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Revista Brasileira de História, created in 1981 with the aim of becoming a channel for the dissemination of the production of Brazilian professors and historians, is launching its 64th issue. Published biannually, in issue 59 RBH entered a new phase, becoming digital only, as well as offering an English version. These innovations aimed to make the consultation of older and new volumes easier, as well as to expand the scope of the journal's circulation, allowing a non-Portuguese speaking public to access our production.

In this issue the Editorial Committee chose the theme "Work and Workers" for the Dossier, which like in the previous issue, has been expanded in relation to the number of articles published. As we have said, the interest in publishing in RBH has been growing in the community of historians and social scientists and for each issue the volume of contributions to be reviewed increases. For this issue we received approximately 100 articles for the dossier alone, of which a significant amount were approved by our peer reviewers, though we were unable to publish all of these. This new demand of Brazilian historiographic production for channels for the internationalization of their studies is very welcome, but raises many challenges for RBH and indicates the need not only to expand the size of our issues, but also to rethink their regularity. This issue has fifteen articles.

Nine articles were selected for the dossier "Work and Workers", which focused essentially on the Brazilian reality, with only two dedicated to the United States and Portugal. In relation to the temporal foci, we chose texts which took different approaches, from labor relations at the end of the nineteenth century to the problem of slave like labor. In relation to the approaches, the papers presented adopted as a research strategy the study of trajectories of leaders, as well as analyzes of social movements such as strikes and struggles against repression. Of all the texts received and selected we can say that the area, which for a long time seemed to be in decline, is now showing great dynamism and has been renewed. From the historiographic point of view the labor research field shows signs of becoming of great interest to researchers once again, winning new space among the most important subjects of research. We start with an article by Leon Fink which presents a historiographic analysis with a special focus on the United States about the renewal of studies of workers.1 1 Not published in the English version of the RBH. Published in Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas, v.8, n.1, Mar. 2011, p.109-117. Available in: Joana Vidal de Azevedo Dias Pereira examines industrial spaces and worker communities on the periphery of Lisbon at the turn of the twentieth century. In the article "On chains and coercion: labor experiences in south-central Brazil in the 19th century," Joseli Maria Nunes Mendonça focuses on the history of a Portuguese immigrant in the South-Central coffee region in the middle of the nineteenth century, with the aim of recovering aspects of the experiences of legally free workers; in "Prisoners of the Benevente" Endrica Geraldo discusses the public repercussions of the deportation of 23 immigrants in 1919, including the activist Everardo Dias, an episode which reveals important aspects of the repression directed against the workers' movement in Brazil. Aldrin Armstrong Silva Castellucci, in his text "Agripino Nazareth and the workers' movement in the First Republic," analyzes the actions of this socialist leader in the Brazilian workers' movement. In "He did not work because he did not want to," Antonio Luigi Negro examines how the Labor court dealt with a strike in the Bahian textile industry in 1948, seeking to dampen fears and tensions in the Brazilian political and trade union system. Clarice Gontarski Speranza in "Coal miners, their employers, and labor laws: conflicts and strategies during World War II" studies a series of conflicts in the Rio Grande do Sul coal mines in 1943, focusing on the struggles to implement labor laws. In "Returnees: some reflections on the social conditions and survival of enslaved rural migrant workers in the present time," Cristiana Costa da Rocha looks at rural workers in Barras, Piauí, who repeatedly migrate to the states of Pará, Mato Grosso and Goiás and experience slave like forms of labor. Closing the dossier, Ângela de Castro Gomes, in "Repression and changes in slave-like labor in Brazil: in the present and uses of the past," analyzes the actions of the Ministry of Labor and Employment`s Mobile Inspection Groups and of the Catholic Church through its Pastoral Land Commission, in the investigation and denunciation of the use of so-called slave labor.

There are also six individual articles. In "Theory of History, Didactics of History and narrative: a dialogue with Paul Ricoeur," Carmen Teresa Gabriel Anhorn discusses the analytical potential of the 'narrative' category in reflection on the production, distribution and consumption of historical knowledge. Muryatan Santana Barbosa analyzes in "The construction of the African perspective: a history of the General History of Africa project (Unesco)" the construction of this great work focusing on the period between 1965 and 1979; in "Disputed territory: the school and the struggle between republicanism and the Church in Portugal (19th and 20th centuries)," Patricia Santos Hansen discusses concepts central to the processes of secularization and laicization of teaching in Portugal from the Constitutional monarchy to the beginning of the first Republic. Luís Miguel Carolino in "Manoel Ferreira de Araújo Guimarães, the Royal Military Academy of Rio de Janeiro and the definition of a scientific genre in Brazil in the early 19th century" analyzes the activities of a professor of astronomy in the Royal Military Academy of Rio de Janeiro who produced one of the first manuals of spherical astronomy, an important genre in nineteenth century scientific literature. Luiz Alberto Grijó in "Soldiers of God: religion and politics at the Porto Alegre Faculty of Law in the first half of the 20th century" looks at the ideas and philosophical conceptions which predominated in the university, focusing on the disputes between the Catholics and the so-called positivists. In "From perfumes to powders: advertising as a historical object" Mara Rúbia Sant'Anna looks at cosmetics advertisement published in Fon-Fon! magazine from 1911 to 1934, with the aim of highlighting ruptures and continuities.

This issue also has interviews with the French historians Christian Delacroix and François Dosse and four reviews: Adriana Duarte Leon analyzes Boletim Vida Escolar: uma fonte e múltiplas leituras sobre a educação no início do século XX, organized by Ana Maria de Oliveira Galvão and Eliane Marta Teixeira Lopes; Iara Lis Franco Schiavinatto looks at Viagem ao Cinema Silencioso do Brasil, organized by Samuel Paiva and Scheila Schvarzman; Maria Filomena Pinto da Costa Coelho examines Colunas de São Pedro: a política papal na Idade Média central, by Leandro Duarte Rust, and finally Wolney Vianna Malafaia reviews História e documentário, organized by Eduardo Morettin, Mônica Kornis and Marcos Napolitano.

Once again we invite our readers to go to the Anpuh and SciELO sites and to download on to their computers or digital readers the articles of interest to them.

Marieta de Moraes Ferreira

  • 1
    Not published in the English version of the RBH. Published in
    Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas, v.8, n.1, Mar. 2011, p.109-117. Available in:
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      16 Jan 2013
    • Date of issue
      Dec 2012
    Associação Nacional de História - ANPUH Av. Professor Lineu Prestes, 338, Cidade Universitária, Caixa Postal 8105, 05508-900 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel. / Fax: +55 11 3091-3047 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil