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Trade Credit Management and Information Asymmetry in Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in an Emerging Market



This study explores trade credit conditions by way of their potential for reducing information asymmetry between buyers and sellers in an emerging market context.

Theoretical framework

The theoretical line tested empirically in this article focuses on the information asymmetry between selling companies and their buying customers.


Based on a survey among the CFOs of more than 300 SMEs that operate in Brazil we use linear and logit regressions to test our hypotheses.


The results point to evidence of a considerable variation in policies and practices, and to the fact that part of the variation can be explained in terms of the characteristics of the firm. Support is also identified for a series of hypotheses based on arguments about ways of resolving information asymmetry between buyers and sellers, as well as price discrimination.

Practical & social implications of research

Entrepreneurs can benefit from the results of this study to manage information asymmetry, as well as to properly establish credit terms.


The credit period allows buyers to reduce uncertainties as to the quality of the product before they pay, and sellers can settle any uncertainties they might have about the buyer’s payment intentions. This phenomenon, however, is sensitive to institutional environment issues, and according to the empirical evidence little is known about small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in emerging markets, which are characterized by their information uncertainty and asymmetry.

Small business; trade credit; emerging markets; uncertainty; financial management



Este estudo explora as condições de crédito comercial por meio de seu potencial para reduzir a assimetria da informação entre compradores e vendedores em um contexto de mercado emergente.

Referencial teórico

A linha teórica testada empiricamente neste artigo concentra-se na assimetria da informação entre empresas vendedoras e seus clientes compradores.


Com base em pesquisa (survey) com os CFOs de mais de 300 PMEs que atuam no Brasil, usamos regressões lineares e logit para testar nossas hipóteses.


Os resultados apontam para evidências de uma variação considerável nas políticas e práticas, e para o fato de que parte da variação pode ser explicada em função das características da empresa. Identifica-se, ainda, sustentação para uma série de hipóteses baseadas em argumentos sobre formas de resolver a assimetria da informação entre compradores e vendedores, bem como a discriminação de preços.

Implicações práticas e sociais da pesquisa

Os empreendedores podem se beneficiar dos resultados deste estudo para gerenciar a assimetria da informação, além de estabelecer adequadamente os prazos de crédito.


O período de crédito permite que os compradores reduzam as incertezas quanto à qualidade do produto antes de efetuarem o pagamento e que os vendedores resolvam quaisquer incertezas que possam ter sobre as intenções de pagamento do comprador. Esse fenômeno, no entanto, é sensível a questões do ambiente institucional e, segundo evidências empíricas, pouco se sabe sobre as pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) que atuam em mercados emergentes, que se caracterizam por sua incerteza e assimetria da informação.

Pequenas empresas; crédito comercial; mercados emergentes; incerteza; gestão financeira

1 Motivation

Among the most relevant financial decisions taken by smaller businesses, working capital certainly constitutes a special segment, especially the role played by trade credit (Emery, 1984Emery, G. W. (1984). A pure financial explanation for trade credit. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 19(3), 271-285.
; Bastos & Pindado, 2013Bastos, R., & Pindado, J. (2013). Trade credit during a financial crisis: A panel data analysis. Journal of Business Research, 66(5), 614-620.
). The establishment of credit terms is a field for decisions that have great potential for influencing the firm’s competition strategy, which has an impact on the firm’s performance, whether as a buyer or seller (Yazdanfar & Öhman, 2016Yazdanfar, D., & Öhman, P. (2016). The impact of trade credit use on firm profitability: empirical evidence from Sweden. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 13(2), 116-129.
). In turn, financial decisions are predominantly taken within the context of risk, uncertainty, or even ignorance, i.e. when no relevant information content is known (Gonçalves et al., 2018Gonçalves, A. B., Schiozer, R. F., & Sheng, H. H. (2018). Trade credit and product market power during a financial crisis. Journal of Corporate Finance, 49, 308-323.
). Imperfect information induces uncertainty in contractual relationships, which can cause problems of a moral hazard nature, thus increasing transaction costs for the parties involved (Fabbri & Klapper, 2016Fabbri, D., & Klapper, L. F. (2016). Bargaining power and trade credit. Journal of Corporate Finance, 41, 66-80.

In this paper, we examine trade credit conditions through their role of reducing information asymmetry and uncertainty for sellers and buyers in an emerging market context, which is typically characterized by information asymmetry and uncertainties in the business environment, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are the focus of this research. Specifically, we examine three main research questions: first, with regard to uncertainty for the buyer (Lee & Stowe, 1993Lee, Y. W., & Stowe, J. D. (1993). Product risk, asymmetric information, trade credit. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 28(2), 285-300.
; Long et al., 1993Long, M. S., Malitz, I. B., & Ravid, A. (1993). Trade credit, quality guarantees, and product marketability. Financial Management, 22(4), 117-127.
; Smith, 1987Smith, J. K. (1987). Trade credit and information asymmetry. The Journal of Finance, 42(4), 863-872.
), based on information asymmetry and trade credit policy; second, with regard to uncertainty for the seller (Smith, 1987Smith, J. K. (1987). Trade credit and information asymmetry. The Journal of Finance, 42(4), 863-872.
; Ng et al., 1999Ng, C. K., Smith, J. K., & Smith, R. L. (1999). Evidence on the determinants of credit terms used in interfirm trade. The Journal of Finance, 54(3), 1109-1129.
), based on information asymmetry and trade credit policy; and third, with regard to price discrimination and trade credit policy (Dana, 1998Dana Jr., J. D. (1998). Advance-purchase discounts and price discrimination in competitive markets. Journal of Political Economy, 106(2), 395-422.
; Levine, 2002Levine, M. E. (2002). Price discrimination without market power. Yale Journal on Regulation, 19(1), 1-36.; Petersen & Rajan, 1997Petersen, M. A., & Rajan, R. G. (1997). Trade credit: theories and evidence. Review of Financial Studies, 10(3), 661-691.

This topic is of interest not only to researchers, but also to regulators and entrepreneurs. According to Petersen and Rajan (1994)Petersen, M., & Rajan, R. (1994). The benefits of lending relationships: evidence from small business data. The Journal of Finance, 47(1), 3-37.
, these issues are relevant for SMEs. This group of companies has a high failure rate, mainly because of their reduced ability to manage working capital (Khoo & Cheung, 2022Khoo, J., & Cheung, A. (2022). Managerial ability and trade credit. Financial Review, 57(2), 429-451.
; Murro & Peruzzi, 2022Murro, P., & Peruzzi, V. (2022). Relationship lending and the use of trade credit: The role of relational capital and private information. Small Business Economics, 59(1), 327-360.
). SMEs in Brazil are also responsible for a significant portion of the employment generated, by way of which they explicitly contribute to Brazilian gross domestic product. Consultancy companies that specialize in credit in the Brazilian market, however, point out that in April 2016, of the almost 8 million companies operating in the Brazilian market, 4.4 million of them were in default, accounting for a total of more than R$ 105 billion (~US$ 40bi), with commercial companies (45.2%) and service companies (45%) predominating, according to Serasa Experian (2016)Serasa Experian. (2016). Inadimplência atinge mais da metade das empresas e bate recorde, revela Serasa Experian. São Paulo: Serasa Experian.. Furthermore, Fisman and Love (2003)Fisman, R., & Love, I. (2003). Trade credit, financial intermediary development, and industry growth. The Journal of Finance, 58(1), 353-374.
stress the economic importance of trade credit as a source of short-term financing, especially in developing countries.

Using cross-sectional pooled OLS and logit regressions, with data collected in a survey conducted with more than 300 CFOs of SMEs operating in Brazil, we regress credit risk control and the profile of the finance manager against the average receipt period, overdue days, cash before delivery, cash on delivery, and actual cost of trade credit offered to the firm’s customers and control variables for the firm’s profile.

We offer two main results. First, the results point to evidence of a considerable variation in policies and practices, and to the fact that part of the variation can be explained in terms of the characteristics of the firm. Second, support is also identified for a series of hypotheses based on arguments about ways of resolving information asymmetry between buyers and sellers, as well as price discrimination.

We make several contributions to the literature, but at least two can be highlighted. First, since the literature regarding trade credit is concentrated in mature markets and listed companies (Wilson & Summers, 2002Wilson, N., & Summers, B. (2002). Trade credit terms offered by small firms: survey evidence and empirical analysis. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 29(3-4), 317-351.
), we contribute to the trade credit literature by providing new empirical evidence about small and medium-sized businesses. Second, we do this against a backdrop of information asymmetry in a relevant emerging market context, which at least from our point of view seems to be something that has not yet been documented in the literature, which is mostly characterized by empirical evidence from mature markets.

2 Theoretical platform and development of hypotheses

2.1 Information asymmetry and trade credit policy

The theoretical line tested empirically in this article focuses on the information asymmetry between selling companies and their buying customers. Uncertainties about product quality (Akerlof, 1970Akerlof, G. A. (1970). The market for “lemons”: quality uncertainty and the market mechanism. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84(3), 488-500.
) and with regard to payment due from the buyer (Paul & Boden, 2008Paul, S., & Boden, R. (2008). The secret life of UK trade credit supply: setting a new research agenda. The British Accounting Review, 40(3), 272-281.
) constitute a fertile field for explicitly relevant research in the finance area, especially when dealing with trade credit policy. The latter is a subject on which the financial community has concentrated its theoretical and empirical efforts in recent decades (Barrot, 2016Barrot, J. N. (2016). Trade credit and industry dynamics: evidence from trucking firms. The Journal of Finance, 71(5), 1975-2016.
; Breza & Liberman, 2017Breza, E., & Liberman, A. (2017). Financial contracting and organizational form: evidence from the regulation of trade credit. The Journal of Finance, 72(1), 291-324.
; Ewert, 1968Ewert, D. C. (1968). Trade credit management: selection of accounts receivable using a statistical model. The Journal of Finance, 23(5); Herbst, 1974Herbst, A. F. (1974). A factor analysis approach to determining the relative endogeneity of trade credit. The Journal of Finance, 29(4), 1087.
; Junk, 1962Junk, P. E. (1962). Monetary policy and fluctuations in the extension of trade credit. The Journal of Finance, 17(4), 677-678.
; Keehn, 1974Keehn, R. H. (1974). A note on the cost of trade credit and the discriminatory effects of monetary policy. The Journal of Finance, 29(5), 1581-1582.
; Lamminmaki & Guilding, 2004Lamminmaki, D., & Guilding, C. (2004). A study of australian trade credit management outsourcing practices. Australian Accounting Review, 14(32), 53-62.
; Mian & Smith, 1992Mian, S. L., & Smith Jr., C. W. (1992). Accounts receivable management policy: theory and evidence. The Journal of Finance, 47(1), 169-200.
; Pike et al., 2005Pike, R., Cheng, N. S., Cravens, K., & Lamminmaki, D. (2005). Trade Credit terms: asymmetric information and price discrimination evidence from three continents. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 32(5-6), 1197-1236.
; Smith, 1987Smith, J. K. (1987). Trade credit and information asymmetry. The Journal of Finance, 42(4), 863-872.

A range of theories has also been explored that look at the practice of trade credit (Biais & Gollier, 1997Biais, B., & Gollier, C. (1997). Trade credit and credit rationing. Review of Financial Studies, 10(4), 903-937.
; Cowton & San-Jose, 2017Cowton, C. J., & San-Jose, L. (2017). On the ethics of trade credit: understanding good payment practice in the supply chain. Journal of Business Ethics, 140(4), 673-685.
; Ferris, 1981Ferris, J. S. (1981). A Transaction Theory of Trade Credit Use. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 96(2), 243-270.
; Lee & Stowe, 1993Lee, Y. W., & Stowe, J. D. (1993). Product risk, asymmetric information, trade credit. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 28(2), 285-300.
; Long et al., 1993Long, M. S., Malitz, I. B., & Ravid, A. (1993). Trade credit, quality guarantees, and product marketability. Financial Management, 22(4), 117-127.
; Norrbin & Reffett, 1995Norrbin, S. C., & Reffett, K. L. (1995). Trade credit in a monetary economy. Journal of Monetary Economics, 35(3), 413-430.
; Petersen & Rajan, 1994Petersen, M., & Rajan, R. (1994). The benefits of lending relationships: evidence from small business data. The Journal of Finance, 47(1), 3-37.
; Schwartz, 1974Schwartz, R. A. (1974). An economic model of trade credit. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 9(4), 643-657.
; Smith, 1987Smith, J. K. (1987). Trade credit and information asymmetry. The Journal of Finance, 42(4), 863-872.
; Wilner, 2000Wilner, B. S. (2000). The exploitation of relationships in financial distress: the case of trade credit. The Journal of Finance, 55(1), 153-178.
). There is little evidence, however, of the motivations behind why credit terms are modified and extended, especially when it comes to small and medium-sized enterprises (Barrot, 2016Barrot, J. N. (2016). Trade credit and industry dynamics: evidence from trucking firms. The Journal of Finance, 71(5), 1975-2016.
; Breza & Liberman, 2017Breza, E., & Liberman, A. (2017). Financial contracting and organizational form: evidence from the regulation of trade credit. The Journal of Finance, 72(1), 291-324.
; Petersen & Rajan, 1997Petersen, M. A., & Rajan, R. G. (1997). Trade credit: theories and evidence. Review of Financial Studies, 10(3), 661-691.
). Paul and Boden (2008)Paul, S., & Boden, R. (2008). The secret life of UK trade credit supply: setting a new research agenda. The British Accounting Review, 40(3), 272-281.
point out ways in which the research could advance to understand this phenomenon better. With regard to information asymmetry and trade credit policy, this study addresses six hypotheses about uncertainties on both the buyer (Lee & Stowe, 1993Lee, Y. W., & Stowe, J. D. (1993). Product risk, asymmetric information, trade credit. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 28(2), 285-300.
; Long et al., 1993Long, M. S., Malitz, I. B., & Ravid, A. (1993). Trade credit, quality guarantees, and product marketability. Financial Management, 22(4), 117-127.
; Ng et al., 1999Ng, C. K., Smith, J. K., & Smith, R. L. (1999). Evidence on the determinants of credit terms used in interfirm trade. The Journal of Finance, 54(3), 1109-1129.
) and seller sides (Ng et al., 1999Ng, C. K., Smith, J. K., & Smith, R. L. (1999). Evidence on the determinants of credit terms used in interfirm trade. The Journal of Finance, 54(3), 1109-1129.
; Petersen & Rajan, 1997Petersen, M. A., & Rajan, R. G. (1997). Trade credit: theories and evidence. Review of Financial Studies, 10(3), 661-691.

  1. i

    Solving uncertainties for the buyer

    • H1 : Companies that sell high quality, technology-based products give longer credit periods to allow the quality of the products to be checked before any actual payment is made.

    • H2 : Selling companies with less reputation give longer credit periods, when reputation is measured by way of metrics involving customer size and concentration.

    • H3 : Selling companies that have a high proportion of their external sales on credit give longer credit periods.

    • H4 : Selling companies that operate in highly seasonal markets give longer credit periods.

      1. ii

        Solving uncertainties for the seller

    • H5 : Using cash-on-delivery (CoD) or cash-before-delivery (CbD) payment conditions is more common when the seller: (a) is smaller; (b) sells mainly to end users; and (c) has a larger proportion of foreign sales on credit.

    • H6 : The use of two instalment terms is associated with: (a) fewer days’ delay; and (b) selling mainly to smaller customers.

Over and above discussing asymmetric information issues, there are possibilities for understanding trade credit policies better by way of price discrimination for the buyer. Negotiation between companies and their consumers, interference by the regulatory agent in regulated industries, or even the power of monopolies or oligopolies, have been covered in the literature. It is understood that concerning SMEs, the predominant view is that price formation is essentially the result of negotiation between the company and its customers. To stimulate sales, but at the same time protect itself against the risk of default, the firm establishes its credit terms, as discussed by Levine (2002)Levine, M. E. (2002). Price discrimination without market power. Yale Journal on Regulation, 19(1), 1-36. and Pike et al. (2005)Pike, R., Cheng, N. S., Cravens, K., & Lamminmaki, D. (2005). Trade Credit terms: asymmetric information and price discrimination evidence from three continents. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 32(5-6), 1197-1236.
. Regarding price discrimination and trade credit policy, therefore, the following hypotheses are tested:

  • H7a : The actual rate of interest on immediate payment discounts is positively associated with:

    1. i

      the size of the selling company;

    2. ii

      being one of the main players in the market;

    3. iii

      adopting sales maximization (instead of risk reduction) as the main objective of credit;

    4. iv

      customer concentration;

    5. v

      negotiations with large customers;

    6. vi

      negotiations mainly with wholesale buyers.

  • H7b : The actual interest rate on immediate payment discounts is negatively associated with:

    1. i

      negotiations, mainly with the end user;

    2. ii

      the proportion of foreign sales on credit.

2.2 Trade credit in emerging economies

The literature on trade credit in emerging countries needs further investigation because the studies that are available, or that are supported by primary data (Sheng et al., 2013Sheng, H. H., Bortoluzzo, A. B., & Santos, A. P. (2013). Impact of trade credit on firm inventory investment during financial crises: evidence from Latin America. Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 49(suppl 4), 49.
), have a relatively small number of either responses or variables (Carvalho & Schiozer, 2015Carvalho, C. C., & Schiozer, R. F. (2015). Determinants of supply and demand for trade credit by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 26(68), 208-222.
). In this regard it might even seem surprising that subjects such as trade credit that are relatively well consolidated in the most prestigious finance textbooks require research efforts with a view to understanding the topic of working capital management better. It does not seem absurd, for example, to assume that early payments imply that discounts are offered, given the value of money over time, particularly when it comes to countries where interest rates are relatively high, as is the case with Brazil. It seems there is a lack of understanding of the topic of trade credit, which is illustrated by the fact that a specific law was passed in Brazil in 2016 authorizing the offer of discounts to those clients who wish to pay early.

3 Method

Even though the finance literature on small and medium-sized businesses may be relevant, they have not been as widely studied as they should be, given their particular relevance to emerging economies (Hermes et al., 2007Hermes, N., Smid, P., & Yao, L. (2007). Capital budgeting practices: a comparative study of the Netherlands and China. International Business Review, 16(5), 630-654.
; Lazaridis, 2004Lazaridis, I. T. (2004). Capital budgeting practices: a survey in the firms in cyprus. Journal of Small Business Management, 42(4), 427-433.
; Mendes-Da-Silva & Saito, 2014Mendes-Da-Silva, W., & Saito, R. (2014). Stock exchange listing induces sophistication of capital budgeting. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 54(5), 560-574.
). One of the difficulties most indicated when it comes to carrying out studies in finance that focus on smaller businesses is access to information about these companies. The literature also points out that studies that use surveys contribute to the development of knowledge in finance in that they offer the possibility of obtaining data that are unavailable elsewhere (Baker & Mukherjee, 2007Baker, H. K., & Mukherjee, T. K. (2007). Survey research in finance: Views from journal editors. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 3(1), 11-25.
; Neuhauser, 2007Neuhauser, K. (2007). Survey research in finance. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 3(1), 5-10.

3.1 Data collection and variables

According to Pike et al. (2005)Pike, R., Cheng, N. S., Cravens, K., & Lamminmaki, D. (2005). Trade Credit terms: asymmetric information and price discrimination evidence from three continents. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 32(5-6), 1197-1236.
, the research on the determinants of trade credit policies has been characterized by its use of secondary data, which greatly limits the findings arising from it because it offers few details that are relevant to the decisions made by management (Petersen & Rajan, 1997Petersen, M. A., & Rajan, R. G. (1997). Trade credit: theories and evidence. Review of Financial Studies, 10(3), 661-691.
). In the present research, therefore, an adapted version of the questionnaire used by Pike et al. (2005)Pike, R., Cheng, N. S., Cravens, K., & Lamminmaki, D. (2005). Trade Credit terms: asymmetric information and price discrimination evidence from three continents. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 32(5-6), 1197-1236.
was employed, taking the precautions pointed out by Balbinotti et al. (2007)Balbinotti, M. A. A., Benetti, C., & Terra, P. R. S. (2007). Translation and validation of the graham-harvey survey for the Brazilian context. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 3(1), 26-48.
. The questionnaire (which can be obtained on request from the authors of this study) comprises 52 questions about the firm’s profile, the trade credit policy adopted by the firm, credit risk control and the profile of the finance manager.

The questions were voluntarily answered by the respective CFOs of more than 300 SMEs who took part in an event that was representative of this segment of companies and was held in the largest Brazilian city during November 2016. At the end of the collection period 298 questionnaires were considered valid. The respondent companies varied in size, but those with sales up to R$ 2.4 million predominated (37.5%), followed by companies in higher sales bands: R$ 2.4 - 16.4 million (27.03%); R$ 16.4 - 90.0 million (16.89%); R$ 90 - 300 million (9.46%); and > R$ 300 million (9.12%). Table 1 gives the descriptive statistics of the studied variables (the definition of all the variables can be found in the Appendix A APPENDIX A Definition of the variables Variable Definition Achieving cash Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses achieving collection targets as a performance goal. 0 if not Assign credit limit Dummy with a value of 1 if the company assigns credit limits to its customers. 0 if not Bank references Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses bank references in the credit process. 0 if not Cash credit staff Dummy with a value of 1 if the company gives the credit team incentives based on cash performance. 0 if not Cash on delivery Dummy with a value of 1 if the company demands payment on delivery. 0 if not Centralized credit Dummy with a value of 1 if the company belongs to a group and the group has a central credit department. 0 if not Charge fixed assets Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses a real guarantee as a method for reducing credit risk. 0 if not Credit insurance Dummy with a value of 1 if the company takes out credit insurance. 0 if not Customer concentration Dummy with a value of 1 if the company sales are concentrated in up to 5 large customers. 0 if not Debt collection agent Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses a debt collection agency. 0 if not Debtor days Variable that represents the average receipt period (in # of days). Debtor days win Debtor days variable winsorized by 1% and 99% Different risk classes Dummy with a value of 1 if the company ranks the customers in different risk classes. 0 if not Direct debt Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses direct debit. 0 if not Education2 Dummy with a value of 1 if the company manager has a university degree or higher. 0 if not Effective Trade credit cost offered to the firm’s customers (see note in Table 6) End user Dummy with a value of 1 if the company sells to end consumers. 0 if not Export credit Dummy with a value of 1 if the company sells more than 40% on credit abroad. 0 if not Factoring Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses factoring. 0 if not Financial statements Dummy with a value of 1 if the company analyzes the financial statements of a potential buyer before giving credit. 0 if not Fully documented Dummy with a value of 1 if the credit operations are all documented. 0 if not High quality Dummy with a value of 1 if the company classifies its main product as being high quality. 0 if not High tech Dummy with a value of 1 if the company classifies its main product as high tech. 0 if not Important competitor Dummy with a value of 1 if the company is considered to be an important player in the market. 0 if not Inhouse Dummy with a value of 1 the company has its own internal information system for granting credit. 0 if not Major credit Dummy with a value of 1 if more than 60% of the company’s revenue comes from credit sales. 0 if not Managing debtor days Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses managing the average receipt period as a performance target. 0 if not Monitoring debt Dummy with a value of 1 if the company regularly monitors the credit it gives. 0 if not Other group Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses other companies in the group as a source of information for giving credit. 0 if not Overdue days Average period in which customers actually pay for their purchases minus the average period given to customers via trade credit. Overdue days win Overdue days variable winsorized by 1% and 99% Payment discount Dummy with a value of 1 if the company gives a discount for cash payment. 0 if not Payment in advance Dummy with a value of 1 if the company requires payment in advance. 0 if not Profit credit staff Dummy with a value of 1 if the company grants any incentive to the credit team based on profit performance. 0 if not Profit maximization Dummy with a value of 1 if the company believes that the objective of credit is to maximize profit. 0 if not Reducing bad debts Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses reducing bad debt (non-collectables) as a performance target. 0 if not Report sales dpt Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses a sales team report. 0 if not Risk minimization Dummy with a value of 1 if the company believes that the objective of credit is to minimize risk. 0 if not Sales credit staff Dummy with a value of 1 if the company gives incentives to the sales team based on sales performance. 0 if not Sales maximization Dummy with a value of 1 if the company believes that the objective of credit is to maximize sales. 0 if not Seasonal Dummy with a value of 1 if the company’s sales perform seasonally. 0 if not Send invoice within 3 days Dummy with a value of 1 if the company sends an invoice within 3 days. 0 if not Send statements within 3 days Dummy with a value of 1 if the company sends financial statements within 3 days. 0 if not Significantly smaller Dummy with a value of 1 if the main customers are significantly smaller than the firm. 0 if not Size Dummy with a value of 1 if the company has annual sales figures greater than 90 million. 0 if not Specialized Dummy with a value of 1 if the company classifies its main product as specialized. 0 if not Third party guarantee Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses third party guarantees as a way of reducing credit risk. 0 if not Trade references Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses trade references in the credit process. 0 if not Two instalments Dummy with a value of 1 if the company offers to sell in two instalments with a discount if the second instalment if settled early. 0 if not Wholesaler Dummy with a value of 1 if the company sells to wholesale distributors. 0 if not Note: The questionnaire and data collected are available at: ).

Table 1
Descriptive statistics

Companies with sales above R$ 90 million (size) represent approximately 18% of the 298 responses considered to be valid. Regarding the activity sectors, it is noted that ~12% of the companies say they produce high tech products, 37% consider their products to be specialized and 43% are considered to be high quality. With regard to sales volatility, ~62% of the companies declare their sales are seasonal, and 32% claim to be important competitors in the industry in which they operate. Moreover, 66% of the respondent companies sell their products to end consumers, and only 6% of them sell their products to wholesale distributors. The responses collected as to the formal education of the CFOs indicate that 82% of them are at least college graduates, whereas slightly more than 13% only completed high school. Regarding the specific skills needed for managing working capital, just over 18% of the CFOs claimed to have some formal training in the ​​credit area.

Regarding the responses collected on trade credit policy, 25% of the companies consider their customers to be significantly smaller than themselves, while ~30% of the credit sales are concentrated in their five biggest clients. Just over 30% of the companies have more than 60% of their working capital invested in credit sales, whereas in terms of credit sales to foreign markets, only 12% of the firms have more than 40% of their credit sales with foreign customers. Concerning trade credit policy, Panel C of Table 1 shows that the average number of debtor days is ~48.44, with some extreme values being identified, e.g. 950 days.

Panel C of Table 1 also shows that the average number of overdue days was 1.68 days. This indicates that, on average, customers paid a little before the end of the period established by way of the credit terms agreed between the seller and buyer. Only 40% of the companies claimed that they fully document their credit transactions, whereas just 45% of the firms offer extended payment periods, with a discount being offered for early payment. The average actual annual rate (effective) per contract is ~2.45%, but can reach levels of over 40% per annum.

The importance of the trade credit strategy reported by the CFOs suggests that 42% of the firms consider that the main objective of trade credit is to minimize risk, while 42% point to maximizing sales, and ~18% of the CFOs consider trade credit to be a tool for maximizing profit. Around 12% of the companies have some type of insurance for cases in which they were not paid for sales realized, while ~8% of the firms have a centralized credit department. Regarding credit control, 16% use commercial references when analyzing credit and ~16% use bank references. Only 9% produce or use some type of credit analysis report prepared by the sales department, and 5% have an internal credit analysis system. Around 22% regularly monitor the credit they offer, 8% ask for a real guarantee when credit is given, and 6% use a third-party guarantee in the transaction.

Regarding the monitoring and control of trade credit (Panel D of Table 1), 66% of the companies assign a credit limit to their customers, and 56% of the firms divide customers up into risk classes. Around 42% require some form of advance payment, whereas 45% give a discount for early payment in cash. On the other hand, 21% require payment on delivery, and 15% use direct debit. As for the use of factoring, 6% of the companies say they use this type of financial service, and 7% use the services of debt collection companies. In relation to targets and remuneration, 20% of the firms use the achievement of collection targets, 32% use reduction in bad debts, 59% adopt average receipt period management, 68% pay the credit department based on the level of sales, ~40% pay the credit department on the basis of profit, and 41% pay based on cash receipts.

We also observe that 63% of the companies issue the invoice within 3 days, 25% send accounting statements, 9% of the companies form part of other groups and 7% analyze the customer’s financial statements. Table 1 also shows the result for the independence test between each variable studied and whether the CFO has or has not been formally trained in the credit area. Seven variables gave results that suggest behavior that is significantly different from that of companies whose CFO has already had some training in the credit area; among these variables are: high tech, overdue days, report sales dept, third party guarantee, assign credit limit, debt coletor agent, and factoring. These results suggest that the skills of the CFO may in some way be associated with the firm’s trade credit strategy.

4 Results

The empirical results obtained in this research are organized as follows: i) uncertainty for the buyer; ii) uncertainty for the seller; iii) price discrimination and trade credit policy.

4.1 Uncertainty for the buyer

Tables 2 and 3 show the estimated coefficients for the regressions that use as the dependent variables those that are relevant to buyer uncertainty. These are discussed in Hypotheses H1, H2, H3 and H4, which are especially supported in the work of Long et al. (1993)Long, M. S., Malitz, I. B., & Ravid, A. (1993). Trade credit, quality guarantees, and product marketability. Financial Management, 22(4), 117-127.
, Ng et al. (1999)Ng, C. K., Smith, J. K., & Smith, R. L. (1999). Evidence on the determinants of credit terms used in interfirm trade. The Journal of Finance, 54(3), 1109-1129.
, and Lee and Stowe (1993)Lee, Y. W., & Stowe, J. D. (1993). Product risk, asymmetric information, trade credit. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 28(2), 285-300.
. To check the hypotheses regarding information asymmetry and trade credit policy, Models I, II and III were estimated using OLS regression, the dependent variable being the average receipt period, winsorized by 1% and 99% due to the existence of outliers.

Table 2
OLS regressions for debtor days, average receipt period (N = 287)
Table 3
OLS regressions for overdue days (N = 286)

When considering the results reported for Model I, we see that just size and customer concentration seem to be positively associated with average receipt period; in other words, companies with sales in excess of R$ 90.0 million have, on average, a receipt period that is 15 days longer than the other companies (β^15.51; p<0.05). This result suggests that bigger companies have more ways to reduce the information asymmetry and can offer better terms to clients. Petersen and Rajan (1997)Petersen, M. A., & Rajan, R. G. (1997). Trade credit: theories and evidence. Review of Financial Studies, 10(3), 661-691.
argue that larger firms can offer better terms as they are less financially constrained.

Also, 2016 was a period of credit rationing in Brazil due to a political crisis. Gonçalves et al. (2018)Gonçalves, A. B., Schiozer, R. F., & Sheng, H. H. (2018). Trade credit and product market power during a financial crisis. Journal of Corporate Finance, 49, 308-323.
shows that companies with higher market power (if we think of size as a proxy for market power) may provide more liquidity to suppliers during crises, such as the covid-19 pandemic (Luo, 2022Luo, H. (2022). COVID-19 and trade credit speed of adjustment. Finance Research Letters, 47(Pt A), 102541.
). The reduction of information asymmetry is also present in the customer concentration, as in firms that have fewer clients, the managers are supposed to know them better. Also, these customers have more bargaining power and so can obtain more trade credit (Fabbri & Menichini, 2010Fabbri, D., & Menichini, A. M. C. (2010). Trade credit, collateral liquidation, and borrowing constraints. Journal of Financial Economics, 96(3), 413-432.
). On the supply side, firms are supposed to give better terms to maintain relationships with powerful customers (Giannetti et al., 2011Giannetti, M., Burkart, M., & Ellingsen, T. (2011). What you sell is what you lend? Explaining trade credit contracts. Review of Financial Studies, 24(4), 1261-1298.
). The results show that customer concentration is associated with an increase in the average receipt period by around eight days (β^8.784; p<0.1).

After carrying out the regression using the stepwise procedure, considering the complete set of variables, as reported in Model III, size remains both significant and positive, as does customer concentration, which supports the argument put forward in H2 . Hypotheses H1 , H3 , and H4 find no empirical support in the results obtained, therefore it does not seem to be the case that companies in seasonal industries, those with lower reputations, and those with more sales on credit treat their debtors differently, at least in terms of days until due.

Table 3 gives the results obtained where the dependent variable is the number of days accounts are overdue. Model IV indicates that the size variable is associated with a greater number of days, of around 30, when compared with smaller companies (β^30.35; p<0.01). Customer concentration, on the other hand, is significant and negatively associated, i.e. customer concentration tends to reduce the number of days of overdue accounts by 16 days on average (β^16.28; p<0.05), as powerful customers are supposed to maintain a good relationship (Giannetti et al., 2011Giannetti, M., Burkart, M., & Ellingsen, T. (2011). What you sell is what you lend? Explaining trade credit contracts. Review of Financial Studies, 24(4), 1261-1298.

4.2 Uncertainty for the seller

Hypotheses H5 and H6 , which are supported by arguments and evidence obtained by Ng et al. (1999)Ng, C. K., Smith, J. K., & Smith, R. L. (1999). Evidence on the determinants of credit terms used in interfirm trade. The Journal of Finance, 54(3), 1109-1129.
and Petersen and Rajan (1997)Petersen, M. A., & Rajan, R. G. (1997). Trade credit: theories and evidence. Review of Financial Studies, 10(3), 661-691.
, deal with resolving any uncertainties for the seller. Table 4 shows the estimated coefficients for the variables regarding these hypotheses. In Model VII, only the proportion of sales proved to be significant (β^13.2; p<0.05) for cash before delivery.

Table 4
Logit regressions for cash before delivery (CbD)

Companies with a greater proportion of sales on credit tend to be more likely, i.e. 13% more, to ask for cash payment before delivery. In the presence of other variables, however, as in Model IX, we see that companies with sales over R$ 90 million (size) tend to have a ~27% less likelihood of requesting payment before delivery (β^29.9; p<0.05), reinforcing the argument that bigger firms can offer better trade terms (Petersen & Rajan, 1997Petersen, M. A., & Rajan, R. G. (1997). Trade credit: theories and evidence. Review of Financial Studies, 10(3), 661-691.
), whereas companies with specialized products (specialized) are ~12.8% more likely (β^12.8; p<0.1) to ask for this type of early payment.

Also, asking for trade references makes this type of payment less likely, while firms that monitor their debtors are more likely to have it. This mixed result suggests that CbD is not uniform in credit risk control management. Almost all variables in the monitoring and control class were significant and make the firm more likely to ask for CbD, especially payment discounts and invoices. When payment on delivery (CoD) is considered, no variable proved to be significant, according to the coefficients estimated and reported in Model X of Table 5. Considering all the variables in the collection instrument used (Model XII), for firms with specialized products it is 8.44% more probable that they will request payment on delivery (β^0.0844; p<0.1). Companies with a greater percentage of trade credit in their working capital also have a 9% greater probability of using this type of payment.

Table 5
Logit regressions for cash on delivery (CoD)

4.3 Price discrimination and trade credit policy

The results presented in Table 6 are especially relevant to the discussion of Hypotheses H7a and H7b, which are supported by the work of Levine (2002)Levine, M. E. (2002). Price discrimination without market power. Yale Journal on Regulation, 19(1), 1-36. and of Pike et al. (2005)Pike, R., Cheng, N. S., Cravens, K., & Lamminmaki, D. (2005). Trade Credit terms: asymmetric information and price discrimination evidence from three continents. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 32(5-6), 1197-1236.
. These hypotheses deal with price discrimination and trade credit policy. The results suggest that among the variables considered, questions related to sales and market conditions are important determinants of the actual annual cost of the trade credit offered to the firm’s customers, as Pike et al. (2005)Pike, R., Cheng, N. S., Cravens, K., & Lamminmaki, D. (2005). Trade Credit terms: asymmetric information and price discrimination evidence from three continents. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 32(5-6), 1197-1236.
found, when they studied the British and Australian markets. In Model XIII we see that a firm in which the CFO has formal instruction to at least university graduate level tends to impose an effective annual rate that is reduced by approximately 5.6 percentage points (β^5.665; p<0.1).

Table 6
OLS regressions for the actual cost of trade credit offered to the firm’s customers

Additionally, companies that mainly sell to end users (end user) tend to impose larger effective rates when they offer their customers trade credit. Put another way, the balance between the firm and its customer, when the latter is an end user, is such that the customer seems to accept an actual rate that is 1.4 times higher than practiced by other companies (β^1.401; p<0.1). This result seems to contradict the assumption made in Hypothesis H7b(i) , according to which the actual annual rate of trade credit granted to end users should be smaller, at least if we consider the arguments of Levine (2002)Levine, M. E. (2002). Price discrimination without market power. Yale Journal on Regulation, 19(1), 1-36. and Pike et al. (2005)Pike, R., Cheng, N. S., Cravens, K., & Lamminmaki, D. (2005). Trade Credit terms: asymmetric information and price discrimination evidence from three continents. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 32(5-6), 1197-1236.
; in other words, the results suggest that when SMEs in Brazil sell to end users, they tend to establish dearer credit terms for their customers.

Firms that treat trade credit as a way of maximizing sales also have effective rates that are 3 percentage points lower. On controlling all the variables of the questionnaire (Model XIV), we find that larger companies (size) tend to operate with a rate that is 3.6 percentage points, on average, higher than the others (β^3.618; p<0.01), which supports H7a(i) . On the other hand, the estimated coefficient for the formal education of the CFO reduces to around 3 (β^3.036; p<0.01). Smaller customers (sigsmaller) tend to reduce the actual annual rate of trade credit cost by 1.36 percentage points (β^1.366; p<0.05), whereas the estimated coefficient of selling to the end user (end user) increases to ~2.46 percentage points (β^2.468; p<0.01). In the controls, regarding the trade credit policy, firms that focus on profit maximization, risk minimization and sales maximization are prone to charging smaller effective rates from customers. Also, firms that employ more active ways of monitoring debtors, ask for bank references and have their own system of monitoring credit also charge higher effective rates. The variables on monitoring and controls showed mixed results, suggesting that the treatment is not uniform regarding the effective rates.

5 Final considerations

This article explores evidence of information asymmetry as well as price discrimination based on data taken from more than three hundred small and medium-sized companies operating in Brazil, one of the major emerging markets. We analyzed and reported the results of a significant survey of trade credit policies and practices within these SMEs. There was evidence of a considerable variation in these policies and practices, and part of this variation can be explained in terms of the characteristics of the firm. Support was also identified for a series of hypotheses based on arguments of ways of resolving information asymmetry between buyers and sellers, as well as price discrimination.

For buyer uncertainty, bigger firms were more likely to give better terms of credit for their customers. Also, firms with concentrated customers gave almost eight more days to pay, suggesting that sellers want to maintain good relationships with buyers that have more bargaining power. In the case of seller uncertainty, firms with specialized products were more likely to employ cash-before-delivery payment from their buyers. Last but not least, CFO education was associated with smaller effective rates charged from company customers, while firms that were associated with selling to end users charged more.

The role of trade credit in conflict resolution and cost mitigation where there is uncertainty in the relationship between buyers and sellers is an important research agenda, especially when recent developments in this relationship are considered. In this respect, we can mention a list of relevant fields of research that lack investigation. The explicit growth of online commerce around the world over the last decade (Ramcharran, 2013Ramcharran, H. (2013). E-commerce growth and the changing structure of the retail sales industry. International Journal of E-Business Research, 9(2), 46-60.
), for example, gives trade credit a prominent place among the tools used for solving conflict and reducing uncertainties (Resnick & Zeckhauser, 2002Resnick, P., Zeckhauser, R. (2002). Trust among strangers in internet transactions: empirical analysis of eBay‘s reputation system. The Economics of the Internet and E-commerce, 11(2), 23-25.).

The resolution of uncertainties between buyers and sellers in the context of emerging markets can sometimes find a solution in alternative and informal means of conflict resolution, as empirically discussed and tested by Mendes-Da-Silva et al. (2008)Mendes-Da-Silva, W., Famá, R., & Liljegren, J. T. (2008). Effects of friendship in transactions in an emerging market: empirical evidence from Brazil. Icfai Journal of Behavioral Finance, 5, 25-46.
, who analyzed business between friends and family. The limitations of studies based on questionnaires are recognized. We emphasize, however, the exhaustive efforts employed to minimize such limitations, as suggested by Balbinotti et al. (2007)Balbinotti, M. A. A., Benetti, C., & Terra, P. R. S. (2007). Translation and validation of the graham-harvey survey for the Brazilian context. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 3(1), 26-48.
. We understand that the field of study addressed in this work offers opportunities for future research, especially in exploring information asymmetry and problems of price discrimination in trade credit, particularly in research that includes other emerging and developed countries on a comparative basis (Hantrais, 2009Hantrais, L. (2009). International comparative research: theory, methods and practice. Basingstoke (England): Palgrave Macmillan.

APPENDIX A Definition of the variables

Variable Definition
Achieving cash Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses achieving collection targets as a performance goal. 0 if not
Assign credit limit Dummy with a value of 1 if the company assigns credit limits to its customers. 0 if not
Bank references Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses bank references in the credit process. 0 if not
Cash credit staff Dummy with a value of 1 if the company gives the credit team incentives based on cash performance. 0 if not
Cash on delivery Dummy with a value of 1 if the company demands payment on delivery. 0 if not
Centralized credit Dummy with a value of 1 if the company belongs to a group and the group has a central credit department. 0 if not
Charge fixed assets Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses a real guarantee as a method for reducing credit risk. 0 if not
Credit insurance Dummy with a value of 1 if the company takes out credit insurance. 0 if not
Customer concentration Dummy with a value of 1 if the company sales are concentrated in up to 5 large customers. 0 if not
Debt collection agent Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses a debt collection agency. 0 if not
Debtor days Variable that represents the average receipt period (in # of days).
Debtor days win Debtor days variable winsorized by 1% and 99%
Different risk classes Dummy with a value of 1 if the company ranks the customers in different risk classes. 0 if not
Direct debt Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses direct debit. 0 if not
Education2 Dummy with a value of 1 if the company manager has a university degree or higher. 0 if not
Effective Trade credit cost offered to the firm’s customers (see note in Table 6)
End user Dummy with a value of 1 if the company sells to end consumers. 0 if not
Export credit Dummy with a value of 1 if the company sells more than 40% on credit abroad. 0 if not
Factoring Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses factoring. 0 if not
Financial statements Dummy with a value of 1 if the company analyzes the financial statements of a potential buyer before giving credit. 0 if not
Fully documented Dummy with a value of 1 if the credit operations are all documented. 0 if not
High quality Dummy with a value of 1 if the company classifies its main product as being high quality. 0 if not
High tech Dummy with a value of 1 if the company classifies its main product as high tech. 0 if not
Important competitor Dummy with a value of 1 if the company is considered to be an important player in the market. 0 if not
Inhouse Dummy with a value of 1 the company has its own internal information system for granting credit. 0 if not
Major credit Dummy with a value of 1 if more than 60% of the company’s revenue comes from credit sales. 0 if not
Managing debtor days Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses managing the average receipt period as a performance target. 0 if not
Monitoring debt Dummy with a value of 1 if the company regularly monitors the credit it gives. 0 if not
Other group Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses other companies in the group as a source of information for giving credit. 0 if not
Overdue days Average period in which customers actually pay for their purchases minus the average period given to customers via trade credit.
Overdue days win Overdue days variable winsorized by 1% and 99%
Payment discount Dummy with a value of 1 if the company gives a discount for cash payment. 0 if not
Payment in advance Dummy with a value of 1 if the company requires payment in advance. 0 if not
Profit credit staff Dummy with a value of 1 if the company grants any incentive to the credit team based on profit performance. 0 if not
Profit maximization Dummy with a value of 1 if the company believes that the objective of credit is to maximize profit. 0 if not
Reducing bad debts Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses reducing bad debt (non-collectables) as a performance target. 0 if not
Report sales dpt Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses a sales team report. 0 if not
Risk minimization Dummy with a value of 1 if the company believes that the objective of credit is to minimize risk. 0 if not
Sales credit staff Dummy with a value of 1 if the company gives incentives to the sales team based on sales performance. 0 if not
Sales maximization Dummy with a value of 1 if the company believes that the objective of credit is to maximize sales. 0 if not
Seasonal Dummy with a value of 1 if the company’s sales perform seasonally. 0 if not
Send invoice within 3 days Dummy with a value of 1 if the company sends an invoice within 3 days. 0 if not
Send statements within 3 days Dummy with a value of 1 if the company sends financial statements within 3 days. 0 if not
Significantly smaller Dummy with a value of 1 if the main customers are significantly smaller than the firm. 0 if not
Size Dummy with a value of 1 if the company has annual sales figures greater than 90 million. 0 if not
Specialized Dummy with a value of 1 if the company classifies its main product as specialized. 0 if not
Third party guarantee Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses third party guarantees as a way of reducing credit risk. 0 if not
Trade references Dummy with a value of 1 if the company uses trade references in the credit process. 0 if not
Two instalments Dummy with a value of 1 if the company offers to sell in two instalments with a discount if the second instalment if settled early. 0 if not
Wholesaler Dummy with a value of 1 if the company sells to wholesale distributors. 0 if not
  • Note: The questionnaire and data collected are available at:
    • Evaluation process: Double Blind Review
      This article is open data
    • How to cite: Mendes-Da-Silva, W., & Ermel, M. D. A. (2022). Trade Credit Management and Information Asymmetry in Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in an Emerging Market.Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios,24(4), p.739-754.
    • Financial support: The authors acknowledge the financial support from Bells & Bayes Rating Analytics®, and the institutional support from Sao Paulo School of Business Administration of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV/EAESP). The authors thank the managers of the small and medium enterprises who voluntarily answered the questionnaire we used. The authors also wish to acknowledge the comments received from the anonymous reviewers, and the diligent work of the RBGN editors. Finally, the first author of this article is grateful to Professors Chris Guilding and Dawne Lamminmaki (both from Griffith University/Australia), who kindly shared their original questionnaire, which we adapted to the Brazilian context.
    • Open Science: The questionnaire used in the data collection and the complete database are publicly shared and available from Mendes-Da-Silva, Wesley (2022). The data to replicate “Trade Credit Management and Information Asymmetry in Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in an Emerging Market” are available from Mendeley Data, V2.
    • Copyrights: RBGN owns the copyrights of this published content.
      Plagiarism analysis: RBGN performs plagiarism analysis on all its articles at the time of submission and after approval of the manuscript using the iThenticate tool.


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    Responsible Editor: Prof. João Mauricio Boaventura
    Reviewers: Jurgita Sekliuckiene One of the reviewers decided not to disclose his/her identify

    Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      16 Dec 2022
    • Date of issue
      Oct-Dec 2022


    • Received
      18 Feb 2021
    • Accepted
      21 Sept 2022
    Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado, Av. da Liberdade, 532, 01.502-001 , São Paulo, SP, Brasil , (+55 11) 3272-2340 , (+55 11) 3272-2302, (+55 11) 3272-2302 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil