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Deformed exponential function for complex argument: writing roots of polynomial equations with complex coefficients

Função exponencial deformada para argumento complexo: escrevendo raízes de equações polinomiais com coeficientes complexos

The generalization of the logarithm and exponential functions proposed by Tsallis in 1988 has brought contributions in several areas in the last decades. Recently, we introduced a deformed exponential function that may assume negative or even complex values, but with the constrain of admitting only real arguments. We also showed the possibility of writing the roots of polynomial equations with real coefficients by using our generalization. Here, we present an extension of our deformed exponential function that admits complex argument. We show that our new generalization can address all the roots of polynomial equations up to the third degree even with complex coefficients.

Complex systems; Generalized functions; Family of functions; Analyticity in the complex plane; Polynomial roots

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil