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Relationship of muscle fitness and extent articular according to age group, on the elderly's pace



With increased longevity, more and more studies on the elderly interest researchers in different areas. We must understand and analyze the changes related to the aging process and, in making them clear, provide a better quality of life. Objective: This study aimed to check the association of the variables muscular aptitude, amplitude and cadence of steps with age group. Materials and methods: The sample comprised 30 women aged over 65 years, from activity groups at the Social Assistance Secretariat in the city of Ijuí/RS. The following variables were studied: amplitude and cadence of the step, located muscular resistance of inferior members, trunk flexibility, hip, knee and ankle and muscular force of inferior members. Respectively, these variables had been evaluated by the following methods: distance and covered time, 2-minute stationary pace, goniometry and pressure of inferior members on the scale. The variables were compared in the different age groups.


Research outcomes are the following: for trunk flexion, general average of the sample was 90.67 (± 8.27) degrees. In relation to hip flexion, average was 105.83 (±9.83) degrees; for hip extension, average was 9.47 (±0.81). In the analysis of knee flexibility, the general average for the flexion movement was 111.17 (±10.31) degrees; for extension movement, it was 0.87 (±1.59) degrees. For plantiflexion, the general average of articular amplitude was 21.50 (±6.03). When resistance located was analyzed, general average of the performance was 70.87 (±20.24) repetitions. In the performance of individuals concerning muscular force of inferior members, general average of the right inferior member was 15.06 (±4.20), and left inferior member, 15.67 (±6.86). Concerning amplitude and step cadence, the total average of the step amplitude among the elderly was 0.56 (± 0.14) cm, and in the step cadence, general average was 1.49 (± 0.27) step/seconds. There was statistical difference when step cadence was analyzed as compared to age group.


Data analysis suggested association between the variable muscular aptitude and age group, but it has strong influence on pace. With aging, steps cadende tends to increase, and amplitude, to reduce.

Key words:
Aging; Physical Fitness; Muscle Strength; Range of Motion Articular; Gait; Muscle Tônus; Lower Extremity; .Hip; Knee; Ankle; Quality of life; Women; Pliability.

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil