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A new species of Bama McAlpine (Diptera, Platystomatidae) from New Guinea


Bama McAlpine is a genus of Platystomatidae restricted to Papua New Guinea. Here, we present the description of the new species, Bama (Bama) dichroma. Additionally, we provide an updated identification key and a distribution map for all known species of Bama.

New Guinea; Tephritoidea; Platystomatinae


The genus Bama (Platystomatidae, Platystomatinae) includes two subgenera: Bama (Bama) and Bama (Polimen) (McAlpine, 2001McAlpine, D. K., 2001. Review of the Australasian genera of Signal Flies (Diptera: platystomatidae). Rec. Aust. Mus. 53 (2), 113-199.
). The subgenus Bama (Bama) was proposed by McAlpine (2001)McAlpine, D. K., 2001. Review of the Australasian genera of Signal Flies (Diptera: platystomatidae). Rec. Aust. Mus. 53 (2), 113-199.
based on Xiria papuana Hennig, 1940 and included all species, Bama bipunctatum (Hendel, 1914Hendel, F., 1914. Die Arten der Platystominen. Abh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 8 (1), 1-410.) and Bama strigatum (Hennig, 1940Hennig, W., 1940. Aussereuropäische Psiliden und Platystomiden im Deutschen Entomologischen Institut (Diptera). Arb. Morphol. Taxon. Entomol. Berl. Dahlem. 7, 304-318.), except B. (Polimen) shinonagai McAlpine, 2001, which was named as the sole species in the subgenus.

Later, McAlpine (2015)McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
revised Bama, described 13 new species in the subgenus Bama, and synonymized Bama strigatum with B. papuanum. The genus occurs in Papua New Guinea and probably many more species occur on mainland New Guinea (including Indonesian, West New Guinea) (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.

Currently, Bama is composed of 16 species: B. (B.) aurantium McAlpine, 2015; B. (B.) bickeli McAlpine, 2015; B. (B.) bipunctatum; B. (B.) brevitarse McAlpine, 2015; B. (B.) divergens McAlpine, 2015; B. (B.) flavifrons McAlpine, 2015; B. (B.) flexifer McAlpine, 2015; B. (B.) grande McAlpine, 2015; B. (B.) gressitti McAlpine, 2015; B. (B.) ismayi McAlpine, 2015; B. (B.) martini McAlpine, 2015; B. (B.) monstrans McAlpine, 2015; B. (B.) papuanum; B. (B.) robertsi McAlpine, 2015; B. (B.) signifer McAlpine, 2015; and B. (P.) shinonagai McAlpine, 2001 (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.

In this contribution, Bama (Bama) dichroma sp. nov. is described, and its external morphology and terminalia are illustrated. An updated key based on McAlpine (2015)McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
, and a distributional map to all known species of Bama, are also given.

Material and methods

All the specimens studied were borrowed from the Natural History Museum, London UK. In order to observe the terminalia, the abdomen of some specimens was removed and treated with 10% KOH solution overnight, then neutralized with acid acetic and washed in distilled water, dehydrated in an alcoholic series (60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100%), dissected, placed on a depression, with glycerin, and photographed. The dissected abdomens are stored in glycerin in a microvial attached to the pin of the specimen.

Photos were obtained at the Photo studio of Staatliche Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany. Equipment used: Canon EOS 5DsR, Canon macro photo lens MP-E 65mm 1:2.8; software used: Photoshop 2021, Helicon Focus 8.1.0. The map (Fig. 3) was made using QGIS 3.16.11, Google Earth Pro Shape files were obtained in geoBoundaries (Runfola et al., 2020Runfola, D., Anderson, A., Baier, H., Crittenden, M., Dowker, E., Fuhrig, S., Goodman, S., Grimsley, G., Layko, R., Melville, G., Mulder, M., Oberman, R., Panganiban, J., Peck, A., Seitz, L., Shea, S., Slevin, H., Youngerman, R., Hobbs, L., 2020. geoBoundaries: a global database of political administrative boundaries. PLoS One 15 (4), e0231866.
). The terminology used follows Galinskaya and Shatalkin (2013)Galinskaya, T. V., Shatalkin, A. I., 2013. Neohemigaster Malloch, 1939 and Pterogenia Bigot, 1859 (Diptera: Platystomatidae) from eastern Eurasia, with the description of four new species. Zootaxa 3666 (2), 267-285.
, Galinskaya and Ovtshinnikova (2015Galinskaya, T., Ovtshinnikova, O. G., 2015. Musculature of the male genitalia in Rivellia (Diptera: platystomatidae). ZooKeys 545, 149-158.
), Bodner and Freidberg (2016)Bodner, L., Freidberg, A., 2016. Taxonomy and immature stages of the Platystomatidae (Diptera: Tephritoidea) of Israel. Zootaxa 4171 (2), 201-245.
, and Cumming and Wood (2017)Cumming, J. M., Wood, D. M., 2017. Adult morphology and terminology, In: Kirk-Springs, A.H., Sinclair, B.J. (Eds.), Manual of Afrotropical Diptera: Introductory chapters and keys to Diptera Families. Suricata 4. Vol. 1. Pretoria, South African National Biodiversity Institute, pp. 89–133..

Figure 3
Distributional map of the species of Bama.


Bama McAlpine, 2001

Bama McAlpine, 2001: 165. Type species: Xiria papuana Hennig, 1940 (original designation); McAlpine, 2015: 26 (new species, new synonym, key).

Diagnosis: two orbital setae; face without medial carina; arista micropubescent; scutellum bare; mid tibia with one large terminal ventral spur, longer than tibial diameter, any additional spurs very small; stem vein setose dorsally on base of Rs before level of humeral; cua cell bare or with a microtrichose only along anterior margin and distally; lower calypter reduced, not or only slightly larger than that of alula; female with abdominal tergite 3 much longer than tergites 4–5 (McAlpine, 2001McAlpine, D. K., 2001. Review of the Australasian genera of Signal Flies (Diptera: platystomatidae). Rec. Aust. Mus. 53 (2), 113-199.
, 2015).

Key to the adults of Bama, adapted from McAlpine (2015) McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.

1. Scutellum dorsally bare, laterally setulose; lateral scutellar setae shorter than basal scutellar seta; wing with one stripe bordering C vein, one complete subcostal band, and a band on r-m (McAlpine, 2001McAlpine, D. K., 2001. Review of the Australasian genera of Signal Flies (Diptera: platystomatidae). Rec. Aust. Mus. 53 (2), 113-199.
: figs. 76–78; McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: fig. 53) ………………………… B. (P.) shinonagai McAlpine

- Scutellum covered by pruinescence, without lateral setulae; all scutellar setae of similar size; wing marks not as above ………………………………………….. 2

2. Anterior half of wing dark brown, males with darker spots around veins R4+5 and M1 (McAlpine 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 23–24) ………………………………………….. 3

- Anterior half of wing hyaline or pale yellow; R4+5 and M1 without dark spots (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 1 & 3) ……... 6

3. Medial segment of M4 with distal brown stripe; dm-m straight; palpus dark grey-brown; males only: R4+5 and M1 veins with darker spots (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 23–26) ………………….. B. (B.) gressitti McAlpine

- M4 completely hyaline; dm-m sinuous; palpus variable in color; males only: R4+5 and M1 veins uniform in color (McAlpine 2001McAlpine, D. K., 2001. Review of the Australasian genera of Signal Flies (Diptera: platystomatidae). Rec. Aust. Mus. 53 (2), 113-199.
: fig. 8) ……………………… 4

4. R2+3 slightly curved at level of r-m; dm-m hyaline; acrostichal setae absent; arista bare throughout its length, with lanceolate apical expansion at least in female …………………. (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 17–20) B. (B.) signifier McAlpine

- R2+3 abruptly curved at level of r-m; dm-m with infuscate band; one acrostichal seta; arista uniformly micropubescent (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: fig. 8) ……………………….. 5

5. Palpus elongated, yellowish; r4+5 with posterodistal hyaline mark; male terminalia with distal lobe on glans ……………… (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 7–10) B. (B.) flexifer

- Palpus short, dark brown; r4+5 with medial light brown band; male terminalia without distal lobe on glans (Figs.: 1a–e & 2 a–e) …….………………… B. (B.) dichroma sp nov.

6. CuA2 shape with middle projection; wing hyaline with dark brown fasciae, including medial band, discal band and broad apical band; fore femur entirely brown; hind femur yellow (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 1–2) ............................................. B. (B.) bipunctatum (Hendel)

- CuA2 shape with projection on apical portion; wings and legs variable (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: fig. 3) ………………… 7

7. Halter knob dark brown to black; cell cua largely hyaline ………………………………………………. 8

- Halter knob white or yellow; cell cua with apical portion often partly brown ………………………………. 9

8. Basal section of R4+5 and M1 almost straight, diverging at apex; wing hyaline with brown marks on sc, half of r1, half of r2+3, medial band ending at dm, one discal band, dm-m with subtriangular mark, and two distal black dots in r4+5 (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 3–4) …………………………………………… B. (B.) divergens McAlpine

- Apical section of R4+5 and M1 curved and parallel; wing hyaline with medial, and pre-apical bands (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 5–6) … ………………………………………………. B. (B.) robertsi McAlpine

9. Hind basitarsus less than one third length of hind tibia; dm-m curved, but not oblique; wing diffuse and irregular brown marks, at least in males (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 11–16) ………………………… B. (B.) brevitarse McAlpine

- Hind basitarsus more than one-third length of hind tibia; dm-m with oblique orientation; wing markings not as above …………………………… 10

10. Scutellum yellowish orange …………………………………. 11

- Scutellum black or dark yellow …………………………………….. 13

11. Mid coxa with brush-like setae on dorsal surface (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 39–41) .......................... B. (B.) aurantium McAlpine

- Mid coxa without such brush-like setae …………………………… 12

12. Wing hyaline with subcostal and discal bands, one apical stripe on r4+5 and one stripe on apical segment of M1; r-m and dm-m of similar size … (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 35–38) B. (B.) martini McAlpine

- Wing hyaline with inconspicuous infuscate brown on r-m and dm-m; dm-m more than two times longer than r-m (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 33–34) …………………………… B. (B.) grande McAlpine

13. Frons yellow, with small black marks on sides of ocellus; fore femur entirely dark brown; wing hyaline with one subtriangular band on subcostal vein, one medial band joined with one discal band posteriorly, one Costal stripe on distal 1/3 (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: fig. 21) ........................................................ B. (B.) flavifrons McAlpine

- Frons largely black; fore femur yellow at least on basal third; wing markings not as above ……………………… 14

14. M1 segment between r-m and dm-m as long as of dm-m; wing with one medial and one discal band (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: fig. 22) ………………………………………. B. (B.) ismayi McAlpine

- M1 segment between r-m and dm-m shorter than dm-m; wing marks not as above …………………….. 15

15. Fore femur yellow basally, brown distally; wing with one medial band ending at M1, an inclined band on discal cell; M1 segment between r-m and dm-m as long as r-m; dorsal surface at distal margin of mid coxae with setae; male with hind basitarsus broadened and compressed (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 27–32) ……………… B. (B.) bickeli McAlpine

- Fore femur entirely yellow; wing marks not as above; M1 segment between r-m and dm-m shorter than r-m; dorsal surface at distal border of mid coxae with one seta; male with hind basitarsus slender, cylindrical …………………. 16

16. Wing of male hyaline with one costal yellow stripe, one brown medial band, posteriorly joined with one preapical band; apex of with dark brown; M1 segment between r-m and dm-m as long as r-m; mid coxae with finger-like extension on ventral surface; lobe of preglans with many peg-like spinules (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 42–47) ………………………. B. (B.) monstrans McAlpine

- Wing of male with one discal band; one costal stripe, one stripe at M1 on distal portion; M1 segment between r-m and dm-m shorter than r-m; mid coxa with dorsal extension narrow, but less elongate; lobe of preglans without spinules (McAlpine, 2015McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
: figs. 48–52) ……………………………………… B. (B.) papuanum (Hennig)

Bama (Bama) McAlpine, 2001 s. str.

Bama (Bama) McAlpine, 2001: 166. Type species: Xiria papuana Hennig, 1940 (original designation).

Diagnosis: Postpedicel rounded distally; scutellum without setulae, dorsally subshiny, covered with fine pubescence; lower calypter with very short lobe, scarcely larger than area of axillary lobe (McAlpine, 2001McAlpine, D. K., 2001. Review of the Australasian genera of Signal Flies (Diptera: platystomatidae). Rec. Aust. Mus. 53 (2), 113-199.

Bama (Bama) dichroma sp. nov.

(Figs. 1a-e; Figs. 2a-e)

Figure 1
Bama dichroma sp. nov. (a) habitus dorsal; (b) habitus lateral; (c) head frontal; (d) wing dorsal; (e) abdomen dorsal, setae indicate the syntergite 1+2 and tergite 3. Scale: 1mm. Figs.: 1a–c and 1e holotype, Fig. 1d paratype female.
Figure 2
Bama dichroma sp. nov. terminalia. (a) male terminalia in lateral view; (b) male terminalia in ventral view; (c) male ejaculatory apodeme; (d) male aedeagal complex; (e) female terminalia with spermathecae. Scale: 0.5mm.

Diagnosis:Bama dichroma sp. nov. is similar to B. flexifer, B. gressitti and B. signifer in the presence of a broad costal stripe, covering cells sc, r1, r2+3, and r4+5. It differs from B. gressitti in lacking an infuscate stripe on M4 and lacking darker dots on R4+5 and M1. It differs from B. signifer in having a band on dm-m. It can be distinguished from B. flexifer in having cell r4+5 completely dark brown with one medial light brown stripe, whereas B. flexifer has hyaline dot near apex of cell r4+5.

Head: (Figs. 1a-c) frons rectangular, longer than wider, dark brown; two orbital setae, of same size, inner vertical seta convergent, outer vertical seta divergent; ocellar setae reduced, divergent; postocellar setae reduced, erect; silver pruinescence on fronto-orbital plate, parafacialia, and postgena; pedicel dark brown; postpedicel 2.5 times height of pedicel, covered by whitish microtrichia; arista longer than face, micropubescent; face dark brown; gena about 1/5 height of eye; clypeus dark brown, short, about height of pedicel; palpus dark brown; proboscis dark brown.

Thorax: (Figs.: 1a–1b, and 1d) scutum with dark blue-green metallic luster, with lateral borders dark brown; one postpronotal seta; two notopleural setae; one supra-alar seta; one intra-alar seta; one postalar seta; one prescutellar acrostichal seta; one prescutellar dorsocentral seta; scutellum dark brown, flat, V-shaped in dorsal view; three scutellar setae, of same size; one anepisternal seta. Legs: coxae yellowish; femora yellowish; tibiae and tarsi dark brown; fore coxa with four setae at distal border of ventral surface; fore femur with row of long setae on distal half ventrally; mid coxa with five setae on ventral surface; mid tibia with one apical spur; hind coxa with two setae on posterior surface, and one seta on anterior surface. Wings (Fig. 1d): hyaline; costal stripe broad, dark brown, covering the cells sc, r1, r2+3, and r4+5, with one hyaline triangular mark at r-m level, and one hyaline band on cell r4+5; one light brown band on apex of discal cell, covering dm-m; Sc straight, incomplete but ending near C; R1 straight; R2+3 sinuous at r-m level; second segment of M1 sinuous; Rs with fine microtrichia dorsally; R1 and R4+5 setulose dorsally; lower calypter reduced to linear fringe; halter with base of rod brown, apical part and knob pale yellow.

Abdomen: (Fig. 1e) oval; dark brown, with metallic blue green luster; sparsely covered by whitish microtrichia; female with tergite 3 longer than tergites 4–5; male tergite 5 with three lateral marginal setae. Male terminalia: (Figs. 2a-d) in lateral view, epandrium round, covered by setae (Fig. 2a); cercus globose, covered by setae; lateral as long as epandrium, with setae at apex; inner surstylus shorter than lateral surstylus; one apical prensiseta, fang like in ventral view (Fig. 2b); cercus bilobate; ejaculatory apodeme fanlike (Fig. 2c); aedeagus cylindrical; preglans reduced; glans well developed, half as wide as long, without process or lobe; terminal filaments Y-shaped, unequal size, the longer one about the same width of glans; (Fig. 2d). Female terminalia: (Fig. 2e) oviscape conical, length and width similar; taenia longer than oviscape; eversible membrane with scale-like denticles; sternite 8 narrow and pointed; cercus fused, with two setae; three (2+1) spermathecae, drop-like, atrium reduced, basal disc absent.

Sexual dimorphism Substantial sexual dimorphism was not observed in the specimens studied.

Type Material: Holotype female and six paratypes, two males and four females, all deposited at the Natural History Museum, London.

Holotype. (1): Stn. No. | 78; (2): NEW GUINEA: | Madang Dist., | Finisterre Mts. | Moro C 5550ft. 30.x-15.xi.1964; (3): M.E. Bacchus. | B.M. 1965-120; (4): NHMUK 013444736 | Qr code; (5): Bama | dichroma | det. J.P.V. Rodrigues, 2023; (6): HOLOTYPE (female).

Paratypes with same data as holotype, except: (4) NHMUK 013444733, and (6) PARATYPE (female); (4) NHMUK 013444734, and (6) PARATYPE (female); (4) NHMUK 013444735, and (6) PARATYPE (female); (4) NHMUK 013444737, and (6) PARATYPE (male); (4) NHMUK 013444738, and (6) PARATYPE (female); (4) NHMUK 013444740, and (6) PARATYPE (male).

Distribution: Papua New Guinea, Finisterre Mountains (Fig. 3).

Etymology: The epithet dichroma is formed from the union of di= two and chroma= color, Greek, an allusion of the wing pattern, half wing dark brown and half hyaline. Gender neutral.


The inclusion of B. dichroma sp. nov. in Bama is corroborated by the presence of two orbital setae (Figs. 1a, b), by the second segment of M1 sinuous (Fig. 1d), by the abdominal tergite 3 enlarged and the reduction of tergites 4 and 5 in females (Fig. 1e: white setae), and by the presence of an aedeagus with pair of terminal filaments of unequal size, arising from a bulb (Fig. 2d) (McAlpine, 2001McAlpine, D. K., 2001. Review of the Australasian genera of Signal Flies (Diptera: platystomatidae). Rec. Aust. Mus. 53 (2), 113-199.
, 2015). The differences in the palpus, r4+5 and the patterns between B. flexifer, B. gressitti, and B. signifer distinguish B. dichroma as a new species. Currently, the genus is composed of 17 species, 16 in the subgenus (Bama) and one in the (Polimen).


The authors are grateful to Duncan Sivel and Zoe Addams, British Natural History Museum, for the loan of specimens used in this study. Daniel Whitmore hosted JPVR at the Staatliche Naturkunde Museum, Stuttgart. Thank the editor and reviewers, Andrew Whittington and Allen Norrbon, for their contribution in improving this manuscript.

  • Funding

    JPVR was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. CJBC thanks to the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Brazil, grant #307959/2021–9.


  • Bodner, L., Freidberg, A., 2016. Taxonomy and immature stages of the Platystomatidae (Diptera: Tephritoidea) of Israel. Zootaxa 4171 (2), 201-245.
  • Cumming, J. M., Wood, D. M., 2017. Adult morphology and terminology, In: Kirk-Springs, A.H., Sinclair, B.J. (Eds.), Manual of Afrotropical Diptera: Introductory chapters and keys to Diptera Families. Suricata 4. Vol. 1. Pretoria, South African National Biodiversity Institute, pp. 89–133.
  • Galinskaya, T. V., Shatalkin, A. I., 2013. Neohemigaster Malloch, 1939 and Pterogenia Bigot, 1859 (Diptera: Platystomatidae) from eastern Eurasia, with the description of four new species. Zootaxa 3666 (2), 267-285.
  • Galinskaya, T., Ovtshinnikova, O. G., 2015. Musculature of the male genitalia in Rivellia (Diptera: platystomatidae). ZooKeys 545, 149-158.
  • Hendel, F., 1914. Die Arten der Platystominen. Abh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 8 (1), 1-410.
  • Hennig, W., 1940. Aussereuropäische Psiliden und Platystomiden im Deutschen Entomologischen Institut (Diptera). Arb. Morphol. Taxon. Entomol. Berl. Dahlem. 7, 304-318.
  • McAlpine, D. K., 2001. Review of the Australasian genera of Signal Flies (Diptera: platystomatidae). Rec. Aust. Mus. 53 (2), 113-199.
  • McAlpine, D. K., 2015. Signal flies of the genus Bama (Diptera: Platystomatidae) in Papua New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 67 (2), 25-53.
  • Runfola, D., Anderson, A., Baier, H., Crittenden, M., Dowker, E., Fuhrig, S., Goodman, S., Grimsley, G., Layko, R., Melville, G., Mulder, M., Oberman, R., Panganiban, J., Peck, A., Seitz, L., Shea, S., Slevin, H., Youngerman, R., Hobbs, L., 2020. geoBoundaries: a global database of political administrative boundaries. PLoS One 15 (4), e0231866.

Edited by

Associate Editor: Marcia Couri

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 Aug 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Apr 2024
  • Accepted
    02 July 2024
Sociedade Brasileira De Entomologia Caixa Postal 19030, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil , Tel./Fax: +55 41 3266-0502 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil