Acessibilidade / Reportar erro



At the end of another year we would like to highlight some aspects that corroborate the growing of our magazine along its 30 years as following:

1)The Magazine began to be published every three months since 2008, with four editions: Mach, June, September and December.

2) In 2008, since November 15th we had received to be appreciated and eventually published in the RBF, 280 articles which show the confidence of our authors in spreading their researches in the Brazilian Magazine of Fruticulture.

3) The articles received are originated practically from all the Brazilian states what undeniably credentials the RBF as the Magazine of the national integration in fruticulture.

4) The numbers of citation on line with the, have increased significantly. Look at the numbers until November 13th 2008.

5) The impact factor in the SciELO, referring to three years preceding the data base, has increased constantly.

6) There was a significant increasing in the International participation in our Magazine both in reviews as in articles sent for publication.

7) The group of assessors (961) has been constantly improved. In every published number, new authors that have the title of doctor have been invited to help us in this task. We are satisfied with the acceptance received.

8) In addition to the index already received like CAB, AGRIS, AGROBASE, SciELO (2001), the RBF was indexed in two databases with the ISI, from December 2007, in the Science Citation Index Spanded, also known as SciSearch®, and in the Journal Citation Reports /Science Edition.

What worries us:

1) CAPES recently released the Qualis from the scientific journals. The classification assigned for the RBF was B2 , according to the new criteria. One of the parameters used was the impact factor of the JCR (Journal Current Reports), being the last classification of the ISI from the year 2007, that was based in the years 2005-2006 i.e., the previous two years. The RBF had its inclusion in the ISI in the end of the year 2007, therefore did not have its impact factor calculated.

2) The ISI was consulted about the next edition of the JCR, and we received from Mrs. Nancy Thornton the information that the new list will be available in 2010 and it will be referring to the years 2008 and 2009, according to the above e-mail:

From: To: Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 5:04 PMSubject RE: REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE FRUTICULTURA - MAGAZINEDear Dr. Ruggiero, If by "JCR number" you mean the impact factor, calculation of impact factorsrequires two years' worth of citation data. The impact factor for Revista Brasileirade Fruticultura will be available in 2010. This applies to all journals added in 2007.

As the RBF was already in the databases of the ISI in 2007, in was sent to CAPES the request for reconsideration of the classification given to the RBF.

Measures adopted:

1) To improve the viewing and the dissemination of the RBF, internationally, it was approved in the Brazilian Congress of Fruticulture, in Vitoria that:

  • The RBF will, in 2009 ,be published in paper, with a reduction in the format , what will allow a reduction in the costs.

  • When the article is ready, in PBF, to be sent to the

    SciELO, it will be done a version in English, i.e., it will have

    on line one version in Portuguese and another in English.

  • To deal with the costs due to the new procedures, the taxes were altered and the new information can be seen

    on line in the RBF internet page :

  • We would like to call attention of the authors of the articles to consult the RBF Magazine more often, when elaborating your articles, and whenever possible to use indexed journals in the ISI, and in the SciELO.

2) With this measures and the collaboration that certainly will not fail, the RBF will reach the level deserved and desired by all.

3) The RBF congratulates CAPES in the effort to stimulate the improvement of our scientific journals.

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2009.

Carlos Ruggiero

RBF Editor

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    19 Feb 2009
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2008
Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura Via de acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n , 14884-900 Jaboticabal SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3209-7188/3209-7609 - Jaboticabal - SP - Brazil