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La Verneda-Sant Martí Adult School: dream and science in education


Based on a longitudinal case study, the article aims to analyze the dynamics of classes, the didactic support material and the results of the literacy process of adults developed in a Spanish Freirian school that is a world reference both in adult education and in the participatory processes of learners. The data was analysed through the techniques of content analysis and communicative methodology, having as a theoretical basis the studies of dialogical learning. The researchers conclude that the processes carried out by the school promote strategies with potential for greater engagement of the pupils in school actions, expansion of learning and social transformations, on an individual and collective-community level. The relevance of the research is in presenting dialogical processes of learning and participation in an articulated manner, overcoming the opposition that is often made between dream and science in education.

Dialogical Learning; Paulo Freire; Adult Education

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