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Cars that Provide Pleasure: a study about the connection between attributes and personal values of buyers from São Paulo


The objective of this paper is to evidence the cognitive structure of the values of automobile consumers from São Paulo, considering two models (one compact and another sportive) of a car maker. Specifically, this paper aimed to identify elements through a hierarchical value map (HVM), the attributes, the consequences and the values that characterize the perceptions of the consumers and respective connections among these. Therefore, thirty in depth interviews were performed with buyers of the two models. The qualitative Laddering technique (REYNOLDS; GUTMAN, 1988), based on the Means-End Chain Theory (GUTMAN, 1982), guided the collection, analysis and interpretations of data. The results point out that personal values are determinant aspects for the decision of buying such models and, consequently, should be considered for the elaboration of strategies of automobile design and communication. The analysis of the HVM highlighted that the main chains, for the two models, are started by the attributes: “internal trim” and “Design”. These items generate the perception of the value “Hedonism” - the most expressive state for the interviewees. This highlights the importance of this value in deciding to buy those two analyzed models.

Personal values; Laddering; Automobiles


O objetivo deste artigo é evidenciar a estrutura cognitiva dos valores de consumidores de automóveis da cidade de São Paulo a respeito de dois modelos, um compacto e outro esportivo, de uma montadora. Especificamente, buscou-se identificar, por meio da elaboração de um mapa hierárquico de valor (MHV), os atributos observados nos modelos, as consequências e os valores que caracterizam as percepções dos consumidores, assim como as respectivas conexões entre esses elementos. Para tanto, foram realizadas trinta entrevistas em profundidade com compradores desses dois modelos. A técnica qualitativa Laddering (REYNOLDS, GUTMAN, 1988), baseada na perspectiva da Cadeia de Meios-Fim (GUTMAN, 1982), orientou a coleta, a análise e a interpretação dos dados da pesquisa. Os resultados sugerem que os valores pessoais são aspectos determinantes no processo de decisão de compra desses modelos de automóveis e, portanto, devem ser considerados na elaboração de estratégias que visem projetar produtos e ações de comunicação. A análise do mapa hierárquico de valor permite identificar que as cadeias dominantes para os dois modelos partem dos atributos “Acabamento Interno” e “Design”, que geraram nos entrevistados a percepção do valor “Hedonismo” - o estado mais expressivo para os consumidores -, denotando a importância desse valor no processo de decisão de compra dos modelos analisados.

Valores pessoais; Laddering; Automóveis


The objective of this paper is to evidence the cognitive structure of the values of automobile consumers from São Paulo, considering two models (one compact and another sportive) of a car maker. Specifically, this paper aimed to identify elements through a hierarchical value map (HVM), the attributes, the consequences and the values that characterize the perceptions of the consumers and respective connections among these. Therefore, thirty in depth interviews were performed with buyers of the two models. The qualitative Laddering technique (REYNOLDS; GUTMAN, 1988), based on the Means-End Chain Theory (GUTMAN, 1982), guided the collection, analysis and interpretations of data. The results point out that personal values are determinant aspects for the decision of buying such models and, consequently, should be considered for the elaboration of strategies of automobile design and communication. The analysis of the HVM highlighted that the main chains, for the two models, are started by the attributes: “internal trim” and “Design”. These items generate the perception of the value “Hedonism” - the most expressive state for the interviewees. This highlights the importance of this value in deciding to buy those two analyzed models.

Personal values; Laddering; Automobiles

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Thanks to Fapemig for the financial support to the APQ-03797 research project, which allowed us realizing this work.


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  • 4
    Evaluation process: Double Blind Review

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jul-Sep 2014


  • Received
    11 July 2012
  • Accepted
    23 Oct 2014
Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado, Av. da Liberdade, 532, 01.502-001 , São Paulo, SP, Brasil , (+55 11) 3272-2340 , (+55 11) 3272-2302, (+55 11) 3272-2302 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil