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In the original article “Body image satisfaction, nutritional status, anthropometric indicators and quality of life among the elderly”, published in Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, v. 21, n. 6, p. 667-678, 2018, DOI:

The corrected and complete text can be found in the link:

On page 668, paragraph 1, where it reads:

“Body image satisfaction is therefore constituted…”


“Body image satisfaction is, therefore, constituted…”

On page 668, paragraph 9, where it reads:

“A total of 30 FHS teams were selected, stratified by health district administrative unit, with around 30% of the teams of each management primary care health unit also randomly selected.”


“A total of 30 FHS teams were randomly selected, stratified by health district, with around 30% of the teams of each primary care health unit also randomly selected.”

On page 669, figure 1, where it reads:

Figure 1
Flowchart of study, Porto Alegre, RS, 2018.


Figure 1
Flowchart of the study, Porto Alegre, RS, 2018.

On page 670, chat 1, where it reads:

Collection Variables Categories Instrument Local BMI Underweight/thin (­22 kg/m2); normal (22-27kg/m2); overweight/obese (27kg/m2) Quetelet (BMI= weight/height2) HSL Body image satisfaction Yes; no Stunkard Silhouettes Scale HSL “OAQE: Overall Assessment Questionnaire for the Elderly; kg: kilogram; HSL: Hospital São Lucas da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul; kg: kilogram; m: meter; cm: centimeter; BMI: Body Mass Index; AC: Arm circumference; CC: Calf circumference; TSF: Triceps Skin Fold; WHR: Waist hip ratio; MNA: Mini Nutritional Assessment.”


Collection Variables Categories Instrument Local BMI Underweight/thinness (­≤22 kg/m2); normal weight (>22-<27kg/m2); overweight/obese (≥27kg/m2) Quetelet (BMI= weight/height2) HSL Body image satisfaction yes/ no Stunkard Silhouettes Scale HSL “OAQE: Overall Assessment Questionnaire for the Elderly; kg: kilogram; HSL: Hospital São Lucas da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul; m: meter; cm: centimeter; BMI: Body Mass Index; AC: Arm Circumference; CC: Calf Circumference; TSF: Triceps Skinfold; WHR: Waist-hip ratio; MNA: Mini Nutritional Assessment.”

On page
670-671, chart 2, where it reads:


Variables Instruments/Diagnostic Criteria Weight Measured (kg) in a Welmy scale with the elderly person barefoot and not wearing accessories or adornments13. Height Measured (m) with the stadiometer coupled to the Welmy scale: standing erect in the orthostatic position with the body fully extended and the head erect, looking forward with the feet together, and arms extended alongside the body13. BMI Quetelet Index = Weight (kg) / Height (m²) The evaluation criteria were14: - Under weight/thinness(<22 kg/m2); - Normal weight(>22 --< 27 kg/m2); - Overweight/obese(>27 kg/m2) AC Measurement(cm) taken at the midpoint between the acromial process and the olecranon process13. The values found were classified as: insufficient (≤ 25th percentile), eutrophy (> 25th percentile and <75th percentile) and excessive (≥ 75th percentile), distributed by gender and age15. CC Measured (cm) at the furthest protruding point with the individual sitting and knee flexed at an angle of 90º16. Absence of muscle loss was considered a CC equal to or greater than 31 cm for men and women17. Waist Measured (cm) at the height of the umbilical scar16. Hip Measured (cm) at the level of the pubic symphysis with the tape circling the hip at the most prominent point between the waist and thigh16. WHR Waist circumference (cm)/hip circumference (cm)16. The classification used for cardiovascular risk was16: - For women, WHR ≥0.85 - For men, WHR ≥1.00 TSF Measured (mm) at the back of the arm, relaxed and extended alongside the body, marking the midpoint between the acromion and the olecranon with the arm flexed close to the body, forming an angle of 90º13. The values found were classified as: insufficient (≤ 25th percentile), eutrophy (> 25th percentile and <75th percentile) and excessive (≥ 75th percentile), distributed by gender and age 18. MNA MNA Classification19: - Malnutrition < 17 points - Risk of malnutrition 17-23.5 points - Normal nutritional state ≥ 24 points BIS Stunkard Silhouette Scale ranges from thinness (silhouette 1) to severe obesity (silhouette 9). The elderly persons were asked to choose their real body appearance and that which they believed to be the ideal appearance from the nine silhouettes presented. The BIS was determined by subtracting the real body appearance from the ideal. If the result was zero, the individual was satisfied with his/her body image, while any other score would indicate dissatisfaction with body image20. Quality of life The minimum score of the Flanagan Quality of Life Scale is zero and the maximum is 105, which allows quality of life to be classified into three levels21: - Low (7 to 45 points) - Mean (46 to 74 points) - High (over 75 points) “kg: kilogram; m: meter; BMI: Body Mass Index; AC: Arm Circumference; CC: Calf Circumference; cm: centimeter; WHR: Waist-hip ratio; TSF: Triceps Skinfold; mm: millimeter MNA: Mini Nutritional Assessment; BIS: Body Image Satisfaction.”

On page 671, paragraph 1, where it reads:

“Waist/hip ratio (WHR)”;

“Cescorf picometer.”


“Waist-hip ratio (WHR)”;

“Cescorf plicometer.”

On page 671, paragraph 2, where it reads:

“underweight/thinness (22kg/m2); normal weight (22-27kg/m2); overweight/obese (27kg/m2).”


“underweight/thinness (≤22kg/m2); normal weight (>22-<27kg/m2); overweight/obese (≥27kg/m2).”

On page 671, paragraph 4, where it reads:


“the t-Student test was applied”.



“the Student’s T-test was applied”.

On page 672, paragraph 3, where it reads:

“Only two variables presented representative relationships with body image satisfaction, gender and quality of life. Men were 2.5 times more likely to be satisfied with their body image than women, who were mostly dissatisfied with their body image (71.7%), (Table 1).”


“Only two variables presented significant relationship with body image satisfaction - gender and quality of life. Men were 2.5 times more likely to be satisfied with their body image than women, who were mostly dissatisfied with their body image (71.7%; Table 1).”

On page 672, Table 1, where it reads:


“OR: Odds Ratio; CI95%: Confidence interval of 95% for OR; SD: mean standard deviation; *: Minimum significance level for bivariate analysis; : data presented as n(%); : Chi-squared test; §: T-Student test for independent groups assuming heterogeneity of variances; ||: T-Student test for independent groups assuming homogeneity of variences.”



“OR: Odds Ratio; 95%CI: 95% Confidence Interval for OR; SD: standard deviation of the mean; *: Minimum significance level for bivariate analysis; : data presented as n(%); : Chi-squared test; §: Student’s T-test for independent groups assuming heterogeneity of variances; ||: Student’s T-test for independent groups assuming homogeneity of variances.”

On page 673, paragraph 1, where it reads:

“… one unit quality in of …”


“… one unit quality in the of …”

On page 673, paragraph 3, where it reads:

“…the satisfied with body image group had…”;

“… inadequate AC … with body image than those with excessive AC.”;

“Similarly, cases with normal AC…”


“…the group satisfied with their body image had…”

“…insufficient AC… with their body image than those with excessive AC.”; “Similarly, cases with eutrophic AC …”

On page 673, paragraph 4, where it reads:

“…with body image …non-risk WHR, while those dissatisfied were associated with at risk WHR.”


“…with their body image …no-risk WHR, while those dissatisfied were associated with at-risk WHR.”

On page 673, paragraph 5, where it reads:

“…with body image…”


“…with their body image…”

On page 673, paragraph 6, where it reads:

“…with body image…”


“…with their body image…”

On page 673, paragraph 7, where it reads:

“…with body image…”

“…inadequate TSF …normal TSF … with body image…”


“…whit their body image…”

“…insufficient TSF …eutrophic TSF … with their body image…”

On page 673, paragraph 8, where it reads:

“The mean MNA of the satisfied with body image group … Evaluation of …”


“The mean MNA of the group satisfied with their body image … Evaluation of the …”

On Page 673, paragraph 9, where it reads:

“… and therefore included…”

“… as these data …”


“… and, therefore, included…”

“… as their data …”

On page 673, paragraph 11, where it reads:

“…inadequate and normal…”


“…insufficient and eutrophic…”

On page 674, Table 2, where it reads:





“n: sample size; p: statistical probability; CI95%: Confidence interval 95%; SD: mean standard deviation; BMI: body mass index; Underweight: BMI <22kg/m2; Normal: BMI= 22-27kg/m2; Overweight/obesity: BMI >27kg/m2; AC: arm circumference; WH: waist/hip ratio; CC: calf circumference; TSF: triceps skinfold; MNA: Mini Nutritional Assessment; *: Student t-test for independent groups assuming homogeneity of variance; : Chi-squared test; : Student t-test for independent groups assuming heterogeneity of variance.”






“n: sample size; p: statistical probability; 95%CI: 95% Confidence Interval; SD: standard deviation of the mean; BMI: body mass index; Underweight/thinness: BMI ≤22kg/m2; Normal weight: BMI>22-<27kg/m2; Overweight/obese: BMI ≥27kg/m2; AC: Arm Circumference; WHR: Waist-hip ratio; CC: Calf Circumference; TSF: Triceps Skinfold; MNA: Mini Nutritional Assessment; *: Student’s t-test for independent groups assuming homogeneity of variance; : Chi-squared test; : Student’s t-test for independent groups assuming heterogeneity of variance.”

On page 675, Table 3, where it reads:


“Underweight (BMI < 22 kg/m2)

Normal weight (BMI= 22-27 kg/m2)”;





“Underweight (BMI < 22 kg/m2)

Normal (BMI= 22-27 kg/m2)”

“CI95%: Confidence Interval 95%; Gross: gross regression coefficient; S.E.: standard regression coefficient; Sig.: p= minimum significance level for the regression coefficient; Exp(B): Odds ratio; BMI: body mass index; MNA: Mini Nutritional Assessment. Initial Model - Score: Nalgelkerke R2 0.311; Hosmer-Lemeshow Test (Chi-squared test = 7.662; p=0.529); Cox & Snell: 0.297; Overall hit ratio - confusion matrix: 62.9%; OR: Odds ratio. Final Model - Score: Nalgelkerke R2 0.397; Hosmer-Lemeshow Test (Chi-squared test = 5.812; p=0.449); Cox & Snell: 0.372; Overall hit ratio - confusion matrix: 76.3%; OR: Odds ratio.”



“Underweight (BMI ≤22 kg/m2)

Normal weight (BMI >22->27 kg/m2)”;




“Normal Nutritional State”;

“Underweight (BMI ≤ 22 kg/m2)

Normal weight (BMI >22-<27 kg/m2)”

“CI95%: Confidence Interval 95%; Gross: gross regression coefficient; S.E.: standard regression coefficient; Sig.: p= minimum significance level for the regression coefficient; Exp(B): Odds ratio; BMI: Body Mass Index; MNA: Mini Nutritional Assessment. Initial Model - Score: Nalgelkerke R2 0.311; Hosmer-Lemeshow Test (Chi-squared test = 7.662; p=0.529); Cox & Snell: 0.297; Overall hit ratio - confusion matrix: 62.9%; OR: Odds ratio. Final Model - Score: Nalgelkerke R2 0.397; Hosmer-Lemeshow Test (Chi-squared test = 5.812; p=0.449); Cox & Snell: 0.372; Overall hit ratio - confusion matrix: 76.3%; OR: Odds ratio.”

On page 675, paragraph 1, where it reads:

“The present study deals with important points in the context of research into the elderly, as it seeks to understand body image satisfaction, and its relationship with nutritional parameters, anthropometric measures and quality of life. In addition, the analysis of the relationship of the various anthropometric indicators, especially those indicative of health risks, with body image satisfaction, in this age group, are presented in the literature in an incipient and unfocused manner regarding the reference standard used.”


“The present study deals with relevant issues in the context of research into the elderly, as it seeks to understand body image satisfaction and its relationship with nutritional parameters, anthropometric measures and quality of life. In addition, In addition, in this age group, the analysis of the relationship among body image satisfaction and the various anthropometric indicators, especially those indicative of health risks, are presented in the literature in an incipient way and inconsistent with regards to the reference standard used.”

On page 675, paragraph 2, where it reads:

“…public studied.”


“…sample studied.”

On page 676, paragraph 1, where it reads:

“…with the Brazilian…”


“…with Brazilian…”

On page 676, paragraph 2, where it reads:

“… when evaluating…”;

“… inversely related to satisfaction…”;

“… to dissatisfaction with physical appearance.”



“… inversely related to the satisfaction…”;

“… to dissatisfaction with the physical appearance.”

On page 676, paragraph 4, where it reads:

“…inadequade/normal…with poor…”;

“…performed aqua aerobic…”;



“…insufficient/eutrophy…whit insufficient…”;

“…performed aquatic exercise…”;


On page 676, paragraph 5, where it reads:

“…especially for women, when faced with aging, the corporal standards conveyed in the media, which favor a young, slim body, exert an influence. Despite the lesser influence of the media on male beauty patterns and the greater influence on female beauty patterns3,27…”


“…particularly among the women, and even in face of the aging process, there still is influence of the body standards portrayed in the media, which favor a young and slim body. Despite the lesser influence of the media on male beauty standards and its greater influence on female beauty standards3,27…”

On page 676, paragraph 6, where it reads:

“As important as nutritional status is the relationship the elderly persons maintain with their body and their quality of life, which, in the present study, was also found to be a relevant outcome and one of the predictors of body image satisfaction, as the better the quality of life scale score, the greater the chance of being satisfied. Like the present study, Skopinski et al.28 also found a better quality of life among those who were satisfied with their body image in a study of 46 postmenopausal women, most of whom were young. It was observed that the greater the disbody image satisfaction, the worse the quality of life perceived in the “physical”, “psychological” and “environment” domains of the Whoqol-bref, another instrument that measures quality of life.”


“The relationship that the elderly maintain with their body and their quality of life is as important as the nutritional status. In the present study, this relationship has been shown to be another relevant outcome and one of the predictors of satisfaction with body image, since the better the score on the quality of life scale, the greater the chance of being satisfied. As in the present study, Skopinski et al.28 also reported better quality of life among their subjects who were satisfied with their body image. The authors investigated 46 postmenopausal women, the majority of them were young old. They observed that the higher the dissatisfaction with body image, the worse the perceived quality of life in the “physical”, “psychological” and “environment” domains of the WHOQOL-bref, another instrument that measures the quality of life28.”

On page 677, paragraph 1, where it reads:

“…body image satisfaction, as this is associated with better …Some evidence in the literature indicates that increase in BMI ends up being a predictor factor for disbody image satisfaction, and associates the obese elderly whit greater dissatisfaction with their body image than those with normal weight and overweight29,30, with obesity associated with morbidity and mortality and the development of non-communicable diseases16,31.”


“…body image satisfaction. The reason for the latter being its association with better quality of life and aspects relevant to health, such as lower BMI and AC. There is evidence in the literature that an increase in BMI is a predictor of body image dissatisfaction29,30. In addition, dissatisfaction with body image is more frequent in obese elderly than in those with normal weight and overweight29,30, with obesity associated with morbimortality and the development of non-transmissible chronic diseases16,31.”

On page 677, paragraph 2, where it reads:

“…studied municipal region32.”


“…studied city32.”

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    28 Nov 2019
  • Date of issue
Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil