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Lack of school interest: literature review (2007–2021) in theses, dissertations and scientific journals from Latin America


The article aims to present a literature review on lack of interest in school in Latin America in the period 2007–2021, mapping theses, dissertations and scientific jornals in Portuguese and Spanish in the portals Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Google Scholar, RedALyC and in the Coordination for the Improvemente of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) catalog. The search resulted in 188 articles that problematize lack of interest in school, classified into nine categories: historical retrieval of the concept; lack of interest in the area of knowledge; methodologies for dealing with lack of interest; meanings of the school for young people; teacher-student relationship; teaching representations; implications of lack of interest for the teaching activity; lack of interest associated with school failure; lack of interest linked to social aspects. It was possible to infer that lack of interest involves multiple dimensions that demand the proposition of curricula that take into account the reality and diversity of students.

School Dropout; Student Interests; School Curriculum

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