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Development and content validation of a self-reported functional mobility assessment instrument for older adult patients



To develop and validate the content of the Composite Score for Mobility (COSMO) for assessing self-reported functional mobility in older adults postoperatively after hip fracture.


A methodological study was carried out involving an expert panel of 30 healthcare professionals with experience treating older patients hospitalized after hip fracture surgery and a user panel of 30 older patients hospitalized after hip fracture surgery. The COSMO was developed as a patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) instrument. Content validity was evaluated by applying the Delphi technique to the panel of judges, and a content validity index (CVI) was determined for each instrument item.


The CVI for the 45 questions answered by the expert judges on the relevance and scope of the COSMO was 100% on 31 questions, 96.7% on 11 questions, 93.3% on one question, and 90% on two questions. Of the 85 questions on the scope, relevance, and understanding of COSMO answered by the 30 user judges, a CVI of 100% was attained for 83 questions and 93.3% on two questions.


The COSMO is a relevant, comprehensive, understandable and valid instrument for assessing self-reported functional mobility in older adult inpatients after hip fracture surgery.

Validation Study; Geriatric Assessment; Hip Fractures

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil