friction becomes significant, increasing soil resistance (Carrera et al., 2011Carrera A, Coop M, Lancellotta R. Influence of grading on the mechanical behaviour of Stava tailings. Géotechnique. 2011;61:935-46.

These results coincide with those obtained by Islam (2023)Islam S. A study on the mechanical behaviour of three different fine-grained mine tailings. J King Saud Univ Eng Sci. 2023;35:335-41.
, who evaluated three different types of mining tailings, demonstrating that tailings with higher clay content presented lower consolidation values. In this sense, Radhika et al. (2020)Radhika BP, Krishnamoorthy A, Rao AU. A review on consolidation theories and its application. Int J Geotech Eng. 2020;14:9-15.
affirm that tailings deposits suffer significant deformations and alterations in the proportion of voids, which, together with the effect of the weight of the material itself, produces the consolidation of these residues.

Greater resistance of the subsurface layers shown in figure 8 is consistent with different studies that show that the soil subsurface layers tend to have greater resistance than the surface layers (Oliveira et al., 2003Oliveira GC, Dias Junior MS, Curi N, Resck DVS. Compressibilidade de um Latossolo Vermelho argiloso de acordo com a tensão de água no solo, uso e manejo. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2003; 27:773-81.
; Araujo-Junior et al., 2011Araujo-Junior CF, Dias Junior MS, Guimarães PTG, Alcântara EN. Load bearing capacity and critical water content of a Latossol induced by different managements. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2011;35:15-31.
; Iori et al., 2012Iori P, Dias Júnior MS, Silva RB. Resistência do solo à penetração e ao cisalhamento em diversos usos do solo em áreas de preservação permanente. Biosci J. 2012;28:185-95.), which is closely related to the greater biological activity and, consequently, to the significantly greater OM of the surface layers. Technosols, however, had lower OM, as well as high variability in the different uses and layers evaluated, as a consequence of microbial activity reduction. This generated the selection of microbial groups more adapted to the conditions of the tailings with low OM content and greater silt content, as found by Silva et al. (2021a)Silva AO, Guimarães AA, Lopes BDO, Zanchi CS, Vega CFP, Batista ER, Moreira FMS, Souza FRC, Pinto FA, Santos JV, Carneiro JJ, Siqueira JO, Kemmelmeier K, Guilherme LRG, Ruffini M, Dias Junior MS, Aragão OOS, Borges PHC, Olivera-Longatti SM, Carneiro MAC. Chemical, physical, and biological attributes in soils affected by deposition of iron ore tailings from the Fundão Dam failure. Env Monit Assess. 2021a;193:462.
, which makes these newly-formed soils have greater LBC, even greater in the surface layer, compared to the non-impacted soils under pressures lower than 500 kPa.

In addition to the emergency measures adopted after the collapse of the Fundão Dam, programs were later developed and monitored related to coverage and production of plant biomass, monitoring of soils (including evaluation of physical, chemical, and microbiological properties), and forest restoration activities. At the beginning of 2019, increases were already seen in the organic matter contents through the evolution of this planting (Fundação Renova, 2019Fundação Renova. Relatório anual de atividades. Belo Horizonte: Fundação Renova; 2019. Available from: https://www.
; Ramboll, 2019Ramboll. Relatório de monitoramento consolidado dos programas socioeconômicos e ambientais para restauração da bacia de Rio Doce. São Paulo: Ramboll; 2019.).

Among the activities developed for tailings management, using a mixture of herbaceous seeds (legumes and grasses) stands out to create a root network that can reduce instability and sliding of the accumulated tailings (Fundação Renova, 2019Fundação Renova. Relatório anual de atividades. Belo Horizonte: Fundação Renova; 2019. Available from: https://www.
). Therefore, it is quite probable that these actions, together with the pedogenesis that occurred, favored differentiation of the layers of the Technosols, generating significant differences in the LBCM.

Furthermore, the A2 and B2 models generally have greater pre-consolidation pressures compared to the A1 and B1 models (Figure 9). In these models, greater load-bearing capacity is observed nearly throughout the entire suction range evaluated. However, for 1000 kPa, the B1 model, corresponding to the subsurface layer of the original soils, has an important increase, exceeding that of the A2 model. Nevertheless, the high pre-consolidation pressure at low moisture levels shown by the A2 and B2 models indicate that these soils may offer greater resistance to root development of the plants, as reported by (Dias Junior et al., 2019Dias Junior MS, Tassinari D, Martins PCC. Compactação do solo: Atualização. In: Severiano EC, Moraes MF, Paula AM, editors. Tópicos em ciência do solo. Viçosa, MG: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo; 2019. v. 10. p. 7-69.).

Preconsolidation pressure depends on intrinsic and extrinsic soil factors – texture and mineralogy, soil structure and bulk density, management and use, organic matter content and characteristics, among others (Richart et al., 2005Richart A, Tavares Filho J, Brito OR, Llanillo RF, Ferreira R. Compactação do solo: causas e efeitos. Semin Cienc Agrar. 2005;26:321-44.
; Severiano et al., 2013Severiano EC, Oliveira GC, Junior MSD, Curi N, Costa KAP, Carducci CE. Preconsolidation pressure, soil water retention characteristics, and texture of Latosols in the Brazilian Cerrado. Soil Res. 2013;51:193-202.
; Dias Junior et al., 2019Dias Junior MS, Tassinari D, Martins PCC. Compactação do solo: Atualização. In: Severiano EC, Moraes MF, Paula AM, editors. Tópicos em ciência do solo. Viçosa, MG: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo; 2019. v. 10. p. 7-69.). Thus, it is possible to understand how tailing deposition from mining and the Technosols formed from the pedogenesis that occurred on this material have greater resistance, even comparable to the soils affected by agricultural activity (Severiano et al., 2013Severiano EC, Oliveira GC, Junior MSD, Curi N, Costa KAP, Carducci CE. Preconsolidation pressure, soil water retention characteristics, and texture of Latosols in the Brazilian Cerrado. Soil Res. 2013;51:193-202.
; Andrade et al., 2017Andrade MLC, Tassinari D, Dias Junior MS, Martins RP, Rocha WW, Souza ZR. Soil compaction caused by harvest and logging operations in eucalyptus forests in coarse-textured soils from northeastern Brazil. Cienc Agrotec. 2017;41:191-200.
; Martins et al., 2018Martins P, Dias Junior MS, Ebenezer EA, Norio AE, Tassinari D. Soil compaction during harvest operations in five tropical soils with different textures under eucalyptus forests. Cienc Agrotec. 2018;42:58-68.
; Tassinari et al., 2019Tassinari D, Andrade MLC, Dias Junior MS, Martins RP, Rocha WW, Pais PSAM, Souza ZR. Soil compaction caused by harvesting, skidding and wood processing in eucalyptus forests on coarse-textured tropical soils. Soil Use Manag. 2019;35:400-11.
), even though the Technosols are quite different from the weathered soils of Brazil regarding particle-size composition.

Considering the physical limitations described for the Technosols studied and based on the functionality of these soils, Leguédois et al. (2015)Leguédois S, Auclerc A, Morel JL, Schwartz C, Séré G, Echevarria G, Lorraine U. Technosols of mining and quarrying areas: Toward multifunctionality. Nancy, France: Université de Lorraine; 2015. highlight the importance of a holistic approach in focus on the multifunctionality of Technosols for providing local ecosystem services. Said proposals, commonly aim at recovering agricultural areas degraded by agriculture, based on the development of sustainable systems that can promote high resilience and conserve natural resources (Mosier et al., 2021Mosier S, Apfelbaum S, Byck P, Calderon F, Teague R, Thompson R, Cotrufo MF. Adaptive multi-paddock grazing enhances soil carbon and nitrogen stocks and stabilization through mineral association in southeastern U.S. grazing lands. J Environ Manage. 2021;288:112409.
; Shahmohamadloo et al., 2021Shahmohamadloo R, Febria C, Fraser E, Sibley P. The sustainable agriculture imperative: A perspective on the need for an agrosystem approach to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Integr Environ Asses Manag. 2021;18:1199-205
; Spratt et al., 2021Spratt E, Jordan J, Winsten J, Huff P, van Schaik C, Jewett JG, Filbert M, Luhman J, Meier E, Paine L. Accelerating regenerative grazing to tackle farm, environmental, and societal challenges in the upper Midwest. J Soil Water Conserv. 2021;76:15A-23A.
). However, it can be applied to manage the areas under study here and the agricultural areas that were impacted by the dam rupture. We understand that from the homogeneity of the tailings, which, in turn, generated quite homogeneous Technosols, it is possible to predict the current physical condition of all the impacted soils.

To this end, several authors propose the combination of strategies commonly used in environmental restoration and soil recovery plans, including the combination of various practices, such as cover plants, conservationist growing systems, use of organic compost, phytoremediation, reforestation and short-term rotational (LaCanne and Lundgren, 2018LaCanne CE, Lundgren JG. Regenerative agriculture: Merging farming and natural resource conservation profitably. PeerJ. 2018;2018:e4428.
; Schreefel et al., 2020Schreefel L, Schulte RPO, Boer JM, Schrijver AP, van Zanten HHE. Regenerative agriculture – the soil is the base. Glob Food Sec. 2020;26:100404.
; Fenster et al., 2021Fenster TLD, Oikawa PY, Lundgren JG. Regenerative almond production systems improve soil health, biodiversity, and profit. Front Sustain Food Syst. 2021;5:664359.
; Kaczmarek et al., 2021Kaczmarek Z, Mocek-Płóciniak A, Gajewski P, Mendyk Ł, Bocianowski J. Physical and soil water properties of Technosols developed from lignite fly ash. Arch Environ Prot. 2021;47:95-102.
; Kozłowski et al., 2023Kozłowski M, Otremba K, Paj M. Changes in physical and water retention properties of Technosols by agricultural reclamation with wheat – Rapeseed rotation in a post-mining area of Central Poland. Sustainability. 2023;15:7131.
; Oliveira Filho and Pereira, 2023Oliveira Filho JS, Pereira MG. Is environmental contamination a concern in global Technosols? A bibliometric analysis. Water Air Soil Pollut. 2023;234:142.
). Therefore, it is recommended to continue investigating the formed Technosols to determine which management practices are the most appropriate to improve their properties.


Higher silt and very fine sand contents in the Technosols generated an increase in soil bulk density and a decrease in total porosity. Technosols generally have the highest pre-consolidation pressure values and the lowest organic matter values, resulting in greater load-bearing capacity for these soils. The high resistance of the Technosols is their main physical limitation, and it is necessary to combine various management practices to improve their physical properties and full multifunctionality.

  • How to cite: Páez BCM, Dias Junior MS, Severiano EC, Carneiro MAC, Martins PCC. Limiting physical properties of Technosols formed by the Fundão dam failure, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2024;48:e0230021


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Edited by

Editors: José Miguel Reichert and Jackson Adriano Albuquerque

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    08 Apr 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    07 Mar 2023
  • Accepted
    30 Oct 2023
Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Departamento de Solos - Edifício Silvio Brandão, s/n, Caixa Postal 231 - Campus da UFV, CEP 36570-900 - Viçosa-MG, Tel.: (31) 3612-4542 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil