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Social representations of Family Health Strategy professionals regarding palliative care for older adults



To comprehend the Social Representations of nurses, physicians, and dentists working in Primary Health Care (PHC) regarding Palliative Care (PC) for older adults.


This research was grounded in the Theory of Social Representations. Data were obtained through semi-structured interviews comprising closed-ended questions (socio-demographic and professional data) and open-ended questions (Describe your understanding of Palliative Care for older adults and Explain how you provide palliative care for the older adults under your care at this unit). For data analysis and organization, the Collective Subject Discourse technique was employed.


Regarding the question about what professionals understood about Palliative Care for older adults, four Central Ideas emerged: incurable diagnosis; biopsychosocial and humanized care for the older adult and family; quality of life; and health education. The five central ideas concerning how this care was conducted at the unit were: home visits; biopsychosocial and spiritual care for the older adult and family; activity groups; promotion of quality of life; and assistance at the moment of death.


The data obtained allowed for the identification of the social representations of PHC professionals regarding PC for older adults, as well as its implementation. The understandings of PC are closely related to those advocated by the World Health Organization, with the exception of health education, which is a principle rather than a concept. These understandings also allowed for the identification of actions by nurses, physicians, and dentists that demonstrate how they provide palliative care for older adults.

Palliative Care; Older Adults; Social Representation; Primary Health Care; National Health Strategies



Compreender as Representações Sociais dos profissionais enfermeiros, médicos e odontólogos da Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS) sobre Cuidados Paliativos (CP) para a pessoa idosa.


Pesquisa fundamentada na Teoria das Representações Sociais. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista semiestruturada a partir de questões fechadas (dados sociodemográficos e profissionais) e abertas (Fale qual a sua compreensão sobre Cuidado Paliativo para o idoso e Fale como você realiza o cuidado paliativo para os idosos que você cuida aqui da unidade). Para análise e organização dos dados, foi utilizada a técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo.


Frente a questão sobre o que os profissionais compreendiam do CP para o idoso, resultaram quatro Ideias Centrais: diagnóstico incurável; cuidado biopsicossocial e humanizado para a pessoa idosa e família; qualidade de vida e educação em saúde. As cinco ideias centrais sobre como esse cuidado era realizado na unidade foram: visita domiciliar; atenção biopsicossocioespiritual a pessoa idosa e família; grupos de atividades; promoção da qualidade de vida e assistência no momento da morte.


Os dados obtidos permitiram identificar as representações sociais de profissionais de saúde da APS sobre o CP para a pessoa idosa, bem como sua execução. As compreensões sobre CP estão intimamente relacionadas com o preconizado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, com exceção da educação em saúde que é um princípio e não um conceito. Essas compreensões permitiram, também, identificar ações de enfermeiros, médicos e odontólogos que demonstram como realizam o cuidado paliativo para a pessoa idosa.

Cuidado Paliativo; Idoso; Representação Social; Atenção Primária à Saúde; Estratégias de Saúde Nacionais


The aging process increases the likelihood of chronic diseases and frailties, necessitating care that addresses their needs in a comprehensive, equitable, and holistic manner11 Oliveira MR, Veras RP, Cordeiro HA. A importância da porta de entrada no sistema: o modelo integral de saúde para o idoso. [Internet] Physis: Rev de Saúde Coletiva. 2018 [acesso 08 de agosto de 2022] 28(4). Disponível em:
. Considering this, coupled with longevity and the rise of certain illnesses, Palliative Care (PC) aims to provide dignity to both the individual and their family throughout the aging process.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines PC as care provided to patients of all ages facing serious and life-threatening illnesses. Its objective is to contribute to better quality of life for patients and their families through early identification of pain, assessment, and treatment, promoting relief of physical, social, emotional, and spiritual symptoms22 World Health Organization. Integrating palliative care into PHC services. In: Why palliative care is an essential function of primary health care. [Internet] 2018 [acesso 10 de outubro de 2022] p. 8-15. Disponível em:
, as well as a less painful death, integrated within an interdisciplinary field of health care33 Azevedo C, Rates CM, Pessalacia JD, Mata LR. Prospects for palliative care in primary healthcare: a descriptive study. [Internet] Online braz j nurs. 2016 [acesso 08 de outubro de 2022]dez.15 (4): 683-693. Disponível em:

PC should not be confused with end-of-life care, as it is recommended from the diagnosis of a potentially fatal illness, a moment considered opportune for PC to be integrated into curative therapy44 Pereira EA, Reys KZ. Conceitos e Princípios. In: Castilho, RK. Silva, VC, Pinto, CS, organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021; p.3-6..

When addressing the comprehensiveness of service, the Health Care Network (HCN) aims to ensure this form of care, pointing towards an intersectoral, cooperative, polyarchic service, relating horizontally55 Brasil. Portaria nº. 4.279, de 30 de dezembro de 2010. Estabelece diretrizes para a organização da Rede de Atenção à Saúde no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). [Internet]. [acesso 08 de outubro de 2023]. Disponível em:
. Primary Health Care (PHC) serves as the cornerstone for user and family within the HCN. The Family Health Strategy (FHS), embedded within PHC, demonstrates efficacy in providing the necessary guidance and support to patients in PC, thereby reflecting its essence and purpose66 Justino ET, Kasper M, Santos KS, Quaglio RC, Fortuna CM. Palliative care in primary health care: scoping review. [Internet] Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 2020 [acesso 02 de dezembro de 2020] 28:e 3324. Disponível em: doi

According to the WHO, patients indicated for PC, whose symptoms are controlled, can be directed to home care. As symptoms become more severe, there is a need for care coordination across different levels of complexity within the network22 World Health Organization. Integrating palliative care into PHC services. In: Why palliative care is an essential function of primary health care. [Internet] 2018 [acesso 10 de outubro de 2022] p. 8-15. Disponível em:

Nevertheless, the main barriers highlighted by the WHO are accessibility to PC, the absence of policies, training, and preparedness of professionals, which are limited or even nonexistent, as well as access to essential medications for pain relief, such as opioids77 World Health Organization. Palliative Care. Key facts. 2020. [acesso 26 de setembro de 2022]. Disponível em: (

In this sense, CP brings home care into chronic degenerative or terminal phase illnesses88 Pessini L, Bertachini L. Novas perspectivas em cuidados paliativos: ética, geriatria, gerontologia, comunicação e espiritualidade. [Internet] Rev. Mundo da Saúde. 2005; out-dez. 29(4): 491-509. [acesso 05 de fevereiro de 2021]. Disponível em:, reinforcing the need for knowledge and preparedness of PHC teams for PC in older adults. Thus, the present research is guided by the following overarching question: What is the understanding of PHC professionals regarding palliative care in older adults?

In light of the foregoing, his research aims to comprehend the Social Representations of physicians, nurses, and dentists interviewed within the PHC related to palliative care for older adults.


Qualitative research grounded in the assumptions of the Theory of Social Representations (TSR) 99 Durkheim É. As Regras do Método Sociológico. São Paulo (SP): Martins Fontes; 2007.,1010 Moscovici S. Representações Sociais: Investigações em psicologia social. 11a ed. Petrópolis (RJ): Vozes; 2015., conducted in a medium-sized municipality in the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Among the 41 Family Health Units (FHU) in the municipality, ten units were selected based on the epidemiological and demographic profile with the highest older population; distributed across eight urban units, with two in each region, and two rural units. Participants were intentionally selected, i.e., senior-level professionals from the FHS.

The inclusion criteria comprised professionals with a higher education level, assigned to FHUs with a larger older population, considering demographic characterization. Professionals on vacation or on leave were excluded.

The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews conducted at FHUs between June and August 2022. The data collection instrument consisted of closed-ended questions (sociodemographic and professional data) and open-ended questions ("Please describe your understanding of Palliative Care for older adult" and "Please explain how you provide palliative care for older adult you care for in this unit"). Each interview lasted an average of 15 minutes, recorded in MP4 audio format, and transcribed in full.

The sociodemographic and professional characterization data were presented in the form of simple and relative frequencies. For the organization of qualitative data, the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) technique was used, which consists of a set of procedures for tabulating and organizing data from oral statements of the interviewed professionals. The following steps encompass this technique: selection of key expressions (KE) from each discourse. KEs are continuous or discontinuous segments of discourse that reveal the main content of the obtained responses; identification of the central idea (CI) of each of these KEs, which is the synthesis of the content of these expressions; identification of similar or complementary central ideas; and gathering the KEs related to the CIs into a synthesis discourse, in the first person singular, which is the CSD1111 Lefèvre F. Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo: nossos modos de pensar; nosso eu coletivo. São Paulo (SP): Andreoli; 2017..

The research was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs), under opinion 5,412,880 and CAAE 57598522.5.0000.5413. Before each interview, the objectives were explained, at which time the Informed Consent Form (ICF) was read, and voluntarily signed thereafter. In order to ensure anonymity, each participant was encoded with the initial letter of their profession (E = nurse, M = physician, and O = dentist) followed by a numerical sequence from 1 to 10. The interview audios were archived based on the professional category and organized into folders according to the unit interviewed. After the transcriptions, they were deleted.


Out of the 30 professionals invited, 10 nurses, 9 physicians, and 9 dentists participated. The majority were in the age group between 41 and 50 years old, 82% were female, 36% had a time since graduation of up to 5 years, and 43% had a time of practice in PHC of up to 9 years.

Regarding the question "Please state your understanding of Palliative Care for older adults," four CIs were identified: Incurable diagnosis, Biopsychosocial and humanized care for older adults and family, Quality of life, and Health education (Chart 1).

Chart 1
Central Ideas and Collective Subject Discourse of nurses, physicians, and dentists from Primary Health Care regarding the understanding of palliative care in older adults. Marília, SP, 2022.

In response to the second question, "Describe how you provide palliative care for older adults under your care in this unit", five CIs were identified: Home visits, Biopsychosocial-spiritual care for older adults and their families, Activity groups, Promotion of quality of life, and Assistance at the moment of death (Chart 2).

Chart 2
Central Ideas and Collective Subject Discourse of nurses, physicians, and dentists in Primary Health Care regarding ‘How you provide palliative care for the older adults you attend to here in the unit’. Marília, SP, 2022.


The Theory of Social Representations (TSR), also known as the theory of common sense or naïve knowledge, contributed to the proposed investigation by seeking to understand how the knowledge produced by science is transformed within the social fabric – within consensual universes; or even how that which is unfamiliar becomes familiar, how the distant is made proximate for everyday practical life1010 Moscovici S. Representações Sociais: Investigações em psicologia social. 11a ed. Petrópolis (RJ): Vozes; 2015..

In response to the first question, "Discuss your understanding of Palliative Care for older adults", the following CIs were constructed after analyzing each testimony: (1) Incurable diagnosis, (2) Biopsychosocial and humanized care for older adults and their families, (3) Quality of life, (4) Health education (Chart 1).

The CI 1 "incurable diagnosis" is associated with the Social Representation (SR) of PHC professionals for non-resolvable diagnoses, which are chronic and/or terminal but amenable to management. This CI is present in the definition of palliative care PC, conceptualized as comprehensive care provided to patients in cases where the disease lacks curative resolution, and aimed at patients and families facing issues related to potentially fatal illnesses44 Pereira EA, Reys KZ. Conceitos e Princípios. In: Castilho, RK. Silva, VC, Pinto, CS, organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021; p.3-6..

The International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care defines it as holistic care aimed at individuals throughout their life cycle, experiencing health-related suffering, particularly in the context of serious illnesses and those nearing the end of life, thus emphasizing the representation of the incurable diagnosis1212 Radbruch L, De Lima L, Knaul F, Wenk R, Ali Z, Bhatnaghar S, et. al. Redefining Palliative Care - A New Consensus-Based Definition. [Internet] Journal of pain as symptom management. 2022[acesso outubro de 2022] out; 60(4):754-764.Disponível em:

When the incurable nature of a condition is acknowledged, it must be approached ethically, recognizing the active process of dying. Older adults, whether they have chronic, advanced, or terminal illnesses, require dignified treatment1313 Brasil. Estatuto do Idoso. Lei federal n° 10.741, de 1º de outubro de 2003. Dispõe sobre o Estatuto do Idoso e dá outras providências. [Internet]. 3a ed. Brasilia (DF); Ministério da Saúde; 2013. [acesso 01 de de dezembro 2020]. Disponível em:

Addressing the finitude with the older adult who presents a serious, life-threatening illness requires addressing life, regardless of the stage it is in, as Palliative Care (PC) affirms life and considers death as a natural process. Therefore, PC is applicable from the beginning of the disease concomitantly with modifying therapy, both for older adults and their family members22 World Health Organization. Integrating palliative care into PHC services. In: Why palliative care is an essential function of primary health care. [Internet] 2018 [acesso 10 de outubro de 2022] p. 8-15. Disponível em:
,44 Pereira EA, Reys KZ. Conceitos e Princípios. In: Castilho, RK. Silva, VC, Pinto, CS, organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021; p.3-6..

In light of this premise, SR of the interviewed professionals related to the care provided to older adults and their families is presented by CI 2 "Biopsychosocial and humanized care for older adults and families."

PC aims to alleviate suffering while adding quality to life and the dying process, being recommended for both the patient and family members at any stage of the illness, as the dyad often presents expectations and/or needs that require attention. This proposal targets both formal and informal caregivers, as in the face of an incurable illness, emotional triggers are activated, as well as physical and social strain1414 Sociedade Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia. Comissão Permanente de Cuidados Paliativos. Vamos falar de cuidados paliativos. 2015. [Internet] Tradução: Azevedo D. Lets talk about palliative and hospice care. OhioHealth Hospice, Columbus, Ohio, USA. 2014. [acesso 29 de setembro de 2022]. Disponível em:
,1515 Anchette D, Carvalho, LF, Reine PS. Dor total. In: Castilho, RK. Silva, VC, Pinto, CS, organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021; p.95-8.. In the majority of cases, it is spouses, children, and daughters-in-law who are already older themselves, caring for older adults. This highlights the need to care for this dyad, requiring support from the healthcare team, as well as planning and caregiving actions1616 Fratezi FR, Gutierrez BA. Cuidador familiar do idoso em cuidados paliativos: o processo de morrer no domicílio. [Internet] Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. 2011 [acesso 27 de setembro de 2022] 16 (7): 3241-3248. Disponível em: <>. Epub 21 Jul 2011. ISSN 1678-4561.

In such cases, the PHC team should strengthen the bond with this dyad, identifying early any type of pain and suffering, given that illness generates anxieties and changes in their lives1414 Sociedade Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia. Comissão Permanente de Cuidados Paliativos. Vamos falar de cuidados paliativos. 2015. [Internet] Tradução: Azevedo D. Lets talk about palliative and hospice care. OhioHealth Hospice, Columbus, Ohio, USA. 2014. [acesso 29 de setembro de 2022]. Disponível em:
,1515 Anchette D, Carvalho, LF, Reine PS. Dor total. In: Castilho, RK. Silva, VC, Pinto, CS, organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021; p.95-8..

CI 3 "Quality of life" is related to the SR of well-being during this end-of-life period. The WHO conceptualizes quality of life as the perception that each human being has of their needs, addressing self-realization and their possibilities for it, as well as their physical, psychological, social, and economic health1717 World Health Organization. Promoción de la Salud. Glosario. Genebra. [internet] 1998. [acesso 29 de setembro de 2022]. Calidad de Vida; p. 28. Disponível em: In this sense, PC aims to promote quality of life for patients and their families in the face of life-threatening illnesses44 Pereira EA, Reys KZ. Conceitos e Princípios. In: Castilho, RK. Silva, VC, Pinto, CS, organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021; p.3-6..

The majority of the older adult population reports pain as a limiting factor in their activities of daily living. Early identification and treatment of pain in all human dimensions, in a coordinated manner, enable the promotion of quality of life1818 Queiroz AH, Pontes RJ, Souza AM, Rodrigues TB. Percepção de familiares e profissionais de saúde sobre os cuidados no final da vida no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde. [Internet] Ciênc. saúde coletiva. 2013. [acesso 26 de novembro de 2020] Rio de Janeiro. 18 (9): 2615-2623. Disponível em: < 81232013000900016&lng=en&nrm=iso>. DOI 81232013000900016..

The perception of quality of life for older adults is not solely based on pain relief. Social interaction, affection, maintenance of health, and financial stability are also identified as components of quality of life. In this sense, institutionalized older adults suggest that social interaction also holds significance, indicating that quality of life encompasses the biopsychosocial aspects of older individuals, aligning with the goals of palliative care and the concept of total pain1919 Elói JF, Dias MD, Nunes TR. Percepção da qualidade de vida de idosos: revisão integrativa da literatura. [Internet] Rev. Kairós Gerontologia. 2018. [acesso 23 de outubro de 2022] 21(4), 389-407. Disponível em:

CI 4 "Health Education" refers to the SR of the professional as an educator. It is indisputable that family members receive guidance regarding care at each stage experienced. Therefore, PHC professionals focus their actions on health education through educational practices for the assigned population, aiming at quality of life through planning, coordination, and direction of activities and programs between the population and the team2020 Seabra CA, Xavier SP, Sampaio PC, Oliveira MF de, Quirino GS, Machado MF. Health education as a strategy for the promotion of the health of the elderly: an integrative review. [Internet] Rev Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia. 2019 [acesso 04 de outubro de 2022] 22(04) e190022. Disponível em: <>. Epub 24 Out 2019. ISSN 1981-2256.

Although professionals present the CI "Health Education," the definition of PC itself does not explicitly refer to this, with education being inserted into its principles through the support system provided to families and older adults, as well as through the multidisciplinary approach, including needs assessment and counseling44 Pereira EA, Reys KZ. Conceitos e Princípios. In: Castilho, RK. Silva, VC, Pinto, CS, organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021; p.3-6..

The National Academy of Palliative Care (ANCP - Academia Nacional de Cuidados Paliativos), in conjunction with the Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology, released a booklet that addresses multidisciplinary guidance for caregivers of older adults in PC, specifically in the end-of-life stage, where PC becomes exclusive. The purpose is precisely health education2121 Arantes AM, Fonseca A. Organizadores. Cartilha cuidados de fim de vida à pessoa idosa portadora de doenças não oncológicas. [e-book internet] São Paulo (SP): Academia Nacional de Cuidados Paliativos; 2022 [acesso 04 de outubro de 2022] 47p. Disponível em: Cartilha_Cuidados-Fim-de-Vida-final.pdf (

In relation to the second question "How do you provide palliative care for the older adults you care for in this unit," the following CIs were identified: (1) Home visits, (2) Biopsychosocial and spiritual care for the older adult and family, (3) Activity groups, (4) Promotion of quality of life, (5) Assistance at the time of death (Chart 2).

CI 1 "Home visits" is associated with the SR of professionals for home care assistance. Home care is directed towards specific demands that can be resolved at home, particularly in terminal illnesses2222 World Health Organization. Planning and implementing palliative care services: a guide for programme managers. [Internet] Suíça, 2016. [acesso 09 de novembro de 2022. Disponível em: < >.
. To achieve this, an assessment of the older adult and available resources is necessary, as well as planning and organization2323 Vasconcelos GB, Pereira PM. Cuidados Paliativos em atenção domiciliar: uma revisão bibliográfica. [Internet] Rev de Adm. em Saúde. 2018 [acesso 07 de novembro de 2022] 18(70). Disponível em: ISSN 2526-3528. doi

This type of assistance reduces hospitalizations; however, it should not be seen as dehospitalization. Its main characteristic is the proximity of the patient at home with their preferences, ensuring personalized care and coordination with other palliative modalities2424 Crispim DH. Gestão em Cuidados Paliativos. In: Castilho RK, Silva VC da, Pinto CS. Organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos ANCP. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021; 17-22..

One of the barriers encountered is precisely the lack of these resources and professional preparation, which ultimately results in hospitalizations due to deteriorations that could be attended to and treated at home2323 Vasconcelos GB, Pereira PM. Cuidados Paliativos em atenção domiciliar: uma revisão bibliográfica. [Internet] Rev de Adm. em Saúde. 2018 [acesso 07 de novembro de 2022] 18(70). Disponível em: ISSN 2526-3528. doi

The CI 2 "Biopsychosocio-spiritual care for older adults and families" refers to the SR of a holistic and humanized approach, an idea corroborated by the principles of CP44 Pereira EA, Reys KZ. Conceitos e Princípios. In: Castilho, RK. Silva, VC, Pinto, CS, organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021; p.3-6..

Faced with the aging process and finitude, older adults experience biopsychosocio-spiritual distress, often resulting from losses of functions and social roles, as well as the death of loved ones, thus requiring a redefinition of their uniqueness and wholeness2525 Melo CF, Morais JC, Medeiros LC de, Bonfim LP, Martins JC. O binômio morte e vida para idosos em cuidados paliativos. [Internet] Rev Sociedade de Psicoterapias Analíticas Grupais do estado de São Paulo SPAGESP. 2021 [acesso 09 de novembro de 2022]; 22(2). ISSN-e 1677-2970. Disponível em:

Care directed towards older adults and their families should be multidimensional, valuing the biography of both, their values, and preferences44 Pereira EA, Reys KZ. Conceitos e Princípios. In: Castilho, RK. Silva, VC, Pinto, CS, organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021; p.3-6.. To achieve this, the multidimensional approach diagram addresses various aspects of the human being, including physical, emotional-psychological, social-familial, and religious-spiritual dimensions, assisting professionals in planning their actions alongside the family2626 Saporetti LA, Andrade L, Sachs MF, Guimarães TV. Diagnóstico e abordagem do sofrimento humano. In: Carvalho RT, Parsons HA. organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos ANCP. Ampliado e atualizado. 2a ed. ANCP. 2012. p.42-55.. Although these actions are present PHC, there is currently no tool or training to guide this type of action.

The CI 3 "Activity Groups" relates to the SR of health professionals such as physical activity groups and occupational therapy, corroborated by the increasing prominence of physical activity in PC across all age groups, providing physical and mental benefits, as well as rehabilitation in the face of life-threatening diseases such as cancer2727 Boelsbjerg HB, Glasdam S. Dying fit or not – physical activity as antidote to death? [Internet] OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. 2022; [acesso 17 de novembro de 2022] 84(3): 771-791. Disponível em:

In this perspective, physical activity can be an ally in the face of chronic diseases to promote quality of life. There is also an impact on emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions, which are priorities of the National Health Promotion Policy. Although health professionals understand the factors that impact quality of life, the patient's perspective is often different2727 Boelsbjerg HB, Glasdam S. Dying fit or not – physical activity as antidote to death? [Internet] OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. 2022; [acesso 17 de novembro de 2022] 84(3): 771-791. Disponível em:
,2828 Souza AL de, Santos LP dos, Rech CR, Rodrigues-Añez CR, Alberico C, Borges LJ et al. Barriers to physical activity among adults in primary healthcare units in the National Health System: a cross-sectional study in Brazil. [Internet] São Paulo Medical Journal. 2022 [acesso 22 de novembro de 2022]140 (5): 658-667. Disponível em: <>. Epub 29 Aug 2022. ISSN 1806-9460.

Regarding occupational activities, the occupational therapy professional aims to comprehensively optimize basic, instrumental, and advanced activities of daily living, attentive to limitations and difficulties, while preserving the dignity and autonomy of the older adult2929 Queiroz ME de. Terapia ocupacional. In: Castilho RK, Silva VC da, Pinto CS. Organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos ANCP. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021; p.192-195..

The CI 4 "Promotion of quality of life" is associated with the SR of care focused on comfort and relief of signs and symptoms. Within the healthcare scope, it does not only aim for physical comfort related to techniques and procedures; it encompasses physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental dimensions, recognizing the older adult as the protagonist of their story, seeking to maintain harmony among these dimensions within their limitations and potentials3030 Durante AL, Tonini T, Armini LR. Conforto em cuidados paliativos: o saber-fazer do enfermeiro no hospital geral. [Internet] Rev enferm UFPE. 2014 [acesso 23 de novembro de 2022] 8(3): 530-6. Disponível em: DOI: 10.5205. ISSN: 1981-8963.

These care practices align with the objectives of PC, as its policy proposes that its actions address physical, social, and mental well-being, involving social, economic, cultural, spiritual, and civil participation, while preserving the autonomy of the older adult, even in their vulnerabilities3131 World Health Organization. Active Ageing: A policy framework. [Internet] 2005. [acesso em 24 novembro 2022]. Disponível em:

The CI 5 "Assistance at the moment of death" is associated with the SR of professionals providing assistance during and immediately after death. This CI is strengthened by the principles of PC, which offer a support system during illness and grief, in any healthcare setting and at all levels of care44 Pereira EA, Reys KZ. Conceitos e Princípios. In: Castilho, RK. Silva, VC, Pinto, CS, organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021; p.3-6.,2424 Crispim DH. Gestão em Cuidados Paliativos. In: Castilho RK, Silva VC da, Pinto CS. Organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos ANCP. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021; 17-22.. Consequently, the home is often identified as the place where people feel safest and most comfortable, ensuring a good death3232 Pollock K. Is home always the best and preferred place of death? [Internet] BMJ. 2015 [acesso 16 de novembro de 2022] 351, h4855. Disponível em:

Assistance during death generates significant uncertainties among professionals, as it is still insufficiently addressed or discussed in undergraduate courses. It requires the need to identify the active dying process, as well as care in the immediate post-death period and grief3333 Cintra AC, Barrioso PD. Pós-óbito imediato. In: Castilho RK, Silva VC da, Pinto CS. Organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos ANCP. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021. p.523-7..

The identification of the active dying process is of paramount importance, where there are physical signs and symptoms, as well as a manifest need by the individual to resolve pending matters involving social, psychological, and spiritual dimensions. This planning involves effective communication among the team, patient, and family3434 Calice GB, Canosa HG, Chiba T. Processo ativo de morte: Definição e Manejo de sintomas. In: Castilho RK, Silva VC da, Pinto CS. Organizador(s). Manual de Cuidados Paliativos ANCP. 3a ed. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Atheneu; 2021. p.515-9..

When addressing the preferences of older adults in the final stages of life, advance directives are a legally significant tool, as they ensure that their wishes are expressed and recorded regarding serious or irreversible illnesses, guiding the team towards dignified care3535 Gomes BM, Salomão LA, Simões AC, Rebouças BO, Dadalto L, Barbosa MT. Diretivas antecipadas de vontade em geriatria. [Internet] Revista Bioética.2018 [acesso 16 de novembro de 2022]; 26(3): 429-439. Disponível em: <>. ISSN 1983-8034.


The data obtained allowed for the comprehension of the Social Representations (SR) of healthcare professionals from the Family Health Strategy (FHS) regarding Palliative Care (PC) for older adults, as well as its implementation within the scenario of Primary Health Care (PHC).

These professionals regard PC as a comprehensive, biopsychosocial, and humanized approach to care for older adults and their families in the face of an incurable diagnosis, emphasizing quality of life and health education. This understanding aligns with national and international concepts of PC, with the caveat of health education, which is a principle rather than necessarily a concept.

In the implementation of PC directed towards older adults in PHC, the collective points out actions carried out through home visits, biopsychosocial care for older adults and their families, activity groups, promotion of quality of life, and assistance at the moment of death. These understandings have allowed the identification of actions by nurses, physicians, and dentists that demonstrate how these professionals provide palliative care for older adults.

While this study may be limited by the fact that only university professionals from the FHS participated, the understanding of their SR brings their insights and concrete actions on how they implement PC in PHC.


This research was conducted with the support of the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazil (CAPES), to which we express our gratitude.

  • Research Funding: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal Nível Superior – Brazil (CAPES). financing code 001. N° 88887.663708/2022-00. Master's scholarship.

    All the dataset supporting the findings of this study will be available upon request to the corresponding author Luciana Meneguim Pereira de Queiroz -


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Edited by

Edited by: Michele Souza e Souza & Yan Nogueira Leite de Freitas

Data availability

All the dataset supporting the findings of this study will be available upon request to the corresponding author Luciana Meneguim Pereira de Queiroz -

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    21 June 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    04 July 2023
  • Accepted
    08 Apr 2024
Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil