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Toposequence: What are we talking about?


The term toposequence, proposed to designate a lateral succession of soils on a slope due to the influence of topography, began to be used differently over time, distancing itself from its original concept. Here, we discuss how this concept has been used since its inception. We carried out bibliometric analyses of publications in the database available on the Web of Science since 1900. Three main approaches and related concepts, explicit or not, one at a regional scale and two others at a local scale were identified. From this analysis, we suggest: a) when the approach is regional, the term geomorphic surface or position in the landscape should be used to address the spatial distribution and genetic implications of soils at this scale; b) when dealing with series/sequences of soils on slopes for mapping purposes or discontinuous profiles that emphasize taxonomic classification, the term catena should be used; c) when the determining factor of the soil sequence is climatic, biotic, lithological, chronological, the corresponding term climo-, bio-, litho- or chronosequence should be used; d) when dealing with a lateral succession of horizons in the continuum on slopes, resulting from the influence of topography on soil formation, which may reflect the soil contribution to the model evolution, only in this case should the term toposequence be used, returning to its original concept.

soil sequence; geomorphic surface; catena; soil structural analysis; topography


The importance of topography in soil formation and differentiation was recognized even before the systematization of pedology as a modern science. Around 62 ethnopedological soil classification systems use topography as one of the key criteria (Barrera-Bassols and Zinck, 2003Barrera-Bassols N, Zinck JA. Ethnopedology: A worldwide view on the soil knowledge of local people. Geoderma. 2003;111:171-95.
), many of them practiced by indigenous groups in times before the 19th century, which highlights the importance of soil position in the landscape (Krasilnikov and Tabor, 2003Krasilnikov PV, Tabor JA. Perspectives on utilitarian ethnopedology. Geoderma. 2003;111:197-215.
). Dokuchaev (1893)Dokuchaev VV. The Russian steppes: Study of the soil in Russia, its past and present. St Peterburg: Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Crown Domains; 1893. created the first scientific notation on the relief role in pedogenesis when he postulated soil was much more than a simple weathered geological material, as admitted until then from an agrogeology perspective (Legros, 2011Legros J-P. A l’aube de la Science du sol. Acad Sci Lett Montpellier. 2011;42:1-19.). Dokuchaev’s studies on the Chernozem of the Russian steppes represent a historic milestone for Pedology (Espindola, 2010Espindola CR. A pedologia e a evolução das paisagens. Rev Inst Geológico. 2010;31:67-92.
). Later, relief role was reaffirmed in the systematization of the soil formation function proposed by Jenny (1941)Jenny H. Factors of soil formation: A system of quantitative pedology. New York: Dover Publications; 1941., which is strongly inspired by the work developed by Russian pedology.

Besides Dokuchaev and Jenny, a study was conducted that specifically highlighted the role of relief in the formation and distribution of soils. This study was carried out by Milne (1935a)Milne G. Composite units for the mapping of complex soil associations. Trans 3rd Int Congr Soil Sci. 1935a;1:345-7. and defended the existence of a regular succession of soil profiles in association with a certain slope topography, a phenomenon that should be highlighted through a specific concept, proposing the term catena. As initially proposed by the author, catena has become a concept widely used in soil surveys, with two types recognized: i) a catena where the soil source material is uniform and ii) a catena in which the materials of origin are different. In both cases, differences between soils result from the lateral movement of materials, both on the surface and in the subsurface, mainly through the erosion-sedimentation process.

Milne’s ideas and concept of catena influenced the subsequent generation of researchers, especially those in tropical regions (Vidal-Torrado et al., 2005Vidal-Torrado P, Lepsch IF, Castro SSD. Conceitos e aplicações das relações pedologia-geomorfologia em regiões tropicais úmidas. In: Vidal-Torrado P, et al. Tópicos em ciência do solo. Viçosa, MG: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo; 2005. v. 4. p. 145-92.). Borden et al. (2020)Borden RW, Baillie IC, Hallett SH. The East African contribution to the formalisation of the soil catena concept. Catena. 2020;185:104291.
highlighted that the concept was quickly assimilated by pedology and other areas of knowledge, such as ecology, in several places around the world, which led to changes in its original definition or even to the proposition of different types, being more coherent to talk about “catenas” nowadays.

Among the studies that most influenced changes in the catena concept are those proposed by Bushnell (1943)Bushnell TM. Some aspects of the soil catena concept. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1943;7:466-76.
with the collaboration of Milne, who applied it in soil surveys in Indiana-USA, and by Greene (1946Greene H. Classification and use of tropical soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1946;10:392-6.
, 1947)Greene H. Soil formation and water movement in the tropics. Soil Fertil. 1947;10:253-6. studying the genesis of soils in sub-Saharan Africa, including Sudan and South Africa. Bushnell (1943)Bushnell TM. Some aspects of the soil catena concept. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1943;7:466-76.
suggested the use of catena as a taxonomic unit, including series of soils with similar characteristics due to climate and vegetational factors, and lateral variations of original material, but which differ in relation to drainage and relief conditions. In turn, Greene (1946Greene H. Classification and use of tropical soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1946;10:392-6.
, 1947)Greene H. Soil formation and water movement in the tropics. Soil Fertil. 1947;10:253-6. demonstrated the connection between different soils along sequences is the result of water movement and that material transport did not occur only vertically, but also laterally, which was later a determining factor in the recognition of the importance of the pedogenetic role in the balance between evapotranspiration, surface runoff, lateral subsurface flow, and vertical percolation.

Diffusion and modifications of catena concept led to the proposition of new terms, among which the term toposequence stands out. According to Hall (1983)Hall GF. Pedology and geomorphology. Dev Soil Sci. 1983;11:117-40.
, its bases can be found in Bushnell (1943)Bushnell TM. Some aspects of the soil catena concept. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1943;7:466-76.
through the term topographic-denudational-hydrologic sequence. However, its pioneering use appears to be in Jenny (1946)Jenny H. Arrangement of soil series and types according to functions of soil-forming factors. Soil Sci. 1946;61:375-92., as the author proposed the terms toposequence, lithosequence, climosequence, biosequence, and chronosequence were used to recognize soil series organized in response, respectively, to the topographic formation factors, source material, climate, organisms, and time. In fact, the term toposequence has become widely used in the United States, alternately with catena, to designate soils genetically linked along topography (Winters, 1949Winters E. Interpretative soil classification: Genetic grouping. Soil Sci. 1949;67:131-40.). Toposequence concept was also adopted in studies carried out in Africa by the French at the end of the 1950s (Bocquier et al., 1959Bocquier G, Boissezon P, Kaloga B. Reconnaissance pédologique de la zone de Mifitsinngui dans la boucle du Niari (région du Niari, République du Congo). Brazzaville: ORSTOM; 1959.; Vieillefon, 1959Vieillefon J. Notices sur les cartes d’utilisation des sols: 6. Feuilles d’Imady. Tananarive: IRSM; 1959.), receiving a definition that was not exactly the one adopted by pedologists in England and the United States. This definition supported the proposal of specific methodologies to study soils, such as those systematized around 30 years later by Boulet et al. (1982aBoulet R, Chauvel A, Humbel F-XX, Lucas Y. Analyse structurale et Cartographie en pédologie. I - Prise en compte de l’organisation bidimensionnelle de la couverture pédologique: Les études de toposéquences et leurs principaux apports à la connaissance des sols. Cah ORSTOM Pedol. 1982a; XIX: 309-21.,bBoulet R, Fritsch E, Filizola HF, Filho RFA, Leprun JC, Barreto F, Balan E, Tessier D. Iron bands, fragipans and duripans in the northeastern plateaus of Brazil - properties and genesis. Can J Soil Sci. 1998;78:519-30.
,cBoulet R, Humbel F-X, Lucas Y. Analyse structurale et Cartographie en pédologie. III Passage de la phase analytique A une cartographie génerale synthétique. Cah ORSTOM Pedol. 1982b;XIX:341-51.). Thus, similar to the concept of catena, toposequence has spread as an imprecise term, with multiple conceptual and methodological approaches, which is why it has been used in different ways until nowadays, although it has kept the meaning of lateral succession of soils in topography in common.

The use of the term toposequence occurs mainly in studies on the relationship between soil and landscape, soil and relief, but also in studies on genesis, characterization, survey, and classification of soils, and in some cases, on management and conservation. The lack of conceptual clarification on the term motivated this bibliometric research to understand its use over time and systematize how the term toposequence has been used from a theoretical, methodological, and operational viewpoint. This study presents considerations for the most appropriate use of the term toposequence and how some of its definitions could be replaced by more appropriate concepts equally established in the literature.


Toposequence concept has been used in the scientific literature with different meanings, which hinders its understanding and the use of appropriate methodology for each scale of treatment intended in the studies. In this study, we sought to identify the most used approaches, the studies that coined the term and gave it new meanings, according to the survey scale, and quantify the different approaches through a bibliometric analysis. We started with the first publications on the topic, seeking to identify the first authors and how they defined the term, according to the abovementioned approaches. We used Google Scholar and articles that are considered classic and established on the topic.

After defining the object of study and the search terms, we carried out bibliometric searches and data mining for analysis. We considered all databases available on the Web of Science (WOS) platform, namely: Web of Science Core Collection, Current Contents Connect, Derwent Innovations Index, KCI-Korean Journal Database, Preprint Citation Index, and SciELO Citation Index. The time frame of publications was from 1900 to 2022 available on July 3, 2023, on the Capes Periódicos Platform (https://www-periodicos-capes-gov-br) through remote access via CAFe (Federated Academic Community) from the University of São Paulo.

We used the Boolean operators AND, OR, and * to search for publications. We used the following fields for the terms defined for the search: Title, Abstract, and Keywords. The most cited articles on the topic were evaluated based on quantification. Furthermore, we downloaded the results in txt format to analyze trends in the data obtained on the WOS platform to be filtered in the VOSviewer software in version 1.6.16 (Van Eck and Waltman, 2010Van Eck N, Waltman L. Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics. 2010;84:523-38). In this program, the text file was used to create clouds of words by identifying the terms in titles and abstracts. We considered the fields “title” and “abstract” for binary counting, which considers the presence or absence of words, thus defining the minimum number of occurrences of each term to ensure each cloud presented around 35 terms as a result, considering the most relevant 60 %. This number of terms allows the presentation of a cloud of words with good density and readability. We defined the following terms for the search:

General Search (soil* AND (Toposequence OR toposequences OR Toposequence))

The search generated 1,045 publications with 25,359 terms. We selected the minimum occurrence of 58 times, which corresponded to 60 occurrences and 36 terms, among the 60 % most relevant for constructing the cloud of words. From this search and analysis of the results, we defined a few more terms for a more refined search to identify the different approaches adopted for the term, namely:

1) Regional Scale Search (soil* AND (Toposequence OR toposequences OR Toposequence) AND (regional OR geomorphic surface OR landscape))

It presented 324 publications with 10,471 terms. We defined the minimum occurrence of 25 times, which corresponded to 57 occurrences and 34 terms, among the 60 % most relevant for constructing the cloud of words.

2) Slope Scale Searches

a) Discontinuous Profiles (soil* AND (Toposequence OR toposequences OR Toposequence) AND (*slope OR pedon OR profile))

It presented 624 publications with 15,472 terms. We defined the minimum occurrence of 38 times, which corresponded to 61 occurrences and 37 terms, among the 60 % most relevant for the construction of the cloud of words.

b) Catena (soil* AND (Toposequence OR toposequences OR Toposequence) AND (catena))

It presented 74 publications with 2,854 terms. We defined the minimum occurrence of 5 times, which corresponded to 61 occurrences and 37 terms, among the 60 % most relevant for constructing the cloud of words.

c) Continuum Soils (profiles) (soil* AND (Toposequence OR toposequences OR Toposequence) AND (continuum OR Lateral OR Structural analysis OR Soil cover))

It presented 215 publications with 7,358 terms. We defined the minimum occurrence of 13 times, which corresponded to 65 occurrences and 39 terms, among the 60 % most relevant for constructing the cloud of words.

The graphs were generated in Excel version 2305 software through Microsoft 365. These graphs, along with the clouds of words, were evaluated. We also considered the analysis of classic articles, the most cited among those available in the database, and those published between 2019-2023. This entire analysis provided an analytical overview of how the term toposequence has been used and the approaches that have been adopted.


The term toposequence was proposed by Jenny (1946)Jenny H. Arrangement of soil series and types according to functions of soil-forming factors. Soil Sci. 1946;61:375-92. and appears in 1,045 publications in the WOS database. The results show a significant increase in publications on the subject from 1990 onwards (Figure 1), and the number of citations was intensified in the following decade, reflecting the generality the term toposequence has acquired over time.

Figure 1
Publications and citations with the term toposequence for five years from 1945 to 2023. Base: WOS, 2023WOS. Web of Science database. 2023. Available from:

Studies present different approaches to the term toposequence and have been published mainly by Brazilian (22.6 %), American (21.6 %), and French (10.7 %, with 112 publications) researchers (Figure 2). These approaches differ, especially in relation to the concept of toposequence adopted and the soil analysis methodology used concerning landforms.

Figure 2
Publications that used the term toposequence by countries of authors and co-authors. In gray, countries without authorship or co-authorship of publications in the Web of Science database. Base: WOS, 2023WOS. Web of Science database. 2023. Available from:

The approach in the United States is centered on relief influence on soil attributes, using topographic information to model the thickness of horizons, organic matter, and pH, among others (Moore et al., 1993Moore ID, Gessler PE, Nielsen GA, Peterson GA. Soil attribute prediction using terrain analysis. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1993;57:443-53.
). In this sense, toposequence can also appear under the name catena (Gessler et al., 1995Gessler PE, Moore ID, Mckenzie NJ, Ryan PJ, Moore ID, Mckenzie NJ, Ryan PJ. Soil-landscape modelling and spatial prediction of soil attributes. Int J Geogr Inf Syst. 1995;9:421-32.
; Flynn et al., 2019Flynn T, van Zijl G, Van Tol J, Botha C, Rozanov A, Warr B, Clarke C. Comparing algorithms to disaggregate complex soil polygons in contrasting environments. Geoderma. 2019;352:171-80.
; Acree et al., 2020Acree A, Weindorf DC, Paulette L, Van Gestel N, Chakraborty S, Man T, Jordan C, Prieto JL. Soil classification in Romanian catenas via advanced proximal sensors. Geoderma. 2020;377:114587.
; Chipomho et al., 2020Chipomho J, Rugare JT, Mabasa S, Zingore S, Mashingaidze AB, Chikowo R. Short-term impacts of soil nutrient management on maize (Zea mays L.) productivity and weed dynamics along a toposequence in Eastern Zimbabwe. Heliyon. 2020;6:e05223.
). Toposequence can also be used as a unit of analysis for different elements (McGill and Cole, 1981McGill WB, Cole CV. Comparative aspects of cycling of organic C, N, S and P through soil organic matter. Geoderma. 1981;26:267-86.
); thus, soils are considered in different positions on the slope and can be used for different studies, such as evaluation of nutrient distribution and ecosystems (Giblin et al., 1991Giblin AE, Nadelhoffer KJ, Shaver GR, Laundre JA, McKerrow AJ. Biogeochemical diversity along a riverside toposequence in Arctic Alaska. Ecol Monogr. 1991;61:415-35.
; Fisk et al., 1998Fisk MC, Schmidt SK, Seastedt TR. Topographic patterns of above- and belowground production and nitrogen cycling in alpine tundra. Ecology. 1998;79:2253-66.[2253:TPOAAB]2.0.CO;2
; Stieglitz et al., 2003Stieglitz M, Shaman J, McNamara J, Engel V, Shanley J, Kling GW. An approach to understanding hydrologic connectivity on the hillslope and the implications for nutrient transport. Global Biogeochem Cy. 2003;17:1105.
; Vitousek et al., 2003Vitousek P, Chadwick O, Matson P, Allison S, Derry L, Kettley L, Luers A, Mecking E, Monastra V, Porder S. Erosion and the rejuvenation of weathering-derived nutrient supply in an old tropical landscape. Ecosystems. 2003;6:762-72.
; Ajiboye et al., 2019Ajiboye GA, Oyetunji CA, Mesele SA, Talbot J. The role of soil mineralogical characteristics in sustainable soil fertility management: A case study of some tropical Alfisols in Nigeria. Commun Soil Sci Plan. 2019;50:333-49.
; Silva et al., 2019Silva FM, Weindorf DC, Silva SHG, Silva EA, Ribeiro BT, Guilherme LRG, Curi N. Tropical soil toposequence characterization via pXRF spectrometry. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2019;83:1153-66.
), or soil microbial communities (Rogers and Tate, 2001Rogers BF, Tate RL. Temporal analysis of the soil microbial community along a toposequence in Pineland soils. Soil Biol Biochem. 2001;33:1389-401.
). Some examples regard studies that use toposequences for soil successions associated with different source materials (Schimel et al., 1985Schimel DS, Coleman DC, Horton KA. Soil organic matter dynamics in paired rangeland and cropland toposequences in North Dakota. Geoderma. 1985;36:201-14.
; Aguilar et al., 1988Aguilar R, Kelly EF, Heil RD. Effects of cultivation on soils in Northern Great Plains Rangeland. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1988;52:1081-5.
), or different relief compartments (Yonker et al., 1988Yonker CM, Schimel DS, Paroussis E, Heil RD. Patterns of organic carbon accumulation in a semiarid shortgrass steppe, Colorado. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1988;52:478-83.
; Flynn et al., 2019Flynn T, van Zijl G, Van Tol J, Botha C, Rozanov A, Warr B, Clarke C. Comparing algorithms to disaggregate complex soil polygons in contrasting environments. Geoderma. 2019;352:171-80.

In France, studies correlating toposequence with mineralogy and geochemistry stand out. Toposequence, in some cases, means soils in different positions on the slope, in which water circulation plays a preponderant role in the geochemical redistribution of elements (Becquer et al., 2003Becquer T, Quantin C, Sicot M, Boudot JP. Chromium availability in ultramafic soils from New Caledonia. Sci Total Environ. 2003;301:251-61.
; Chardot et al., 2007Chardot V, Echevarria G, Gury M, Massoura S, Morel JL. Nickel bioavailability in an ultramafic toposequence in the Vosges Mountains (France). Plant Soil. 2007;293:7-21.
; Prietzel et al., 2007Prietzel J, Thieme J, Eusterhues K, Eichert D. Iron speciation in soils and soil aggregates by synchrotron-based X-ray microspectroscopy (XANES, μ-XANES). Eur J Soil Sci. 2007;58:1027-41.
; Guedron et al., 2009Guedron S, Grangeon S, Lanson B, Grimaldi M. Mercury speciation in a tropical soil association; Consequence of gold mining on Hg distribution in French Guiana. Geoderma. 2009;153:331-46.
; Tano et al., 2020Tano BF, Brou CY, Dossou-Yovo ER, Saito K, Futakuchi K, Wopereis MCS, Husson O. Spatial and temporal variability of soil redox potential, ph and electrical conductivity across a toposequence in the Savanna of West Africa. Agronomy. 2020;10:1787.
) and mineralogy (Revel and Bourgeat, 1985Revel JC, Bourgeat F. Transformations of carbonates in soils of a sequence formed in marls in the Aquitain Basin, France. Geoderma. 1985;36:123-43.
; Schwertmann and Latham, 1986Schwertmann U, Latham M. Properties of iron oxides in some new caledonian Oxisols. Geoderma. 1986;39:105-23.
; Verrecchia and Coustumer, 1996Verrecchia EP, Coustumer MNL. Occurrence and genesis of palygorskite and associated clay miner in a Pleistocene calcrete complex, Sde Boqer, Negev Desert, Israel. Clay Miner. 1996;31:183-202.
) and may even consider the influence of slope shape and groundwater conditions (Gruau et al., 2004Gruau G, Dia A, Olivié-Lauquet G, Davranche M, Pinay G. Controls on the distribution of rare earth elements in shallow groundwaters. Water Res. 2004;38:3576-86.
). There are also studies using the term toposequence, but they use different source materials (Becquer et al., 2006Becquer T, Quantin C, Rotte-Capet S, Ghanbaja J, Mustin C, Herbillon AJ. Sources of trace metals in Ferralsols in New Caledonia. Eur J Soil Sci. 2006;57:200-13.
; Kübler et al., 2021Kübler S, Rucina S, Aßbichler D, Eckmeier E, King G. Lithological and topographic impact on soil nutrient distributions in tectonic landscapes: implications for Pleistocene human-landscape interactions in the southern Kenya Rift. Front Earth Sci. 2021;9:611687.
) or relief and vegetation compartments (Righi and Lorphelin, 1987Righi D, Lorphelin L. The soils of a typical slope in the Himalayas (Nepal): Their main characteristics and distribution. Catena. 1987;14:533-50.
; Masseroli et al., 2021Masseroli A, Villa S, Mariani GS, Bollati IM, Pelfini M, Sebag D, Verrecchia EP, Trombino L. Reconsidering the compound effect of geomorphology, vegetation, and climate change on paleopedogenesis in sensitive environments (Northern Apennines, Italy). Catena. 2021;197:104951.
; Sadiq et al., 2021Sadiq FK, Maniyunda LM, Anumah AO, Adegoke KA. Variation of soil properties under different landscape positions and land use in Hunkuyi, Northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. Environ Monit Assess. 2021;193:178.
), or even soil chronosequence (Wojcik et al., 2020Wojcik R, Donhauser J, Frey B, Benning LG. Time since deglaciation and geomorphological disturbances determine the patterns of geochemical, mineralogical and microbial successions in an Icelandic foreland. Geoderma. 2020;379:114578.

French school goes further in showing the influence of topography on soils and was the first to highlight the influence of soils on the elaboration of the model (Bocquier, 1971Bocquier G. Genése et évolutuion >de deux toposéquences de sols tropicaux du Tchad: interprétation biogéodynamique. Bondy: Cah. ORSTOM; 1971.), originating a new approach to toposequence through the Structural Analysis of Pedological Cover (Boulet et al., 1982aBoulet R, Chauvel A, Humbel F-XX, Lucas Y. Analyse structurale et Cartographie en pédologie. I - Prise en compte de l’organisation bidimensionnelle de la couverture pédologique: Les études de toposéquences et leurs principaux apports à la connaissance des sols. Cah ORSTOM Pedol. 1982a; XIX: 309-21.,bBoulet R, Humbel F-X, Lucas Y. Analyse structurale et Cartographie en pédologie. III Passage de la phase analytique A une cartographie génerale synthétique. Cah ORSTOM Pedol. 1982b;XIX:341-51.,cBoulet R, Humbel F-XX, Lucas Y. Analyse structurale et Cartographie en pédologie. II - Une Méthode d’analyse prennant en compte l’organisation tridimensionnelle des couvertures pédologiques. Cah ORSTOM Pedol. 1982c;XIX:323-39.). These studies aimed to discuss the landscape evolution based on the toposequence analyses, which spread from the 1980s onwards, driven by French researchers (Bravard and Righi, 1988Bravard S, Righi D. Characteristics of clays in an Oxisol - Spodosol toposequence in Amazonia (Brazil). Clay Miner. 1988;23:279-89.
, 1989Bravard S, Righi D. Geochemical differences in an Oxisol-Spodosol toposequence of Amazonia, Brazil. Geoderma. 1989;44:29-42.
; Fritsch, 1988Fritsch E. Morphologie des quartz d’une couverture ferrallitique dégradée par >hydromorphie. Cah ORSTOM Pedol. 1988;XXIV:3-15.; Boulet et al., 1998Boulet R, Fritsch E, Filizola HF, Filho RFA, Leprun JC, Barreto F, Balan E, Tessier D. Iron bands, fragipans and duripans in the northeastern plateaus of Brazil - properties and genesis. Can J Soil Sci. 1998;78:519-30.
; Dubroeucq and Volkoff, 1998Dubroeucq D, Volkoff B. From Oxisols to Spodosols and Histosols: Evolution of the soil mantles in the Rio Negro basin (Amazonia). Catena. 1998;32:245-80.
) and later by Brazilians, under the influence of the former. This type of study began to gain prominence after the 1990s, mainly in Brazil (Queiroz Neto, 2012Queiroz Neto JP. Relações entre as vertentes e os solos: Revisão de conceitos. Rev Bras Geomorf. 2012;12:15-24.
; Nakashima et al., 2017Nakashima MR, Alves GB, Barreiros AM, Neto JPQ. Dos solos à paisagem: Uma discussão teórico-metodológica. Rev ANPEGE. 2017;13:30-52.
; Castro, 2021Castro SS. Solo e relevo: pontos para um resgate histórico sobre o estudo das interrelações. WMD Rev Geomorf. 2021;2:1-36.
), while in France, there was a trend toward research with geochemistry at the landscape scale (Beauvais and Tardy, 1991Beauvais A, Tardy Y. Degradation features of iron duricrusts under tropical humid climate at the edge of the equatorial rain forest. CR Acad Sci II. 1991;313:1539-45.; Beauvais, 1999Beauvais A. Geochemical balance of lateritization processes and climatic signatures in weathering profiles overlain by ferricretes in Central Africa. Geochim Cosmochim Ac. 1999;63:3939-57.
; Momo et al., 2016Momo MN, Yemefack M, Tematio P, Beauvais A, Ambrosi JP. Distribution of duricrusted bauxites and laterites on the Bamiléké plateau (West Cameroon): Constraints from GIS mapping and geochemistry. Catena. 2016;140:15-23.
), while research on toposequence started to lose importance, which once moved ORSTOM (Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer).

Among the studies abovementioned with researchers from the United States and France, much of the work was carried out in other countries, mainly tropical countries. Tropical regions tend to have soils whose differentiation is primarily due to the influence of topography, as they are mostly well-developed soils subjected to different climate conditions over time, homogenizing the soil characteristics and distancing them from the source material (Silva et al., 2021aSilva JP, Alves GB, Ross JLS, Oliveira FS, Nascimento MAL, Felini MG, Manosso FC, Pereira DI. The geodiversity of Brazil: Quantification, distribution, and implications for conservation areas. Geoheritage. 2021a;13:75.
), except for areas with a semi-arid climate, where relief rejuvenation led to the development of new soils, more correlated to the original material (Alves, 2019Alves GB. A formação das paisagens sertanejas no tempo e no espaço. In: Barros J, Prieto G, Marinho C, editors. Sertão, sertões: Repensando contradições, reconstruindo veredas. São Paulo: Editora Elefante; 2019. p. 98-113.; Câmara et al., 2021Câmara ERG, Santos JCB, Araújo Filho JC, Schulze SMBB, Corrêa MM, Ferreira TO, Sousa JES, Souza Júnior VS. Parent rock–pedogenesis relationship: How the weathering of metamorphic rocks influences the genesis of Planosols and Luvisols under a semiarid climate in NE Brazil. Geoderma. 2021;385:114878.
; Silva et al., 2021aSilva JP, Alves GB, Ross JLS, Oliveira FS, Nascimento MAL, Felini MG, Manosso FC, Pereira DI. The geodiversity of Brazil: Quantification, distribution, and implications for conservation areas. Geoheritage. 2021a;13:75.

We found the term toposequence used by Brazilian researchers tends to be used for studies carried out in the Brazilian territory, as we can see in the articles cited below. We also highlight Brazil has emerged as a leader in producing articles on this topic in recent years (Figure 3). Brazil received scientific influence from both the United States and France regarding the use of the term toposequence; however, it also created its own trajectory, given the extension and peculiarity of the national territory. In Brazil, as in the countries mentioned above, toposequence can only be used to indicate soil profiles are arranged in different slope compartments with attributes that respond to these positions (Curi and Franzmeier, 1984Curi N, Franzmeier DP. Toposequence of Oxisols from the Central Plateau of Brazil. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1984;48:341-6.
, 1987Curi N, Franzmeier DP. Effect of parent rocks on chemical and mineralogical properties of some Oxisols in Brazil. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1987;51:153-8.
; Sobieraj et al., 2002Sobieraj JA, Elsenbeer H, Coelho RM, Newton B. Spatial variability of soil hydraulic conductivity along a tropical rainforest catena. Geoderma. 2002;108:79-90.
; Araújo et al., 2004Araújo MSB, Schaefer CER, Sampaio EVSB. Soil phosphorus fractions from toposequences of semi-arid Latosols and Luvisols in northeastern Brazil. Geoderma. 2004;119:309-21.
; Ghidin et al., 2006Ghidin AA, Melo VDF, Lima VC, Lima JMJC. Toposseqüências de Latossolos originados de rochas basálticas no Paraná. II - Relação entre mineralogia da fração argila e propriedades físicas dos solos. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2006;30:307-19.
; Sarcinelli et al., 2009Sarcinelli TS, Schaefer CEGR, Lynch LS, Arato HD, Viana JHM, Albuquerque Filho MR, Gonçalves TT. Chemical, physical and micromorphological properties of termite mounds and adjacent soils along a toposequence in Zona da Mata, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Catena. 2009;76:107-13.
; Schiavo et al., 2010Schiavo JA, Pereira MG, Miranda LPM, Neto AHD. Caracterização e classificação de solos desenvolvidos de arenitos da formação Aquidauana-MS. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2010;34:881-9.
; Lopes et al., 2019Lopes DV, Schaefer CEGR, Souza JJLL, Oliveira FS, Simas FNB, Daher M, Gjorup DF. Concretionary horizons, unusual pedogenetic processes and features of sulfate affected soils from Antarctica. Geoderma. 2019;347:13-24.
). This type of study is also used to refine digital soil mapping (Demattê and Terra, 2014Demattê JAM, Terra FS. Spectral pedology: A new perspective on evaluation of soils along pedogenetic alterations. Geoderma. 2014;217-218:190-200.
; Mendes et al., 2019Mendes WDS, Medeiros Neto LG, Demattê JAM, Gallo BC, Rizzo R, Safanelli JL, Fongaro CT. Is it possible to map subsurface soil attributes by satellite spectral transfer models? Geoderma. 2019;343:269-79.
; Poppiel et al., 2019Poppiel RR, Lacerda MPC, Demattê JAM, Oliveira MP, Gallo BC, Safanelli JL. Pedology and soil class mapping from proximal and remote sensed data. Geoderma. 2019;348:189-206.
). Some authors used the term toposequence to work on large areas (Reatto et al., 2008Reatto A, Silva EM, Bruand A, Martins ES, Lima JEFW. Validity of the centrifuge method for determining the water retention properties of tropical soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2008;72:1547-53.
) and with materials of different biological origins and occupations (Demattê et al., 2004Demattê JAM, Campos RC, Alves MC, Fiorio PR, Nanni MR. Visible-NIR reflectance: A new approach on soil evaluation. Geoderma. 2004;121:95-112.
; Michel et al., 2006Michel RFM, Schaefer CEGR, Dias LE, Simas FNB, Benites VM, Mendonça ES. Ornithogenic Gelisols (Cryosols) from Maritime Antarctica. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2006;70:1370-6.
), or even to identify the influence of soil uses in properties (Pinheiro Junior et al., 2019Pinheiro Junior CR, Pereira MG, O Filho JS, Beutler SJ. Can topography affect the restoration of soil properties after deforestation in a semiarid ecosystem? J Arid Environ. 2019;162:45-52.
; Vanacker et al., 2019Vanacker V, Ameijeiras-Mariño Y, Schoonejans J, Cornélis J-T, Minella JPG, Lamouline F, Vermeire M-L, Campforts B, Robinet J, Van De Broek M, Delmelle P, Opfergelt S. Land use impacts on soil erosion and rejuvenation in Southern Brazil. Catena. 2019;178:256-66.
). We can also recognize the line of studies on landscape evolution through soils (Roulet et al., 1998Roulet M, Lucotte M, Saint-Aubin A, Tran S, Rhéault I, Farella N, Silva EDJD, Dezencourt J, Passos CJS, Soares GS, Guimarães JRD, Mergler D, Amorim M. The geochemistry of mercury in central Amazonian soils developed on the Alter-do-Chao formation of the lower Tapajos River Valley, Para state, Brazil. Sci Total Environ. 1998;223:1-24.
; Nascimento et al., 2004Nascimento NRD, Bueno GT, Fritsch E, Herbillon AJ, Allard T, Melfi AJ, Astolfo R, Boucher H, Li Y. Podzolization as a deferralitization process: A study of an Acrisol-Podzol sequence derived from Palaeozoic sandstones in the northern upper Amazon Basin. Eur J Soil Sci. 2004;55:523-38.
; Furquim et al., 2017Furquim SAC, Santos MA, Vidoca TT, Balbino MDA, Cardoso EL. Salt-affected soils evolution and fluvial dynamics in the Pantanal wetland, Brazil. Geoderma. 2017;286:139-52.

Figure 3
Articles with the term toposequence published by Brazilian, French, and American authors for a five-year period from 1955 to 2023. Base: WOS, 2023WOS. Web of Science database. 2023. Available from:

Considering studies using toposequence, the associated terms that mostly stand out can be divided into three clusters (Figure 4). The most frequently occurring terms are in red: formation factors, increase, difference, organic carbon, erosion, vegetation, and relationship. The second cluster, in green, shows a relationship with processes such as weathering, genesis, chemistry, development, and formation. The third cluster, in blue, presents only the low slope and top.

Figure 4
Articles with the term toposequence published by Brazilian, French, and American authors for a five-year period from 1955 to 2023. Base: WOS, 2023WOS. Web of Science database. 2023. Available from:

In general, three large groups of articles can be recognized. Those treating toposequence at a regional level or those in which the variation that stands out is associated with another landscape element, such as source material or vegetation, although they use the term toposequence. Those using toposequence to refer to profiles located in different positions on the slope, in a discontinuous manner, or as a synonym for catena. There are also studies on toposequence that consider soils as a continuum and their lateral variation, in addition to their influence on the elaboration of the model. In general, we can correlate the red and blue clusters with the regional and slope/catena level approaches and the green cluster with the ground-level approach to understand landscape evolution. In the following sessions, we will detail these three approaches to contextualize the definition and the main studies according to the refinement of the searches.

Toposequence as a variation of soils in distinct positions of the regional relief

Toposequence concept is related to an approach not restricted to the slope scale, but it considers any soil variation along the topography on a regional scale. In this concept, toposequence may involve soils collected along different relief units (Meng et al., 2022Meng Q, Wang S, Fu Z, Deng Y, Chen H. Soil types determine vegetation communities along a toposequence in a dolomite peak-cluster depression catchment. Plant Soil. 2022;475:5-22.
), or geomorphic surfaces, such as in planation surfaces and the top of plateaus (Zhu et al., 2019Zhu M, Feng Q, Zhang M, Liu W, Qin Y, Deo RC, Zhang C. Effects of topography on soil organic carbon stocks in grasslands of a semiarid alpine region, northwestern China. J Soils Sediments. 2019;19:1640-50.
; Wang et al., 2021Wang Y, Huang L, Jia X, Zhu Y, Shao M. Distribution characteristics and controls of soil organic carbon at different spatial scales in China′s Loess Plateau. J Environ Manage. 2021;293:112943.
), or even in segments from the base to the top of mountain ranges (Molina et al., 2019Molina A, Vanacker V, Corre MD, Veldkamp E. Patterns in soil chemical weathering related to topographic gradients and vegetation structure in a high Andean tropical ecosystem. J Geophys Res Earth Surf. 2019;124:666-85.
), or along coastal strips (Fragoso-Servón et al., 2020Fragoso-Servón P, Corona AP, Zúñiga FB, Hernández BP, Reyes NA. Soils in extreme conditions: the case of the catenas karst-marsh-coastline in the Mexican Caribbean. Bol Soc Geol Mex. 2020;72:A040619.
), ranging from beach areas to coastal plateaus, or between different levels of terraces within a river valley, or even of the different erosion surfaces (Blancaneaux et al., 2007Blancaneaux PW, Carvalho Junior PEF, Motta A, Carvalho Filho NR, Pereira C, Chagas S. Sistemas pedológicos no Cerrado de Goiás: Município de Silvânia, região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Embrapa Solos; 2007.). This concept is often used as a guideline for sampling soils over large areas, with less interest in understanding the genetic relationship between the soils collected (Wang et al., 2021Wang Y, Huang L, Jia X, Zhu Y, Shao M. Distribution characteristics and controls of soil organic carbon at different spatial scales in China′s Loess Plateau. J Environ Manage. 2021;293:112943.
); thus, it is widely applied in exploratory scales in regional soil surveys. When the objective is to understand soil genesis, a relationship is usually made between the soils and the relief unit where they were sampled, including the adoption of paradigms, such as more developed and deeper soils are associated with higher and flatter reliefs, while shallower soils are associated to steeper areas, and so on. This concept gives rise to a series of assumptions about the relationship between soil and relief.

From a regional perspective, toposequence can also consider the distribution of soils throughout landscape units, approached as landscape segments, associating one or more soil types with a certain compartment since its definition typically had a significant landform influence, although not exclusive. Thus, the presence of certain soils is explained by factors acting in the landscape position, while some other components, such as vegetation, are explained by the presence of those soils in a systemic and solidary relationship (Queiroz Neto, 2000Queiroz Neto JP. Geomorfologia e pedologia. Rev Bras Geomorf. 2000;1:59-76.
, 2012Queiroz Neto JP. Relações entre as vertentes e os solos: Revisão de conceitos. Rev Bras Geomorf. 2012;12:15-24.

The search refinement for publications that used the term toposequence associated with other terms indicated in the methodology of the present study presents different configurations of words clouds. At regional scale, the importance of the terms landscape position, area, topography, or positions therein, in addition to profiles and horizons, is evident (Figure 5).

Figure 5
Terms with the highest recurrence that are associated with toposequence and regional level, according to the Web of Science database, and association by cluster according to bibliometric treatment in VOSviewer (Van Eck and Waltman, 2010Van Eck N, Waltman L. Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics. 2010;84:523-38).

The approach to soil distribution in the landscape from a regional scale needs a deeper discussion to distinguish literature reports better, as the use mainly of a catenary approach is observed, and the term toposequence is used in some situations to explain or model the distribution of soils on a regional scale. In this context, we highlight studies on the distribution of soils in the Amazon basin (Quesada et al., 2011Quesada CA, Lloyd J, Anderson LO, Fyllas NM, Schwarz M, Czimczik CI. Soils of Amazonia with particular reference to the RAINFOR sites. Biogeosciences. 2011;8:1415-40.
), using a taxonomic approach carried out in Brazil and neighboring countries. Roulet et al. (1998)Roulet M, Lucotte M, Saint-Aubin A, Tran S, Rhéault I, Farella N, Silva EDJD, Dezencourt J, Passos CJS, Soares GS, Guimarães JRD, Mergler D, Amorim M. The geochemistry of mercury in central Amazonian soils developed on the Alter-do-Chao formation of the lower Tapajos River Valley, Para state, Brazil. Sci Total Environ. 1998;223:1-24.
address the regional geochemical distribution of mercury along a stretch of the Tapajós River in the Amazon region using a regional scale. Güntner and Bronstert (2004)Güntner A, Bronstert A. Representation of landscape variability and lateral redistribution processes for large-scale hydrological modelling in semi-arid areas. J Hydrol. 2004;297:136-61.
present, in a semi-arid environment in Brazil, a way of structuring the landscape according to the terrain and soil attributes at different levels of the spatial scale, recognizing the occurrence of specific terrain and soil relationships that evolve through physical and biological processes.

In the United States, many studies seek to understand soil distribution on a regional scale, and studies addressing the application of the catena concept prevail, which are summarized in studies of a catenary soil distribution approach (Walker and Everett, 1991Walker DA, Everett KR. Loess ecosystems of northern Alaska: regional gradient and toposequence at Prudhoe Bay. Ecol Monogr. 1991;61:437-64.
; Moore et al., 1993Moore ID, Gessler PE, Nielsen GA, Peterson GA. Soil attribute prediction using terrain analysis. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1993;57:443-53.
; Thompson et al., 1997Thompson JA, Bell JC, Butler CA. Quantitative soil-landscape modeling for estimating the areal extent of hydromorphic soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1997;61:971-80.
; Gessler et al., 2000Gessler PE, Chadwick OA, Chamran F, Althouse L, Holmes K. Modeling soil-landscape and ecosystem properties using terrain attributes. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2000;64:2046-56.
; Stieglitz et al., 2003Stieglitz M, Shaman J, McNamara J, Engel V, Shanley J, Kling GW. An approach to understanding hydrologic connectivity on the hillslope and the implications for nutrient transport. Global Biogeochem Cy. 2003;17:1105.
) to be discussed in more detail below.

Toposequence used as a catena

Similar to catena, toposequence is used as a simple lateral variation of soil classes, taxonomically differentiated or not, associated with certain positions on a slope. In this concept, soil profile is mainly used as an analysis category, and the vertical organization of the horizons and their morphological, physical, chemical, and mineralogical attributes are used to define classes. The relationship between the soils occurs spatially and is associated with the vegetation cover and specific topographic compartments of the slope. This, in turn, is compartmentalized into units with different proposals (geomorphic surfaces, segments, and others), but almost always considering the top, mid-slope, and base positions (Borden et al., 2020Borden RW, Baillie IC, Hallett SH. The East African contribution to the formalisation of the soil catena concept. Catena. 2020;185:104291.
). Sometimes, a genetic relationship can also be established between the soils, which are linked through processes associated with material movement along the slope due to erosion and sedimentation, as reported by Milne (1935a)Milne G. Composite units for the mapping of complex soil associations. Trans 3rd Int Congr Soil Sci. 1935a;1:345-7..

Studies using isolated slope profiles consider toposequence as a synonym for catena, generally in the United States, aimed at identifying soils along slopes and for the distribution of soils in the landscape (Figure 6). In this sense, denominations of positions in the landscape/topography, horizon, and profile also stand out.

Figure 6
Terms with the highest recurrence that are associated with toposequence and slope level in discontinuous profiles, according to the Web of Science database, and association by cluster according to the bibliometric treatment in VOSviewer (Van Eck and Waltman, 2010Van Eck N, Waltman L. Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics. 2010;84:523-38).

Toposequence concept presented here is close to the original concept of catena proposed by Milne and can be considered one of its derivations, although they are not synonymous. The first difference is that Milne did not establish the need for material of similar origin for the existence of a catena. On the contrary, the author recognized the possibility of topography controlling soil formation even in conditions involving different source materials. However, the toposequence of this concept does not require recognizing the relief role in soils associated with similar source materials. This premise was strongly defended by researchers in the United States, which possibly led some to use the term toposequence and others to propose the approach as a catenary system (Bushnell, 1943Bushnell TM. Some aspects of the soil catena concept. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1943;7:466-76.
), or systems of associated catenas (Figure 7). Furthermore, catenas are strongly adopted in soil mapping as well as in the initial proposal by Milne (1935aMilne G. Composite units for the mapping of complex soil associations. Trans 3rd Int Congr Soil Sci. 1935a;1:345-7.,bMilne G. Some suggested units of classification and mapping, particularly of East African soils. Soil Res. 1935b;3:183-98.). Sommer and Schlichting (1997)Sommer M, Schlichting E. Archetypes of catenas in respect to matter - A concept for structuring and grouping catenas. Geoderma. 1997;76:1-33.
consider catena synonymous with toposequence and propose types of catenas that take into account transformations, losses, and accumulations on slopes to differentiate them, helping to understand soils in the landscape.

Figure 7
Terms with the highest recurrence that are associated with toposequence and catena, according to the Web of Science database, and association by cluster according to bibliometric treatment in VOSviewer (Van Eck and Waltman, 2010Van Eck N, Waltman L. Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics. 2010;84:523-38).

According to our bibliographical survey, the use of the term catena seems to be negligible in Europe, possibly due to the ambiguity in the use of the terms catena and toposequence. The distribution of soils along slopes approached based on catena has been applied in pedogenesis studies to evaluate vertical and horizontal translocation of material involved in the podzolization (Sauer et al., 2007Sauer D, Sponagel H, Sommer M, Giani L, Jahn R, Stahr K. Podzol: Soil of the year 2007. A review on its genesis, occurrence, and functions. J Plant Nutr Soil Sc. 2007;170:581-97.
) and pedogenetic processes and mineral transformations (Bonifacio et al., 1997Bonifacio E, Zanini E, Boero V, Franchini-Angela M. Pedogenesis in a soil catena on serpentinite in north-western Italy. Geoderma. 1997;75:33-51.
; Bócoli et al., 2023Bócoli FA, Silva SHG, Mancini M, Inda AV, Teixeira AFDS, Andrade R, Silva FM, Santos WJRD, Pádua EJ, Curi N. Catena of Ultisols from southeastern Brazil: Assessing variation within and among pedons. Geoderma R. 2023;33:e00653.
). This approach integrates slope gradient, elevation, and relative position of the soil in the landscape in a catenary sequence to predict soil thickness at a river basin scale (Catani et al., 2010Catani F, Segoni S, Falorni G. An empirical geomorphology-based approach to the spatial prediction of soil thickness at catchment scale. Water Resour Res. 2010;46:W05508.
; Armanto, 2019Armanto ME. Soil variability and sugarcane (Saccharum officinarumL.) biomass along Ultisol toposequences. J Ecol Eng. 2019;20:196-204.

In short, catena studies sometimes deal with soils in the landscape or sometimes on the slope (Figure 7). Soil distribution throughout the landscape is used in various research on pedology, soil physics, ecology, plant production, nutrient cycling, among others. In this sense, we can mention the assessment of soil texture variation throughout the landscape and its influence on soil water retention, distribution of vegetation groups, and agricultural yield (Singh et al., 1998Singh JS, Milchunas DG, Lauenroth WK. Soil water dynamics and vegetation patterns in a semiarid grassland. Plant Ecol. 1998;134:77-89.
), or even resulting from agricultural practices (Sowiński et al., 2023Sowiński P, Smólczyński S, Orzechowski M, Kalisz B, Bieniek A. Effect of soil agricultural use on particle-size distribution in young glacial landscape slopes. agriculture. 2023;13:584.
). Regarding homogeneous lithology, soil development in a catena is recurrently presented as a product of how water moves across the landscape since terrain attributes can characterize the water flow routes and soil attributes (Moore et al., 1993Moore ID, Gessler PE, Nielsen GA, Peterson GA. Soil attribute prediction using terrain analysis. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1993;57:443-53.
; Howlett et al., 2022Howlett DS, Stewart JR, Inoue J, Saito M, Lee D, Wang H, Yamada T, Nishiwaki A, Fernández FG, Toma Y. Source and accumulation of soil carbon along Catena toposequences over 12,000 years in three semi-natural Miscanthus sinensisgrasslands in Japan. Agriculture. 2022;12:88.

Catena is also used to discuss soil and landscape relationships in research on carbon dynamics at regional and global levels (Gessler et al., 2000Gessler PE, Chadwick OA, Chamran F, Althouse L, Holmes K. Modeling soil-landscape and ecosystem properties using terrain attributes. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2000;64:2046-56.
; Stieglitz et al., 2003Stieglitz M, Shaman J, McNamara J, Engel V, Shanley J, Kling GW. An approach to understanding hydrologic connectivity on the hillslope and the implications for nutrient transport. Global Biogeochem Cy. 2003;17:1105.
; Howlett et al., 2022Howlett DS, Stewart JR, Inoue J, Saito M, Lee D, Wang H, Yamada T, Nishiwaki A, Fernández FG, Toma Y. Source and accumulation of soil carbon along Catena toposequences over 12,000 years in three semi-natural Miscanthus sinensisgrasslands in Japan. Agriculture. 2022;12:88.
), in addition to research on soil variation in floodplains, linked to variations in terrain attributes (Thompson et al., 1997Thompson JA, Bell JC, Butler CA. Quantitative soil-landscape modeling for estimating the areal extent of hydromorphic soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1997;61:971-80.
). In Brazil, there is also ambiguity in the definition of catena and toposequence (Sobieraj et al., 2002Sobieraj JA, Elsenbeer H, Coelho RM, Newton B. Spatial variability of soil hydraulic conductivity along a tropical rainforest catena. Geoderma. 2002;108:79-90.
; Santos et al., 2018Santos LAC, Araujo JKS, Souza Júnior VS, Campos MCC, Corrêa MM, Souza RAS. Pedogenesis in an Archaeological Dark Earth – Mulatto Earth catena over volcanic rocks in western Amazonia, Brazil. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2018;42:e0170359.
), which use both terms to study soil attributes along different topographic positions in the landscape.

Toposequence as pedological cover in the continuum along the slope

Toposequence is also approached as a product of pedological cover organization along the slope, considering the lateral distribution of horizons or pedological volumes (Figure 8). Boulet et al. (1982a)Boulet R, Chauvel A, Humbel F-XX, Lucas Y. Analyse structurale et Cartographie en pédologie. I - Prise en compte de l’organisation bidimensionnelle de la couverture pédologique: Les études de toposéquences et leurs principaux apports à la connaissance des sols. Cah ORSTOM Pedol. 1982a; XIX: 309-21. define toposequence as a longitudinal section of soils, that is, along the interfluves (from top to bottom of the valley), obtained through observation of vertical profiles of soils aligned on the topographic axis perpendicular to the contour lines, whose representation occurs on the continuum. This definition positions toposequence as a concept applied to the local distribution of pedological organizations in which lateral variations are linked to three main components: topography, slope shape, and position on the slope (Ruellan and Dosso, 1993Ruellan A, Dosso M. Regards sur le sol. Paris: Foucher; 1993.). This concept is widely used in studies by French pedologists in tropical areas of the African and American continents, especially since the 1960s and 1970s.

Figure 8
Terms with the highest recurrence that are associated with toposequence and the continuum, according to the Web of Science database, and association by cluster according to the bibliometric treatment in VOSviewer (Van Eck and Waltman, 2010Vanacker V, Ameijeiras-Mariño Y, Schoonejans J, Cornélis J-T, Minella JPG, Lamouline F, Vermeire M-L, Campforts B, Robinet J, Van De Broek M, Delmelle P, Opfergelt S. Land use impacts on soil erosion and rejuvenation in Southern Brazil. Catena. 2019;178:256-66.

Toposequence as the continuum of pedological cover has its origins associated with surface geochemistry studies in which several authors showed pedological variations along slopes are associated with the movement dynamics of matter and energy over time in side (lateral) transformation systems. This understanding dates back to the Soviet school of pedology, where Polynov excelled in describing in detail the migration relationships of elements and patterns in several important types of geochemical landscapes (Fortescue, 1992Fortescue JAC. Landscape geochemistry: retrospect and prospect-1990. Appl Geochem. 1992;7:1-53.
). However, geochemical landscapes kept a compartmentalized and vertical view of the landscape, later understanding geochemical relationships laterally on topography and after being associated with the regional evolution of landforms (Millot, 1977Millot G. Géochimie de la surface et formes du relief. Présentation. Sci Géol Bull. 1977;30:229-33.).

Delvigne (1965)Delvigne J. Pédogenèse en zone tropicale: La formation des minéraux secondaires en milieu ferrallitique. Paris: Dunod; 1965., for instance, showed the top positions export constituents and accumulate less mobile residual constituents, the intermediate positions are passing zones, and the foothills are receiving zones. They can involve mineral neoformation based on the availability and recombination of constituents in this environment. This and other studies supported Bocquier (1971)Bocquier G. Genése et évolutuion >de deux toposéquences de sols tropicaux du Tchad: interprétation biogéodynamique. Bondy: Cah. ORSTOM; 1971. in proposing the biogeodynamic theory, which demonstrates the soil is a dynamic environment from which transformations occur on remounting fronts and with a strong participation of self-development mechanisms.

Several studies strengthened this interpretation of the lateral mobility of constituents (Millot, 1977Millot G. Géochimie de la surface et formes du relief. Présentation. Sci Géol Bull. 1977;30:229-33.) and the toposequence concept (Chauvel, 1977Chauvel A. Recherches sur la transformation des sols ferrallitiques dans la zone tropicale a saisons contrastées: evolution et réorganisation des sols rouges de moyenne Casamance (Sénégal). Paris: ORSTOM; 1977.; Boulet, 1978Boulet R. Toposéquences de sols tropicaux en Haute-Volta : Équilibre >et déséquilibre pédobioclimatique. Paris: ORSTOM; 1978. (Mémoires ORSTOM, 85).), until Boulet and other authors systematized the procedure to investigate pedological cover based on its lateral representation in a continuum, known as the Structural Analysis of Pedological Cover (Boulet et al., 1982aBoulet R, Chauvel A, Humbel F-XX, Lucas Y. Analyse structurale et Cartographie en pédologie. I - Prise en compte de l’organisation bidimensionnelle de la couverture pédologique: Les études de toposéquences et leurs principaux apports à la connaissance des sols. Cah ORSTOM Pedol. 1982a; XIX: 309-21.,b,c). This approach goes beyond the idea of topography as a soil formation factor to the concept soil evolution and topography are joint, and soils are able to act as sculpting agents of forms at the slope scale (Queiroz Neto, 2012Queiroz Neto JP. Relações entre as vertentes e os solos: Revisão de conceitos. Rev Bras Geomorf. 2012;12:15-24.
). The terms with the most recurrence confirm the prominence of research carried out in Brazil, in addition to the importance of relationships, variations, accumulation, development, and formation, which act on horizons and slopes, with the influence of water and climate, allowing pedogenesis to be observed.

We observed the importance of studies investigating soil evolution and relief (Dubroeucq and Volkoff, 1998Dubroeucq D, Volkoff B. From Oxisols to Spodosols and Histosols: Evolution of the soil mantles in the Rio Negro basin (Amazonia). Catena. 1998;32:245-80.
; Rosolen and Herpin, 2008Rosolen V, Herpin U. Expansão dos solos hidromórficos e mudanças na paisagem: Um estudo de caso na região Sudeste da Amazônia Brasileira. Acta Amaz. 2008;38:483-90.
; Alves, 2014Alves GB. O estudo da cobertura pedológica e sua relação com a formação e evolução de depressões no sudoeste de Maracaí (SP) [thesis]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo; 2014.; Cerri et al., 2020Cerri RI, Rosolen V, Reis FAGV, Filho AJP, Vemado F, Giordano LC, Gabelini BM. The assessment of soil chemical, physical, and structural properties as landslide predisposing factors in the Serra do Mar mountain range (Caraguatatuba, Brazil). Bull Eng Geol Environ. 2020;79:3307-20.
; Masseroli et al., 2021Masseroli A, Villa S, Mariani GS, Bollati IM, Pelfini M, Sebag D, Verrecchia EP, Trombino L. Reconsidering the compound effect of geomorphology, vegetation, and climate change on paleopedogenesis in sensitive environments (Northern Apennines, Italy). Catena. 2021;197:104951.
), with emphasis on the dynamics of chemical weathering (Moniz et al., 1982Moniz AC, Buol SW, Weed SB. Formation of an Oxisol-Ultisol transition in São Paulo, Brazil: II. Lateral dynamics of chemical weathering. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1982;46:1234-9.
; Vanacker et al., 2019Vanacker V, Ameijeiras-Mariño Y, Schoonejans J, Cornélis J-T, Minella JPG, Lamouline F, Vermeire M-L, Campforts B, Robinet J, Van De Broek M, Delmelle P, Opfergelt S. Land use impacts on soil erosion and rejuvenation in Southern Brazil. Catena. 2019;178:256-66.
) and the formation of horizons with contents of certain elements (Norton and Franzmeier, 1978Norton LD, Franzmeier DP. Toposequences of loess-derived soils in southwestern Indiana. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1978;42:622-7.
; Dequincey et al., 2006Dequincey O, Chabaux F, Leprun JC, Paquet H, Clauer N, Larque P. Lanthanide and trace element mobilization in a lateritic toposequence: Inferences from the Kaya laterite in Burkina Faso. Eur J Soil Sci. 2006;57:816-30.
), as well as influence on soil properties (Loba et al., 2020Loba A, Sykuła M, Kierczak J, Łabaz >B, Bogacz A, Waroszewski J. In situ weathering of rocks or aeolian silt deposition: Key parameters for verifying parent material and pedogenesis in the Opawskie Mountains—a case study from SW Poland. J Soils Sediments. 2020;20:435-51.
; Silva et al., 2021bSilva DLA, Camêlo DL, Araújo Filho JC, Santos JCB, Souza Junior AJ, Souza Junior V, Corrêa MM. Genesis of clay skins in tropical eutric soils: A case study from NE-Brazil. Catena. 2021b;202:105236.
). Some studies associate soil observation as a continuum with applied research to improve crops (Moormann et al., 1977Moormann FR, Veldkamp WJ, Ballaux JC. The growth of rice on a toposequence - a methodology. Plant Soil. 1977;48:565-80.
) or even how pedogenesis influences the availability of chemical elements on water flux (Roulet et al., 1998Roulet M, Lucotte M, Saint-Aubin A, Tran S, Rhéault I, Farella N, Silva EDJD, Dezencourt J, Passos CJS, Soares GS, Guimarães JRD, Mergler D, Amorim M. The geochemistry of mercury in central Amazonian soils developed on the Alter-do-Chao formation of the lower Tapajos River Valley, Para state, Brazil. Sci Total Environ. 1998;223:1-24.


Different approaches used for the term toposequence are related to the theoretical and methodological line, mainly regarding the soil concept used by the authors over time. In the analyzed studies, few authors discuss the origin and meaning of the term toposequence, which can be grouped into three main approaches: (i) Regional: discusses soil in the landscape, whose classes are distributed and spatially associated with different geomorphological compartments, geomorphic surfaces, or even different source materials and ecosystems; (ii) Catenary: considers lateral soil sequences as keys to mapping units to identify the limits between soil classes or pedological mapping indicators or differentiate soils based on some taxonomic classification, indicating changes in attributes along the slope or landscape; and (iii) Continuum: treats the soil as a pedological cover where the horizons can change along the slope under the influence of topography and subsequent water flows that condition the pedological processes, which, in turn, can even influence the modification of forms thus marking the coevolution of soil and relief or soil and landscape.

We suggest the use of the term geomorphic surface or position in the landscape in the regional approach. Catena is the most appropriate term for soil series/sequences as indicators of pedological mapping or discontinuous profiles that use taxonomic classification as a highlight. If the soil sequence is biotic, climatic, lithological, or chronological, the most appropriate terms should include the corresponding prefix, bio, climo-, litho- or chronosequence, respectively.

In summary, the term toposequence should be restricted to the approach seeking the morphological and morphodynamic representation of pedological horizons in the continuum on a given slope, which represents a landscape unit. In this sense, the objective of the toposequence study should aim to understand how the lateral succession of soils occurs and to characterize the indicators of its vertical and especially lateral transformation induced by topography or even revealing soil contribution to topography evolution, which are always in coevolution.


The authors thank Professor Selma Simões de Castro for the review and contributions. This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001."

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Edited by

Editors: José Miguel Reichert and Déborah de Oliveira

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    24 June 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    04 Nov 2023
  • Accepted
    05 Feb 2024
Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Departamento de Solos - Edifício Silvio Brandão, s/n, Caixa Postal 231 - Campus da UFV, CEP 36570-900 - Viçosa-MG, Tel.: (31) 3612-4542 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil